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religion is just brainwashing

... So you think kind arguments appealing to human freedoms are evil?

I do not know his answer but my answer would be: "Yes". An example for such a freedom: "No one has any right to forbid children to have free sex: Every child has the right to chose the own sexual partner." That's not a joke! I remember such a text in German from the year 1985. The whole text was made from lawyers of the left political spectrum, who tried to eliminate all sexual crimes. Everything should be allowed. They fought with this text for the rights of homosexual and pedophile men. The most homosexual men were shocked too, women anyway. It never became a law.

In general: We have a lot of "freedoms" which are no freedom at all. The freedom to use drugs for example is as long a freedom as you do not use drugs. Afterwards, when you use drugs (better to say when drugs use you), nothing is freedom any longer - except you are able to win back your freedom in a long heavy fight against yourself with the help of some (professional) friends. A "brainwashing" sentence in such a context is for example "Alone you are not able to win - but only alone you will win".

Wow. That was some post. Are all freedoms evil? Is our freedom of speech and the press the same as freedom to be a pedophile? Why don't you rethink your post and try again, only use a little less crazy this time.
... Making kids religious is a form of child abuse.

What you say here shows to me that there's indeed not a big distance between intentional ignorance and a criminal behavior. Buy a good book about developmental psychology and take a look what's written there for example about "magic age". You would be a child abuser on your own, if you would try to force children to make idiotic decisions about the own gender - what's completely unimportant for children - while you would the same time try to eliminate the normal human development. Or let me say it in a way so very child is able to understand it: Santa Claus (=Saint Nicholas, born much more than 1500 years ago in Myra) still exists - and presents will come. We (= all children under 120 years) will find ways - whether you try to steal the Christmas presents of all children or not.

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... Making kids religious is a form of child abuse.

What you say here shows to me that there's indeed not a big distance between intentional ignorance and a criminal behavior. Buy a good book about developmental psychology and take a look what's written there for example about "magic age". You would be a child abuser on your own, if you would try to force children to make idiotic decisions about the own gender - what's completely unimportant for children - while you would the same time try to eliminate the normal human development. Or let me say it in a way so very child is able to understand it: Santa Claus (=Saint Nicholas, born much more than 1500 years ago in Myra) still exists - and presents will come. We - all children under 120 years will find ways - whether you try to steal the Christmas presents of all children or not.

Why are you trying to changing to gender, when religion is the subject?

Typical right winger tactic. Can't justify your belief? Change the subject.
... So you think kind arguments appealing to human freedoms are evil?

I do not know his answer but my answer would be: "Yes". An example for such a freedom: "No one has any right to forbid children to have free sex: Every child has the right to chose the own sexual partner." That's not a joke! I remember such a text in German from the year 1985. The whole text was made from lawyers of the left political spectrum, who tried to eliminate all sexual crimes. Everything should be allowed. They fought with this text for the rights of homosexual and pedophile men. The most homosexual men were shocked too, women anyway. It never became a law.

In general: We have a lot of "freedoms" which are no freedom at all. The freedom to use drugs for example is as long a freedom as you do not use drugs. Afterwards, when you use drugs (better to say when drugs use you), nothing is freedom any longer - except you are able to win back your freedom in a long heavy fight against yourself with the help of some (professional) friends. A "brainwashing" sentence in such a context is for example "Alone you are not able to win - but only alone you will win".

Wow. That was some post. Are all freedoms evil? Is our freedom of speech and the press the same as freedom to be a pedophile? Why don't you rethink your post and try again, only use a little less crazy this time.

All equal rights and freedom rights in the world are existing on a very simple reason: The Jewish-Christian traditions including renaissance and enlightenment. Nevertheless the words "freedom" and "equality" suffered a lot in the last decades and became often only empty phrases misused for justifying everything and nothing. It's for example not "freedom" for women to produce unisex toilets, where every idiot can come in. It's freedom for women to have save public toilets at all - and 3-5 times more toilets for women than for men makes men and women equal.

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... Making kids religious is a form of child abuse.

What you say here shows to me that there's indeed not a big distance between intentional ignorance and a criminal behavior. Buy a good book about developmental psychology and take a look what's written there for example about "magic age". You would be a child abuser on your own, if you would try to force children to make idiotic decisions about the own gender - what's completely unimportant for children - while you would the same time try to eliminate the normal human development. Or let me say it in a way so very child is able to understand it: Santa Claus (=Saint Nicholas, born much more than 1500 years ago in Myra) still exists - and presents will come. We - all children under 120 years will find ways - whether you try to steal the Christmas presents of all children or not.

Why are you trying to changing to gender, when religion is the subject?

I don't change anything. The world wide successful attacks of the gender-ideology against everything what is marriage and family are an important part of the problems of the western world.

Typical right winger tactic. Can't justify your belief? Change the subject.

What a nonsense. I gave you examples, that's all. The problem is we are able to think a lot of things. But not everything has something to do with reality or is important.

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Science isn't the bedrock or rational science we want it to be.

As typed on an electric keyboard attached to a quantum mechanical machine and sent via satellites relying completely on general relativity and cables relying on the photoelectric effect, and as shown to me on a screen using electroluminescence...

Is there supposed to be a point in there?
... Making kids religious is a form of child abuse.

What you say here shows to me that there's indeed not a big distance between intentional ignorance and a criminal behavior. Buy a good book about developmental psychology and take a look what's written there for example about "magic age". You would be a child abuser on your own, if you would try to force children to make idiotic decisions about the own gender - what's completely unimportant for children - while you would the same time try to eliminate the normal human development. Or let me say it in a way so very child is able to understand it: Santa Claus (=Saint Nicholas, born much more than 1500 years ago in Myra) still exists - and presents will come. We (= all children under 120 years) will find ways - whether you try to steal the Christmas presents of all children or not.

You will find a way to brainwash the kids, no matter what? That's what we thought.
Remind me that I don't EVER want to meet any little hellions raised by you.

What a stupid thing to say. As if you could make any predictions about the temperament or morals of my children. I would not deign to do the same of your children, despite my determination that you are brainwashing them with religion.

Yeah, actually, I can. It would be that empirical evidence you're so fond of claiming. I can look at you, and draw conclusions based on heredity. And then I can look at your ignorance of morality and hostility toward anything not "scientific" and your lack of understanding of parenting in terms of those "non-scientific" things, and draw pretty accurate conclusions about that.

And you're fooling yourself if you think you aren't very much "deigning" to reach conclusions about my children and how they're raised. I direct you to your constant use of the word "brainwashing". If you're going to be an arrogant, pompous boob, at least own it.
No doubt, but scientists create dogmas that others eventually broke with to eventualy lead to the breakthroughs.

Yes, but that is because scientists are human beings. And the tool for showing the dogma is incorrect? Science, of course. That's one thing that separates science from religion: It has a method for weeding out things that are false.

Amazing how leftists have been confidently asserting that their "science" - which is really just a code word for "excuses to behave however I like" - proves religion incorrect for pretty much the entire 20th century and up until now, and they still haven't ever actually done it. I guess that's what happens when you think declaring, "I don't like it, and therefore it is wrong" constitutes "disproving".

FYI, what you're espousing is a lot more materialism than it is science. Maybe that's where you went wrong.
I have to ask WHAT dogma north Korean scientist follow about now.

You could ask and get an answer, and still the dogma does not arise from science itself. It arises from religion, namely, the cult of Kim.

Doctors supported smoking, and now they say homosexuality isn't a mental illness.

And science proved both false. You're helping me out, here.

Science never proved a damned thing about homosexuality. There are too many leftists, touting their beliefs as "science" and standing in the way of actual science, to ever allow it to.
... Making kids religious is a form of child abuse.

What you say here shows to me that there's indeed not a big distance between intentional ignorance and a criminal behavior. Buy a good book about developmental psychology and take a look what's written there for example about "magic age". You would be a child abuser on your own, if you would try to force children to make idiotic decisions about the own gender - what's completely unimportant for children - while you would the same time try to eliminate the normal human development. Or let me say it in a way so very child is able to understand it: Santa Claus (=Saint Nicholas, born much more than 1500 years ago in Myra) still exists - and presents will come. We - all children under 120 years will find ways - whether you try to steal the Christmas presents of all children or not.

Why are you trying to changing to gender, when religion is the subject?

I don't change anything. The world wide successful attacks of the gender-ideology against everything what is marriage and family are an important part of the problems of the western world.

Typical right winger tactic. Can't justify your belief? Change the subject.

What a nonsense. I gave you examples, that's all. The problem is we are able to think a lot of things. But not everything has something to do with reality or is important.

Gender and religion aren't the same thing. This thread is about religion.
It amazes me just how freeking DUMB smart people can be.

Well sure, because one human mind can only learn so much. The top mind in quantum mechanics today may know jack shit about vaccines or contrails or evolution. So it goes. Also, the pure pursuit of knowledge includes, inherently, an indifference to ethics. Saying this is not a value or virtue judgment of this pursuit, anymore than is saying that lions eat people.. What we know CAN hurt us, but it is better to know and learn to keep it from hurting us than to never know. And I consider that to be a strong ethic.

Yeah, that's why pretty much every field of scientific pursuit has some sort of ethics oversight: because it's all about being indifferent to the ethics of what we do.
It provides answers and strength and guidance and comfort to many.
Why do grown adults need a fairy tale to "provide answers and strength?"
Humans have always had that need. If mocking and insulting them makes you feel a little better about yourself (it looks like you have a need, too, huh?), have at it.

Yeah, sorry, but I have no need to run around, attacking other people's beliefs. I don't care. Only need I'm feeling is the need to defend my own when attacked. If that leads me to point out that the attacker is a mouthbreathing, hate-filled asshole, then that's their problem. They probably should have minded their own business and not exposed their assholery to comment.
....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---

Of course, you have to BELIEVE something. And the problem is that religion has set the path for politicians like Trump who whip up a fury and then get their followers to BELIEVE their bullshit.
... Making kids religious is a form of child abuse.

What you say here shows to me that there's indeed not a big distance between intentional ignorance and a criminal behavior. Buy a good book about developmental psychology and take a look what's written there for example about "magic age". You would be a child abuser on your own, if you would try to force children to make idiotic decisions about the own gender - what's completely unimportant for children - while you would the same time try to eliminate the normal human development. Or let me say it in a way so very child is able to understand it: Santa Claus (=Saint Nicholas, born much more than 1500 years ago in Myra) still exists - and presents will come. We (= all children under 120 years) will find ways - whether you try to steal the Christmas presents of all children or not.

You will find a way to brainwash the kids, no matter what? That's what we thought.

I don't know why some people of the english speaking world are not able to read my German. I will repeat for you what I said:

(1) Every human being was always religious since human beings are existing (except perhaps on reasons of brain defects)
(2) Atheism is a belief

And what I did not say until now: If the USA should need body guards for Santa, we have some ...

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....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---
Religion is merely a toehold for the spirit to do a work in a human. It is the humans that throughout history that have adapted their own beliefs into how it all works. Throughout history many were aware that a higher existence was there yet they have not always understood it or accepted it. The science of the spirit has also fascinated people over the ages. In more recent history governments have experimented trying to tap into that higher plain. Druggies have also tried to use drugs to find where that higher plain was but even that fails as it is not something a carnal human can express or hold onto as a carnal possession. it is something like common sense, you either got it or you ain't got it and you roam around aimlessly lost in confusion as to why others believe in something you cannot grasp.
It provides answers and strength and guidance and comfort to many.
Why do grown adults need a fairy tale to "provide answers and strength?"
Humans have always had that need. If mocking and insulting them makes you feel a little better about yourself (it looks like you have a need, too, huh?), have at it.
Its best when the answers come from a bedrock of truth, as opposed to speculative dogma with weak foundation.

It doesnt ultimately serve the one seeking answers and strength when it comes from a lie.
It is a cult that is accepted by the masses.

This is why critical thinking is far more important then being an religious sheep.

The science of cultural anthropology says differently.

Why are you so anti-science?
... Making kids religious is a form of child abuse.

What you say here shows to me that there's indeed not a big distance between intentional ignorance and a criminal behavior. Buy a good book about developmental psychology and take a look what's written there for example about "magic age". You would be a child abuser on your own, if you would try to force children to make idiotic decisions about the own gender - what's completely unimportant for children - while you would the same time try to eliminate the normal human development. Or let me say it in a way so very child is able to understand it: Santa Claus (=Saint Nicholas, born much more than 1500 years ago in Myra) still exists - and presents will come. We (= all children under 120 years) will find ways - whether you try to steal the Christmas presents of all children or not.

You will find a way to brainwash the kids, no matter what? That's what we thought.

I don't know why some people of the english speaking world are not able to read my German. I will repeat for you what I said:

(1) Every human being was always religious since human beings are existing (except perhaps on reasons of brain defects)
(2) Atheism is a belief

And what I did not say until now: If the USA should need body guards for Santa, we have some ...

I'm agnostic, and no, people aren't born religious, it's a man-made concept.

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