Relax Christians aren't that dangerous!!

Bonnie said:

Dillo why do you thik that is?? Why do you think Christianity has secularists so rattled??

My two cents....

Because they're in the way of the secularist plan to have absolute power to determine what others can think, say and do. And then we might not be able to have gay marriage, abortion on demand, porno 24x7.

After all, if these Christians don't march lockstep with the secularist plan, other groups might get similar ideas that they don't have to listen to the secularists.

And if people don't listen to the secularists, then they might start thinking about religion or something nasty like that. Maybe make kids say their prayers and say awful things like "Thank You" and "You're welcome".... and if that happens, the kids might become sexually repressed and not be as easy to seduce by adults.And they might grow up with an idea of right and wrong and therefore not as easy to lead by the nose like a bunch of sheep to the slaughter or like little lemmings.....

then the secularist will have to find real jobs and, well, we can't have that, now can we?
dilloduck said:
The attitudes of SOME christians certainly makes it easier for secularists to attack the religion as whole, however.
Or their political party as well.
Christians have a large lobby in America and wield a lot of political power, as was proven in last year's election. The Christian lobby stands against the secularist lobby. Christians believe in absolute right and wrong, strong morals, and sacrificing self-gratification for the good of others. Secularists want relativistic morals, instant gratification, and, in general, the right for anybody to do anything they want as long as it doesn't seem to directly harm another person.

Now, many religions actually stand against secularism, but Christianity is the largest. Secularists, then, have taken shots only at the Christians while protecting other religions. They think this will get everyone behind them so they can render Christianity powerless, after which they'll go after the smaller religions like Judaism and Islam. What they fail to understand, though, is that a) other religions aren't buying it and b) just how many Christians there are.

Their tactics don't make them popular either. They use incessant name-calling, labelling, scare tactics, smearing, and other unsavory means to discredit Christians.
KarlMarx said:
My two cents....

Because they're in the way of the secularist plan to have absolute power to determine what others can think, say and do. And then we might not be able to have gay marriage, abortion on demand, porno 24x7.

After all, if these Christians don't march lockstep with the secularist plan, other groups might get similar ideas that they don't have to listen to the secularists.

And if people don't listen to the secularists, then they might start thinking about religion or something nasty like that. Maybe make kids say their prayers and say awful things like "Thank You" and "You're welcome".... and if that happens, the kids might become sexually repressed and not be as easy to seduce by adults.And they might grow up with an idea of right and wrong and therefore not as easy to lead by the nose like a bunch of sheep to the slaughter or like little lemmings.....

then the secularist will have to find real jobs and, well, we can't have that, now can we?

History tells us that Christian persecution and other religious persecution has always been with us in one form or another. At one time it was Christians being fed to Lions while people applauded, now its much more civilized attacks through the media and courts.. but probably just as dangerous. What makes it important to some of us now I guess is, this is the time in which we live in.
Bonnie said:
History tells us that Christian persecution and other religious persecution has always been with us in one form or another. At one time it was Christians being fed to Lions while people applauded, now its much more civilized attacks through the media and courts.. but probably just as dangerous. What makes it important to some of us now I guess is, this is the time in which we live in.

I would rather be eaten by the lions...rather than spit upon by least the lions would not hate me...they are just hungry and I would be dinner and have a good value...I
archangel said:
I would rather be eaten by the lions...rather than spit upon by least the lions would not hate me...they are just hungry and I would be dinner and have a good value...I

:laugh: Being someone who has a low threshold for pain I might have a problem being eaten by Lions. However there are accounts of martyrs dying who were granted by God that they would feel no pain in death, which explains how some of them actually sang songs while being tortured.
Jesus Christ said:
18"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Id Est:

Jesus Christ said:
18"If you find the godless world is hating you, remember it got its start hating me. 19If you lived on the world's terms, the world would love you as one of its own. But since I picked you to live on God's terms and no longer on the world's terms, the world is going to hate you.
gop_jeff said:
Hmmm... coincedence?

Good point, they defend Islam pretty well. Heck, if Islam attacked us they would say, its revenge for the crusades, let them have the land....
gop_jeff said:
Not a big Message fan. I recommend the CEV or NLT in its stead.

The Message does a great job of putting things in a very easy-to-understand language - it serves a great purpose, in conjunction with other translations.
-=d=- said:
it serves a great purpose, in conjunction with other translations.

That I could agree with. I think it's a hybrid - half paraphrase, half commentary. Frankly, some of the passages are mistranslated. But that's a risk you run when you paraphrase the Bible by yourself, as Eugene Patterson did.
gop_jeff said:
That I could agree with. I think it's a hybrid - half paraphrase, half commentary. Frankly, some of the passages are mistranslated. But that's a risk you run when you paraphrase the Bible by yourself, as Eugene Patterson did.

I'd probably agree if I had any idea who that is. Wasn't he a Cornerback for the Seahawks?
-=d=- said:
I'd probably agree if I had any idea who that is. Wasn't he a Cornerback for the Seahawks?

He's the author/translator/paraphraser who wrote The Message. It's a one-man show.

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