Red states building a nation within a nation

If the red states are so bad explain why people are leaving New York City and California and moving to Texas and Florida.

The videos I often see show New York City to be a hell hole of random violence and San Francisco to be a literal shit hole with feces in the streets and hypodermic needles lying around everywhere.

It seems the criminal element is moving to the blue cites as if they get caught they will likely spend less time in prison and may even get to walk without posting any bail.
Nazi Piglosy's district has to have a Human Feces Map for residents and visitors, which the local news tries to spin as "Dirty streets".

There’s really not much about what made America great that you hate America folks embrace….apparently you think illegal wetbacks, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, drug addicts, criminals and low life degenerates can build a better nation….GOOD FUCKING LUCK!
We already have.

Try to keep up.
We have seen what happens to the country under Republican rule. A collapsed economy headed for depression and a mismanaged pandemic that killed several hundred thousand and is the cause of our problems now.
The economy dropped because Dimtard Governors shut down their states, Simp. Trump shut down nothing..


And there have been more Fauci Flu deaths under your Vegetable Messiah, with all the Trump vaccines, than there was under Trump.

IM2 you are a mindless Dimtard Drone. Exactly what Dimtard leader love...............unbridled devotion without question.

What a simp.
Yes Paul Krugman. He won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2008.
And has been wrong on everything since 2008, Dumbass.

Find a non-moron to Worship, Simp.

A few examples....

The economy dropped because Dimtard Governors shut down their states, Simp. Trump shut down nothing..


And there have been more Fauci Flu deaths under your Vegetable Messiah, with all the Trump vaccines, than there was under Trump.

IM2 you are a mindless Dimtard Drone. Exactly what Dimtard leader love...............unbridled devotion without question.

What a simp.
Poor little boi
But under a Democrat, Joe Biden, we have a recession and skyrocketing inflation.

Plus you give Trump no credit for Operation Warp Speed which got us the vaccines for COVID-19 in record time. If Hillary had been elected President we might still be waiting for the first vaccine.

The Trump administration deserves credit for the “breathtaking” speed at which two COVID-19 vaccines were developed, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s boss said.

Speaking to “Axios on HBO” in an interview released Monday evening, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins made the remarks after being asked what the previous administration got right in their pandemic response.


Collins went on to mention Dr. Moncef Slaoui, who led Operation Warp Speed under Trump, calling his recruitment “an incredibly important step forward that the administration deserves credit for, because that did motivate a lot of actions, a lot of coordination.”

Collins marveled at the speed at which pharma giants such as Moderna and Pfizer developed vaccines with such high efficacy rates that were approved by the FDA by mid-December.

“It’s just breathtaking that that got done in 11 months from when we first knew about this virus. It is at least five years faster than it has ever been done before.”
…emphasis added
And this is why republicans fail.

Before Biden took office what was the exact condition America was in?. I'm talking about at the time of election, not 2 years before the election. The vaccines were developed and there was no distribution strategy. So don't cling to that.

If Hillary had been president the pandemic response team would have handled the pandemic, the defense production act would have been invoked and the pandemic would have been controlled with fewer deaths and infections. Hillary would not have been running around the country hawking hydroxychloroquine, there would have been no statements made about spraying disinfectant into peoples lungs. Hillary would have warned us about the severity of the virus from the beginning and she would not have made wearing a mask political.

Inflation is global right now and it has nothing to do with Biden. And if republicans get control of congress you will learn this as they will do nothing because there is nothing they can do.
And this is why republicans fail.

Before Biden took office what was the exact condition America was in?. I'm talking about at the time of election, not 2 years before the election. The vaccines were developed and there was no distribution strategy. So don't cling to that.

If Hillary had been president the pandemic response team would have handled the pandemic, the defense production act would have been invoked and the pandemic would have been controlled with fewer deaths and infections. Hillary would not have been running around the country hawking hydroxychloroquine, there would have been no statements made about spraying disinfectant into peoples lungs. Hillary would have warned us about the severity of the virus from the beginning and she would not have made wearing a mask political.

Inflation is global right now and it has nothing to do with Biden. And if republicans get control of congress you will learn this as they will do nothing because there is nothing they can do.
The vaccines were developed and there was no distribution strategy. So don't cling to that.

Hey Stupid, when Trump left office there were 1 million vaccines given daily. The EXACT NUMBER your Vegetable Messiah said he would get us to after his first 100 days in office.

Are you ever not a flaming moron?

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