Record numbers of people are worse off, a recipe for political discontent: POLL

The truth be told I'm done trying to educate your type.

They don't want to be educated.

They just want a beer and a joint at the end of the day.

Mr Y told me - the best teachers are not those who can make the kids learn, they're those who can make the kids WANT to learn.

Leftards are in a dangerous place. They can't handle the truth. They dont want to learn.

What's worse, they don't want the rest of us to learn either.

Witness the leftard attacks on my credentials and life experience lately. They're actually JEALOUS cause I've had more than one career. It SOUNDS LIKE they still believe they can retire on a plumber's pension, and they're just now coming to realize the Easter bunny doesn't exist.

Over the last two years the leftards have CENSORED some of the world's leading scientists. They want us to believe that 2 and 2 no longer equals 4, that it equals 5 now. Because they say so. In spite of mountains and mountains of evidence to the contrary.

Before they can learn, or even learn to want to learn, leftards need DEPROGRAMMING. Eventually it'll happen by itself, when the Easter bunny can't be found, but I'm not sure we can wait till next spring, time is getting short.
Based on what? Your feelings?

Does this sound to you like Americans believe they are in BETTER financial shape?

Public approval of Biden’s approach to economy and gun policy remains low, AP-NORC poll finds​

WASHINGTON (AP) — As President Joe Biden embarks on his reelection campaign, just 33% of American adults say they approve of his handling of the economy and only 24% say national economic conditions are in good shape, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Does this sound to you like Americans believe they are in BETTER financial shape?

Public approval of Biden’s approach to economy and gun policy remains low, AP-NORC poll finds​

Better. You’re only two months behind now.

The same poll conductors found that the majority of people think that Trump is guilty of breaking the law.

“Fifty-three percent of adults believe Trump has done something illegal regarding the classified documents found at his Florida home. This is up from 47% in April, just after he was indicted in New York for allegedly attempting to cover up hush money payments made to a woman who claimed to have had an affair with him.”

This is not good news for the old man. Wonder if more pressure will be put on him to step aside? He could make it a lot less messy, if he would bow out on his own.

4 in 10 Americans say they are worse off financially since Biden took office

But but but Biden's on tour now telling us how great things are and leftists on here are telling us what a great job Biden has done. And the lefty media are telling us how great things are.
This is not good news for the old man. Wonder if more pressure will be put on him to step aside? He could make it a lot less messy, if he would bow out on his own.

4 in 10 Americans say they are worse off financially since Biden took office

Boo hoo...plan better. We're doing great.
People feel the stress of an obvious incompetent administration but political discontent only happens when the media takes the lead and that ain't going to happen.
Meh, just take one of those red states that nobody ever uses and move hem there. There are several to choose from.
Pain is relative. Renters are being creamed. Those who own homes or have older mortgages are in better shape as one example.

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