Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

If people had not insisted the government get all up in their marriages, we would not even be having this debate.

HETEROS: We demand a thousand gifts and privileges from the government just for being married!

UNCLE SAM: Here you go.

TH3 GAYZ: We want the exact same thing.

HETEROS: No fucking way! These fags think they are special. :mad::mad::mad:

Link?... :dunno:


Gay marriage is NOT prohibited by any law in any state. Gay marriage is therefore legal in all 50 states.

Yep. But they still don't have equal protection under the law. I don't know how many times this has to be hammered into y'alls heads.

They do not get the federal cash and prizes the rest of us get when we get married. Cash and prizes provided to us by federal laws.

Get it now?
I think that twenty five or fifty years from now, people are going to cringe at this era when it comes gay rights. Ashamed of the acceptance of something so obviously perverse &then soaked with wealth and money. Something so amoral and vile can steer American politics, it makes you wonder about the fate of the human race. Then there is the Military industrial complex, the NRA, big oil companies, and Illegal immigrant lobby all pretty much doing the same thing. Buying their way into righteousness. And most of us are going to regret that, too.

Sez the wench with a Victorian-era woman in her avatar.
If people had not insisted the government get all up in their marriages, we would not even be having this debate.

HETEROS: We demand a thousand gifts and privileges from the government just for being married!

UNCLE SAM: Here you go.

TH3 GAYZ: We want the exact same thing.

HETEROS: No fucking way! These fags think they are special. :mad::mad::mad:

Link?... :dunno:



Really? You did not know this? You guys have been so busy constructing fallacies and straw men in your heads about gays you did not actually catch on to what they are asking for?



An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples

There are 1,138 benefits, rights and protections provided on the basis of marital status in Federal law.
The Iraq war was a greater insult to human decency than gay guys fucking. You have some really fucked up morals if you think otherwise.

Yup, freeing millions of Iraqis from rape-rooms, torture camps, and oppression at the hands of Saddam and his sick sons was indecent.

Course Obama got praised for doing it in Libya and then leaving the place a bombed out shithole where terrorist run unfettered and pretty much do what they want to. But Obama can do whatever the fuck he wants because he loves the geys........

Love the double standard here.
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If people had not insisted the government get all up in their marriages, we would not even be having this debate.

HETEROS: We demand a thousand gifts and privileges from the government just for being married!

UNCLE SAM: Here you go.

TH3 GAYZ: We want the exact same thing.

HETEROS: No fucking way! These fags think they are special. :mad::mad::mad:

Link?... :dunno:



Here ya go!
Just try and take away all those government gifts from married people and watch them commence to howling like welfare queens.

The bigoted retards actually believe straight people will stop fucking if the government does not pay them to! Is that the funniest shit you have ever heard IN YOUR LIFE? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Gay marriage is NOT prohibited by any law in any state. Gay marriage is therefore legal in all 50 states.

Yep. But they still don't have equal protection under the law. I don't know how many times this has to be hammered into y'alls heads.

They do not get the federal cash and prizes the rest of us get when we get married. Cash and prizes provided to us by federal laws.

Get it now?
You don't have to explain it to me. Explain it to the Republicans and dogmatic right-wing Christian fascists who want to ban gay marriage. They swear that their motives don't have anything to do with the Bible but we all know that's a lie. It's the same way that they say that they hate Obama because he's a Kenyan and not because he's black.

But don't put too much effort into trying to convince Conservative Christian American Taliban Teabagger Republicans that they are wrong. These people still feel pride in being from Confederate states, as if being racist losers is a badge of honor. They can't learn or progress, that's what makes them "Conservative" by the very definition of the word. New information or any truth or logic that is counter to their predetermined opinion is "false libtard media propaganda" (even though the overwhelming majority of American media are owned by some of the richest corporations in the world which are nowhere near "liberal" or "progressive").
Actually, I'm not gay and I can prove. I just hate Conservative "Christians" who want to erode the Constitution in order to pass laws based on their small-minded interpretation of religion to try to prevent gay people from being gay. It is not your place to dictate if two grown consenting adults can or cannot get married.

Learn how to progress, Conservative.

So, marriage is in the Constitution, comrade?

Equal protection under the laws is.
And the Supreme Court decision that upheld the view that defining marriages between men and women is somehow unequal was....?
Equal protection under the laws is.
And the Supreme Court decision that upheld the view that defining marriages between men and women is somehow unequal was....?

It is coming. Don't you worry your pointy head about it. State Supreme Courts have already been ruling that way.

Maybe they can stop you'all from persecuting people for their religious beliefs while they're at it too.

That would be great.:D
And the Supreme Court decision that upheld the view that defining marriages between men and women is somehow unequal was....?

It is coming. Don't you worry your pointy head about it. State Supreme Courts have already been ruling that way.

Maybe they can stop you'all from persecuting people for their religious beliefs while they're at it too.

That would be great.:D

I'm a deeply religious Christian. Nice try. Just because I don't want to burn Muslims, blacks, Mexicans, and homosexuals in gas ovens doesn't mean I am persecuting anybody. Quite the opposite.
So? It doesn't have to be a straight guy. :lol:

It's funny you think procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Actually, that's delusional.

Sperm meets egg = heterosexual act.

I swear, there is not a leftist on Earth with even a rudimentary grasp of basic biology...

and yet nature decided we dont need a male and female to have life.

Asexual reproduction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I love these type of arguments where people say its not natural.

The real kicker is when people deiscover that being gay and this fight in the end, doesnt really matter.
I think that twenty five or fifty years from now, people are going to cringe at this era when it comes gay rights. Ashamed of the acceptance of something so obviously perverse &then soaked with wealth and money. Something so amoral and vile can steer American politics, it makes you wonder about the fate of the human race. Then there is the Military industrial complex, the NRA, big oil companies, and Illegal immigrant lobby all pretty much doing the same thing. Buying their way into righteousness. And most of us are going to regret that, too.

Sez the wench with a Victorian-era woman in her avatar.

Umm...really. Yes, I say that. I see YOUR avatar. Umm...I have known homosexuals in my life. Some not so good , some...well. Homosexuality is a dysfunction of human sexuality. I have a sense of history. And I know homos have a larger disposable income than straights and they are buying political favor with that money. And, that kiddo says this wench. Gays ALWAYS had rights same as anyone else.
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Equal protection under the laws is.
And the Supreme Court decision that upheld the view that defining marriages between men and women is somehow unequal was....?

It is coming. Don't you worry your pointy head about it. State Supreme Courts have already been ruling that way.
Based on the way state law was written. Or at least massaged into being. The Federal Supremes will be a tougher challenge since marriage isn't an individual and no federal law defines it so no rights have been violated if two brothers are denied, three women are denied or any combination is denied.
I think that twenty five or fifty years from now, people are going to cringe at this era when it comes gay rights. Ashamed of the acceptance of something so obviously perverse &then soaked with wealth and money. Something so amoral and vile can steer American politics, it makes you wonder about the fate of the human race. Then there is the Military industrial complex, the NRA, big oil companies, and Illegal immigrant lobby all pretty much doing the same thing. Buying their way into righteousness. And most of us are going to regret that, too.

Sez the wench with a Victorian-era woman in her avatar.

Umm...really. Yes, I say that. I see YOUR avatar. Umm...I have known homosexuals in my life. Some not so good , some...well. Homosexuality is a dysfunction of human sexuality. I have a sense of history. And I know homos have a larger disposable income than straights and they are buying political favor with that money. And, that kiddo says this wench. Gays ALWAYS had rights same as anyone else. you know buhlack people too?
I think that twenty five or fifty years from now, people are going to cringe at this era when it comes gay rights. Ashamed of the acceptance of something so obviously perverse &then soaked with wealth and money. Something so amoral and vile can steer American politics, it makes you wonder about the fate of the human race. Then there is the Military industrial complex, the NRA, big oil companies, and Illegal immigrant lobby all pretty much doing the same thing. Buying their way into righteousness. And most of us are going to regret that, too.

Sez the wench with a Victorian-era woman in her avatar.

Umm...really. Yes, I say that. I see YOUR avatar. Umm...I have known homosexuals in my life. Some not so good , some...well. Homosexuality is a dysfunction of human sexuality. I have a sense of history. And I know homos have a larger disposable income than straights and they are buying political favor with that money. And, that kiddo says this wench. Gays ALWAYS had rights same as anyone else.

You say you know history and then say gays always had the same rights as everyone else.

It is coming. Don't you worry your pointy head about it. State Supreme Courts have already been ruling that way.

Maybe they can stop you'all from persecuting people for their religious beliefs while they're at it too.

That would be great.:D

I'm a deeply religious Christian. Nice try. Just because I don't want to burn Muslims, blacks, Mexicans, and homosexuals in gas ovens doesn't mean I am persecuting anybody. Quite the opposite.

I love this. Who wanted to burn any of those and youre a deeply religious christian?

if uoumwere a christian you wouldnt misrepresent peoples positions. Like i can say the left likes pedophiles, why? Because they love harvey miok, harry hay, allen ginsberg, and probably more.

i dont know of any conservatives that want to burn muslims, homos or blacks

unless you mean not voting for their policies is the same thing, then youd be a fucking tard.

Now your a deeply religious christian that loves babies killed, homos, and hell just hedonism all around, so do read the bible? You know jesus says some pretty tough stuff, hes not all lovry dovey like liberals portray him.
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i'd like to see the psychological or biological study that backs up your assertion

Watching queers kiss is like watching a dog eat a turd. Even if I accept that it is normal for them to do, it's utterly disgusting and repulsive.

we all have our hobbies, granted yours seems a bit weird.

^^^this coming from someone who thinks men kissing men is normal

You simply can't make this stuff up folks

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