Red scare of the 1950's, today we have the racist scare

Who said anything about breaking the law? Was that some sort of "gotcha?"
I was saying that just because the SC activists rule on something, doesnt mean it was right.
Dude, you have been for a few days. I know that dime store hack, you dont. GFY

I don't get your point. The US Constitution gives the Supreme Court the jurisdiction in those matters both as to law and fact. Whether you agree or disagree it was right doesn't matter. Short of burning the articles in the Constitution you disagree with, overthrowing the government, or renouncing your citizenship, that is what the law of the land is. \

Like I said, it is fine to disagree. But to act against the law is not.
The articles in the COTUS are fine. The raping of them is what my actual problem is.
It might not matter to you, but it does to me. I dont appreciate the govt giving themselves more power every day. Statists dont mind it. Hell, they seem to wish people that voice their opinions about it would just shut up. Like you seem to want. Fuck that.
And would you shutup about breaking the law? I havent said anything about breaking the law. Good grief.
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I'm arguing for consistent interpretation and application. What are you arguing for?
What consistency are you arguing for? All businesses to discriminate or not?

I'd say no discrimination in business. Pretty simple
So you would be OK making a cake celebrating Neo-Nazis? Or anti-abortion? Or NAMBLA?
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The articles in the COTUS are fine. The raping of them is what my actual problem is.
It might not matter to you, but it does to me. I dont appreciate the govt giving themselves more power every day. Statists dont mind it. Hell, they seem to wish people that voice their opinions about it would just shut up. Like you seem to want. Fuck that.
And would you shutup about breaking the law? I havent said anything about breaking the law. Good grief.

Where did you come up with that. I've only said that while it's fine to discuss from a legal perspective it doesn't matter. That's what this topic has been about here. Did they break the law. So far the answer in every court is yes and the Supreme court will give final judgement.
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The articles in the COTUS are fine. The raping of them is what my actual problem is.
It might not matter to you, but it does to me. I dont appreciate the govt giving themselves more power every day. Statists dont mind it. Hell, they seem to wish people that voice their opinions about it would just shut up. Like you seem to want. Fuck that.
And would you shutup about breaking the law? I havent said anything about breaking the law. Good grief.

Where did you come up with that. I've only said that while it's fine to discuss from a legal perspective it doesn't matter. That's what this topic has been about here. Did they break the law. So far the answer in every court is yes and the Supreme court will give final judgement.

I don't know how you did it but that is not my quote. Interesting that it looks like my quote.
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.

Okay, so how is that different than making a gay wedding cake? Do you think wedding cakes have no indication on them what the cake is for?

They are wedding cakes. You cannot tell the difference between a wedding cake for a gay wedding or a straight wedding. A cake is a cake.

No baker is required to carry Bride and Bride or Groom and Groom wedding toppers and refusing to provide one would not be discriminatory. Not baking the same cake for couple A that you would bake for couple B is discriminatory. Get it now?

No, I don't, because I can't find in the Constitution where religious rights are excluded when you operate a business.

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The Supreme Court found it when racists tried to use religion when we desegregated.

I don't know if any religion where segregation was part of their beliefs. However it's very clear that most all religions are against gay lifestyles and activity because most religions recognize it as evil.

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The articles in the COTUS are fine. The raping of them is what my actual problem is.
It might not matter to you, but it does to me. I dont appreciate the govt giving themselves more power every day. Statists dont mind it. Hell, they seem to wish people that voice their opinions about it would just shut up. Like you seem to want. Fuck that.
And would you shutup about breaking the law? I havent said anything about breaking the law. Good grief.

Where did you come up with that. I've only said that while it's fine to discuss from a legal perspective it doesn't matter. That's what this topic has been about here. Did they break the law. So far the answer in every court is yes and the Supreme court will give final judgement.

I don't know how you did it but that is not my quote. Interesting that it looks like my quote.

Magic, lol

I hate chromebooks. Seems to be doing that more often. I'll get it fixed if I can.
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I'm arguing for consistent interpretation and application. What are you arguing for?
What consistency are you arguing for? All businesses to discriminate or not?

I'd say no discrimination in business. Pretty simple
So you would be OK making a cake celebrating Neo-Nazis? Or anti-abortion? Or NAMBLA?

And on your quote, I guess it would depend. I mean if my religion stood in the way of legally performing a career I would have to make that decision. It happens all the time. If your religion is against pre-marital sex, would you be ok being a porn star? Well that's a decision you'd have to make on your own.

I can't say for sure as I've never been in a business where that anti-discrimination law affected me like that. But I guess my choices would be either follow the law (if it's found to be Constitutional), or find a different profession.
I don't know, did the bakers refuse to make a cake or did they refuse to put gay messaging on the cake? You tell me

The stories that I read is that the baker served the gay person before knowing they were gay. They just refused to make a cake for a gay wedding. Baking a wedding cake for a gay occasion is a ritual. A person who's religion is against gay sex is participation in the occasion of the gay wedding by making such a cake.

I can't imagine that the baker refused to make just a plain wedding cake by request. I'm sure they wanted the cake to be an actual wedding cake with inscriptions or perhaps a plastic guy and guy on top of it. I never paid attention to cakes at the few weddings I've attended, but the ones I remember had the names of the couple on the cake.
I would think the proper response would be to make them a cake but tell them they can't design art to celebrate the union of a gay couple. Just like they can make a cake for the KKK but they shouldn't be required to design it like an upside down cross or mark it with KKK. What the people use the cake for is none of the bakers concern. Just like a tux shop shouldn't be able to refuse the sale of a tux to a man if he is going to use it in a gay wedding. That just doesn't make sense and it screams discrimination.

Okay, I can understand that, but what about a photographer? What about a caterer who has to participate with the guests? What about a florist who has to make arrangements according to the (brides?) approval?

So then do we make an exception for just the baker, or for all involved in a gay wedding? As a musician, I think I would take umbrage to playing for a bunch of gay folks dancing with each other.

The point I'm making is that there is a difference between providing a product for a gay wedding and actually being involved with a gay wedding.
All very valid questions. I used to work as an event photographer and videographer and I couldn't imagine being mandated to take jobs by the government. I enjoyed the freedom of picking and choosing the jobs I took. I'd think that freedom to choose the jobs you take is still in tact for freelancers like that. Even though a gay wedding would probably be a blast for a band to play, I personally couldn't play for a kkk party.

That's the problem the way I see it. If a bakery can be sued for not making a wedding cake for a gay marriage, where is the line afterwards?

I don't think anybody should be forced to take a job they don't want to do. For instance on several occasions, I called out professionals to do various work for me. They came out, took measurements or whatever and gave me an estimate, but when I called them back to have them do the job, they never returned my call.

I don't think I should have the right to sue them because they didn't like the job. They wasted my time or the time of others who were here to give them access to look things over. If you don't want to do the job, screw you, there are plenty of people that want my money. I'll never call you again or refer you to anybody else I know.
I agree, that stuff happens all the time. But we do have anti-discrimination laws that protect various classes. If you had a contractor bid a job and then that contractor found out you were Jewish and called you back to tell you that he can't do the job because he doesn't service Jews... then I think you would have a case
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I thought that was their personal freedom?

Aren't you a big advocator of personal freedom?
Personal freedom within our laws. Try to keep up man, i'm tired of explaining the obvious to you.

Laws are subject to change.
So?? Keep this moving man, if you have a point to make then make it. I'm growing impatient with you wasting me time with your idocracy. I'm always down for intelligent debate but you keep getting more ridiculous.

Before the 1960's anti-race mixing laws, rather than anti-discrimination laws were in place.
And those laws have been out right rejected. We have new laws in place, better laws
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?

But, but, but, you said on another thread that you're for personal freedom, and see anti-race mixing laws as against personal freedom.

I'm starting to see you only support anti-Racist freedom.
You are partially right, I support anti-racist anti-sexist anti-discrimination anti-violence freedoms that are provided under our laws.
Personal freedom within our laws. Try to keep up man, i'm tired of explaining the obvious to you.

Laws are subject to change.
So?? Keep this moving man, if you have a point to make then make it. I'm growing impatient with you wasting me time with your idocracy. I'm always down for intelligent debate but you keep getting more ridiculous.

Before the 1960's anti-race mixing laws, rather than anti-discrimination laws were in place.

Is race the only thing listed as being protected under Title II of the Civil Rights Act which covers public accommodation?

When has the Civil Rights Act ever cared about dumb Polak jokes against my people?
Y'all invented the submarine screen door and the helicopter ejection seat right? Now your dumb ass posts are making more sense!
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property. People are so fucking entitled..
We aren't talking about private property we are talking about public businesses. Try and keep up. So should a business be able to discriminate, yes or no?
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property. People are so fucking entitled..
We aren't talking about private property we are talking about public businesses. Try and keep up. So should a business be able to discriminate, yes or no?
Businesses arent private property? Lol well... Better get to explaining that one
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

They all should. That way the consumer decides weather o not said business stays open or not. That's how it went in Pasadena with a KKK book store. I think it's still there, can't say. But no one go's. It's more socially acceptable to be seen at the porn store. The government has zero business telling folks they can or can't hate folks outside their race. It's against the law. You have the battle of ideas and it all shakes out.
The government can't say who you can or can't hate but that isn't the discussion. Why do you pro-discrimination people keep injecting narratives that are not part of the discussion? Nobody gives a shit who you hate, but if you have a business then you can't deny people based on race. If a black guy wants to buy a book from the kkk book store then they have to sell him a book. You Have a problem with that?
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?

I'm arguing for consistent interpretation and application. What are you arguing for?
What consistency are you arguing for? All businesses to discriminate or not?

I'd say no discrimination in business. Pretty simple
So you would be OK making a cake celebrating Neo-Nazis? Or anti-abortion? Or NAMBLA?
You are obviously not reading the thread, I've address your question a few times. Try and keep up
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.

Okay, so how is that different than making a gay wedding cake? Do you think wedding cakes have no indication on them what the cake is for?

They are wedding cakes. You cannot tell the difference between a wedding cake for a gay wedding or a straight wedding. A cake is a cake.

No baker is required to carry Bride and Bride or Groom and Groom wedding toppers and refusing to provide one would not be discriminatory. Not baking the same cake for couple A that you would bake for couple B is discriminatory. Get it now?

No, I don't, because I can't find in the Constitution where religious rights are excluded when you operate a business.

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The Supreme Court found it when racists tried to use religion when we desegregated.

I don't know if any religion where segregation was part of their beliefs. However it's very clear that most all religions are against gay lifestyles and activity because most religions recognize it as evil.

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What's evil about it?
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property. People are so fucking entitled..
We aren't talking about private property we are talking about public businesses. Try and keep up. So should a business be able to discriminate, yes or no?
Businesses arent private property? Lol well... Better get to explaining that one
It's pretty self explainatory. What do you not understand?
It's not a scare..... it's a joke. The only similar scary part is like we saw with the bakers who did not want to do a wedding cake design with a same-sex couple and the state went after their business. What was even more scary is that the same mindset has no problem with other religions or non religions refusing service out of personal beliefs. For instance, a Muslim cab driver can refuse to drive passengers if they have pork or alcohol products in their packages.
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property. People are so fucking entitled..
We aren't talking about private property we are talking about public businesses. Try and keep up. So should a business be able to discriminate, yes or no?
Businesses arent private property? Lol well... Better get to explaining that one
It's pretty self explainatory. What do you not understand?

You say businesses arent private property but IM the one that doesnt understand
Would you argue that all businesses should be able to discriminate or that none should?
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property. People are so fucking entitled..
We aren't talking about private property we are talking about public businesses. Try and keep up. So should a business be able to discriminate, yes or no?
Businesses arent private property? Lol well... Better get to explaining that one
It's pretty self explainatory. What do you not understand?

You say businesses arent private property but IM the one that doesnt understand
That's correct. If you don't know the difference between private property laws vs business regulations then I don't have the time to educate you. Do some homework and get up to speed

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