Red states are remaking the civil liberties landscape

States where the GOP controls both the governorship and state legislature are moving in unprecedented numbers to restrict abortion, limit access to voting, ban books, retrench transgender rights and constrain teachers’ ability to discuss race, gender and sexual orientation at public K-12 schools and increasingly at public colleges and universities.

Many of the same states are simultaneously rescinding restrictions on gun ownership, stiffening penalties for people engaged in unruly public protests and, in a new twist, empowering private citizens to bring lawsuits to enforce many of these initiatives, as Texas Republicans did on their recent law banning abortion after about six weeks.
…with GOP senators wielding the filibuster and the Republican-appointed majority on the Supreme Court both providing powerful air cover for this red state ground offensive, Democrats and groups focused on defending civil rights, abortion rights and LGBTQ rights, among other issues, have not yet found any effective means of slowing the conservative onslaught. Even as the nation grows more racially, religiously and culturally diverse than ever, that means roughly half the states are on track to impose rules across this broad array of cultural flashpoints that primarily reflect the demands of one shrinking group: conservative and often older White Christians.

Call it the balkanization of our rights and protected liberties – where the rights and liberties of Americans will no longer be protected in states controlled by Republicans.
They love totalitarianism.
where the rights and liberties of Americans will no longer be protected in states controlled by Republicans.
It sounds like you lot need to campaign, then govern on issues that the majority in your states believe in. Remember "Democracy"? If Republicans hold majorities, the majority has spoken. What part of that do you not understand?
Progressives do it through cultural change
Is that what you call it when corporations and individuals take on themselves the right to destroy people's careers and lives for dissent?

Cons do it through legislative fiat.
This^ is also called governance by the majority. IOW, it's the way a democratic Republic is DESIGNED to function.
As for expressing political opinions… might depend on where you are. I live in a very red state…my neighbor referred to Obama as the n word in the White House.
That person might be rude or even hate-filled but I seriously doubt he/she could have had the power to sanction you with the loss of your job as a result of your difference of opinion. THAT is the difference in today's culture. Social media is primarily controlled by the hard Left and it will remain so until entrepreneurs build a parallel economy and online presence.
“You have an emerging generation that is multiracial, multicultural, where no single ethnic or racial group is the majority, and it has struck an existential fear within [conservatives] who are used to controlling everything, from the boardroom to the White House. So what we are seeing here is people playing on that fear of that graying generation that votes with regularity and feels as though something is slipping away.” ibid

Of course, nothing is ‘slipping away’ – conservatives’ fear of positive, beneficial change, of a multiracial, multicultural America is as unwarranted as it is destructive.

You're a bullshit artist.
If I had a nickel for every time I've heard a lib talk about how its time for a civil war I'd be rich....
Fortunately, for the rest of us they assume the fighting will be done by the source of all good things - GOBMINT. It seems not to occur to them that THEY might have to do more than whine online to get more than half of the nation to bend the knee to their demands. They'll get one hell of a wake-up call someday.
Your Party could have taken the steam out of that controversy by simply joining the Right in validating serious investigations into irregularities. You refused then and continue to fight it every step of the way. You turned it into a fight. Deal with the other side of that.
I could never be a Democrat. You clearly don't know my politics. And a serious, sober, honest, constant maintenance of election security is a top priority, always.

Unfortunately, the GOP is anything but serious, sober and honest. From your hyper-dishonest, hyper-neurotic, juvenile leader priming the rube pump by claiming the election was rigged BEFORE HE LOST when he had ZERO proof, to the absolute, flaming freak show of "attorneys" making a fucking mockery of our justice system by fucking up and losing 60+ "lawsuits", to your mindless street-level bumpkins who buy into every last stupid fucking conspiracy theory even after they've been proven wrong, the GQP has our election system teetering on literal collapse. Literal fucking collapse.

"Serious investigations", indeed. "Serious" and the orange cult are a contradiction in terms. The GQP can't be taken seriously right now. That's not my fault. Life is not a radio talk show, an Alex Jones podcast or a FOX pundit rant.
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Your Party could have taken the steam out of that controversy by simply joining the Right in validating serious investigations into irregularities. You refused then and continue to fight it every step of the way. You turned it into a fight. Deal with the other side of that.
Up there in my top five best posts ever.
I could never be a Democrat. You clearly don't know my politics. And a serious, sober, honest, constant maintenance of election security is a top priority, always.

Unfortunately, the GOP is anything but serious, sober and honest. From your hyper-dishonest, neurotic, juvenile leader priming the rube pump by claiming the election was rigged BEFORE HE LOST when he had ZERO proof, to the absolute, flaming freak show of "attorneys" making a fucking mockery of our justice system by fucking up and losing 60+ "lawsuits", to your mindless street-level bumpkins who buy into every last stupid fucking conspiracy theory even after they've been proven wrong, the GQP has our election system teetering on literal collapse. Literal fucking collapse.

"Serious investigations", indeed. "Serious" and the orange cult are a contradiction in terms. The GQP can't be taken seriously. That's not my fault. Life is not a radio talk show, an Alex Jones podcast or a FOX pundit rant.
You voted for biden

now that he turns out to be the failure people predicted he would be its too late for you to rewrite history

you put the dems in power and that makes you one of them
constrain teachers’ ability to discuss race, gender and sexual orientation at public K-12 schools and increasingly at public colleges and universities.

I don't send my kids to school under penalty of prison so your commie shit teachers can teach them irrelevant bullshit. And I will go to actual war and die to stop you.

Many of the same states are simultaneously rescinding restrictions on gun ownership,
What were you saying about restricting civil liberties?

Dumb fuck

Democrats and groups focused on defending civil rights, abortion rights and LGBTQ rights, among other issues,
Except rights to self-defense, defense of state, and right to the means to do so.

Cry, bitch
States where the GOP controls both the governorship and state legislature are moving in unprecedented numbers to restrict abortion, limit access to voting, ban books, retrench transgender rights and constrain teachers’ ability to discuss race, gender and sexual orientation at public K-12 schools and increasingly at public colleges and universities.

Many of the same states are simultaneously rescinding restrictions on gun ownership, stiffening penalties for people engaged in unruly public protests and, in a new twist, empowering private citizens to bring lawsuits to enforce many of these initiatives, as Texas Republicans did on their recent law banning abortion after about six weeks.
…with GOP senators wielding the filibuster and the Republican-appointed majority on the Supreme Court both providing powerful air cover for this red state ground offensive, Democrats and groups focused on defending civil rights, abortion rights and LGBTQ rights, among other issues, have not yet found any effective means of slowing the conservative onslaught. Even as the nation grows more racially, religiously and culturally diverse than ever, that means roughly half the states are on track to impose rules across this broad array of cultural flashpoints that primarily reflect the demands of one shrinking group: conservative and often older White Christians.

Call it the balkanization of our rights and protected liberties – where the rights and liberties of Americans will no longer be protected in states controlled by Republicans.
Yes, democrats will suffer permanent harm if we ever manage to limit voting only to eligible citizen voters.

You should all hit the panic button and run because what's coming is a giant red tsunami in November.

Dem's primary concern right now is flooding the country with illegals to allow them to vote and to drive our violent crime rates to the highest they've ever been in history to promote their Anti 2nd Amendment agenda.

I hope you enjoyed 2 years of insanity because it's coming soon to an end.
Yes, and the zealots there are the same as progressives here.

At least there we see trends of moderation.

And it's actually a Monarchy, Iran is more of a Theocracy.

The House of Saud are kings, not clerics.
It's a whole lot of both considering it's driven by their religious ideology and strict adherence to Muslim Law.
One of the more destructive elements of the Big Lie. "They did it, so we're gonna do it ten times as bad".

This is why the base is constantly fed this "we're at war with evil" crap, this "the election was rigged" crap. The end always justifies the means when you're at war.

You have to admit, it's a smart strategy. It's based on lies and manipulation, but they don't care.

You turn EVERY SINGLE THREAD to a discussion about Trump.

We could be discussing flower gardens and you would somehow find a way to bust out a reference to Mar-a-Lago or some shit.

Did Trump fuck your husband or something?

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