Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Nope, you need a member of the opposite sex to procreate. Are you so simple as to not realize that the ONLY way a same sex couple can procreate is to bring in a member of the opposite sex.

It's actually funny you don't see that.

So? It doesn't have to be a straight guy. :lol:

It's funny you think procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Actually, that's delusional.

Procreation is a biological function that has nothing to do with Man's dumbass legislation. The fact is, minus a bunch of leftwing scientists and legislation, procreation require a male and female of the same species. Not two males, not two females, not a clinic that can inject a female with sperm.

There's no delusion in that.

So you can name the state where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage? No? Color me shocked.
PLEASE, Conservatives, put your guns in your mouths and pull the trigger. We get it. You hate gay people. They make you feel icky and have naughty thoughts. We get it.

But you only have two options: grow up or kill yourselves. Gay people are going to exist whether you like it or not, and fuck yourselves if you don't like it because your ignorant fairy tale religion will never be American law. You can't write a law against homosexuality, and you can't write a law promoting your religion as the one true life path, so either grow up or shoot yourselves in the head.
Homosexuality is evolutions little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool." :thup:

It's good for the species that you don't reproduce, Shortbus.

Ah, but we do...guess that makes you the "short bus" doesn't it?

Nope, you need a member of the opposite sex to procreate. Are you so simple as to not realize that the ONLY way a same sex couple can procreate is to bring in a member of the opposite sex.

It's actually funny you don't see that.

Are you so fucking ignorant that you don't know there's more than one way to procreate than sticking a dick into a pussy?
It's amazing you think we're devolving by being more tolerant and accepting of our fellow Americans.

"Tolerant" is a the opposite, an antonym of "discernment."

Discernment is the foundation of civilization. Civilized people don't tolerate unbathed miscreants who fail to control primal urges and shit in the streets, on carpets, rape and steal without regard.

Yes, you advocate the disintegration of society, the return to animal urges instead of controlled actions.
So? It doesn't have to be a straight guy. :lol:

It's funny you think procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Actually, that's delusional.

Sperm meets egg = heterosexual act.

I swear, there is not a leftist on Earth with even a rudimentary grasp of basic biology...

That doesn't matter... So in that SeaBiscuit supports Sibling Marriage 100%...

Using all of SeaBiscuit's "arguments" of course. :thup:


The Iraq war was a greater insult to human decency than gay guys fucking. You have some really fucked up morals if you think otherwise.
Ah, but we do...guess that makes you the "short bus" doesn't it?

Nope, you need a member of the opposite sex to procreate. Are you so simple as to not realize that the ONLY way a same sex couple can procreate is to bring in a member of the opposite sex.

It's actually funny you don't see that.

Are you so fucking ignorant that you don't know there's more than one way to procreate than sticking a dick into a pussy?

Man/Man and Woman/Woman have never... Not one time in the History of Human Existence.

There is only one way... Man/Woman. :thup:


Ah, but we do...guess that makes you the "short bus" doesn't it?

Nope, you need a member of the opposite sex to procreate. Are you so simple as to not realize that the ONLY way a same sex couple can procreate is to bring in a member of the opposite sex.

It's actually funny you don't see that.

So? It doesn't have to be a straight guy. :lol:

It's funny you think procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Actually, that's delusional.

It has to be a guy. It takes one from each gender. Get the logic?

Even when you have a picture drawn for you, you must deflect from reality, then again, you must.
The Iraq war was a greater insult to human decency than gay guys fucking. You have some really fucked up morals if you think otherwise.

Sometimes I meet homosexuals and wonder "what flaw is evolution trying to correct by removing him from the gene pool?"

With you, it's painfully obvious! :thup:

The world rejoices that your flawed DNA ends with you.
What does procreation matter? If homosexuals are supposed to be "weeded out" of the gene pool then why are there still so many millions of gay people all over the world across every continent and in every culture?

Since you Conservatives cannot write a law prohibiting gay people from existing, you need to grow up or just kill yourselves. Gay people are allowed to do and say and be exactly as everyone else. They aren't breaking any laws so just shut the fuck about it. One passage in a 2,000-year-old bedtime story says that gay people are an abomination. And yet the First Amendment prohibits that 2k-yo fairy tale from becoming US law, so that fairy tale passage is entirely pointless in America.

Learn how to progress, Conservatives.
The Iraq war was a greater insult to human decency than gay guys fucking. You have some really fucked up morals if you think otherwise.

Sometimes I meet homosexuals and wonder "what flaw is evolution trying to correct by removing him from the gene pool?"

With you, it's painfully obvious! :thup:

The world rejoices that your flawed DNA ends with you.
Actually, I'm not gay and I can prove. I just hate Conservative "Christians" who want to erode the Constitution in order to pass laws based on their small-minded interpretation of religion to try to prevent gay people from being gay. It is not your place to dictate if two grown consenting adults can or cannot get married.

Learn how to progress, Conservative.
Actually, I'm not gay and I can prove. I just hate Conservative "Christians" who want to erode the Constitution in order to pass laws based on their small-minded interpretation of religion to try to prevent gay people from being gay. It is not your place to dictate if two grown consenting adults can or cannot get married.

Learn how to progress, Conservative.

So, marriage is in the Constitution, comrade?

The unabashed communist dictionary defines "progress" as the regression of society and people into an animalistic state.

If people follow you leftists, the species will be shedding lungs and crawling back into the swamps in no time. :thup:
Actually, I'm not gay and I can prove. I just hate Conservative "Christians" who want to erode the Constitution in order to pass laws based on their small-minded interpretation of religion to try to prevent gay people from being gay. It is not your place to dictate if two grown consenting adults can or cannot get married.

Learn how to progress, Conservative.

So, marriage is in the Constitution, comrade?

Equal protection under the laws is.
I think that twenty five or fifty years from now, people are going to cringe at this era when it comes gay rights. Ashamed of the acceptance of something so obviously perverse &then soaked with wealth and money. Something so amoral and vile can steer American politics, it makes you wonder about the fate of the human race. Then there is the Military industrial complex, the NRA, big oil companies, and Illegal immigrant lobby all pretty much doing the same thing. Buying their way into righteousness. And most of us are going to regret that, too.
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If people had not insisted the government get all up in their marriages, we would not even be having this debate.

HETEROS: We demand a thousand gifts and privileges from the government just for being married!

UNCLE SAM: Here you go.

TH3 GAYZ: We want the exact same thing.

HETEROS: No fucking way! These fags think they are special. :mad::mad::mad:
Gay marriage is NOT prohibited by any law in any state. Gay marriage is therefore legal in all 50 states.

You're going to have to accept that fact. You can find some peace of mind in knowing that the Constitution prohibits US law from forcing churches to perform gay weddings. But as far as denying gay marriage altogether, it cannot happen. That is unconstitutional because it denies gays and lesbians their right to live their lives the way they see fit.

There are laws against bigomy, there are laws against polygamy, there are laws against incest, child rape, bestiality, etc. But there is not and can not be any law that prohibits gay marriage between two consenting adults. Just accept these facts.

Gay marriage does not effect you any more than your own imagination allows it to.
If the government was not all up in our marriage institution, two homos getting married by a riverbank wouldn't mean fuck-all to anybody.

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