Red scare of the 1950's, today we have the racist scare

It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?
Who's discriminating? A gay marriage isn't a marriage by any stretch of the imagination. Why would you be forced to make anything for some ceremony that doesn't exist.
Why do you care what they are celebrating? They just want a cake. Make them a cake if you own a cake shop. If I wanted to by my goldfish a birthday cake on a day that wasn't his birthday am I not allowed to by the cake? I don't see what the big deal is

So what you're saying is that if the KKK is having a rally in your town, and they go to a black baker and tell him to make them a KKK cake, he should be forced to make one?
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Were you trying to answer my question? Cause that statement had nothing to do with what I asked... Want to try again?

No, simply pointing out that when our government sues a baker for following his or her religious creed, that is government stopping a citizen from exercising their religion, also known a prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Usually when you compare something to something else you draw parallels, this guy did not. It merely degenerated into a general attack on PC culture and practically nothing was said about this rather sudden rise of neo-nazi/neo-confederate hate groups wanting a place at the political table in America. People have despised these groups for a very long time so harsh visceral reactions to them is nothing new. What is new is Nazi scum thinking they have gained some popular support and they may be right judging by the apologists they have on this board. This shit is not going to fly, not as long as I draw breath.

I'll tell you what won't fly, and that is referring to people on the right as Nazis, racists and deplorables. The more people you on the left piss off, the more success we Republicans will have like the Trump election.

Ever since this racist crap became the new leftist talking point, you lost over 1,000 political seats since DumBama first won the White House. Now that you only have around one-third of governorships and lost the Senate and Congress, you still didn't learn anything, and that's good for us.

You'll never have anything in politics by insulting large groups of people. You can keep trying, but you will only end up with what you have today, and that is nothing.
It's quite telling you that you cannot take two seconds out of your diatribe to actually condemn the scumbags goosestepping around our public spaces. It's really easy to avoid being identified as a racist, quit sticking up for them. Racists deserve ridicule and resistance. If you identify so closely with these people that you feel insulted when someone says mean things about them then that is your problem. Racism is not a valid argument in America, I'll be damned if I'll treat it as such.

Let me tell you how much of America feels and has felt for some time now. Everything to the left is racist. Criticize DumBama on a policy, it's racist. Criticizing a football player for disrespecting our anthem and flag, that's racist. The President condemning all hate groups and not explicitly saying supremacists is racist. Wanting to build a wall to keep illegals out of our country is racist.

We're just about sick of hearing it already. It's pretty obvious leftists are pushing a very false message that insults a lot of people. Because many people stand behind our police, many people do want to see our immigration problem addressed and solved, many people do disagree with DumBama, many people are against removing statues to make people forget about our history. Sick of it, that's what Americans are, and if you're going to refer to all those people as racist because they believe in one issue or another, then don't expect them to vote Democrat.
Usually when you compare something to something else you draw parallels, this guy did not. It merely degenerated into a general attack on PC culture and practically nothing was said about this rather sudden rise of neo-nazi/neo-confederate hate groups wanting a place at the political table in America. People have despised these groups for a very long time so harsh visceral reactions to them is nothing new. What is new is Nazi scum thinking they have gained some popular support and they may be right judging by the apologists they have on this board. This shit is not going to fly, not as long as I draw breath.

I'll tell you what won't fly, and that is referring to people on the right as Nazis, racists and deplorables. The more people you on the left piss off, the more success we Republicans will have like the Trump election.

Ever since this racist crap became the new leftist talking point, you lost over 1,000 political seats since DumBama first won the White House. Now that you only have around one-third of governorships and lost the Senate and Congress, you still didn't learn anything, and that's good for us.

You'll never have anything in politics by insulting large groups of people. You can keep trying, but you will only end up with what you have today, and that is nothing.
It's quite telling you that you cannot take two seconds out of your diatribe to actually condemn the scumbags goosestepping around our public spaces. It's really easy to avoid being identified as a racist, quit sticking up for them. Racists deserve ridicule and resistance. If you identify so closely with these people that you feel insulted when someone says mean things about them then that is your problem. Racism is not a valid argument in America, I'll be damned if I'll treat it as such.

Let me tell you how much of America feels and has felt for some time now. Everything to the left is racist. Criticize DumBama on a policy, it's racist. Criticizing a football player for disrespecting our anthem and flag, that's racist. The President condemning all hate groups and not explicitly saying supremacists is racist. Wanting to build a wall to keep illegals out of our country is racist.

We're just about sick of hearing it already. It's pretty obvious leftists are pushing a very false message that insults a lot of people. Because many people stand behind our police, many people do want to see our immigration problem addressed and solved, many people do disagree with DumBama, many people are against removing statues to make people forget about our history. Sick of it, that's what Americans are, and if you're going to refer to all those people as racist because they believe in one issue or another, then don't expect them to vote Democrat.
We who? Quit trying to denounce "identity politics" while engaging in it yourself. Speak for yourself.
Usually when you compare something to something else you draw parallels, this guy did not. It merely degenerated into a general attack on PC culture and practically nothing was said about this rather sudden rise of neo-nazi/neo-confederate hate groups wanting a place at the political table in America. People have despised these groups for a very long time so harsh visceral reactions to them is nothing new. What is new is Nazi scum thinking they have gained some popular support and they may be right judging by the apologists they have on this board. This shit is not going to fly, not as long as I draw breath.

I'll tell you what won't fly, and that is referring to people on the right as Nazis, racists and deplorables. The more people you on the left piss off, the more success we Republicans will have like the Trump election.

Ever since this racist crap became the new leftist talking point, you lost over 1,000 political seats since DumBama first won the White House. Now that you only have around one-third of governorships and lost the Senate and Congress, you still didn't learn anything, and that's good for us.

You'll never have anything in politics by insulting large groups of people. You can keep trying, but you will only end up with what you have today, and that is nothing.
It's quite telling you that you cannot take two seconds out of your diatribe to actually condemn the scumbags goosestepping around our public spaces. It's really easy to avoid being identified as a racist, quit sticking up for them. Racists deserve ridicule and resistance. If you identify so closely with these people that you feel insulted when someone says mean things about them then that is your problem. Racism is not a valid argument in America, I'll be damned if I'll treat it as such.

Let me tell you how much of America feels and has felt for some time now. Everything to the left is racist. Criticize DumBama on a policy, it's racist. Criticizing a football player for disrespecting our anthem and flag, that's racist. The President condemning all hate groups and not explicitly saying supremacists is racist. Wanting to build a wall to keep illegals out of our country is racist.

We're just about sick of hearing it already. It's pretty obvious leftists are pushing a very false message that insults a lot of people. Because many people stand behind our police, many people do want to see our immigration problem addressed and solved, many people do disagree with DumBama, many people are against removing statues to make people forget about our history. Sick of it, that's what Americans are, and if you're going to refer to all those people as racist because they believe in one issue or another, then don't expect them to vote Democrat.
We who? Quit trying to denounce "identity politics" while engaging in it yourself. Speak for yourself.

I work with people all day long; all kinds of people. I'm telling you that they are all sick of it. Don't take my word for it, look at how the Democrat party is losing power all the time.

If you don't want to believe me, I'm just dandy with that. Keep calling everybody racist and see what happens!

"Folks, when an adversary starts making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and not interfere."
Rush Limbaugh
The red scare was real.

This is more along the lines of how Nazis turned Catholics, Jews, Rom into depraved animals unworthy of human rights.
Or how the commies de-humanize people in order to justify killing huge numbers of them.
Usually when you compare something to something else you draw parallels, this guy did not. It merely degenerated into a general attack on PC culture and practically nothing was said about this rather sudden rise of neo-nazi/neo-confederate hate groups wanting a place at the political table in America. People have despised these groups for a very long time so harsh visceral reactions to them is nothing new. What is new is Nazi scum thinking they have gained some popular support and they may be right judging by the apologists they have on this board. This shit is not going to fly, not as long as I draw breath.

I'll tell you what won't fly, and that is referring to people on the right as Nazis, racists and deplorables. The more people you on the left piss off, the more success we Republicans will have like the Trump election.

Ever since this racist crap became the new leftist talking point, you lost over 1,000 political seats since DumBama first won the White House. Now that you only have around one-third of governorships and lost the Senate and Congress, you still didn't learn anything, and that's good for us.

You'll never have anything in politics by insulting large groups of people. You can keep trying, but you will only end up with what you have today, and that is nothing.
It's quite telling you that you cannot take two seconds out of your diatribe to actually condemn the scumbags goosestepping around our public spaces. It's really easy to avoid being identified as a racist, quit sticking up for them. Racists deserve ridicule and resistance. If you identify so closely with these people that you feel insulted when someone says mean things about them then that is your problem. Racism is not a valid argument in America, I'll be damned if I'll treat it as such.

Let me tell you how much of America feels and has felt for some time now. Everything to the left is racist. Criticize DumBama on a policy, it's racist. Criticizing a football player for disrespecting our anthem and flag, that's racist. The President condemning all hate groups and not explicitly saying supremacists is racist. Wanting to build a wall to keep illegals out of our country is racist.

We're just about sick of hearing it already. It's pretty obvious leftists are pushing a very false message that insults a lot of people. Because many people stand behind our police, many people do want to see our immigration problem addressed and solved, many people do disagree with DumBama, many people are against removing statues to make people forget about our history. Sick of it, that's what Americans are, and if you're going to refer to all those people as racist because they believe in one issue or another, then don't expect them to vote Democrat.
We who? Quit trying to denounce "identity politics" while engaging in it yourself. Speak for yourself.

I work with people all day long; all kinds of people. I'm telling you that they are all sick of it. Don't take my word for it, look at how the Democrat party is losing power all the time.

If you don't want to believe me, I'm just dandy with that. Keep calling everybody racist and see what happens!

"Folks, when an adversary starts making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and not interfere."
Rush Limbaugh
I am not calling everybody racist, not even most people, just the racists. Again, if you identify with these people to the point you feel included in criticism then that is a problem with you, not me. Nazis, KKK and the like are so outside my sense of righteousness and basic nature that I have never felt included in any criticism of them in spite of being very Caucasian and very southern. If you do not consider yourself to be racist then allow these scumbags to fight their own battles and therefore avoid guilt by association.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?
Who's discriminating? A gay marriage isn't a marriage by any stretch of the imagination. Why would you be forced to make anything for some ceremony that doesn't exist.
Why do you care what they are celebrating? They just want a cake. Make them a cake if you own a cake shop. If I wanted to by my goldfish a birthday cake on a day that wasn't his birthday am I not allowed to by the cake? I don't see what the big deal is

So what you're saying is that if the KKK is having a rally in your town, and they go to a black baker and tell him to make them a KKK cake, he should be forced to make one?
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Were you trying to answer my question? Cause that statement had nothing to do with what I asked... Want to try again?

No, simply pointing out that when our government sues a baker for following his or her religious creed, that is government stopping a citizen from exercising their religion, also known a prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
He was running a business and being discriminatory. He wasn't at home or church praying. You really don't see the difference?
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Were you trying to answer my question? Cause that statement had nothing to do with what I asked... Want to try again?

No, simply pointing out that when our government sues a baker for following his or her religious creed, that is government stopping a citizen from exercising their religion, also known a prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
He was running a business and being discriminatory. He wasn't at home or church praying. You really don't see the difference?

You have to be at home or at church to follow your religion? Where did you get that from? A religious person follows their religion 24/7. If a gay couple asks the baker to make a wedding cake explicitly for their gay marriage, that is against the religious beliefs of the baker and he (constitutionally) does not have to make a cake for that occasion. Now......if a gay person walks in and asks him to make a birthday cake, he can't refuse service to that person because he is gay. But when government sues or allows a suit to proceed because the baker refused to violate his religious beliefs, that's unconstitutional.
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I thought that was their personal freedom?

Aren't you a big advocator of personal freedom?
Who's discriminating? A gay marriage isn't a marriage by any stretch of the imagination. Why would you be forced to make anything for some ceremony that doesn't exist.
Why do you care what they are celebrating? They just want a cake. Make them a cake if you own a cake shop. If I wanted to by my goldfish a birthday cake on a day that wasn't his birthday am I not allowed to by the cake? I don't see what the big deal is

So what you're saying is that if the KKK is having a rally in your town, and they go to a black baker and tell him to make them a KKK cake, he should be forced to make one?
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.

Okay, so how is that different than making a gay wedding cake? Do you think wedding cakes have no indication on them what the cake is for?
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Were you trying to answer my question? Cause that statement had nothing to do with what I asked... Want to try again?

No, simply pointing out that when our government sues a baker for following his or her religious creed, that is government stopping a citizen from exercising their religion, also known a prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
He was running a business and being discriminatory. He wasn't at home or church praying. You really don't see the difference?

You have to be at home or at church to follow your religion? Where did you get that from? A religious person follows their religion 24/7. If a gay couple asks the baker to make a wedding cake explicitly for their gay marriage, that is against the religious beliefs of the baker and he (constitutionally) does not have to make a cake for that occasion. Now......if a gay person walks in and asks him to make a birthday cake, he can't refuse service to that person because he is gay. But when government sues or allows a suit to proceed because the baker refused to violate his religious beliefs, that's unconstitutional.
You make a fair point and I agree. I don't know the details of the baker case but from what I read the wife was going to make the cake and then husband came in and said that they wouldn't because it was for a gay couple. If they baker didn't want to design two women holding hands on the cake or write happy gay wedding on the cake then I think that would be understandable.

You know I didn't mean you can only practice your religion in your home or church, but if you are going to own a business and perform commerce in this country there is a set of rules that need to be followed, if you are going to teach at a public school then there are certain rules that need to be followed and those rules don't get to be broken for religious reasons.
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I thought that was their personal freedom?

Aren't you a big advocator of personal freedom?
Personal freedom within our laws. Try to keep up man, i'm tired of explaining the obvious to you.
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I thought that was their personal freedom?

Aren't you a big advocator of personal freedom?
Personal freedom within our laws. Try to keep up man, i'm tired of explaining the obvious to you.

Laws are subject to change.
Why do you care what they are celebrating? They just want a cake. Make them a cake if you own a cake shop. If I wanted to by my goldfish a birthday cake on a day that wasn't his birthday am I not allowed to by the cake? I don't see what the big deal is

So what you're saying is that if the KKK is having a rally in your town, and they go to a black baker and tell him to make them a KKK cake, he should be forced to make one?
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.

Okay, so how is that different than making a gay wedding cake? Do you think wedding cakes have no indication on them what the cake is for?
I don't know, did the bakers refuse to make a cake or did they refuse to put gay messaging on the cake? You tell me
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I thought that was their personal freedom?

Aren't you a big advocator of personal freedom?
Personal freedom within our laws. Try to keep up man, i'm tired of explaining the obvious to you.

Laws are subject to change.
So?? Keep this moving man, if you have a point to make then make it. I'm growing impatient with you wasting me time with your idocracy. I'm always down for intelligent debate but you keep getting more ridiculous.
No, simply pointing out that when our government sues a baker for following his or her religious creed, that is government stopping a citizen from exercising their religion, also known a prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

The problem is we have a Constitution that contradicts itself. Can't stop someone from exercising their religion but also can't give any special benefit or recognition of religion. So if someone's religion calls for them to shoot the mayor, stopping them is not letting them exercise their religion, but not stopping them is giving them a special benefit (as you would stop someone trying to kill the mayor for non-religious purposes

I don't know. I guess for me, I don't think that the US should approve religious laws/acts that conflict with US law, be they Christian law, Sharia law, etc.

If my religion calls for me to be able to have an honor killing if my daughter sleeps around should I be able to freely exercise that in the US, or does US law on murder take precedence? And if we say that US law is the law of the land then, is there a point where religious law trumps it? Like stealing a million dollars for religious reasons not ok, but less than 20 bucks and you are in the green?

I believe the US law is the law the US should use in the US.

If they were indeed violating law that prohibits refusing service to customers based on factors such as race, sex, marital status or sexual orientation, whether they felt it was a religious right or not is irrelevant to me.

If your religion says that you can't touch pigs, don't expect to be upset if you choose to work at a pork plant and are asked to do things against your religious beliefs. If you plan on refusing customers based on sexual orientation, don't take a job where you may have customers with different sexual orientations.
Who's discriminating? A gay marriage isn't a marriage by any stretch of the imagination. Why would you be forced to make anything for some ceremony that doesn't exist.
Why do you care what they are celebrating? They just want a cake. Make them a cake if you own a cake shop. If I wanted to by my goldfish a birthday cake on a day that wasn't his birthday am I not allowed to by the cake? I don't see what the big deal is

So what you're saying is that if the KKK is having a rally in your town, and they go to a black baker and tell him to make them a KKK cake, he should be forced to make one?
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Why do you care what they are celebrating? They just want a cake. Make them a cake if you own a cake shop. If I wanted to by my goldfish a birthday cake on a day that wasn't his birthday am I not allowed to by the cake? I don't see what the big deal is

So what you're saying is that if the KKK is having a rally in your town, and they go to a black baker and tell him to make them a KKK cake, he should be forced to make one?
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?

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