Religion and Ethics 2.0

How many people can "imagine" China never having Confucianism, and it looks the same? Ya its racist. The Ruler thinks this, the officer thinks this other thing, they relate to each other. The Emperors who officially Adopted Christianity whether Roman or Greek didn't ask you. The Kings the Pope mostly ordained didn't ask you. So then, its the law of Western Civilization.
And I don't care what it is - Wikipedia
First Eisenhower said "And I don't Care What it Is", it has to stand for the "All men Are Created Equal". He said any sort of Monotheistic possibly Jewish God is our defense to Communism. He politically joined the Presbyterian Church the 3rd day in Office. He then told the pastor "he'd Only join if it stood for Liberty Goddammit". Wow! Wow a Strongman. Church loses. They are "Always Reforming" , a FALSE, totally FALSE thing to say. Churches are responsible to immortal history and nothing else. They Formed the United Presbyterian Church and then the PCUSA from 1958 when he was President tailoring anyone who dared have Sanctuaries, Religions, and Education inside United States borders, the more people without Mercy the better.
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How many people can "imagine" China never having Confucianism, and it looks the same? Ya its racist. The Ruler thinks this, the officer thinks this other thing, they relate to each other. The Emperors who officially Adopted Christianity whether Roman or Greek didn't ask you. The Kings the Pope mostly ordained didn't ask you. So then, its the law of Western Civilization.

Dear RWS ^ Mike Dwight
brings up China as racist.

If you blame "religion" for killing,
do you see China as religious or political oppression?

Isn't the politics of controlling justice that leads to killing.

Is China's Community Party oppression, torture or killing to
be blamed on POLITICAL PARTY RULE or "religion"
or both, is it their "POLITICAL RELIGION" that is to blame?
Emily, please stop scolding me? :)

I like you very much, and I'm not going to argue with you! I think you are ethical. But I do not think the same about most of the others that share your religion and/or follow other trilogy religions. And if you respect me, as much as I respect you, you'll understand what I'm trying to say.

And what I'm trying to say, is that very many people hide behind their religion so as not to expose their ethics.

People can hide racism and bigotry, and even child abuse as long as they keep preaching Christianity. That's just one example. Then we have Orthodox Muslims, and Jews (Borat joke).

All three religions tells people that it's ok to fuck everyone else. Even though it violates ethics.

Religion and ethics are two different things!

1. Not trying to scold you. Sorry for giving this impression not intended at all.
2. Why make generalized statements then if they don't apply to all people of all religions?
Can you be more specific then if you are saying there is SOME approach that doesn't contradict ethics.
I don't understand why you insist on making a generalization blaming all religions.

I just realized you, yourself, are "arguing TWO DIFFERENT THINGS"
and that's why this is so confusing or conflicted

A. First you are trying to argue that Religion and Ethics should be
separate and not addressed on one thread because they are two separate things.

I think they can be two approaches and still belong in the same area where anyone can discuss either one.
Like "Political beliefs and arguments" could be two separate things and still be discussed in the same areas.
"Cats and Dogs" can be two separate animals and still be in the same general topic of animals.

Would you prefer "Religion, Morals and Ethics"
"Religion and Philosophy"
What would allow both "secular/nontheist" and
"religious denominations" to share and post about
both morals, beliefs and ethics?

B. Secondly you are trying to say Religions promote killing.

Isn't THAT a SEPARATE discussion?

RWS if these were inseparable, we couldn't discuss your issue with
Religions promoting killing WITHOUT addressing the title "Religion and Ethics" or how to change it.
And likewise, if these were "inseparable" we couldn't address changing
the title of "Religion and Ethics" without also addressing statements that Religions equate with promoting killing.

C. My conclusion is RWS you seem to contradict yourself
and that's why I'm asking for CLARIFICATION

IN THE SAME THREAD, how are you complaining about two
different things discussed in the same forum or subforum?

2. If your issue is changing the title, then why not discuss that?
Why not discuss what it should be changed to.
I gave some examples:
"Religion and Philosophy"
"Religion, Morals and Ethics"
Do you prefer something else, what do you suggest?

RWS which issue are you trying to address here?
I'll gladly stick to that but it appears to be more than one.
Please specify! Thank you!
Not trying to scold you, I just need clarification
so I don't address something you are not saying.
Emily, please....

Religious ethics are corrupt.
And that's what i'm trying to say.

Religion and ethics are two different things.
I have ethics. Though i do not follow a religion. I feel good about how i think. And i will never hurt anybody over ethics.
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You can either have religion and no ethics, or ethics and no religion.

Because the ethics that religion wants you to have requires killing on command. If you're not good with that, then
find a place where you feel happy. Have your faith and keep your ethics. Be good to yourself and others.

Be good to the world.
My dream is to get a cabin in the north woods. Off the grid. That's my dream....

And get away from all the stupidity that mankind and culture exhumes. I want to get away from the bullshit.

I want a cabin in north arizona. And I will live happily ever after.
So i'm going to set up a go fund me page, so you can donate to my desires, and I'll stop being a pain in your asses... :)
Religious ethics are corrupt.

How do you propose is most effective to address and correct "corrupt ethics"?

1. Do we point to the principles in people's own "ethics" and ask/support/petition them to correct themselves?

2. Do we introduce a whole other new set of ethics and ask them to convert from theirs to a new system?

3. Do we come together INCLUDING all people we are trying to get on the right ethics,
and write out an AGREED set of ethics to enforce and follow?

Which approach would you agree is most effective RWS?
1. Corrections using each person's choice of their own given system
2. Convert people to a new system that you offer
3. Invite all people to map out an agreed system of correctional ethics
Religious ethics are corrupt.

How do you propose is most effective to address and correct "corrupt ethics"?

1. Do we point to the principles in people's own "ethics" and ask/support/petition them to correct themselves?

2. Do we introduce a whole other new set of ethics and ask them to convert from theirs to a new system?

3. Do we come together INCLUDING all people we are trying to get on the right ethics,
and write out an AGREED set of ethics to enforce and follow?

Which approach would you agree is most effective RWS?
1. Corrections using each person's choice of their own given system
2. Convert people to a new system that you offer
3. Invite all people to map out an agreed system of correctional ethics
Depends on which religion we're talking about. They all have different flaws, but the main idea is that they're out to make money and power. To the detriment of others.
And that's what i'm trying to say.

Religion and ethics are two different things.

And why can't they be addressed in the same forum?
They can definitely be addressed in the same forum. But not in the same thread.

It should Religion vs Ethics. Not Religion AND Ethics. They're not the same thing. Religions have bypassed ethics for thousands of years, to get where they are now.
Let me ask you a question... Would you shoot somebody at random?

Because that's ethics.

Religion may tell you to shoot people, or kill people, at random. And they have all done so.

The reason your religion exists to this day, is that they did it. Killed and raped and abducted millions of people, in order to keep your religion alive.

So when you pray next time, realize what it took to get you to be borne into your religion. And if it's worth it.

I'd rather just follow my faith, and not hurt anybody. I'll be good. I follow ethics, not religion.
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Think about what is good about your religion. Keep that stuff in your mind.

But drop all the dogma that judges others. You wanna keep the good, and drop the bad.

And then, that's your faith. Stay true to that, and you'll be a positive member of society. Just never go back to the religion. Because they want you to do, or contribute to, bad things. Don't trust their charities.

Just trust your faith.
Im borne roman catholic.

I kept the good, and dropped the bad.

At a young age.
I love Jesus.

But I hate what the religion did.
From Queens, NY. I didn't take no shit from anybody. They would argue their beliefs to me, jewish and catholic and others, and I would give the same argument that I am giving today. I would ask my Jewish friends, why they are Jewish, and it was always because their parents are Jewish. Same with Cathiolics, and Hindu's, and Muslims.

They believe in their religion because they were born into it. That's all they know.

So I converted most of them to being ethical, instead of religion. I did this at like 14 years old.

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