Red-State Model: The GOP Plan to Flush Your State’s Economy Down the Toilet

Of course, "the robber barons" are a myth. Who did they rob? During the so-called "robber baron age," the American economy grew at the fast rate it's ever grown. Our standard of living increased by leaps and bounds.

Almost everything liberals know is a lie.

It is no myth that Florida has a robber baron Governor, head of a corporation convicted of Medicare fraud of the largest scale and taking the 5th 75 times in a deposition concerning that company.

Rick Scott Took 5th Amendment 75 Times

Regards from Rosie

WHat does Rick Scott have to do with the "robber barons" of the 19th century?


Friggin' idiot - Rick Scott is the modern example of a Red State robber baron. Robber barons exist, dumbass. Romney is another one, derp.

Regards from Rosie
It is no myth that Florida has a robber baron Governor, head of a corporation convicted of Medicare fraud of the largest scale and taking the 5th 75 times in a deposition concerning that company.

Rick Scott Took 5th Amendment 75 Times

Regards from Rosie

WHat does Rick Scott have to do with the "robber barons" of the 19th century?


Friggin' idiot - Rick Scott is the modern example of a Red State robber baron. Robber barons exist, dumbass. Romney is another one, derp.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Furthermore, the businessmen from the 19th Century who were accused of being "robber barons" were men like Cornelius Vanderbilt, JJ Hill and J. D. Rockefeller. They never took a dime from the government or anyone else.

Romney also never took stole a dime of anyone's money. The charges against Scott are bogus. They are the product of a left-wing smear campaign.

Everything you know is a lie.
WHat does Rick Scott have to do with the "robber barons" of the 19th century?


Friggin' idiot - Rick Scott is the modern example of a Red State robber baron. Robber barons exist, dumbass. Romney is another one, derp.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Furthermore, the businessmen from the 19th Century who were accused of being "robber barons" were men like Cornelius Vanderbilt, JJ Hill and J. D. Rockefeller. They never took a dime from the government or anyone else.

Romney also never took stole a dime of anyone's money. The charges against Scott are bogus. They are the product of a left-wing smear campaign.

Everything you know is a lie.

Fecal sludge. Vulture capitalists are 21st century robber barons. More fecal sludge is refuting Scott's criminal history without a shred of proof. No link, nothing.

Feces upon feces.

Regards from Rosie
Friggin' idiot - Rick Scott is the modern example of a Red State robber baron. Robber barons exist, dumbass. Romney is another one, derp.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Furthermore, the businessmen from the 19th Century who were accused of being "robber barons" were men like Cornelius Vanderbilt, JJ Hill and J. D. Rockefeller. They never took a dime from the government or anyone else.

Romney also never took stole a dime of anyone's money. The charges against Scott are bogus. They are the product of a left-wing smear campaign.

Everything you know is a lie.

Fecal sludge. Vulture capitalists are 21st century robber barons. More fecal sludge is refuting Scott's criminal history without a shred of proof. No link, nothing.

Feces upon feces.

Regards from Rosie

Here's a link for you:

The Truth About Rick Scott

I don't have to prove your slanderous accusations against Scott are a lie. The burden of proof is on you.

The only "vulture capitalists" in this day and age are all friends of Obama who are sucking on the government tit.
Julia's HATE the Red State Model, because the Government refuses to serve as the male head of household
wrong. Furthermore, the businessmen from the 19th century who were accused of being "robber barons" were men like cornelius vanderbilt, jj hill and j. D. Rockefeller. They never took a dime from the government or anyone else.

Romney also never took stole a dime of anyone's money. The charges against scott are bogus. They are the product of a left-wing smear campaign.

Everything you know is a lie.

fecal sludge. Vulture capitalists are 21st century robber barons. More fecal sludge is refuting scott's criminal history without a shred of proof. No link, nothing.

Feces upon feces.

Regards from rosie

here's a link for you:

the truth about rick scott

i don't have to prove your slanderous accusations against scott are a lie. The burden of proof is on you.

The only "vulture capitalists" in this day and age are all friends of obama who are sucking on the government tit.

political advertisement paid for and approved by rick scott, republican, for governor. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
fecal sludge. Vulture capitalists are 21st century robber barons. More fecal sludge is refuting scott's criminal history without a shred of proof. No link, nothing.

Feces upon feces.

Regards from rosie

here's a link for you:

the truth about rick scott

i don't have to prove your slanderous accusations against scott are a lie. The burden of proof is on you.

The only "vulture capitalists" in this day and age are all friends of obama who are sucking on the government tit.

political advertisement paid for and approved by rick scott, republican, for governor. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

So? can you prove any of it isn't true?
Wrong. Furthermore, the businessmen from the 19th Century who were accused of being "robber barons" were men like Cornelius Vanderbilt, JJ Hill and J. D. Rockefeller. They never took a dime from the government or anyone else.

Romney also never took stole a dime of anyone's money. The charges against Scott are bogus. They are the product of a left-wing smear campaign.

Everything you know is a lie.

Fecal sludge. Vulture capitalists are 21st century robber barons. More fecal sludge is refuting Scott's criminal history without a shred of proof. No link, nothing.

Feces upon feces.

Regards from Rosie

Here's a link for you:

The Truth About Rick Scott

I don't have to prove your slanderous accusations against Scott are a lie. The burden of proof is on you.

The only "vulture capitalists" in this day and age are all friends of Obama who are sucking on the government tit.

First, it ain't possibly slander haven't heard diddly squat.

Second, your source is bastardized self-serving bullcrap. Rick Scott ADMITS in your source to being responsible for the largest fine for Medicare fraud in US history! Plus getting a juicy severance for leaving after his epic fuck-up.

You didn't even touch his taking the 5th 75 times in a deposition concerning his company tenure and Medicare fraud. Most Mafioso never attain.that many in one sitting.

Finally, thank you for showing everyone how you double down on total shyte.

Regards from Rosie
Dont tbey realize they need to tax, spend, borrow and "invest" in welfare programs and social justice inititiatives to
Meanwhile, in the real world, our state has been doing just fine with Republicans in all the top jobs and a Republican House and Senate. We have budget surpluses year in and year out and we have one of the best managed state economies in the country.

Contrast that with almost every blue state economy in the country. Most of them are literally imploding a la California, Illinios, New York and Michigan. Dem policies are a prescription for destruction of the highest order. Where Republican policies get implemented as in Virginia, you see a very healthy economy with low unemployment, job growth, population growth and low crime.

My thought is the person who wrote your article is likely just the run of the mill pol hack with no real insight into much of anything.

You need to take a more real world look at Virginia, where I also live. When you talk about growth it is not happening in the entire state. In fact, it is only happening in Northern Virginia, down the I-95 corridor and into Richmond. All other areas of the Commonwealth have seen decreases in employment, wages and populations. Northern Virginia, which is essentially carrying the rest of the Commonwealth, is primarily blue - not red. In fact, if you look at the richest counties across the country, you will find they are pretty much blue.

This is because where you have well off communities you tend to have large populations of educated, intelligent individuals who tend to think for themselves. They tend not to think in terms of bumper stickers or just believe what they are told. Certainly, you will find intelligent, educated and well-informed people who are are conservatives - but you won't find them in the far right. They will tend to be centrists and will be called RINOs.
Hey taking the 5th 75 different times is proof of innocence in Rethug land.
How did you now know that? That and acorn stole the election. These are just "common knowledge" among the rethug class. Taken as a matter of faith.
Hey taking the 5th 75 different times is proof of innocence in Rethug land.
How did you now know that? That and acorn stole the election. These are just "common knowledge" among the rethug class. Taken as a matter of faith.

Indeed. Facts be damned....the RW will believe what they want. The RW are the Ignorati.

Regards from Rosie
Meanwhile, in the real world, our state has been doing just fine with Republicans in all the top jobs and a Republican House and Senate. We have budget surpluses year in and year out and we have one of the best managed state economies in the country.

Contrast that with almost every blue state economy in the country. Most of them are literally imploding a la California, Illinios, New York and Michigan. Dem policies are a prescription for destruction of the highest order. Where Republican policies get implemented as in Virginia, you see a very healthy economy with low unemployment, job growth, population growth and low crime.

My thought is the person who wrote your article is likely just the run of the mill pol hack with no real insight into much of anything.

You need to take a more real world look at Virginia, where I also live. When you talk about growth it is not happening in the entire state. In fact, it is only happening in Northern Virginia, down the I-95 corridor and into Richmond. All other areas of the Commonwealth have seen decreases in employment, wages and populations. Northern Virginia, which is essentially carrying the rest of the Commonwealth, is primarily blue - not red. In fact, if you look at the richest counties across the country, you will find they are pretty much blue.

This is because where you have well off communities you tend to have large populations of educated, intelligent individuals who tend to think for themselves. They tend not to think in terms of bumper stickers or just believe what they are told. Certainly, you will find intelligent, educated and well-informed people who are are conservatives - but you won't find them in the far right. They will tend to be centrists and will be called RINOs.

Well and the fact that the growing economy in Northern Va is being driven by....... the hated........government spending.

Over in the western tip of the state where I was born, jobs are hard to come by. Mining is the biggest employer and coal is still king. Of course, government spending is up there as well. Black lung, mining accidents, perscription pain killer addictions, mental health issues, all these things are driving governmnet spending for SSDI and welfare. No, when I go back "down home" I don't see a growing, thriving, vibrant economy.

Except for the doctors. They are doing real well in western VA. AND Grundy has a law school.
Hey taking the 5th 75 different times is proof of innocence in Rethug land.
How did you now know that? That and acorn stole the election. These are just "common knowledge" among the rethug class. Taken as a matter of faith.

Indeed. Facts be damned....the RW will believe what they want. The RW are the Ignorati.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, do you think we get a skewed idea of what rethugs are really about by reading all the happy horseshit written by the right wing whack jobs on this site?

Or do you think all people that vote rethug are just as stupid as the people on here?

I know I have severed a few personal relationships with rethugs for real. They were just to stupid to put up with.
Meanwhile, in the real world, our state has been doing just fine with Republicans in all the top jobs and a Republican House and Senate. We have budget surpluses year in and year out and we have one of the best managed state economies in the country.

Contrast that with almost every blue state economy in the country. Most of them are literally imploding a la California, Illinios, New York and Michigan. Dem policies are a prescription for destruction of the highest order. Where Republican policies get implemented as in Virginia, you see a very healthy economy with low unemployment, job growth, population growth and low crime.

My thought is the person who wrote your article is likely just the run of the mill pol hack with no real insight into much of anything.

And those blue states will demand a bail out, and demand to roll their state pension health care into Obama care, and we'll all be on the hook for their fiscal irresponsibility.

You all didn't mention the state of Ohio. Where the auto industry has made the economy come back to life. Where union busting by Kasich got shot down. Where manufacturing has bounced back. Where Kasich decided he was against Obama care before he came out and said he would be for Obama care. (at least to the point where he will expand Medicaid coverage).

Thank God for the Dems in the state of Ohio. Really about the only thing Rethugs have done in Ohio is make it legal to carry your gun in a bar. Wow. What a boon to the economy. What great plans and policies. Well that and some crazy person hood amendment. That didn't go anywhere. Oh, and gambling. And school vouchers.
And private prisons to Kasich's buddies.

Kasich will be gone next election.

I didn't mention Ohio, because I don't know anything about Ohio. I talked about Virginia, because I live in Virginia and I see what good policies can do. Kasich is a smart guy though, it figures you want to throw him out and get some muscled-headed monkey who knows how to take orders from the union bosses back in there. Maybe if you work at it you can become Michigan.
Last edited:
Friggin' idiot - Rick Scott is the modern example of a Red State robber baron. Robber barons exist, dumbass. Romney is another one, derp.

Regards from Rosie

Wrong. Furthermore, the businessmen from the 19th Century who were accused of being "robber barons" were men like Cornelius Vanderbilt, JJ Hill and J. D. Rockefeller. They never took a dime from the government or anyone else.

Romney also never took stole a dime of anyone's money. The charges against Scott are bogus. They are the product of a left-wing smear campaign.

Everything you know is a lie.

Fecal sludge. Vulture capitalists are 21st century robber barons. More fecal sludge is refuting Scott's criminal history without a shred of proof. No link, nothing.

Feces upon feces.

Regards from Rosie

I see you are attempting to elevate the level of political discourse here. Congrats on your latest effort. :clap2:
Hey taking the 5th 75 different times is proof of innocence in Rethug land.
How did you now know that? That and acorn stole the election. These are just "common knowledge" among the rethug class. Taken as a matter of faith.

Indeed. Facts be damned....the RW will believe what they want. The RW are the Ignorati.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, do you think we get a skewed idea of what rethugs are really about by reading all the happy horseshit written by the right wing whack jobs on this site?

Or do you think all people that vote rethug are just as stupid as the people on here?

I know I have severed a few personal relationships with rethugs for real. They were just to stupid to put up with.

Yeah, and this sort of stuff just smacks of someone with a real keen intellect.

I'm certain you attract a lot of real deep thinkers.
Meanwhile, in the real world, our state has been doing just fine with Republicans in all the top jobs and a Republican House and Senate. We have budget surpluses year in and year out and we have one of the best managed state economies in the country.

Contrast that with almost every blue state economy in the country. Most of them are literally imploding a la California, Illinios, New York and Michigan. Dem policies are a prescription for destruction of the highest order. Where Republican policies get implemented as in Virginia, you see a very healthy economy with low unemployment, job growth, population growth and low crime.

My thought is the person who wrote your article is likely just the run of the mill pol hack with no real insight into much of anything.

You need to take a more real world look at Virginia, where I also live.

I live here everyday, you can't get anymore real than that.

When you talk about growth it is not happening in the entire state.

I never implied that Virginia was a unique case where ALL parts of the state grow in equal proportion. You are setting up a straw man to knock it down. The fact is that growth wherever it occurs is inherently not level. Different things grow at a different pace. The coal areas of SW VA will, no doubt, be eviscerated by the policies of this president. It's real hard to grow when your guts are being pulled out. Same will happen to southside as the president pursues his policies to hollow out the military. Those people in Norfolk, Hampton etc are going to suffer. But, those are cases where the Federal Government is actively killing jobs. Literally murdering them in cold blood. It's pretty hard to blame that on Virginia policies.

In fact, it is only happening in Northern Virginia, down the I-95 corridor and into Richmond.

First of all, Richmond is not Northern Virginia. Unless you are missing an "and" in your sentence. Secondly, I don't know this to be true, link me. And third, yes, Northern Virginia is seeing MOST of the growth and for a variety of reasons. It's no longer just government spending. A lot of large multinational companies have moved their HQ to Virginia. Companies that support those companies have proliferated. Certainly the government is a big customer, but no longer the only game in town. Drive down the Dulles toll-road and see every Tech company in the world there. The company I work for has nothing to do with government, it's a $2.7 billion tech company that grew up right here in the area.

All other areas of the Commonwealth have seen decreases in employment, wages and populations.

Again, link me as to "all other areas of the commonwealth" I haven't heard anything remotely like that. As I said, there are areas of the state that are directly suffering at the hands of the federal government, there is no doubt. And, there will be more starting this year. But, I'll have to see evidence that every other area is suffering.

Northern Virginia, which is essentially carrying the rest of the Commonwealth, is primarily blue - not red. In fact, if you look at the richest counties across the country, you will find they are pretty much blue.

This is mostly just political hackery and not really deserving of a response. I'll just say that the first statement is a the standard whine you hear from affluent parts of the state when they find out that their goody bag isn't as full as they would like it considering the percentage of total taxes paid. To which I'd say, I thought you liked socialism. A little spreading the wealth around. Don't you want the people south of Petersburg to have paved roads too?

This is because where you have well off communities you tend to have large populations of educated, intelligent individuals who tend to think for themselves. They tend not to think in terms of bumper stickers or just believe what they are told. Certainly, you will find intelligent, educated and well-informed people who are are conservatives - but you won't find them in the far right. They will tend to be centrists and will be called RINOs.

Apparently, the old brainbox flipped off here and we just descended into drivel.

I'm far right or libertarian depending how you slice it and I'll match you degree for degree anytime you're ready. Pure hogwash.

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