Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

How so, if you want cock attached to a person, grab a dude. If you want to do it yourself, then grab a dildo. Are you keeping up or is it too fast?

Do you yell at people who buy nuggets to go grab a chicken? There are more option than just what you want them to do. If it gets too confusing just remember people arent going to do what you want them too. You're not the boss of anyone.

i never said imwas the boss of anyone.

Ok, so let them take a dildo the way they want too. Since you arent the boss "making sense" to you doesnt matter. See?

Im a right winger i want less coercian from the govt, you want more

As for the chicken analogy its a little off. Ill explain so you understand. Ok if i want nuggets, its a different kind of chicken, well call that muff divng.

Now lets say you want a chicken breast, why would you eat 5 nuggets, when you can have chicken parmasean?

so if someone says ******, why do you try and boss them?

Why does that bother you more than two guys buttfucking?

WTF are you talking about? You just went wackadoodle
I come to this site now and then to see what new low level of lying, false accusations, and downright stupidity the Left has sunk to.

If, or when, a giant asteroid hits right in the middle of America, if any Liberals survive they'll say it's got nothing to do with God destroying mankind for it's sins.
Do you yell at people who buy nuggets to go grab a chicken? There are more option than just what you want them to do. If it gets too confusing just remember people arent going to do what you want them too. You're not the boss of anyone.

i never said imwas the boss of anyone.

Ok, so let them take a dildo the way they want too. Since you arent the boss "making sense" to you doesnt matter. See?

Im a right winger i want less coercian from the govt, you want more

As for the chicken analogy its a little off. Ill explain so you understand. Ok if i want nuggets, its a different kind of chicken, well call that muff divng.

Now lets say you want a chicken breast, why would you eat 5 nuggets, when you can have chicken parmasean?

so if someone says ******, why do you try and boss them?

Why does that bother you more than two guys buttfucking?

WTF are you talking about? You just went wackadoodle

So you dont understand a couple of questions?

Ok, so ill have to break it down

First when you say im acting lime a boss, what does that mean? Im assuming you saying that im trying to tell others what to do, is that correct?
I come to this site now and then to see what new low level of lying, false accusations, and downright stupidity the Left has sunk to.

If, or when, a giant asteroid hits right in the middle of America, if any Liberals survive they'll say it's got nothing to do with God destroying mankind for it's sins.

Yes, God throws asteroids at middle America to punish TH3 GAYZ.

BWA-HA-HA-HA! That's some God you got there!

I know that is what you want. Lots of death and destruction. God smiting infidels and shit. Getting his hands dirty killing innocent people in middle America so you don't have to. Thanks for pointing that out.

But those raghead THERE is a cult of hate, AMIRIGHT?

Like I keep saying, the new Right is a suicide cult.
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I come to this site now and then to see what new low level of lying, false accusations, and downright stupidity the Left has sunk to.

If, or when, a giant asteroid hits right in the middle of America, if any Liberals survive they'll say it's got nothing to do with God destroying mankind for it's sins.


perhaps that's because it would be a random event.

but I suspect G-d would be much more concerned with the so-called devout who know nothing about tolerance, kindness or their religion.
I come to this site now and then to see what new low level of lying, false accusations, and downright stupidity the Left has sunk to.

If, or when, a giant asteroid hits right in the middle of America, if any Liberals survive they'll say it's got nothing to do with God destroying mankind for it's sins.

He was such an angry God, but then he had a Son and mellowed out a bit.......
i never said imwas the boss of anyone.

Ok, so let them take a dildo the way they want too. Since you arent the boss "making sense" to you doesnt matter. See?

Im a right winger i want less coercian from the govt, you want more

As for the chicken analogy its a little off. Ill explain so you understand. Ok if i want nuggets, its a different kind of chicken, well call that muff divng.

Now lets say you want a chicken breast, why would you eat 5 nuggets, when you can have chicken parmasean?

so if someone says ******, why do you try and boss them?

Why does that bother you more than two guys buttfucking?

WTF are you talking about? You just went wackadoodle

So you dont understand a couple of questions?

Ok, so ill have to break it down

First when you say im acting lime a boss, what does that mean? Im assuming you saying that im trying to tell others what to do, is that correct?

Yes or your way is the only way
I remember a few years back during the Super Bowl there was a commercial with two guys sharing a chocolate bar on each end and ended up mouth to mouth. They aired it just once. It looked too much like a couple of fags sucking a turd and got some flack over it. Most normal guys are going to be repulsed by a couple of guys kissing, probably 95% of them. I know I won't watch it and will drop watching football if they try to normalize it.
then why do dykes use strapons and not the real thing?

For one thing, not all do. Oh, and the dildo isn't attached to a man. Apparently you don't understand attraction.

I know they all dont.......but i was saying for those that do since we were discussing that. Why have sex with a chick and a fake dick and not go for the real thing? As for the attraction, i like the ladies, so are you asking about the attraction women have for each other or for dildos?

Because the man is attached to it. What part of that don't you get? Some lesbians enjoy do some straight men.
And if they're natually disgusted by it, what should they be feeling instead? Do you think it's okay to tell someone how they should feel about something, or do you just believe it's your right to control how they express their feelings because you don't agree with them? And if your cause is to oppress people from stating their true feelings, what progress are you making really? Do you think that because people are silent that their thoughts have changed?

I don't care what generation a heterosexual male grows up in or how much they're taught that being homosexual is ' a okay', they're going to be naturally repulsed by seeing two men kissing in a sexual manner, that's just a basic biological fact. And yet you want them to be punished for how they naturally feel, sound familiar?

People were and still are disgusted by interracial relationships. They learned not to say it out loud..,you will too.

Well thanks for affirming that you're okay imposing your beliefs and forcing others to conform to your moral standards or else they'll be treated exactly as you felt you were treated being a gay person. Punish people for how they feel and force them to conform to socieities standards, exactly what happened to gays until very recently in history. Nice to know that you support it for others, just so it's not you. Hypocrits abound. You lose any credibility to have an opinion on it as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, I support the free market doing it, not the government. I'm not sorry it's not socially acceptable to express disgust, openly, over interracial relationships...and gay ones.
I'm just merely pointing out the double standard of how they're basically being forced to tow the progressive PC line. If gays thinks that means the NFL supports them, then they're pretty foolish. It's like I said in an earlier post, you may force people to conform to a certain behavior by forcing punishment on them, i.e. oppressing them, but you're not changing how they really feel about it.

I love how not being a bigot and not approving of bigotry is suddenly "towing the PC line".
I'm not a football fan, but I don't think any of the other draftees were shown kissing or hugging their significant others. It is a private moment, eh?

The Gay Mafia rules.

Reeeeeaaaallly? Never before seen eh? :lol:

You guys are so funny...

Gross. Disgusting. Weird. Watching NFL players kiss wives, girlfriends






And every one of those pictures are logical. Sam's kiss was illogical.
I don't care what generation a heterosexual male grows up in or how much they're taught that being homosexual is ' a okay', they're going to be naturally repulsed by seeing two men kissing in a sexual manner, that's just a basic biological fact. And yet you want them to be punished for how they naturally feel, sound familiar?

i'd like to see the psychological or biological study that backs up your assertion
I come to this site now and then to see what new low level of lying, false accusations, and downright stupidity the Left has sunk to.

If, or when, a giant asteroid hits right in the middle of America, if any Liberals survive they'll say it's got nothing to do with God destroying mankind for it's sins.

He was such an angry God, but then he had a Son and mellowed out a bit.......

Yeah, a lot of haters mellow out when they find out their kids are gay too.
Again...bizarre this egotistical belief that everyone wants to be a man and/or have a penis. :lol:

Homosexuality is evolutions little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool." :thup:

It's good for the species that you don't reproduce, Shortbus.

Ah, but we do...guess that makes you the "short bus" doesn't it?

Nope, you need a member of the opposite sex to procreate. Are you so simple as to not realize that the ONLY way a same sex couple can procreate is to bring in a member of the opposite sex.

It's actually funny you don't see that.
Homosexuality is evolutions little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool." :thup:

It's good for the species that you don't reproduce, Shortbus.

Ah, but we do...guess that makes you the "short bus" doesn't it?

Nope, you need a member of the opposite sex to procreate. Are you so simple as to not realize that the ONLY way a same sex couple can procreate is to bring in a member of the opposite sex.

It's actually funny you don't see that.

So? It doesn't have to be a straight guy. :lol:

It's funny you think procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Actually, that's delusional.
Ah, but we do...guess that makes you the "short bus" doesn't it?

Nope, you need a member of the opposite sex to procreate. Are you so simple as to not realize that the ONLY way a same sex couple can procreate is to bring in a member of the opposite sex.

It's actually funny you don't see that.

So? It doesn't have to be a straight guy. :lol:

It's funny you think procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Actually, that's delusional.

Procreation is a biological function that has nothing to do with Man's dumbass legislation. The fact is, minus a bunch of leftwing scientists and legislation, procreation require a male and female of the same species. Not two males, not two females, not a clinic that can inject a female with sperm.

There's no delusion in that.

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