Redacted Affadavit officially released

What is? the redacted information? And how do you know this?
So are you arguing the section labeled reasons to believe that NDI is at Mar a Lago doesn’t talk about why they think NDI is at Mar a Lago?

Cmon. I don’t have all day to explain this stuff.
This has tossed mud on Garlands face... they are scared to death that Trump has the goods on the DOJ and the FBI for Russia russia russia.....
No one at DOJ is scared of anything of the sort. But you people are scared shitless that your savior...may actually wind up in an orange jumpsuit (fitting color for him! :)) over this debacle..that appears on the surface, he could have avoided..and was given multiple chances to.

Except at his core, he's fundamentally corrupt.
No one at DOJ is scared of anything of the sort. But you people are scared shitless that your savior...may actually wind up in an orange jumpsuit (fitting color for him! :)) over this debacle..that appears on the surface, he could have avoided..and was given multiple chances to.

Except at his core, he's fundamentally corrupt.
Then where is Garland today?... where are the charges?... where is the prosecution?.... all I see is persecution of a former president....
Has nothing to do with approving. It’s the presidents power. It has to do with executing that power. He has the power to do it. The question is whether he actually executed it. If he did then there would be paperwork.
And you know this how?
So are you arguing the section labeled reasons to believe that NDI is at Mar a Lago doesn’t talk about why they think NDI is at Mar a Lago?

Cmon. I don’t have all day to explain this stuff.
So, you're guessing....Then my advice is that you shouldn't talk about what you don't know.
Searches are done at the end of an investigation, they usually precede charges...The fact that this has been done shows that they are done investigating....My guess is that there will be no charges forthcoming.
Then where is Garland today?... where are the charges?... where is the prosecution?.... all I see is persecution of a former president....
Why does Garland need to be anywhere? The AG doesn't need to answer any questions. This was the release of the information contained in the search warrant. No charges need to be filed for that to happen. Garland is letting the system take care of itself and Biden is letting Garland run the show, hands off. EXACTLY the way it should be and EXACTLY what DIDN'T happen in the last administration.

Trump...did all that to himself.
It happens, when at your core, you're fundamentally corrupt.
Why does Garland need to be anywhere? The AG doesn't need to answer any questions. This was the release of the information contained in the search warrant. No charges need to be filed for that to happen. Garland is letting the system take care of itself and Biden is letting Garland run the show, hands off. EXACTLY the way it should be and EXACTLY what DIDN'T happen in the last administration.

Trump...did all that to himself.
It happens, when at your core, you're fundamentally corrupt.
Why has bidens story changed?... he said he didn't know about the raid and when people called bullshit now he says he wasn't briefed before the raid.... words mean things.... he is being dishonest... why?...
Moron. He was President when he declassified the documents. I could tell a fetus that much and it might understand.

So Bwk you’re less intelligent than a fetus.
Your boy more then likely has endangered the lives of live sources doing intel work. Not only that, some of the affidavit was redacted to protect the lives of investigators, witnesses & whover else is talking to the FBI because that bastard Trump can't be trusted NOT to endanger THEM.

That son of a bitch Trump is a domestic terrorist who should be locked up in a Super Max for the rest of his miserable life.

There's more to this, a lot more but you Trump asslickers are afraid of the truth. But guess what? That motherfucker Trump may walk on this because some of those documents that he stole can never see the light of day for ANY reason which includes at a trial for that traitor that you putz's glorify. Happy now?
Your boy more then likely has endangered the lives of live sources doing intel work. Not only that, some of the affidavit was redacted to protect the lives of investigators, witnesses & whover else is talking to the FBI because that bastard Trump can't be trusted NOT to endanger THEM.

That son of a bitch Trump is a domestic terrorist who should be locked up in a Super Max for the rest of his miserable life.

There's more to this, a lot more but you Trump asslickers are afraid of the truth. But guess what? That motherfucker Trump may walk on this because some of those documents that he stole can never see the light of day for ANY reason which includes at a trial for that traitor that you putz's glorify. Happy now?
Please show the class where the affidavit says "more than likely"?
Your boy more then likely has endangered the lives of live sources doing intel work. Not only that, some of the affidavit was redacted to protect the lives of investigators, witnesses & whover else is talking to the FBI because that bastard Trump can't be trusted NOT to endanger THEM.

That son of a bitch Trump is a domestic terrorist who should be locked up in a Super Max for the rest of his miserable life.

There's more to this, a lot more but you Trump asslickers are afraid of the truth. But guess what? That motherfucker Trump may walk on this because some of those documents that he stole can never see the light of day for ANY reason which includes at a trial for that traitor that you putz's glorify. Happy now?

Bull Scat..., How quickly you brainwashed Lefties forget the clusterfuck created by Joey Xi Bai Dung last year.
If anyone has damaged America's National Security no one has to look further than Joey Xi.
All he has brought is death, inflation, food shortage and weakness before our enemies.

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