Reid: Everyone is lying

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

The disgraceful Harry Reid, one of America’s most corrupt politicians, a man who has mysteriously gotten rich as a public employee, is losing his grip. This has been going on for a while; remember his insane claim during the 2012 presidential campaign that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay any taxes? Today the subject was Obamacare. Reid, probably because he sees his position as majority leader slipping away on account of popular revulsion toward Obamacare, went on a hysterical rant against those who criticize the Democrats’ signature legislation:
Across the country Americans who were once denied insurance because they suffered for something like cancer or as simple as acne have been able to buy affordable health insurance they could afford and could trust. Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.
Got that? Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie! With more than five million people already having been booted off their existing coverage by the ACA, that’s a whole lot of liars.

Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line
Harry is looking at presidential approval numbers and worse yet the trendline. Opposed federal officeholders and candidates of the same party as the sitting president tend on average to the same numbers as presidential approval with an SD of 5% at midterms. If you throw out the Rasmussen outlier the numbers look surreal for the Ds because Ds are less likely to vote in mid-terms with D + 2 polling numbers the normal breakeven point.
I noticed that the libs here won't argue this point, because they know Harry Reid was lying.

They choose to simply ignore what's going on and start looking for more bridge closings.
Typical strawman argument. He claims we're all just making it up. We're just making up "If you like your insurance or your doctor you can keep it, period". He claims we're making up the fact that Obama has delayed implementation of the ACA numerous times because of the massive impact it's already had on millions of families........all lies according to Harry Reid.

What a despicable man.


"Democrats, we don't have to make things up."
[ame=]Republicans Make Up Tall Tales About Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
Democrats will pay a huge price for Reid's words; that's why he attempted to walk that back before he even left the podium, with an attack on the Koch brothers instead. (ad hominem)
Harry Reid is simply piss poor protoplasm!

If you want to know what's wrong with Washington just get out a picture of Harry Reid.

I blame the establishment Republicans for the fact that Reid is still in office. They refused to support his opponent during the 2010 election. This is why we're in this mess. Nothing happens because Harry Reid won't do anything but give ridiculous speeches.
The majority leader, the 2nd/3rd most powerful single individual in an open Senate floor said that everyone who is having problems with Obamacare is lying.
Think about that.
But all the high-profile well-publicized horror stories were lies, which is what Reid was speaking of. It's extremely dishonest of powerline to take Reid out of context like that. They lied big about Reid. And all the conservatives here approve and join in with the lie. When TheParty commands them to worship the latest lie, they all instantly drop to their knees. And then they get so upset because nobody outside of their right-wing-fringe cult pays any attention to what they're crying about this time.

So what's the source of the conservative panic? They put all of their eggs in the "Repeal ObamaCare!" basket, and it's dawning on them what a mistake that was. They can't repeal a successful program, but they swore to do it and have no Plan B. They'll probably just have to resort to screaming "Benghazi!" to deflect attention.
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more liberal LIES
the Left is so effed up over obamacare they even have to cover their lies with MORE LIES.

Reid said they were all lies; then he qualified that by saying the vast majority were. neither statement is true

it isnt even true to say the well-publicized ones are lies.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
But all the high-profile well-publicized horror stories were lies, which is what Reid was speaking of. It's extremely dishonest of powerline to take Reid out of context like that. They lied big about Reid. And all the conservatives here approve and join in with the lie. When TheParty commands them to worship the latest lie, they all instantly drop to their knees. And then they get so upset because nobody outside of their right-wing-fringe cult pays any attention to what they're crying about this time.

So what's the source of the conservative panic? They put all of their eggs in the "Repeal ObamaCare!" basket, and it's dawning on them what a mistake that was. They can't repeal a successful program, but they swore to do it and have no Plan B. They'll probably just have to resort to screaming "Benghazi!" to deflect attention.

If it's a lie why did Obama push back the mandate till 2016? If this law is so great why did it send the Demcraps into full scramble mode? If Obamacare was working so great why the repeated delays? And why did the federal register predict all of these lies would come true way back in 2010?
If you're enough of a raging partisan to call a bit of hyperbole lying, you could say that. Most people won't, and just roll their eyes at you for such crazy claims.

Sure, it plays well with the cult. That's the point of it. Keep the rank-and-file cultists in a state of hysteria, so that they don't start thinking.
the same people who consider record welfare and food stamps to be "forward progress" are calling other people liars.

the same people who brag about supposedly creating 7 MILLION new jobs and 50 striaght months of job growth still cry and ask the other side where are the jobs the Left insists they have already created

the same people crying about THAT; are now telling us how exciting and empowering it is for WOMEN WHO LOST THEIR JOB or health insurance becaue of obamacare. after that is; having to admit FINALLY that the ACA IS costing jobs.

liberals are self-deluding morons; brainwashed lemmings; or just out and out liars
If you're enough of a raging partisan to call a bit of hyperbole lying, you could say that. Most people won't, and just roll their eyes at you for such crazy claims.

Sure, it plays well with the cult. That's the point of it. Keep the rank-and-file cultists in a state of hysteria, so that they don't start thinking.

Reid's statement was hypoerbole itself..

you left-wing jackasses projecting are a laugh riot!
If you're enough of a raging partisan to call a bit of hyperbole lying, you could say that. Most people won't, and just roll their eyes at you for such crazy claims.

Sure, it plays well with the cult. That's the point of it. Keep the rank-and-file cultists in a state of hysteria, so that they don't start thinking.

Reid's statement was hypoerbole itself..

you left-wing jackasses projecting are a laugh riot!

it was hyperbole; AND a lie. what part dont you get?
But all the high-profile well-publicized horror stories were lies, which is what Reid was speaking of. It's extremely dishonest of powerline to take Reid out of context like that. They lied big about Reid. And all the conservatives here approve and join in with the lie. When TheParty commands them to worship the latest lie, they all instantly drop to their knees. And then they get so upset because nobody outside of their right-wing-fringe cult pays any attention to what they're crying about this time.

So what's the source of the conservative panic? They put all of their eggs in the "Repeal ObamaCare!" basket, and it's dawning on them what a mistake that was. They can't repeal a successful program, but they swore to do it and have no Plan B. They'll probably just have to resort to screaming "Benghazi!" to deflect attention.

Successful program?

What are you smoking?
If you're enough of a raging partisan to call a bit of hyperbole lying, you could say that. Most people won't, and just roll their eyes at you for such crazy claims.

Sure, it plays well with the cult. That's the point of it. Keep the rank-and-file cultists in a state of hysteria, so that they don't start thinking.

One of the claims the supporters of the ACA used was that once it went into effect everyone would discover how great it was and it would be impossible to repeal.

That claim went out the window quickly, and now Obama has abused his authority by pushing it back 3 years. Turns out it has been just as bad as the GOP predicted and even some Democrats predicted when they called it a "trainwreak". Now all they're doing is damage control. Turns out a clusterfuck of a website is the tip of the iceberg.
the same people who consider record welfare and food stamps to be "forward progress" are calling other people liars.

the same people who brag about supposedly creating 7 MILLION new jobs and 50 striaght months of job growth still cry and ask the other side where are the jobs the Left insists they have already created

the same people crying about THAT; are now telling us how exciting and empowering it is for WOMEN WHO LOST THEIR JOB or health insurance becaue of obamacare. after that is; having to admit FINALLY that the ACA IS costing jobs.

liberals are self-deluding morons; brainwashed lemmings; or just out and out liars

^all the above^
How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

The disgraceful Harry Reid, one of America’s most corrupt politicians, a man who has mysteriously gotten rich as a public employee, is losing his grip. This has been going on for a while; remember his insane claim during the 2012 presidential campaign that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay any taxes? Today the subject was Obamacare. Reid, probably because he sees his position as majority leader slipping away on account of popular revulsion toward Obamacare, went on a hysterical rant against those who criticize the Democrats’ signature legislation:
Across the country Americans who were once denied insurance because they suffered for something like cancer or as simple as acne have been able to buy affordable health insurance they could afford and could trust. Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.
Got that? Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie! With more than five million people already having been booted off their existing coverage by the ACA, that’s a whole lot of liars.

Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line

When you all post stuff like this, the first thing I usually is go to your source which is usually someone I never heard of and hit the about us button and sure enough it's always some blogger from National Review, Weekly Standard, other wingnutty rags and this one is no different.
But all the high-profile well-publicized horror stories were lies, which is what Reid was speaking of. It's extremely dishonest of powerline to take Reid out of context like that. They lied big about Reid. And all the conservatives here approve and join in with the lie. When TheParty commands them to worship the latest lie, they all instantly drop to their knees. And then they get so upset because nobody outside of their right-wing-fringe cult pays any attention to what they're crying about this time.

So what's the source of the conservative panic? They put all of their eggs in the "Repeal ObamaCare!" basket, and it's dawning on them what a mistake that was. They can't repeal a successful program, but they swore to do it and have no Plan B. They'll probably just have to resort to screaming "Benghazi!" to deflect attention.

Wow...does this read like it was written by TDM or what?
If someone said this was a TDM sock trying to write a little differently to disguise herself I would not be the least surprised.

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