Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

You would be the experts on that

Again...bizarre this egotistical belief that everyone wants to be a man and/or have a penis. :lol:

Then why do you want to be gay?

Being hetero is the way Nature, God or Gaia (whatever you believe) intended us to be.

It is nature's way. It is the standard, the norm, the way we're supposed to be.

Being BORN homosexual is not normal, it is not natural and it is not God's way -- Again, depending on what you believe.

Should we TOLERATE homosexuals? Yes, especially if they're a mistake of Nature. In fact, we could almost ACCEPT them if they're the result of a natural mistake.

But most of them aren't. Most of them are just sexual deviants driven to their deviancy by social, cultural or familial aberrations.

Should we TOLERATE them? Of course. They are human beings and deserve our tolerance, our love and our understanding.

But that's not what the SCUM on the left is asking for. They want it to become the NORM. They want us to treat homosexuality the same way we treat Heterosexuality.

And THAT is unnatural. That is NOT the way God, Nature or Gaia intended.

Tolerance is one thing, ACCEPTANCE is quite another.

Let me ask you to think about something...... What kind of culture, what kind of civilization looks at the Human Race as an enemy?

What kind of Alien sickness is it that thinks Humans are the enemy?

Answer -- dimocrap scum

You people are just stupid.

And sick

Yeah, 'cause being referred to by an epithet makes you a real man, right?

It's a sport where shit talk is part of the game dumbass.

Racial or bigoted epithets are not trash talk and if you have to use them you're not much of a human let alone a man.

I don't quite agree. racial and/or whatever you call bigoted epithets have a basis in fact. They're usually pretty funny. If you have a sense of humor.

Using them to promote hate though, is a different animal altogether. Most people who talk trash have NO idea what real hatred is.
Again...bizarre this egotistical belief that everyone wants to be a man and/or have a penis. :lol:

then why do dykes use strapons and not the real thing?

For one thing, not all do. Oh, and the dildo isn't attached to a man. Apparently you don't understand attraction.

I know they all dont.......but i was saying for those that do since we were discussing that. Why have sex with a chick and a fake dick and not go for the real thing? As for the attraction, i like the ladies, so are you asking about the attraction women have for each other or for dildos?
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Sexual deviants? The porn industry is a billion dollar industry in the United States. I guess it's nothing but progressives that fuel this industry. Every Republican or Democratic national convention has prostitutes flocking to the cities that hold them. Get off your fucking high horse.

Yet I bet if the NFL player that said that the two men kissing was 'horrible' had instead commented about how porn is 'horrible' for our society, he wouldn't have been fined and reprimanded. :eusa_whistle:

You have to decide whether you support private companies doing anything they want to or not. You cant sit on the fence or change sides only when you dont like it.

I'm just merely pointing out the double standard of how they're basically being forced to tow the progressive PC line. If gays thinks that means the NFL supports them, then they're pretty foolish. It's like I said in an earlier post, you may force people to conform to a certain behavior by forcing punishment on them, i.e. oppressing them, but you're not changing how they really feel about it.
Yes, that's in the actual definition of the word "homophobia". Look it up.

And if they're natually disgusted by it, what should they be feeling instead? Do you think it's okay to tell someone how they should feel about something, or do you just believe it's your right to control how they express their feelings because you don't agree with them? And if your cause is to oppress people from stating their true feelings, what progress are you making really? Do you think that because people are silent that their thoughts have changed?

I don't care what generation a heterosexual male grows up in or how much they're taught that being homosexual is ' a okay', they're going to be naturally repulsed by seeing two men kissing in a sexual manner, that's just a basic biological fact. And yet you want them to be punished for how they naturally feel, sound familiar?

I'm just as disgusted when I watch a morbidly obese couple kiss in public. I'm just as disgusted when I see someone in public who has had a close relationship with LOTS of plastic surgery. I'm just as disgusted when I see guys in public with comb overs or mullets or beer guts and the "crack of dawn". But....and this is the most important point....I don't legislate against those things.

Way to totally ignore the point of my post.

What does legislation have anything to do with anything I said? And I bet you could tweet how 'horrible' any of those situations are, but you wouldn't be fined for saying so or feeling so.
Yes, that's in the actual definition of the word "homophobia". Look it up.

And if they're natually disgusted by it, what should they be feeling instead? Do you think it's okay to tell someone how they should feel about something, or do you just believe it's your right to control how they express their feelings because you don't agree with them? And if your cause is to oppress people from stating their true feelings, what progress are you making really? Do you think that because people are silent that their thoughts have changed?

I don't care what generation a heterosexual male grows up in or how much they're taught that being homosexual is ' a okay', they're going to be naturally repulsed by seeing two men kissing in a sexual manner, that's just a basic biological fact. And yet you want them to be punished for how they naturally feel, sound familiar?

People were and still are disgusted by interracial relationships. They learned not to say it out loud..,you will too.

Well thanks for affirming that you're okay imposing your beliefs and forcing others to conform to your moral standards or else they'll be treated exactly as you felt you were treated being a gay person. Punish people for how they feel and force them to conform to socieities standards, exactly what happened to gays until very recently in history. Nice to know that you support it for others, just so it's not you. Hypocrits abound. You lose any credibility to have an opinion on it as far as I'm concerned.
Again...bizarre this egotistical belief that everyone wants to be a man and/or have a penis. :lol:

Homosexuality is evolutions little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool." :thup:

It's good for the species that you don't reproduce, Shortbus.
1/2 the Kilt agrees with people Losing their Jobs if they don't agree with her Sexual Defiance or DARE to voice their Opinion via the 1st Amendment.

We are in a bad way in the Country...



What, I thought ya'll liked those "right to work" states. You don't have a right to play for the NFL or have a TV show. I have to be very careful about the things I say at's not a 1st Amendment issue.

You already knew that just needed another gay thread. Haven't met your quota for the month?

^Supports Reeducation Camps... :thup:



Many a truth are made in jest. They'd gas you too.
This is one of the funniest topics I have read in a long time. Bigots pontificating about what gays think, do, feel, and want. Making shit up on the fly. The straw men are piled as high as Mt. Everest.

You guys are cracking me up!

This is one of the funniest topics I have read in a long time. Bigots pontificating about what gays think, do, feel, and want. Making shit up on the fly. The straw men are piled as high as Mt. Everest.

You guys are cracking me up!


Bout as dumb as progressives pontificating about gays think, do feel, and want.

The straw men ARE piling up. Might want to check you height. You seem to be sitting atop the pile.
This is one of the funniest topics I have read in a long time. Bigots pontificating about what gays think, do, feel, and want. Making shit up on the fly. The straw men are piled as high as Mt. Everest.

You guys are cracking me up!


Yeah Edge saying that men enjoy a dick in the ass because they dont want to be responsible is like the wackiest shit I've heard on the internet. And I've seen 2 girls 1 cup!
This is one of the funniest topics I have read in a long time. Bigots pontificating about what gays think, do, feel, and want. Making shit up on the fly. The straw men are piled as high as Mt. Everest.

You guys are cracking me up!


Yeah Edge saying that men enjoy a dick in the ass because they dont want to be responsible is like the wackiest shit I've heard on the internet. And I've seen 2 girls 1 cup!

So 2 girls one cup is cool with you? Normal waverage stuff, eh? Try, youll love it
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then why do dykes use strapons and not the real thing?

Ok, for the record this is a stupid question. Why dont lesbians use real dicks? Really?

How so, if you want cock attached to a person, grab a dude. If you want to do it yourself, then grab a dildo. Are you keeping up or is it too fast?

Do you yell at people who buy nuggets to go grab a chicken? There are more option than just what you want them to do. If it gets too confusing just remember people arent going to do what you want them too. You're not the boss of anyone.
Ok, for the record this is a stupid question. Why dont lesbians use real dicks? Really?

How so, if you want cock attached to a person, grab a dude. If you want to do it yourself, then grab a dildo. Are you keeping up or is it too fast?

Do you yell at people who buy nuggets to go grab a chicken? There are more option than just what you want them to do. If it gets too confusing just remember people arent going to do what you want them too. You're not the boss of anyone.

i never said imwas the boss of anyone. Im a right winger i want less coercian from the govt, you want more

As for the chicken analogy its a little off. Ill explain so you understand. Ok if i want nuggets, its a different kind of chicken, well call that muff divng.

Now lets say you want a chicken breast, why would you eat 5 nuggets, when you can have chicken parmasean?

so if someone says ******, why do you try and boss them?

Why does that bother you more than two guys buttfucking?

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