Rein In Your Expectations!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
I know, I know......the evidence is on display, everything we said for three years has been validated, and we know how this tale would end if it were Republicans who had committed these iniquities.

But it is very different: they are the Left.

Donā€™t expect jail time for the conspirators.

1.Recently declassified testimony pretty much proves everything we on the Right have been saying since the 2016 electionā€¦..but donā€™t expect what is rightly called ā€˜justice.ā€™
Realize that in contemporary America, there is Democrat justice, and Republican justice. Ask Scooter Libby what the difference is.
Or, recognize this reality: For Republicans, it is the appearance of improprietyā€¦for Democrats, itā€™s the DNA on the blue dress.

2. Perhaps you learned the difference even earlier: What was new with the Clarence Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill. Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" ā€œThe nature of the evidence is irrelevant; itā€™s the seriousness of the charge that matters.ā€ Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
But only for the Right.

We have sworn testimony, we have emails, we have the dossier, we have truth.
But the result will be the proverbial 'half a loaf.'

3.ā€œThanks to recent bombshell revelations, we now know that the Federal Bureau of Investigation grossly abused its power for political purposes during and after the 2016 election, illegally spying on American citizens who were part of the Trump campaign. More importantly, authorities had no legal justification to ā€œunmaskā€ the identity of the former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn ā€” an honorable statesman whom the FBI entrapped based on a run-of-the-mill discussion he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

"They did not have a basis for a counterintelligence investigation against Flynn at that stage, based on a perfectly legitimate and appropriate call he made as a member of the transition," Attorney General William Barr said in a recent interview.ā€ The Obama Administration Almost Pulled Off a Soviet-style Election Coup

4. The reality is that exposure of their corruptionā€¦..and, make no mistake, no matter the shrugs and lies that their acolytes pretendā€¦..they know the truth. Maybe they always knew itā€¦.but, when all is said and done, the public exposure is the only justice that will be available.

ā€œBarr says he does not expect Obama or Biden will be investigated by prosecutor reviewing 2016 Russia probeā€

ā€œThereā€™s a difference between an abuse of power and a federal crime. Not every abuse of power ā€” no matter how outrageous ā€” is necessarily a federal crimeā€

It would be the gravest of errors to read the above as ā€œObama and Biden are innocent.ā€

Butā€¦.ā€œWe saw two different standards of justice emerge: One that applied to President Trump and his associates, and the other that applied to everybody else,ā€ Barr said. ā€œWe canā€™t allow this ever to happen again.ā€(Politico)
Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.
The writing is on the wall. When Hillary can destroy thousands of emails, several cell phones and multiple hard drives without consequence, you know little justice will be done.

What, exactly, sort of justice do you expect will be done, gip?

Per the OP:
Realize that in contemporary America, there is Democrat justice, and Republican justice. Ask Scooter Libby what the difference is.
Or, recognize this reality: For Republicans, it is the appearance of improprietyā€¦for Democrats, itā€™s the DNA on the blue dress. it makes you feel better, bro.....

The facts notwithstanding, the Left's supporters will deny, deny, deny.

Their media allies will avail themselves of their most insidious power, the power to ignore.

But in reality they know the truth.

5. The documented truth begins with the usual suspects: Hillary Clinton, and her Deep State allies in both parties.

We learned that Brennan lied about who the Kremlin wanted as Presidentā€¦Hillary.

"Former NSC Chief Of Staff: John Brennan Buried Evidence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary In 2016ā€
Of course, this was clear from the beginning, as the Putin/Hillary dossier was meant to sink the Trump campaign.

6. Emails showed the Deep State planning ā€˜insuranceā€™ against the Trump presidency, and Hillary gave the FBI entrĆ©e into the Trump administration. The FBI needed a predicate, and news that Papadopoulos was speaking about Russian influence came to Hillaryā€™s State Department, via a Hillary apparatchik. What a coincidence?

The information came from the State Departmentā€¦Hillaryā€™s State Departmentā€¦.to the Bureau.

And the man who supposedly told Hillaryā€™s State Department was ā€¦ ā€œAlexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

But how did the FBI know they should talk to him?

"Thatā€™s left out of their narrative. Downerā€™s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You donā€™t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasnā€™t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.ā€

All the puzzle pieces fit.
Letā€™s reopen the Russia probe!

This time we make Trump, Obama and Biden testify under oath and see how it comes out
Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.
No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge

There is something more to it than that
Trump winning the election definitely threw a monkey wrench into something

I said nothing about her going to jail
Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was
But its almost as if things were arranged that she would have moved forward
The writing is on the wall. When Hillary can destroy thousands of emails, several cell phones and multiple hard drives without consequence, you know little justice will be done.

What, exactly, sort of justice do you expect will be done, gip?

Per the OP:
Realize that in contemporary America, there is Democrat justice, and Republican justice. Ask Scooter Libby what the difference is.
Or, recognize this reality: For Republicans, it is the appearance of improprietyā€¦for Democrats, itā€™s the DNA on the blue dress. it makes you feel better, bro.....

View attachment 338556
If you, me, or all average citizens destroy evidence as Hillary did, we go to prison.

Scooter Libby is a good example, but there are many others. Remember when former AG sessions claimed he couldnā€™t recall, the Ds and the MSM demanded perjury charges. Samantha Powers can out right lie, yet nothing happens.

Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.
No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge

There is something more to it than that
Trump winning the election definitely threw a monkey wrench into something

I said nothing about her going to jail
Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was
But its almost as if things were arranged that she would have moved forward

"No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge "

I can't decide whether you comment is more stupid, or more deceitful.

"Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was"

Another lie....all three personify the party.
All three stand for he same things.
All three were involved in the attempt to deprive the American people of their choice for President.
The writing is on the wall. When Hillary can destroy thousands of emails, several cell phones and multiple hard drives without consequence, you know little justice will be done.

What, exactly, sort of justice do you expect will be done, gip?

Per the OP:
Realize that in contemporary America, there is Democrat justice, and Republican justice. Ask Scooter Libby what the difference is.
Or, recognize this reality: For Republicans, it is the appearance of improprietyā€¦for Democrats, itā€™s the DNA on the blue dress. it makes you feel better, bro.....

View attachment 338556
If you, me, or all average citizens destroy evidence as Hillary did, we go to prison.

Scooter Libby is a good example, but there are many others. Remember when former AG sessions claimed he couldnā€™t recall, the Ds and the MSM demanded perjury charges. Samantha Powers can out right lie, yet nothing happens.

I agree with every one of those facts.....

But the reality is the apt punishment will never be imposed.
7. The cover-up is always worse than the crime. True here: the FBI altered documents to allow them to claim Carter Page was associated with the Kremlin, when the actual documents said he was a US asset.

Agent Clinesmith
at the Deep Stateā€™s service:

ā€œSupervisory Special Agent 2," who swore to an affidavit for all three FISA renewals against Page in 2017, told Horowitz's investigators that on the third renewal he wanted "a definitive answer to whether Page had ever been a source for another U.S. government agency before he signed the final renewal application."

While in contact with what was reportedly the CIA's liaison, Clinesmith was reminded that back in August 2016, predating the first Page warrant application in October 2016, the other agency informed the FBI that Page "did, in fact, have a prior relationship with that other agency."

An email from the other government agency's liaison was sent to Clinesmith, who then "altered the liaison's email by inserting the words 'not a source' into it, thus making it appear that the liaison had said that Page was 'not a source' for the other agency" and sent it to "Supervisory Special Agent 2," Horowitz found.ā€
FBI lawyer under criminal investigation altered document to say Carter Page 'was not a source' for another agency

FBI agent Clinesmith simply fabricated a report from another intel agency so they could target an innocent American citizen, and the incoming American President.....just as Brennan fabricated the intelligence to pretend that the Kremlin wanted Trump rather than the family they had a history of bribing.

"altered the liaison's email by inserting the words 'not a source' into it"
Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.
No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge

There is something more to it than that
Trump winning the election definitely threw a monkey wrench into something

I said nothing about her going to jail
Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was
But its almost as if things were arranged that she would have moved forward

"No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge "

I can't decide whether you comment is more stupid, or more deceitful.

"Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was"

Another lie....all three personify the party.
All three stand for he same things.
All three were involved in the attempt to deprive the American people of their choice for President.
Omg girl...really

Re read what I wrote huh
Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.
No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge

There is something more to it than that
Trump winning the election definitely threw a monkey wrench into something

I said nothing about her going to jail
Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was
But its almost as if things were arranged that she would have moved forward

"No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge "

I can't decide whether you comment is more stupid, or more deceitful.

"Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was"

Another lie....all three personify the party.
All three stand for he same things.
All three were involved in the attempt to deprive the American people of their choice for President.
Omg girl...really

Re read what I wrote huh

Help me out, here.....what were you trying to say.
And the next phase of the Hoax......taking out Flynn.

8. Flynn was a personal target of Obama.
Obama had fired Flynn when the general objected to nuclear-arming the Muslim savages of Iran:

ā€œObama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Dealā€
Oh My: Did Obama Allies Torpedoed Michael Flynn to Protect the Iran Deal?

Flynn was simply one part of the 'get Trump' plot.

9. Flynn didnā€™t lie to either the FBI nor Trump.
Trump had to fire him for the following reason:

The Obama/Deep State attempt to destroy the Trump presidency was aimed at tying Trump to Russia. Soā€¦Flynn was used by the Obama/Russia Hoax as a wedge, tying him to Russia, the bĆŖte noire presented in this imbroglio, and by association, Trump as ā€˜a Russian agent/asset,ā€™ something weā€™ve learned was totally false.

When the FBI charged Flynn with close ties to Russia, he became a political hot potato.
This made it a better political move for Trump to find another advisor, rather than confront the Obamunist FBI,

Keeping Flynn would have given the Obama/FBI plan more fuel.

Destroying the innocent has never been a bar to the Democrats/Leftist's thirst for power.
Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.

The Queen of Bullshit Is back with more lies.

There will be no arrests of anyone because no crimes were committed. Saying crimes were committed doesnā€™t make it so.

None of Trumps investigations have uncovered a single crime. This bullshit is PC pretending theyā€™re not prosecuting because . . .
Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.

The Queen of Bullshit Is back with more lies.

There will be no arrests of anyone because no crimes were committed. Saying crimes were committed doesnā€™t make it so.

None of Trumps investigations have uncovered a single crime. This bullshit is PC pretending theyā€™re not prosecuting because . . .

As soon as I force one of you dunces to default to vulgarity, I take it as another victory: you're admitting that everything I've posted is factual.....and that it angers you to lack of control!!!

Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.
No, nothing about the past 3 1/2 years adds up to
Hillary being a sore loser and her associates going rouge

There is something more to it than that
Trump winning the election definitely threw a monkey wrench into something

I said nothing about her going to jail
Neither Obama nor Biden were running, she was
But its almost as if things were arranged that she would have moved forward
The Toppeling of the US government was their agenda. Obama even said so. Hillary would have sold out our sovereignty to the UN central committee. That was the fundamental change Obama wanted.
Hmm, will/is Hillary being investigated

Hillary was the original instigator of the farrago.
Her apparatchiks then took it further.

She would not accept the loss.
Discussions with the FBI about that 'insurance policy' made it known that they needed a reason to get after the Trump Hillary had Alexander Downer engage Papadolous in a conversation, where 'Downer remembered' incriminating statements, which he 'reported' to Hillary's State Department, who passed it on to the FBI.

All of it bogus. isn't going to jail.

The Queen of Bullshit Is back with more lies.

There will be no arrests of anyone because no crimes were committed. Saying crimes were committed doesnā€™t make it so.

None of Trumps investigations have uncovered a single crime. This bullshit is PC pretending theyā€™re not prosecuting because . . .
Why in the world wouldnā€™t Trump prosecute Obama, Hillary and Biden if he had the chance?

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