Red scare of the 1950's, today we have the racist scare

I stated multiple times that i am against institutional discrimination and liberties that infringe on others.
No one has a right to own people.
You are raping my own intent like you are the DoI

You say that someone can deny someone else's unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness if it impinges on their own. A guy can excercise his own pursuit of happiness by denying someone else theirs. If my pursuit of happiness is telling the gay person they can't have the medication they need to live, you can't force me to give that up because my right to pursue happiness is just as important.

What about slavery? Why not? Your pursuit of happiness shouldn't be infringed, even if their equality is as well right? The belief that ownership of blacks was a god given right was a common theme at one point. How can you deny that right in the same way?

The only reason slavery was outlawed was for the same exact reason that these anti-discrimination laws were passed. Your pursuit of happiness doesn't allow you to take away someone else's right to equality.
Yes, just as the rape victims happiness is more important that the rapists.
Thats an infringement of rights. Its a terrible analogy considering my entire argument.
Im starting to repeat myself..
You are saying that rape infringes on somebody else's rights and I am making the argument that denying them service in commerce also infringes on somebody else's rights. Slash has made the same argument. That makes my two examples comparable. If you are defending the bigots rights then it is a similar to defending the rapists rights. Both actions are against the law, the only difference is you don't agree with the anti-discrimination laws... I'm sure the rapist doesn't agree with anti-rape laws.
And what i have stated 10 times is that would only be feasible if people had a right to others private property.
Comparing rape and shopping is ignorant.
Its more than shopping... Its medical, its food, its transportation, its livelihood, its education, it goes well beyond shopping and whether you like it or not it is the law. A rapists that believes men have the right to mate with whatever women they want because they don't believe women are equals to men could use your same logic to oppose rape laws and defend their freedom to do what they want. I know it is a more extreme than your example, but like I said, thousands have people have died over racism in this country. Blacks used to hang from trees. This is more than a shopping issue.
No, they couldnt use my logic for that bullshit Slate. READ WHAT I WRITE
I am sitting here saying i believe everyone should have the same damn rights and you continuously say all this bullcrap. I am sitting here saying liberty ends when others rights are infringed. No one has a right to rape a damn woman. Thats stupid.
Im done. You are so close minded on this you dont even consider MY ACTUAL WORDS.
Good day.
Look in the mirror man, you aren't listening to what we are saying. Slash made the point about a person trying to seek medical help... But what if the doctor won't see them because they are black, or what if the pharmacy won't fill their prescription because they are black? That is taking away that persons liberty and right to be healthy and happy and an equal member of our society.

I understand your point about demanding the services of others vs. forcing violence upon somebody, but harm can be inflicted in many ways and it doesn't just stop at physical contact.
I stated multiple times that i am against institutional discrimination and liberties that infringe on others.
No one has a right to own people.
You are raping my own intent like you are the DoI

You say that someone can deny someone else's unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness if it impinges on their own. A guy can excercise his own pursuit of happiness by denying someone else theirs. If my pursuit of happiness is telling the gay person they can't have the medication they need to live, you can't force me to give that up because my right to pursue happiness is just as important.

What about slavery? Why not? Your pursuit of happiness shouldn't be infringed, even if their equality is as well right? The belief that ownership of blacks was a god given right was a common theme at one point. How can you deny that right in the same way?

The only reason slavery was outlawed was for the same exact reason that these anti-discrimination laws were passed. Your pursuit of happiness doesn't allow you to take away someone else's right to equality.
Im done repeating myself. You guys enjoy your circle of stupidity. You guys enjoy raping my words :lol:
No, they couldnt use my logic for that bullshit Slate. READ WHAT I WRITE
I am sitting here saying i believe everyone should have the same damn rights and you continuously say all this bullcrap. I am sitting here saying liberty ends when others rights are infringed. No one has a right to rape a damn woman. Thats stupid.
Im done. You are so close minded on this you dont even consider MY ACTUAL WORDS.
Good day.

But your logic why is that people have a right to liberty. To be free from restrictions imposed by authorities on your behavior or views. Isn't taking away someone's liberty to rape by imposing laws against it the exact thing you are defending they should be able to have the freedom to do?

you've debated that you can take away someone else's "pursuit of happiness" if not doing so impinges on your own pursuit of happiness.

Shouldn't you then be able to take away someone else's "liberty" if not doing so impinges on your own liberty?

I mean those are both unalienable rights. It's the same exact logic lined up there. Why is one ok and the other not?
I stated multiple times that i am against institutional discrimination and liberties that infringe on others.
No one has a right to own people.
You are raping my own intent like you are the DoI

You say that someone can deny someone else's unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness if it impinges on their own. A guy can excercise his own pursuit of happiness by denying someone else theirs. If my pursuit of happiness is telling the gay person they can't have the medication they need to live, you can't force me to give that up because my right to pursue happiness is just as important.

What about slavery? Why not? Your pursuit of happiness shouldn't be infringed, even if their equality is as well right? The belief that ownership of blacks was a god given right was a common theme at one point. How can you deny that right in the same way?

The only reason slavery was outlawed was for the same exact reason that these anti-discrimination laws were passed. Your pursuit of happiness doesn't allow you to take away someone else's right to equality.
Im done repeating myself. You guys enjoy your circle of stupidity. You guys enjoy raping my words :lol:
You put up a good fight but are obviously out of rational answers. You were at a disadvantage as you were in contrast to morality, law and the common vision of how most people see American values. Its ok to be open minded and admit that your thinking is flawed, you don't need to run away with insults.
yeah, as long as they are not being threatening, aggressive or insulting to the baker. Any business owner has the right to institute a code of conduct/etiquette for their business and can refuse business if they are disrespected or the rules are broken. But if the rules are not broken then they shouldn't be able discriminate by refusing service because of somebody's race, religion, sex, orientation, or even political views.... Do you think that black baker should be allowed to discriminate?
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
The Democratic Party is fighting hate and violence…..
well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood Democrat bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR Democrat bigots, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, Antifa Rioter Democrat bigots, and the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians Pundits and Entertainers……
......…well actually voting Democrat IS HATE
How is forcing a black baker to make a KKK cake not insulting?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
So you have to make the cake just not finish it.

I think a tux shop should be able to show two guys gating it up in their place the door. I also think other shops should welcome it.
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
never never never eat a cake that you had to force someone to make for you
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
never never never eat a cake that you had to force someone to make for you
Agreed. Why would you do that? I've been places I'm obviously not welcome and just leave. I'm not going to sue them I just go somewhere else.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
So you have to make the cake just not finish it.

I think a tux shop should be able to show two guys gating it up in their place the door. I also think other shops should welcome it.
You're not answering my question. I didn't say anything about two guys gating it up in a tux shop. I said should the tux shop be able to say "no sale" to a gay guy because he is wanting the suit for his wedding?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
never never never eat a cake that you had to force someone to make for you
Agreed. Why would you do that? I've been places I'm obviously not welcome and just leave. I'm not going to sue them I just go somewhere else.
Why were you not welcome?
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
never never never eat a cake that you had to force someone to make for you

Exactly. And never send your food back to the cook because he didn't make it the way you like it.
The baker shouldn't have to make a KKK cake, you just injected that into the conversation. I don't think the baker should have to make a cake that says KKK on it. If they guy just wanted to buy a cake then the baker should sell him a cake. If they guy asks for something insulting or inappropriate to be put on the cake then the baker has a right to refuse.
So like gay marriage? You should be able to refuse correct?
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?

I don't know for sure, but something tells me they just didn't order a wedding cake without ordering if for a gay wedding. I mean, how would the baker know it was for a gay wedding unless they wanted some inscription or indication for what the cake was for?
I don't know if any religion where segregation was part of their beliefs. However it's very clear that most all religions are against gay lifestyles and activity because most religions recognize it as evil.

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What's evil about it?

From a religious point of view, Homosexuality is an abomination to God.

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Is it more or less of an abomination as pre marital sex? Using the lords name in vain? Getting a tattoo?

I'm not here to make religious calls. All I am saying is how people of religion feel. As for the other things you mentioned, those are personal decisions and doesn't involve forcing people to be part of your practices.
My other examples can be applied. Should people be allowed to deny service to single mothers because they had premarital sex? That is also a sin or an abomination as you put it. See where this can go?

Again, apples and oranges.

Christian religions teach forgiveness because they follow the path of Jesus. We are taught that everybody sins, it's the redemption that's more important.

In other words, I can't go to confession at a Catholic church and ask the priest to ask God for forgiveness because I plan to rape a woman. I can ask God for forgiveness after the assault because I felt guilt, but you cannot get forgiveness beforehand like a gift card.

When a gay person asks a baker to create a cake for his gay wedding, he is saying that he plans on participating in a ritual against the religion of the baker, and wants the baker to participate as well. Unlike buying a tux where the shop is just the middle man in the transaction, baking a cake is more creative because it starts from scratch and requires a lot of art and work. The baker is therefore involved in the wedding just like a photographer, a florist, or the person that rents them the hall.
What's evil about it?

From a religious point of view, Homosexuality is an abomination to God.

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Is it more or less of an abomination as pre marital sex? Using the lords name in vain? Getting a tattoo?

I'm not here to make religious calls. All I am saying is how people of religion feel. As for the other things you mentioned, those are personal decisions and doesn't involve forcing people to be part of your practices.
My other examples can be applied. Should people be allowed to deny service to single mothers because they had premarital sex? That is also a sin or an abomination as you put it. See where this can go?

Again, apples and oranges.

Christian religions teach forgiveness because they follow the path of Jesus. We are taught that everybody sins, it's the redemption that's more important.

In other words, I can't go to confession at a Catholic church and ask the priest to ask God for forgiveness because I plan to rape a woman. I can ask God for forgiveness after the assault because I felt guilt, but you cannot get forgiveness beforehand like a gift card.

When a gay person asks a baker to create a cake for his gay wedding, he is saying that he plans on participating in a ritual against the religion of the baker, and wants the baker to participate as well. Unlike buying a tux where the shop is just the middle man in the transaction, baking a cake is more creative because it starts from scratch and requires a lot of art and work. The baker is therefore involved in the wedding just like a photographer, a florist, or the person that rents them the hall.

Just stop. These people aren't discriminating because their religion tells them to, they do it because they hate fags.

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings

Masterpiece Cakeshop, Colorado Bakery, Agrees To 'Dog Wedding' Cake Despite Turning Away Gays | HuffPost
Sure, I don't think a baker should be required to write "gay marriage" on a cake, or draw a big penis, or put a satanic symbol, or write I love the KKK... But they certainly can't deny the sale of a cake to a gay couple just because they are gay... we in agreement?
I could agree to that.
So to clarify now that I have more time. The gay couple can get a plain chocolate cake with no mention or design features representing a wedding cake and that's fine. As long as they make them that they don't need to make any further concessions.
I don't see why they couldn't sell them any wedding cake they offer. They shouldn't have to put to guys holding hands on the cake or write Happy Guy Wedding... But a cake is a cake.

Do you think tux shop should be allowed to deny selling a tux to a guy if he is going to use it in a gay wedding?
So you have to make the cake just not finish it.

I think a tux shop should be able to show two guys gating it up in their place the door. I also think other shops should welcome it.
You're not answering my question. I didn't say anything about two guys gating it up in a tux shop. I said should the tux shop be able to say "no sale" to a gay guy because he is wanting the suit for his wedding?
Behavior means a lot don't you think? Two guys go in and get fitted for tuxes. No big deal. If they go in flaming the gay around like a couple queens that could be a problem.

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