Reflections on Regan: Ronald Regan caused this homeless/immigrant crisis. Sorry. He defunded mental health care and drug treatment programs.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Reflections on Regan: Ronald Regan caused this homeless/immigrant crisis. Sorry. He defunded mental health care and drug treatment programs. I literally was told by INS agents : Regan's policies did this. And here we are.
In all seriousness though, (and I have my criticisms of Reagan's immigration policy), to pretend there's a straight line between the Gipper and Biden is downright ludicrous.

What is happening now is literally unprecedented.
Reflections on Regan: Ronald Regan caused this homeless/immigrant crisis. Sorry. He defunded mental health care and drug treatment programs. I literally was told by INS agents : Regan's policies did this. And here we are.
The ACLU sued the government and forced the closure of mental health facilities. The government didn’t even fund drug treatment programs. Drug use was a crime and the laws were enforced. Reagan unwisely compromised with Tip O’Neil and the democrats. Amnesty for the illegals already here and real border security and employer sanctions from then on. As always happens, once the democrats got their pound of flesh, they reneged on the deal. Reagan was too good a person and far too trusting.
The ACLU sued the government and forced the closure of mental health facilities. The government didn’t even fund drug treatment programs. Drug use was a crime and the laws were enforced. Reagan unwisely compromised with Tip O’Neil and the democrats. Amnesty for the illegals already here and real border security and employer sanctions from then on. As always happens, once the democrats got their pound of flesh, they reneged on the deal. Reagan was too good a person and far too trusting.

That seems to be a fault among Republican Presidents. GW wasn't all that bad, but too trusting of the Democrats. Same with Trump: Great President but too trusting of other Republicans.
Reflections on Regan: Ronald Regan caused this homeless/immigrant crisis. Sorry. He defunded mental health care and drug treatment programs. I literally was told by INS agents : Regan's policies did this. And here we are.
It was Jimmy(the peanut) Carter with his liberal compassion that emptied the mental facilities that kept insane people safe from hurting themselves or other people. President Ronald Reagan decided that if there wasnt people living in those mental facilities anymore, instead of wasting money keeping them open, it would save the tax payer each year with closing them.

If you are going to bitch about homelessness/illegal immigration problems blame the Marxists/Demofascists and their voters for the shit that is happening...
In all seriousness though, (and I have my criticisms of Reagan's immigration policy), to pretend there's a straight line between the Gipper and Biden is downright ludicrous.

What is happening now is literally unprecedented.
Tipp Oniel made a promise to President Reagan that is he the President gave amnesty to the 6 million illegals that had entered, the fucker Tipp would give funding to close the border. Of course Tipp lied and we still have the problem today.
You blaming Reagan for what Obama had 8 long years to fix, yet Obama failed to do so. Obama never liked black people as a whole; so he was never going to even attempt to fix any homeless issues.

Obama was a dumb president. He never knew how to start a business, and neither does his college educated daughters. Obama is the dumbest president of all. He was in the White House for nearly two full years and did not know how to balance the budget nor that he was suppose to.
Reflections on Regan: Ronald Regan caused this homeless/immigrant crisis. Sorry. He defunded mental health care and drug treatment programs. I literally was told by INS agents : Regan's policies did this. And here we are.

Wrong, read the true history.

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During Reagan's term in office homelessness wasn't even rampant.

Homelessness grew, got out of hand, and became epidemic under Obama's terms in office. It was under Obama's term in office that Jaimie Fox did the homeless movie in 2009 "The Soloist" about skid row's homelessness in California. The timeline of life will show forth the truth. A black man did this movie while a black man was the president of America.

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