Record low turnout, support for Dem policy in polls...NOT going RW

See OP. Dem voters will be back, and the TP GOP has learned nothing about compromise or where the electorate is.

And ignorant Democratic voters have not either, you better hope the upper echelons of the Democratic Party has learned something otherwise you are screwed.
The question is, why do hater dupes vote against their own interests? Oh, right. They know not what they do, and hate.
See OP- Polls show the electorate disagree with TP on issues, and Dem voters didn't show up. Also, many GOP candidates and voters are ahead of their party. Looking bad for old brainwashed dingbat racist TPers..
Now for the divided GOP to kill each other in congress lol...
It's not the GOP's fault that the Democrats ran a lousy campaign. And not only did they run a crappy campaign on the national level but they ran shitty campaigns at the state and local.

Hence it was a massacre. I like the way Carville put it. The Dem Party got hit by a Mack truck.

But by all means let Harry Reid keep spending millions on demonizing the Koch Brothers rather than spending millions helping candidates run positive campaigns.

But by all means keep up your racialization of election campaigns. Keep telling white people they suck and blow dead bears.

But by all means keep to the meme of the war on women. Look how good that worked for Abortion Barbie and Senator Uterus.


I'm looking forward to 2016, but for this moment in the here and now....

Fn sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!

You fools don't get where you fucked up.
The question is, why do hater dupes vote against their own interests? Oh, right. They know not what they do, and hate.

Yes, hating is not a good thing.

It certainly isn't constructive.

Why do you practice it so often, then?

See OP- Polls show the electorate disagree with TP on issues, and Dem voters didn't show up. Also, many GOP candidates and voters are ahead of their party. Looking bad for old brainwashed dingbat racist TPers..

The facts I posted did not change nor did you challenge, all you offered was excuses. You better be happy the Democratic Party strategists are a lot smarter than the low IQ voter you seem to be.
FranCo, get to the polls and vote! Today is election Day! You and all the other 47%'er s who didn't know the 4th was Election Day can still win it for the Marxists!
See OP- Polls show the electorate disagree with TP on issues, and Dem voters didn't show up. Also, many GOP candidates and voters are ahead of their party. Looking bad for old brainwashed dingbat racist TPers..


Those polls certainly didn't do much for us on Tuesday.

You are a dick.

BTW: TP made major pick ups in state houses too.

Colorado is a great example.

It sure sucks when your Affirmative Action Failure blows it for the whole party.

I'd re-elect him if I could....we'd be in like flint for the next decade.
What is funny is the Republican support for Obama's policies.

Equal pay for equal work? GOP base thinks that's a great idea. GOP leadership votes against it.

Raise the minimum wage? GOP base thinks that's a great idea. GOP leadership votes against it.

The list is endless.

Equal pay for equal work, that's an Obama policy? Has anyone told the WH workers who have not seen that?

Raise the minimum wage is a states matter and it was resolved during the elections, way to let the states handle it.

by all appearences

the obamas are also limousine liberals

with the do as i say not as i do attitude

This is why I think the Franco's, the Deans and many others are so funny, their own party doesn't follow their platform.

WTF? lol. Keep voting against your own interests lol... at any rate, the GOP, not the TP, is progressing...the election itself means little because the GOP is still a divided mess that can't compromise.

when the left is in charge

"get in the back seat you repups"

when the left loses control

"we must compromise"

--LOL got to love it

^^Hater dupes sure get a lot of bs. Change the channel.

Lowest turnout ever will change in 2016.

Hater dupes are all ginned up by their demagogues.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP"- TIME. Also incredibly ignorant. This election was typical of a 6th year one.
Dems put in 40% tax cuts in the stimulus. Put up the Pub plan for health care, talked for 6 months- all a ploy by Pubs, GOT NO VOTES. Pubs admitted they would not compromise, only want O to fail. In the middle of THEIR meltdown. Total a-holes with their brainwashed chumps- YOU.
Dems put in 40% tax cuts in the stimulus. Put up the Pub plan for health care, talked for 6 months- all a ploy by Pubs, GOT NO VOTES. Pubs admitted they would not compromise, only want O to fail. In the middle of THEIR meltdown. Total a-holes with their brainwashed chumps- YOU.

And we won !!!

Move to Cuba, asswipe.
Sure. Mission accomplished! And changes nothing.Senate Bengazi hearings? Impeachment? RepealO-care 50 more times? lol
I'm not going anywhere, brainwashed functional moron.

I can only assume you are incapable of booking a simple ticket and filling out a passport application.

I am sure you can get some help.

Hater dupe...
Hater dupe...
Hater dupe..
Hater dupe..
Hater dupe...

The Frankie ringtone.
The New BS GOP Story more like it...Reaganism is greedy and mindless...
Hater dupe....
Hater dupe....
Hater dupe....
Hater dupe....

Frankie reads like Elmer Fudd.

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