Red states building a nation within a nation

CNN is more credible than the right wing crap you read or watch.
You're talkng about people who get their "news" from degenerates like Carlson, Hannity & Ingraham & who vote for & defend slime like Trump, MTG, Gaetz & Cruz.

There's no turning back for these people until the hammer comes down on THEM.

Careful, not a good idea to bring a hammer to a gun fight.

A good summary of the movement to create a sub-culture (or sub-country really) within America by the right. Basically its another assault by the red states to suppress the rights of Americans within their state borders.. last time being Jim Crow. Everything old is new again, or history repeats itself if you prefer.


Red states are building a nation within a nation - CNNPolitics

"It's not at the level of Jim Crow, or certainly the difference between slave states and free states, but the differences are major," says Jake Grumbach, a University of Washington political scientist who studies divergence among the states. And like Kettl, Grumbach believes the economic and political differences between the red and blue states are on track to only widen.

Seen as a whole, the red states' drive to set their own rules, while blocking any interference from either blue-leaning local governments or a Democratic-controlled federal government, represents the broadest effort to carve out a separate sphere of influence since the fierce resistance to reconstruction across the South after the Civil War that ultimately led to Jim Crow segregation, Kettl believes. In some respects, he argues, red states are displaying a greater separatist impulse today than the South did then.

For now, Kettl sees the initial red state Republican goal primarily as consolidating these new rules and blocking any interference -- what he calls "an effort to build very high castle walls with a very deep moat." But like Grumbach and other experts on state policy, Kettl is dubious that Republicans will settle for imposing their values solely on the states now under their control. As the red states pursue a more consistent and coordinated course, Kettl predicts that Republicans will "try to impose [this] policy on the nation as a whole" if they achieve the federal power to do so.

Blue states such as California, New York, Illinois and Colorado have moved forcefully over the past two years to expand many of the liberties now under siege in the red states. But congressional Republicans while in the minority have already introduced proposals that would apply the red state rules across the entire nation on many of these same issues. The new social order red states are now sketching behind their "castle" walls may offer the best preview of what Republicans will try to impose on all states the next time they achieve unified control of the White House and Congress in Washington.

Unintentionally hilarious after Covidiot Totalitarianism. But go off
Making their states even worse places to live and invest is apparently a winning strategy for them. Oh well Amazon always needs more box stuffers.

Guess that's why everyone is moving INTO red states and OUT OF blue states, eh?
During the 1950's the top tax rate never got below 89%, and was usually higher. One third of the work force belonged to labor unions. Republicans do not want to restore those conditions.

And the effective tax rate wasn't much higher than today.

One group wants to kill babies and keep people from defending themselves. It ain't the red states.

I have proven time and time again that unless you are a devote Catholic the abortion debate was only brought in as a wedge issue but the Evangelic Churches in the late 70s... It is a con job done on the faithful to keep them voting inline, THIS HAS FUCK ALL TO DO WITH GOD.
Please study the history on the subject and you will understand that Abortion has been used as a political football within all the churches and has very little to do with the teachings of Christ, actually has more to do with population.
Go educate yourself...

Again, Democrats stance on guns is to have reasonable gun control which makes it harder for people that shouldn't have guns, have them. Why do you want to arm the mentally ill?
All Rise!

Tonights lesson:


Congressional committees and subcommittees met in the 1940s and 1950s to discuss youth violence resulting from reading stories in comic books. Superman, Spiderman, Aqua Man, Captain America and whoever else was a member of the Justice League were held responsible for the outrageously high rate of violent juvenile delinquency during that period.

On June 1, 1953, the United States Senate adopted Senate Resolution 89. This resolution created the Senate Judiciary Committee on Juvenile Delinquency in the United States to study youth crime. The primary focus of this study: “(1) determining the extent and character of juvenile delinquency in the United States and its causes and contributing factors, (2) the adequacy of existing Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, "(3) sentences imposed on, or other correctional action taken with respect to, youthful offenders by Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, and (4) the extent to which juveniles are violating Federal laws relating to the sale or use of narcotics."

Let us take a look at some of the findings. “In the 8-year period, from 1948 through 1956, juvenile court cases more than doubled while the child population of that age group increased only 19 percent. As in previous years, the increase is at a much greater rate in rural areas than in urban areas, and the ratio of 5 boy delinquents to every 1 girl delinquent is still in evidence.”

“In the year 1956, there were upwards of 1,300,000 boys and girls coming to the attention of local law-enforcement officers. Approximately one-fourth of the police cases are referred to juvenile courts. The remaining juvenile court cases are referred from individuals and other agencies in. the community.”

From 1948 until 1956, juvenile crime rose in rural areas. Juvenile crime was rising faster than juvenile population growth. This was primarily happening in white communities. With mom and pops at home, before the sexual revolution. Back in the day, as we say, the switchblade knife was the cause of a lot of deaths and suffering.

“Of the robberies committed in 1956, 43.2 percent were by persons under 21 years of age. A switchblade knife is frequently part of the perpetrator's equipment in this type of crime. In New York City alone in 1956, there was an increase of 92.1 percent of those under 16 arrested for the possession of dangerous weapons, one of the most common of which is the switchblade knife.

Out of several hundred questionnaires sent by the subcommittee to purchasers of switchblade knives, whose names were derived from a distributor's mailing list, 133 responses have been received. Seventy--five percent of the purchasers were under 20 years of age, and of this group, 43 percent were between 11 and 15 years of age. Of the persons responding to the questionnaire, only a small portion claimed that the knives were secured for a constructive purpose.

In addition to the interviews with manufacturers and distributors and the receipt of information from questionnaires, staff contact was made with some of the purchasers in the immediate area and numerous retail stores. The proprietors of these stores conceded that the bulk of the demand for switchblade knives came from juveniles, some as young as 8 or 9 years of age.

A major outlet for the switchblade knife are military supply stores which are located near military installations.”

Kids ordered switchblades by mail or purchased them in military supply stores. In 1956, not 1996, or the period of “American Carnage” inaccurately described by president number 45, 43 percent of the robberies in this country were committed by people under the age of 21. With mom and dad at home. When the family consisted of Ward, June, Wally, and the beaver, not Adam and Steve or Joni and Jane.

Over one million incidents between youth and police. Over 500,000 cases in juvenile courts. From 1948 through 1956, there were annual increases in juvenile cases heard before the courts. These increases in juvenile crime were by kids from eight to eighteen. The owners of the military supply stores stated to members of the judiciary committee that most switchblade purchases in their stores were made by youth. High school children were walking American streets carrying switchblades. These were the good old days.
The 1950's began a direction that should encompass many more than we have today. Assimilation was detoured to Diversity a decade later. Diversity is our Waterloo. Pure viral hate has been the result of it.
Yea, that’s why people are fleeing Dem run shit holes to go to Red States.

They're going where the jobs are fool. Companies are moving where the taxes are the lowest and labour laws are weak. The people follow the jobs.

The problem for these red states who are luring companies with low taxes, and right to work labour laws is that once the workers move from blue states, they're appalled at the low quality schools and government services in the red states.

Conservatism works for small rural states with no significant urban populations - and by "urban", I mean city dwellers, not minorities. But it's useless in areas with large populations. You need government structure, and management of basic human services - keeping the streets clean, safe, and in a good state of repair, picking up the garbage, operating transit companies.

Awa, does the little racist need a tissue? Why do you hate people that stand for the Constitution?


Republicans are using the Constitution as toilet paper. Donald Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election which was conducted in accordance with the Constitution, and the laws of the states. Then he lied and said he won and the election was stolen from him.

You cannot believe any of this and claim to respect the Constitution or the rights of the people.
The 1950's began a direction that should encompass many more than we have today. Assimilation was detoured to Diversity a decade later. Diversity is our Waterloo. Pure viral hate has been the result of it.

The "pure viral hate" you speak of is only on the part of racists and white supremacists, towards anything that requires the sharing of power with women or minorities.

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