Record sales for electric cars

Look.........obviously, there is a % of the public that will buy a Prius or other hybrid for 3 reasons..............

1) The snooty liberal types who buy so they can show the rest of the world that they care more about the environment than you do.

2) The hopelessly duped types who can bury their guilt buy owning a Prius.

3) The political activist types who would be forced to blow their own brains out if they were seen in a 'Vette.

It sort of mirrors the political spectrum. Dollar to a stale donut that at least 95% of Prius owners are card carrying members of some k00k liberal organization.

Nobody buys a Prius because they go into the showroom and say, "W0W......that is one sharp car!!!"


No kidding. It looks like a skateboard on steroids. Like to see what happens when they get hit by a pickup truck. I drive a 98 Buick LeSabre with 80,000 miles on it now. I think I am going to spend the money to get it really spiffed up: new tires, new brakes all around, new shocks, have the engine totally gone over, and detailed. Rather than make car payments. Not that I don't LIKE small cars, drove a VW bug in high school and then we had an Opel Cadet, my GOD that was dinky, didn't last either. My small car of choice is either the MINI Cooper or the new VW Bug. Maybe a Subaru or Audi. we'll see.

My, you are a complete idiot, aren't you? The standard Prius is a fairly roomy car, probably has more usable room than your Buick. And the Prius V has far more usable room than your Buick, and probably doubles the mileage. At not much more initial cost.
Look.........obviously, there is a % of the public that will buy a Prius or other hybrid for 3 reasons..............

1) The snooty liberal types who buy so they can show the rest of the world that they care more about the environment than you do.

2) The hopelessly duped types who can bury their guilt buy owning a Prius.

3) The political activist types who would be forced to blow their own brains out if they were seen in a 'Vette.

It sort of mirrors the political spectrum. Dollar to a stale donut that at least 95% of Prius owners are card carrying members of some k00k liberal organization.

Nobody buys a Prius because they go into the showroom and say, "W0W......that is one sharp car!!!"


No kidding. It looks like a skateboard on steroids. Like to see what happens when they get hit by a pickup truck. I drive a 98 Buick LeSabre with 80,000 miles on it now. I think I am going to spend the money to get it really spiffed up: new tires, new brakes all around, new shocks, have the engine totally gone over, and detailed. Rather than make car payments. Not that I don't LIKE small cars, drove a VW bug in high school and then we had an Opel Cadet, my GOD that was dinky, didn't last either. My small car of choice is either the MINI Cooper or the new VW Bug. Maybe a Subaru or Audi. we'll see.

My, you are a complete idiot, aren't you? The standard Prius is a fairly roomy car, probably has more usable room than your Buick. And the Prius V has far more usable room than your Buick, and probably doubles the mileage. At not much more initial cost.

Well then I guess I'm a complete idiot. But I still don't want car payments. Besides the Prius is made by Toyota, and it is a hideous little car. That's my opinion. And what difference to you does it make what kind of car I drive. I'll make it easy on you -- it's NONE of your damn business. If my Buick pisses you off, all the more reason for me to keep driving it.
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he US Department of Energy has granted $9.5 million to a company in California that plans to build America's first recycling facility for lithium-ion vehicle batteries.

Anaheim-based Toxco says it will use the funds to expand an existing facility in Lancaster, OH, that already recycles the lead-acid and nickel-metal hydride batteries used in today's hybrid-electric vehicles.

Lithium Battery Recycling Gets a Boost - Technology Review

Toyota and Honda place decals with a toll-free number on their hybrid battery packs. Toyota offers a $200 bounty to ensure that every battery comes back to the company. In a press release, Toyota states, "Every part of the battery, from the precious metals to the plastic, plates, steel case and the wiring, is recycled." Honda collects the battery and transfers it to a preferred recycler to follow their prescribed process: disassembling and sorting the materials; shredding the plastic material; recovering and processing the metal; and neutralizing the alkaline material before sending it to a landfill.

The disposal of these is a young industry and not only extends to the EV world and the the Hybrid car world but also to many aspects of todays life. Several of the things we take for granted are powered by these lithium ion batteries from cell phones, to laptop computers. While of course the industry to dispose of these types of batteries is not as mature as the lead acid type it is coming online with each passing day. The one thing I cannot seem to understand here is the selective dislike for a single technology that would benefit this nation in terms of domestic energy usage and domestic economy if they were produced here. Sadly the best selling if these types of cars is not made here, but adds to the number of imports we bring in here. So even if someone happens to disagree with the current political climate it doesn't help much when we single out American built technology because we think its associated with them. Just a thought on this one, if the number of these types of technologies increases and they are built here, then those that build them are not forced to buy them but on the other hand, we all benefit in terms of jobs, and a healthy economy and not having to bend out knee's to some Middle Eastern Kingdom.

On a side note, I cannot see why this nation is not also developing lng as means to power its transportation. It would seem with the recent boom in NG especailly domestic NG that to do so would also accomplish the same thing as I mentioned above. Point is, both technologies have a place.

I fail to understand this myself. We have generators at work powered with NG, and forklifts powered with propane. In both, the engines last forever, and are super clean when it does come time to rebuild them.
The Prius is one of the most dependable cars ever built. That alone is worth extra money. And they are not that much more expensive than other cars in their class. Certainly less expensive than a muscle car.

They are about the same price as a pickup truck, even if you have to pay a tad more for a truck, it's worth it. My husband could fit a Prius in the bed of his truck. No thanks. You can have mine. Like I said, wash one, wear one. P.S. I just checked. A 1500 Chevy silveradao is LESS than a prius. And with a trade in, you can then upgrade to 4wD, 2500. ten times rather be on the open road in a large car. And when we are traveling, we see way more large cars than small ones. BUT the small ones are VW bugs and Mini Coops.
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No kidding. It looks like a skateboard on steroids. Like to see what happens when they get hit by a pickup truck. I drive a 98 Buick LeSabre with 80,000 miles on it now. I think I am going to spend the money to get it really spiffed up: new tires, new brakes all around, new shocks, have the engine totally gone over, and detailed. Rather than make car payments. Not that I don't LIKE small cars, drove a VW bug in high school and then we had an Opel Cadet, my GOD that was dinky, didn't last either. My small car of choice is either the MINI Cooper or the new VW Bug. Maybe a Subaru or Audi. we'll see.

My, you are a complete idiot, aren't you? The standard Prius is a fairly roomy car, probably has more usable room than your Buick. And the Prius V has far more usable room than your Buick, and probably doubles the mileage. At not much more initial cost.

Well then I guess I'm a complete idiot. But I still don't want car payments.

Well, now that I understand. But if one is going to buy a new car, and make payments on it, a Prius is a good vehicle. And there are three of them to choose from, now. I foresee a number of new vehicles coming onto the market that will make even the Prius look like a fuel hog. A constant rpm turbo'ed diesel is extremely efficient, combined into a hybrid, it would increase the efficiency a great deal.

Most of the time when we are cruising on the road, we are using only a small fraction of the energy the ICE is producing, the rest is going out the tailpipe in the form of heat. So a very efficient diesel that would allow the vehicle to run on the batteries most of the time would increase the mileage by a lot.
he US Department of Energy has granted $9.5 million to a company in California that plans to build America's first recycling facility for lithium-ion vehicle batteries.

Anaheim-based Toxco says it will use the funds to expand an existing facility in Lancaster, OH, that already recycles the lead-acid and nickel-metal hydride batteries used in today's hybrid-electric vehicles.

Lithium Battery Recycling Gets a Boost - Technology Review

Toyota and Honda place decals with a toll-free number on their hybrid battery packs. Toyota offers a $200 bounty to ensure that every battery comes back to the company. In a press release, Toyota states, "Every part of the battery, from the precious metals to the plastic, plates, steel case and the wiring, is recycled." Honda collects the battery and transfers it to a preferred recycler to follow their prescribed process: disassembling and sorting the materials; shredding the plastic material; recovering and processing the metal; and neutralizing the alkaline material before sending it to a landfill.

The disposal of these is a young industry and not only extends to the EV world and the the Hybrid car world but also to many aspects of todays life. Several of the things we take for granted are powered by these lithium ion batteries from cell phones, to laptop computers. While of course the industry to dispose of these types of batteries is not as mature as the lead acid type it is coming online with each passing day. The one thing I cannot seem to understand here is the selective dislike for a single technology that would benefit this nation in terms of domestic energy usage and domestic economy if they were produced here. Sadly the best selling if these types of cars is not made here, but adds to the number of imports we bring in here. So even if someone happens to disagree with the current political climate it doesn't help much when we single out American built technology because we think its associated with them. Just a thought on this one, if the number of these types of technologies increases and they are built here, then those that build them are not forced to buy them but on the other hand, we all benefit in terms of jobs, and a healthy economy and not having to bend out knee's to some Middle Eastern Kingdom.

On a side note, I cannot see why this nation is not also developing lng as means to power its transportation. It would seem with the recent boom in NG especailly domestic NG that to do so would also accomplish the same thing as I mentioned above. Point is, both technologies have a place.

I fail to understand this myself. We have generators at work powered with NG, and forklifts powered with propane. In both, the engines last forever, and are super clean when it does come time to rebuild them.

I read somewhere this morning that the price of NG is falling fast because the inventory is high. Correct me if I am wring here, but we as a nation have been under somewhat of a NG boom as of late so would seem to make a whole lot of sense. One way or the other it accomplishes the goal of making this nation self supporting.
That is correct. They were going to build an import terminal here in Oregon for LNG. Now they are saying that it will be an export terminal. Really feel that is a foolish idea. We need to keep energy like NG here for our own use. As you have repeatedly pointed out, for reasons of National Security, we need to be energy independent.
The Prius is one of the most dependable cars ever built. That alone is worth extra money. And they are not that much more expensive than other cars in their class. Certainly less expensive than a muscle car.

They are about the same price as a pickup truck, even if you have to pay a tad more for a truck, it's worth it. My husband could fit a Prius in the bed of his truck. No thanks. You can have mine. Like I said, wash one, wear one. P.S. I just checked. A 1500 Chevy silveradao is LESS than a prius. And with a trade in, you can then upgrade to 4wD, 2500. ten times rather be on the open road in a large car. And when we are traveling, we see way more large cars than small ones. BUT the small ones are VW bugs and Mini Coops.

You can pickup a Prius C for around 18K that gets 53mpg a Chevy 1500 for around 22k that gets 23 mpg , guess a lot depends on what your going to use it for. If your just going to use it as a daily driver from Point A to Point B, seems to me that the extra 30mpg and and 4 grand you save would be worth the effort. If your looking for a truck then thats another story because no one will ever accuse the Prius of being a utility vehicle *laughs*. Although I would much prefer both of them made here in the good old USA.
The Prius is one of the most dependable cars ever built. That alone is worth extra money. And they are not that much more expensive than other cars in their class. Certainly less expensive than a muscle car.

They are about the same price as a pickup truck, even if you have to pay a tad more for a truck, it's worth it. My husband could fit a Prius in the bed of his truck. No thanks. You can have mine. Like I said, wash one, wear one. P.S. I just checked. A 1500 Chevy silveradao is LESS than a prius. And with a trade in, you can then upgrade to 4wD, 2500. ten times rather be on the open road in a large car. And when we are traveling, we see way more large cars than small ones. BUT the small ones are VW bugs and Mini Coops.

You can pickup a Prius C for around 18K that gets 53mpg a Chevy 1500 for around 22k that gets 23 mpg , guess a lot depends on what your going to use it for. If your just going to use it as a daily driver from Point A to Point B, seems to me that the extra 30mpg and and 4 grand you save would be worth the effort. If your looking for a truck then thats another story because no one will ever accuse the Prius of being a utility vehicle *laughs*. Although I would much prefer both of them made here in the good old USA.

our Chevy Silverado gets 26 mpg on the highway. Buick too. I had a Saturn once upon a time, but it was just too small for my husband. The seats were like sitting on concrete, so after a long trip, you could hardly stand up! I would like a small little cute car though for toodling around town, city driving really eats up gas. Then save the big cars for long trips. THOUGH I believe this summer we are going to rent a big car, save ours. I would buy an Audi though or Subaru. of course mercedes if i could afford it.
One of the most comfortable cars that I had for a long drive was a 1980 Rabbit Diesel. Don't know what they did with the seats, but it was right. 46 mpg, no matter what kind of driving. Now they have a Polo, for sale in Europe only, that is quicker, and gets 70+ mpg.
They are about the same price as a pickup truck, even if you have to pay a tad more for a truck, it's worth it. My husband could fit a Prius in the bed of his truck. No thanks. You can have mine. Like I said, wash one, wear one. P.S. I just checked. A 1500 Chevy silveradao is LESS than a prius. And with a trade in, you can then upgrade to 4wD, 2500. ten times rather be on the open road in a large car. And when we are traveling, we see way more large cars than small ones. BUT the small ones are VW bugs and Mini Coops.

You can pickup a Prius C for around 18K that gets 53mpg a Chevy 1500 for around 22k that gets 23 mpg , guess a lot depends on what your going to use it for. If your just going to use it as a daily driver from Point A to Point B, seems to me that the extra 30mpg and and 4 grand you save would be worth the effort. If your looking for a truck then thats another story because no one will ever accuse the Prius of being a utility vehicle *laughs*. Although I would much prefer both of them made here in the good old USA.

our Chevy Silverado gets 26 mpg on the highway. Buick too. I had a Saturn once upon a time, but it was just too small for my husband. The seats were like sitting on concrete, so after a long trip, you could hardly stand up! I would like a small little cute car though for toodling around town, city driving really eats up gas. Then save the big cars for long trips. THOUGH I believe this summer we are going to rent a big car, save ours. I would buy an Audi though or Subaru. of course mercedes if i could afford it.

Just got a new Buick last year and am very pleased with it, mpg wise it's up around 26 or so. My daughter has a Prius and can tell you it's a pretty comfortable and smooth riding little car. She commutes a heck of a lot more that I do, mine hardly ever gets out of the garage. I have to tell you though, I do love the idea of having an electric car because the technology really is interesting to me. I have been thinking about getting a Nissan Leaf as its made in this country, I do like the Volt, but I do tend to agree with people that these EV's are bit expensive.
You can pickup a Prius C for around 18K that gets 53mpg a Chevy 1500 for around 22k that gets 23 mpg , guess a lot depends on what your going to use it for. If your just going to use it as a daily driver from Point A to Point B, seems to me that the extra 30mpg and and 4 grand you save would be worth the effort. If your looking for a truck then thats another story because no one will ever accuse the Prius of being a utility vehicle *laughs*. Although I would much prefer both of them made here in the good old USA.

our Chevy Silverado gets 26 mpg on the highway. Buick too. I had a Saturn once upon a time, but it was just too small for my husband. The seats were like sitting on concrete, so after a long trip, you could hardly stand up! I would like a small little cute car though for toodling around town, city driving really eats up gas. Then save the big cars for long trips. THOUGH I believe this summer we are going to rent a big car, save ours. I would buy an Audi though or Subaru. of course mercedes if i could afford it.

Just got a new Buick last year and am very pleased with it, mpg wise it's up around 26 or so. My daughter has a Prius and can tell you it's a pretty comfortable and smooth riding little car. She commutes a heck of a lot more that I do, mine hardly ever gets out of the garage. I have to tell you though, I do love the idea of having an electric car because the technology really is interesting to me. I have been thinking about getting a Nissan Leaf as its made in this country, I do like the Volt, but I do tend to agree with people that these EV's are bit expensive.

That they are. At present. A couple of breakthroughs in batteries will fix that. And then, because they are simpler, they will cost less than equivelent ICEs.
Look.........obviously, there is a % of the public that will buy a Prius or other hybrid for 3 reasons..............

1) The snooty liberal types who buy so they can show the rest of the world that they care more about the environment than you do.

2) The hopelessly duped types who can bury their guilt buy owning a Prius.

3) The political activist types who would be forced to blow their own brains out if they were seen in a 'Vette.

It sort of mirrors the political spectrum. Dollar to a stale donut that at least 95% of Prius owners are card carrying members of some k00k liberal organization.

Nobody buys a Prius because they go into the showroom and say, "W0W......that is one sharp car!!!"


There are six brand new Prius cars on my floor alone in the last week. The owners are all convinced that they are saving money at the gas pump until they consider the car payments they are paying every month. Then they blanche a bit. They didn't think about that part.

Hey..........some people bought the Yugo too:2up: Some people will buy a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if you package it up just right!! A huge majority of the public wouldnt even look once at getting a Prius!! Anyway.........lets face it........they are exceedingly gay looking.
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Look.........obviously, there is a % of the public that will buy a Prius or other hybrid for 3 reasons..............

1) The snooty liberal types who buy so they can show the rest of the world that they care more about the environment than you do.

2) The hopelessly duped types who can bury their guilt buy owning a Prius.

3) The political activist types who would be forced to blow their own brains out if they were seen in a 'Vette.

It sort of mirrors the political spectrum. Dollar to a stale donut that at least 95% of Prius owners are card carrying members of some k00k liberal organization.

Nobody buys a Prius because they go into the showroom and say, "W0W......that is one sharp car!!!"


There are six brand new Prius cars on my floor alone in the last week. The owners are all convinced that they are saving money at the gas pump until they consider the car payments they are paying every month. Then they blanche a bit. They didn't think about that part.

Hey..........some people bought the Yugo too:2up: Some people will buy a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if you package it up just right!! A huge majority of the public wouldnt even look once at getting a Prius!! Anyway.........lets face it........they are exceedingly gay looking.

Tesla Roadster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tesla Model S - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gay? I don't think so!
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No kidding. It looks like a skateboard on steroids. Like to see what happens when they get hit by a pickup truck. I drive a 98 Buick LeSabre with 80,000 miles on it now. I think I am going to spend the money to get it really spiffed up: new tires, new brakes all around, new shocks, have the engine totally gone over, and detailed. Rather than make car payments. Not that I don't LIKE small cars, drove a VW bug in high school and then we had an Opel Cadet, my GOD that was dinky, didn't last either. My small car of choice is either the MINI Cooper or the new VW Bug. Maybe a Subaru or Audi. we'll see.

My, you are a complete idiot, aren't you? The standard Prius is a fairly roomy car, probably has more usable room than your Buick. And the Prius V has far more usable room than your Buick, and probably doubles the mileage. At not much more initial cost.

Well then I guess I'm a complete idiot. But I still don't want car payments. Besides the Prius is made by Toyota, and it is a hideous little car. That's my opinion. And what difference to you does it make what kind of car I drive. I'll make it easy on you -- it's NONE of your damn business. If my Buick pisses you off, all the more reason for me to keep driving it.

Like you, I don't want car payments. The Prius is at least as attractive as most little cars, and certainly far more attracive than the Scion, Cube, Soul or other box type cars. Honda quit making the Element for that reason. The Prius V is bigger and uses far more gas. In fact, it uses MORE gas than a comparably sized gas powered car.I've been looking at cars and this was part of my independent investigation. My SUV is a real gas guzzler. But it's paid for and even though it is ten years old, I am still in love with my four wheel drive hog. It carries ALL my art stuff to class and I can take lots of paintings to exhibition which the Prius won't do, not even the big one.
There are six brand new Prius cars on my floor alone in the last week. The owners are all convinced that they are saving money at the gas pump until they consider the car payments they are paying every month. Then they blanche a bit. They didn't think about that part.

Hey..........some people bought the Yugo too:2up: Some people will buy a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if you package it up just right!! A huge majority of the public wouldnt even look once at getting a Prius!! Anyway.........lets face it........they are exceedingly gay looking.

Tesla Roadster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tesla Model S - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Ford Fusion Energi SEL WAS 2012 0574.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BMW i8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gay? I don't think so!

OK...........I agree. Epic gay!!!:D


Yup............when you step on the gas and it takes you 18 minutes to get to 65 mph, that indeed is ePiC gAy
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