Recall the racist Red Lobster receipt story a month back? HOAX

I guess he doesn't need a degree since his race makes him a "born mathematician"

That has got to be one of the dumbest statements in the history of this forum.


So where are the great black mathematicians and physicists and computer scientists. With 40 million blacks in america, they should be everywhere. But there's just a few. THINK, YOU PATHETIC HATEFILLED MISERABLE WRETCH.
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I guess he doesn't need a degree since his race makes him a "born mathematician"

That has got to be one of the dumbest statements in the history of this forum.


So where are the great black mathematicians and physicists and computer scientists. With 40 million blacks in america, they should be everywhere. But there's just a few. THINK, YOU PATHETIC HATEFILLED MISERABLE WRETCH.
Oh, there are plenty. There's
So where are the great black mathematicians and physicists and computer scientists. With 40 million blacks in america, they should be everywhere. But there's just a few. THINK, YOU PATHETIC HATEFILLED MISERABLE WRETCH.
Oh, there are plenty. There's

There are a few blacks that can do STEM, but just a few and even those few are mediocre.
I guess he doesn't need a degree since his race makes him a "born mathematician"

That has got to be one of the dumbest statements in the history of this forum.


So where are the great black mathematicians and physicists and computer scientists. With 40 million blacks in america, they should be everywhere. But there's just a few. THINK, YOU PATHETIC HATEFILLED MISERABLE WRETCH.

Lol! No need to get so upset Beav, it's only a message board. You're the dumb ass who claims to be a "born mathematician" because "you are white".

So stop trying to deflect away from what you stated by talking about "millions of blacks". What about you?


Lastly Beav, I don't hate anyone here, not even a worthless, pissbucket of an azzclown like you.

But, like most here, I think you are a pathetic nutcase who is obviously a self pitying, academic failure but you define your worth based on your race as opposed to what you have personally accomplished, which should be embarrassing to you, but you are too mentally slow to understand that.

Maybe by 2014 you will figure out how to count to 10.

Doesn't surprise me. I used to work at a red lobster and somebody's always trying to hustle something up. Usually when a customer has to get their food to go that location doesn't have their stuff together.
So where are the great black mathematicians and physicists and computer scientists. With 40 million blacks in america, they should be everywhere. But there's just a few. THINK, YOU PATHETIC HATEFILLED MISERABLE WRETCH.
Oh, there are plenty. There's

Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

I also seem to remember a pretty decent tactician who helped the U.S. to win Desert Storm, and his name was Colin Powell.

Sorry.............but your racism is showing..................
Oh, there are plenty. There's

Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

I also seem to remember a pretty decent tactician who helped the U.S. to win Desert Storm, and his name was Colin Powell.

Sorry.............but your racism is showing..................
Wow! One whole black physicist. :lol:

Colin Powell is the token N. Always has been. Norman Schwartskopf gets the credit for Desert Storm. Powell didn't do shit. Didn't do shit as Sec. of State either. He's weak and useless. Sorry, but your ignorance is showing.
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Oh, there are plenty. There's

Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

I also seem to remember a pretty decent tactician who helped the U.S. to win Desert Storm, and his name was Colin Powell.

Sorry.............but your racism is showing..................

Tyson was recently a guest on the Bill Maher show, and contributed some compelling commentary from his field of expertise.

But, what I find to be more amusing is the fact that someone like Shootspeeders and others just like him who post in this forum, are some of the boards most prolific dimwits, yet are keenly interested and concerned about the number of black physicists in the American mainstream, especially considering that a middle school level physics class would likely far exceed their level of aptitude as well as mental acuity.

If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

Being that you were a military man, you have probably been to Europe on numerous occasions. I have been there also, but never with the military.

That being the case, I can assure you that highly educated Europeans(at least those I have had the pleasure of meeting and keeping company with) are generally more progressive on the average, and would feel no kinship whatsoever to some of the dullards and clods here who have no other self defining acivevments of their own to be proud of outside of the accident of their being born of a certain race.

The true high achievers would be insulted by the audacity of such dreck to associate themselves with their achievements solely based on racial similarity.

This thread gets more hilarious everyday.....JMO

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Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

I also seem to remember a pretty decent tactician who helped the U.S. to win Desert Storm, and his name was Colin Powell.

Sorry.............but your racism is showing..................

Tyson was recently a guest on the Bill Maher show, and contributed some compelling commentary from his field of expertise.

But, what I find to be more amusing is the fact that someone like Shootspeeders and others just like him who post in this forum, are some of the boards most prolific dimwits, yet are keenly interested and concerned about the number of black physicists in the Anerican mainstream, especially considering that a middle school level physics class would likely far exceed their level of aptitude as well as mental acuity.

If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

Being that you were a military man, you have probably been to Europe on numerous occasions. I have been there also, but never with the military.

That being the case, I can assure you that highly educated Europeans(at least those I have had the pleasure of meeting and keeping company with) are generally more progressive on the average, and would feel no kinship whatsoever to some of the dullards and clods here who have no other self defining acivevments of their own to be proud of outside of the accident of their being born of a certain race.

The true high achievers would be insulted by the audacity of such dreck to associate themselves with their achievements solely based on racial similarity.

This thread gets more hilarious everyday.....JMO


I owe you pos rep. Remind me about it in a couple of days.

I don't really care what race, ethnicity, or for that matter, religion someone is.

I just care about can they teach me something positive or not.
Tyson was recently a guest on the Bill Maher show, and contributed some compelling commentary from his field of expertise.

But, what I find to be more amusing is the fact that someone like Shootspeeders and others just like him who post in this forum, are some of the boards most prolific dimwits, yet are keenly interested and concerned about the number of black physicists in the Anerican mainstream, especially considering that a middle school level physics class would likely far exceed their level of aptitude as well as mental acuity.

If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

Being that you were a military man, you have probably been to Europe on numerous occasions. I have been there also, but never with the military.

That being the case, I can assure you that highly educated Europeans(at least those I have had the pleasure of meeting and keeping company with) are generally more progressive on the average, and would feel no kinship whatsoever to some of the dullards and clods here who have no other self defining acivevments of their own to be proud of outside of the accident of their being born of a certain race.

The true high achievers would be insulted by the audacity of such dreck to associate themselves with their achievements solely based on racial similarity.

This thread gets more hilarious everyday.....JMO


I owe you pos rep. Remind me about it in a couple of days.

I don't really care what race, ethnicity, or for that matter, religion someone is.

I just care about can they teach me something positive or not.

I agree 100%. I have learned from people from different walks of life all over this country and other countries. Some good things as well as bad. But in order to extract what they have to offer, race, religion and ethnicity should be secondary, and their character value or lack of should be the primary determinant in how you process what you extract from them.
I owe you pos rep. Remind me about it in a couple of days.

I don't really care what race, ethnicity, or for that matter, religion someone is.

I just care about can they teach me something positive or not.

I agree 100%. I have learned from people from different walks of life all over this country and other countries. Some good things as well as bad. But in order to extract what they have to offer, race, religion and ethnicity should be secondary, and their character value or lack of should be the primary determinant in how you process what you extract from them.

You're right. I learned a lot about how people think in going to the 26 different countries I've visited in the Navy, as well as have learned a whole lot from Sailors who were different from me (i.e. black, because I'm white), and have also learned that if you treat others as you'd like to be treated (matter of fact, says so in the Bible), that you can get a lot further.

Overseas, I would always carry a phrase book with me (they were handed out on the Quarterdeck as you were departing the ship) and found out that around 80 percent of the people in Europe speak English. I'd spend around 3 to 5 min. trying to speak their language (and pretty much butchering it in the process in most cases), and they would finally stop me and tell me they spoke English. It wasn't so much that they wanted to laugh at me (although some did, I even had a very interesting experience in Spain), but rather they wanted to see if I would put in some effort into trying to meet them on their level.

I also remember going home for a weekend with a friend of mine who was black (like I said, I'm white), and we went club hopping. In one of the clubs we stopped in, I was the ONLY white dude in the place, and had some big black dude come up to me and ask me what I was doing in the club. I responded that I was shooting pool (and let me tell you, this dude was twice my size), listening to good music and looking at pretty women. He stared at me for around 30 seconds, then shook my hand and told me I was all right.

One of the better nights in my life.

If I'd been a bigoted asshole, I would have left there in a gurney, heading for the hospital.

But......................because I showed him I was there for the same reasons he was, we connected at a human level.

Like I've said before, I don't really care what you look like, or what your personal beliefs are, I just care about whether or not we like each other, and if you can teach me something I don't know.

Bigots and racists be damned.
Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

I also seem to remember a pretty decent tactician who helped the U.S. to win Desert Storm, and his name was Colin Powell.

Sorry.............but your racism is showing..................

Tyson was recently a guest on the Bill Maher show, and contributed some compelling commentary from his field of expertise.

But, what I find to be more amusing is the fact that someone like Shootspeeders and others just like him who post in this forum, are some of the boards most prolific dimwits, yet are keenly interested and concerned about the number of black physicists in the American mainstream, especially considering that a middle school level physics class would likely far exceed their level of aptitude as well as mental acuity.

If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

Being that you were a military man, you have probably been to Europe on numerous occasions. I have been there also, but never with the military.

That being the case, I can assure you that highly educated Europeans(at least those I have had the pleasure of meeting and keeping company with) are generally more progressive on the average, and would feel no kinship whatsoever to some of the dullards and clods here who have no other self defining acivevments of their own to be proud of outside of the accident of their being born of a certain race.

The true high achievers would be insulted by the audacity of such dreck to associate themselves with their achievements solely based on racial similarity.

This thread gets more hilarious everyday.....JMO

You assigned someone else's quote to me. Please fix it.
I agree 100%. I have learned from people from different walks of life all over this country and other countries. Some good things as well as bad. But in order to extract what they have to offer, race, religion and ethnicity should be secondary, and their character value or lack of should be the primary determinant in how you process what you extract from them.

You're right. I learned a lot about how people think in going to the 26 different countries I've visited in the Navy, as well as have learned a whole lot from Sailors who were different from me (i.e. black, because I'm white), and have also learned that if you treat others as you'd like to be treated (matter of fact, says so in the Bible), that you can get a lot further.

Overseas, I would always carry a phrase book with me (they were handed out on the Quarterdeck as you were departing the ship) and found out that around 80 percent of the people in Europe speak English. I'd spend around 3 to 5 min. trying to speak their language (and pretty much butchering it in the process in most cases), and they would finally stop me and tell me they spoke English. It wasn't so much that they wanted to laugh at me (although some did, I even had a very interesting experience in Spain), but rather they wanted to see if I would put in some effort into trying to meet them on their level.

I also remember going home for a weekend with a friend of mine who was black (like I said, I'm white), and we went club hopping. In one of the clubs we stopped in, I was the ONLY white dude in the place, and had some big black dude come up to me and ask me what I was doing in the club. I responded that I was shooting pool (and let me tell you, this dude was twice my size), listening to good music and looking at pretty women. He stared at me for around 30 seconds, then shook my hand and told me I was all right.

One of the better nights in my life.

If I'd been a bigoted asshole, I would have left there in a gurney, heading for the hospital.

But......................because I showed him I was there for the same reasons he was, we connected at a human level.

Like I've said before, I don't really care what you look like, or what your personal beliefs are, I just care about whether or not we like each other, and if you can teach me something I don't know.

Bigots and racists be damned.

Exactly. I have been to some places all over America in the areas like Wyoming, Kansas, Montana, and Idaho, as well as other geographical areas in the United States
that I have had people that I know(black and white) tell me that I was nuts to go to, but the same protocol applies. If one comes in as a visitor with an attitude, chances are you will get it back 10 times over, especially if you are in unfamilar territory.

Interestingly though, compared to America, I have found there to be less of an undercurrent and history of bigotry in most countries in that I have been to in Europe. Not that it does not exist, but it is just not as a much a part of the history and culture as it is here. I had an Uncle whö was a musician who did some playing in France, England and Australia back in the 1940's who told me he felt more welcomed there as a visitor than he did here in America where he was born, but he never gave up on believing in imminent change.

But in todays world, if you discard the arrogance, and the air of "superiority" the majority of people will welcome you into their environment. It has been my experience that most ignorant, bigoted individuals , lack two important attributes, obviously intelligence, but the second and most important is courage.

Most are locked in a cycle of stupidity based on their fear of the unknown or what they have been told to be afraid of.
Of course, common sense should prevail too. It makes no sense to walk down a dark alley alone in the wee hours of the morning in a crime infested area, but that is an extreme behavior that someone with common sense would not do.

It sounds like you have a lot of interesting stories you could tell. But if you had been afraid of the world out there, think of the stories that you would never be able to tell.
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Tyson was recently a guest on the Bill Maher show, and contributed some compelling commentary from his field of expertise.

But, what I find to be more amusing is the fact that someone like Shootspeeders and others just like him who post in this forum, are some of the boards most prolific dimwits, yet are keenly interested and concerned about the number of black physicists in the American mainstream, especially considering that a middle school level physics class would likely far exceed their level of aptitude as well as mental acuity.

If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

Being that you were a military man, you have probably been to Europe on numerous occasions. I have been there also, but never with the military.

That being the case, I can assure you that highly educated Europeans(at least those I have had the pleasure of meeting and keeping company with) are generally more progressive on the average, and would feel no kinship whatsoever to some of the dullards and clods here who have no other self defining acivevments of their own to be proud of outside of the accident of their being born of a certain race.

The true high achievers would be insulted by the audacity of such dreck to associate themselves with their achievements solely based on racial similarity.

This thread gets more hilarious everyday.....JMO

You assigned someone else's quote to me. Please fix it.

I think everyone who is reading this thread knows who quoted what....similarities of quotes and individuals aside....correction made.

Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.


HAHAHA.. You numbskulll . Tyson is in NO WAY a great physicist. He's just a science popularizer who goes on tv shows and writes books like "physics for poets.". He admitted he's an affirmative action baby. I doubt he can even add up a column of numbers.

BTW - no black has ever won a science nobel prize. It's not due to racism; they've won lots on NPs in no-brain fields like peace and literature.
If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

After the United States was founded? I'm not so sure about that one.

Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.


HAHAHA.. You numbskulll . Tyson is in NO WAY a great physicist. He's just a science popularizer who goes on tv shows and writes books like "physics for poets.". He admitted he's an affirmative action baby. I doubt he can even add up a column of numbers.

BTW - no black has ever won a science nobel prize. It's not due to racism; they've won lots on NPs in no-brain fields like peace and literature.

Hey shitsforbrains, tell us about your advanced degree in a field of science, coward.
Interestingly though, compared to America, I have found there to be less of an undercurrent and history of bigotry in most countries in that I have been to in Europe. Not that it does not exist, but it is just not as a much a part of the history and culture as it is here.

I would have to disagree with the underlying premise.

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