Religion and Ethics 2.0

But ethics are real, and religions are not. Religion's ethics are evil. True natural ethics are real and part of evolution. Every species has it.

Only humans kill each other over religion. It's a money and power-making scheme.
Lots of wishful thinking but little grasp of reality. Religions are very real and most people in the world would agree. The ethics of religions reflect the ethics of man, in other words they are all over the place and people tend to find the religion/sect/denomination/cult/etc. that best reflects their ethics. I'm not sure what 'natural' ethics are but they would have to include the cooperation of bees and the infanticide of lions.
Natural ethics is something that is the same amongst all of us. 99.9% of us. What is right, is right. What is wrong is wrong.We don't need a religion to tell us that, because we never would have made it to 2000 BC without it.

It's just natural.

But what started happening circa 2000 BC, is that they invented "religion". And suddenly our ethics changed. No longer was it about the greater good of humanity, but it became the greater good of the religious ruler.

Shit went downhill from there.
I have no idea why you think 2,000 BC has any special significance. Man has ALWAYS had religion.

As far as ethics and religion, you have it backwards, religions don't dictate the ethics of the society, they reflect those ethics. That is why the OT is so different from the NT, the society of the Jews changed when they went from a conquerors to conquered.
I brought up 1.0, but it's history... Needs to be brought up again...

The theme of the board is Religion and Ethics.

You can't have both, you can only have one. Because religions are anti-ethics. They are mutually exclusive. Religions kill for fun.

You either have religion, or you have ethics.

I'm for ethics.

How bout you peeps?
False premise that you can't have both. Religions are codified ethical systems in addition to a smattering of theology. You are not required to like their ethics.
But ethics are real, and religions are not. Religion's ethics are evil. True natural ethics are real and part of evolution. Every species has it.

Only humans kill each other over religion. It's a money and power-making scheme.
Definitely the position of Marx and Stalin. :clap:
To those posts, why isn't the one we have any good for mercy, charity, and faith. People already obsessed with stalking My person using it to intensify persecution, petty, and atheistic.

You're going to offer one false claim after another. If you don't have the sense or education to know that religion was NOT invented 2000 years ago, I just don't know what to say.

There's plenty of information available on the WWW. Avail yourself.

Monotheistic religion was invented in or around 2000 BC.

Your particular version of the monotheistic religion was invented about 1950 years ago.

These are the religions where everyone else is wrong, and deserves to die for being wrong.

I understand that you are brainwashed. Try to cancel out the noise, and listen to logic. There is no god, there is no afterlife, and nobody is going to help you except yourself.

Realize that.

And accept reality.

There is no Santa Claus.

Now go do something truly good and ethical in the world.
I was never irrational on religion from the beginning. I Never womanized at anyone because of religious words from the beginning. I modeled my activity on things my parents already do as efficiently as is visible whether they mandate my college participation in the first place and reward its participators, or when they mandate and push that houses need to be 'moved'. Totally ridiculous any response, any situation of mine.
Racial Religious mockers in chief , marketing department, the graduate committee chair, their students they blame failure on me in that department? So when the business department provides only Racist religious-discriminating reasons in the Faces of students, not involving numbers, stats, attitude, or improvement, but that my on task religion conversation is mistranslated as annoying to anybody, they are the arbiters of social outcome and social meaning, wrongly. I would be waiting on many other hyenas which is already their consequence.
Is it religion? Yes!

Is it ethical? No! Fuck no!

There have been and still are people who do bad things, some of them on a large scale. Some are in the gov't, military, police force, and even the church (all of them). It is probable that at least some of these people who are religious may have believed that what they were doing was God's will and therefore justified. Certainly, that's what today's Islamic terrorists think, but to murder innocents just isn't the tenet of any religion and those who do so have perverted their own religion. So, is the religion at fault? Or is it the fault of whoever convinced them to do such things?

There have been numerous events/atrocities committed in the past and will be committed in the future in the name of some God, there's no denying that. BUT - the vast numbers of religious people are peaceful, kind, and generous according to the fundamental beliefs of their faith vastly outnumber the evil ones. I am fairly sure there are studies that show religious people to be more charitable and less selfish than those who are not religious.

Mistakes and bad decisions are made even by good people sometimes, nobody is perfect. But anyone who thinks that will change if religion didn't exist is irrational; if religion didn't exist, what would people believe in? Gov't? Are you serious? Just in the last century, look at how many people were killed by gov'ts rather than religion: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, to name a few. Hundreds of millions killed, NOT in the name of religion but in the name of gov't.

So, bitch all you want. Religion has it's faults, it is after all a human institution and therefore prone to unethical behavior. But it also has quite a few positives that are beneficial to any society. Among others, religion brings people together and that's something this country needs right now.
Monotheistic religions demand that they are right, and everyone else is wrong. And if you don't believe, you can be subject to many penalties, including death. This has been happily carried out during Crusades and Inquisitions. Millions of people killed, raped, or abducted, or just plain killed.

Terrible crimes committed in the name of "God" or "Jesus". Horrible....

Makes me sick. And Christians today just forgive all those horrific acts committed in their names, that got them to be born into that religion. As if they never happened... They just donate at church and have no idea...

Monotheistic religions demand that they are right, and everyone else is wrong.

Of course you are demanding the very same thing, and if I keep reading the thread it's probably throughout.

The demand is not wrong. It's what you do with those who disagree that's ever wrong. And you are dead wrong about the rest of your post in a way that's also dead boring
I'm just saying there's other options. You don't need to be borne into your religion. You have a right to choose. I was born Roman Catholic, and changed my mind after I was old enough to understand.

I still don't know which religion is right. I tend to think they're all wrong, since most of their goals are domination rather than salvation.
I brought up 1.0, but it's history... Needs to be brought up again...

The theme of the board is Religion and Ethics.

You can't have both, you can only have one. Because religions are anti-ethics. They are mutually exclusive. Religions kill for fun.

You either have religion, or you have ethics.

I'm for ethics.

How bout you peeps?
So what is "right" and what is "good"?

That's natural to us. That's the basis of evolution. Any species that deviates from that will become extinct. And that's what we're on the verge of doing. Due to religions! They're making us do things we shouldn't. Throughout history. And it's just a matter of time and tech when one of those religions wipes us all out.
But I know that you won't give a shit.

Your beliefs are what your parents told you. And their beliefs, are what their parents told them. And so on, and so on....

You're brainwashed into your religion. And ready to do what you are told to do, when the time comes. In the meantime, you just give a lot of money to the religion. Because that's what you're told to do.

You don't know anything about me but you're very small-minded, this is obvious.

Keep drawing cartoons in your head, you obviously enjoy it, but don't need to converse with any actual people to do it. Head-cartoonists always think they're very intelligent and insightful and are the least intelligent and insightful folks out there and the last to know.
Sounds like you, sweet sue. I'm just bringing history, logic, and science into the equation.
But I know that you won't give a shit.

Your beliefs are what your parents told you. And their beliefs, are what their parents told them. And so on, and so on....

You're brainwashed into your religion. And ready to do what you are told to do, when the time comes. In the meantime, you just give a lot of money to the religion. Because that's what you're told to do.
In essence, yes.

Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man – nothing more than learned behavior.
I'm a secular agnostic. I'd love to hear you theory of that. Without copy/pasting....

Why would I bother to tell you anything? You already made up your mind.

Watch the cartoons in your head
Because you're lying. That's what fanatics do.You're a religious fanatic. I wish you well. Just don't hurt anybody...

You're much more fanatical than I am. Obviously.
Whatever. I'm not the one preaching supernatural gods that we cannot see or feel or touch, that want us to kill everyone that doesn't believe.... Jus sayin....

Being so wrong about something so major should never be a "whatever". Especially if you're declaring yourself so right about such major things.

Really that's embarrassing. You realize we have religious artifacts going back 35,000 years
Show me monotheistic religious artifacts dating back to 35,000 years ago.

And plus, the earth is only 6000 years old, right'?
But ethics are real, and religions are not. Religion's ethics are evil. True natural ethics are real and part of evolution. Every species has it.

Only humans kill each other over religion. It's a money and power-making scheme.
Lots of wishful thinking but little grasp of reality. Religions are very real and most people in the world would agree. The ethics of religions reflect the ethics of man, in other words they are all over the place and people tend to find the religion/sect/denomination/cult/etc. that best reflects their ethics. I'm not sure what 'natural' ethics are but they would have to include the cooperation of bees and the infanticide of lions.
Natural ethics is something that is the same amongst all of us. 99.9% of us. What is right, is right. What is wrong is wrong.We don't need a religion to tell us that, because we never would have made it to 2000 BC without it.

It's just natural.

But what started happening circa 2000 BC, is that they invented "religion". And suddenly our ethics changed. No longer was it about the greater good of humanity, but it became the greater good of the religious ruler.

Shit went downhill from there.
I have no idea why you think 2,000 BC has any special significance. Man has ALWAYS had religion.

As far as ethics and religion, you have it backwards, religions don't dictate the ethics of the society, they reflect those ethics. That is why the OT is so different from the NT, the society of the Jews changed when they went from a conquerors to conquered.
Your religion is based on the OT, which was written circa 2000 BC. That's where the date comes from.

Sumerians wrote many of the same things in 4000 BC. And they were plagiarized by the authors of the OT.

And polytheism became monotheism after that. And it was a lie. Based on previous texts.

And guess what? Religious wars started.
Well your religion came from somewhere. Right? Was it your parents?

Do not lie and deny the truth.

It's really astounding to me how small your understanding is. But okay.

No it did not come from my parents. I came to Christ after I had been a secular humanist agnostic. Thanks for asking.
Whether one’s religion was taught to him as a child or acquired as an adult is irrelevant – the fact remains that the religious doctrine and dogma one adheres to was created by man, such as the Christ myth.
I brought up 1.0, but it's history... Needs to be brought up again...

The theme of the board is Religion and Ethics.

You can't have both, you can only have one. Because religions are anti-ethics. They are mutually exclusive. Religions kill for fun.

You either have religion, or you have ethics.

I'm for ethics.

How bout you peeps?
So what is "right" and what is "good"?

That's something that's natural to us and to all species. We all know what is right and good. We don't need a religious fanatic to tell us.

Religion doesn’t have a ‘monopoly’ on what is moral, good, right, or ethical.
I'm a secular agnostic. I'd love to hear you theory of that. Without copy/pasting....

Why would I bother to tell you anything? You already made up your mind.

Watch the cartoons in your head
Because you're lying. That's what fanatics do.You're a religious fanatic. I wish you well. Just don't hurt anybody...

You're much more fanatical than I am. Obviously.
Whatever. I'm not the one preaching supernatural gods that we cannot see or feel or touch, that want us to kill everyone that doesn't believe.... Jus sayin....

Being so wrong about something so major should never be a "whatever". Especially if you're declaring yourself so right about such major things.

Really that's embarrassing. You realize we have religious artifacts going back 35,000 years
The fact remains that religion is a creation of man.

Much of what we recognize today as the Abrahamic religions evolved during the Bronze Age (3300 bce).

Of course, tribal and ritualistic religious beliefs were practiced before the advent of Neolithic civilizations well over 12,000 years ago.

It was during the Neolithic period, for example, that we first see evidence of the dead being buried in graves with tools, weapons, and food – a clear indication of ‘life’ after death mythology.
So let's say you want to get Amish to paint your barn. The Amish get you some religious tracts online instead. Well that's totally not going to get to why you meet anybody or anything people want you for. Are you lying ethically in codes when you subscribe as Amish online? What if Cops just want you to be Amish Online? You know, I think the Role that is the purpose of a totally fictional simulated online arena for that purpose alone isn't part of offending or known harm to anybody. Nobody can say they think anything about anything else or about you now.

I don't know why I have these clothes! I don't even know this guy. Somebody figure out something.

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