Religion of peace via their man made "submission" strikes again

Science disagrees on the flood - so we have to make a choice to believe modern science, or to believe men who didn't know where the "sun went at night". Scientific Humanists choose the former.
That's pretty funny how you rely on science to prove a flood did not happen but reject science when it suits your purpose to look the other way when human life is selfishly ended. But putting that aside, are you familiar with the scientific concept of falsifiability? Because I would love to hear how you use science to falsify the account of the flood. Please show me how science falsifyies the "flood?"
Yes, Jesus' claims are not falsifiable, not testable, so of course Scientific Humanists can't put Jesus claims above the claims of, say, Mohammad, or above the claims of followers of Zeus, or above the claims of those that claim Krishna is a god, etc.

I admire your tenacity and energy - I wish I could keep up with you.
Thank you. I appreciate that, but we weren't talking about Jesus. We were talking about allegorical events like "the flood." My position was that the Bible tells about actual events in an allegorical fashion such as the great migration from the cradle of civilization. Your position was that science proves the flood didn't happen.

Can you show me that science?
No science shows that Everest was under water, like the Bible says.
I don't recall the Bible saying that Everest was under water and as I said before the Bible tells the account of actual events in an allegorical fashion. So, I don't see your point. How does this prove that science proves there was not a great flood? One that was recorded in many cultures around the globe?
Many cultures also have "angels", too. :)
That's pretty funny how you rely on science to prove a flood did not happen but reject science when it suits your purpose to look the other way when human life is selfishly ended. But putting that aside, are you familiar with the scientific concept of falsifiability? Because I would love to hear how you use science to falsify the account of the flood. Please show me how science falsifyies the "flood?"
Yes, Jesus' claims are not falsifiable, not testable, so of course Scientific Humanists can't put Jesus claims above the claims of, say, Mohammad, or above the claims of followers of Zeus, or above the claims of those that claim Krishna is a god, etc.

I admire your tenacity and energy - I wish I could keep up with you.
Thank you. I appreciate that, but we weren't talking about Jesus. We were talking about allegorical events like "the flood." My position was that the Bible tells about actual events in an allegorical fashion such as the great migration from the cradle of civilization. Your position was that science proves the flood didn't happen.

Can you show me that science?
No science shows that Everest was under water, like the Bible says.
Ding argues that Genesis is often allegorical, and nothing in the Books talks about Everest being under water.
No. That's isn't what I argue. I argue that the Bible (in some accounts) tells the account of an actual event in an allegorical fashion.
The geneologies in the Bible add up to about 4000 years to Jesus, so as Scientific Humanists we can't bring forward stuff "on faith" from the Bible, because the Bible obviously got the very first chapter dead wrong. We love Christians, but can't say "the bible is better than the Islamic or Hindu or Buddhists stories, so we're going to be Christians". Instead, we combine the best of the top 10 belief systems (and others, as appropriate), including secular beliefs such as New Atheism (Dawkins and his gang.)
Yes, Jesus' claims are not falsifiable, not testable, so of course Scientific Humanists can't put Jesus claims above the claims of, say, Mohammad, or above the claims of followers of Zeus, or above the claims of those that claim Krishna is a god, etc.

I admire your tenacity and energy - I wish I could keep up with you.
Thank you. I appreciate that, but we weren't talking about Jesus. We were talking about allegorical events like "the flood." My position was that the Bible tells about actual events in an allegorical fashion such as the great migration from the cradle of civilization. Your position was that science proves the flood didn't happen.

Can you show me that science?
No science shows that Everest was under water, like the Bible says.
Ding argues that Genesis is often allegorical, and nothing in the Books talks about Everest being under water.
No. That's isn't what I argue. I argue that the Bible (in some accounts) tells the account of an actual event in an allegorical fashion.
The geneologies in the Bible add up to about 4000 years to Jesus, so as Scientific Humanists we can't bring forward stuff "on faith" from the Bible, because the Bible obviously got the very first chapter dead wrong. We love Christians, but can't say "the bible is better than the Islamic or Hindu or Buddhists stories, so we're going to be Christians". Instead, we combine the best of the top 10 belief systems (and others, as appropriate), including secular beliefs such as New Atheism (Dawkins and his gang.)
Again, the Bible uses allegory to describe actual events. You are making a child's argument. The Bible correctly tells us that the universe had a beginning and that it evolved in steps. The Bible correctly tells us that there was a mass migration from the cradle of civilization and that was how the account of Genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4,500 years ago. The Bible correctly tells us every hair on our head is numbered; ie. DNA. The Bible correctly tells us that we came from dust (i.e. star dust) and that we will return to dust (i.e. star dust). And most importantly, the Bible tells us great wisdoms on how to be. At least it does for people who seek those wisdoms and are able to become objective and end their rationalizations. In fact, the Bible tells us in Genesis that man knows right from wrong and when he violates it instead of abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't.

Why is it that someone like me who didn't believe in God was able to figure these things out on my own and you can't? Am I smarter than you?
That's pretty funny how you rely on science to prove a flood did not happen but reject science when it suits your purpose to look the other way when human life is selfishly ended. But putting that aside, are you familiar with the scientific concept of falsifiability? Because I would love to hear how you use science to falsify the account of the flood. Please show me how science falsifyies the "flood?"
Yes, Jesus' claims are not falsifiable, not testable, so of course Scientific Humanists can't put Jesus claims above the claims of, say, Mohammad, or above the claims of followers of Zeus, or above the claims of those that claim Krishna is a god, etc.

I admire your tenacity and energy - I wish I could keep up with you.
Thank you. I appreciate that, but we weren't talking about Jesus. We were talking about allegorical events like "the flood." My position was that the Bible tells about actual events in an allegorical fashion such as the great migration from the cradle of civilization. Your position was that science proves the flood didn't happen.

Can you show me that science?
No science shows that Everest was under water, like the Bible says.
I don't recall the Bible saying that Everest was under water and as I said before the Bible tells the account of actual events in an allegorical fashion. So, I don't see your point. How does this prove that science proves there was not a great flood? One that was recorded in many cultures around the globe?
Many cultures also have "angels", too. :)
And your point is?
Watch and decide for yourself
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes - Muslims are scared of this!!!

Jesus ("Isa") is the messiah in Islam (Muslims believe that Jesus will return as a MUSLIM), so as a Scientific Humanist (we care for humanity greatly!) we'd of course, if we had Jesus' super-powers, have come down in the last 2000 years and educated, just educated, the Muslims that they (according to the Bible, that is) got Jesus all wrong. That would be best for the world, of course. It would largely end the Jihad/holy war, and the world would be a far more peaceful place.

Would you other folks have done that, like Scientific Humanists would have done (if you/we had those powers)?

From everything I have been reading about the factions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus. The majority of the Sunni militant Islamist like ISIS factions seem to be more terrorist related. I can understand why dani67 does not care for arabs. From what I have read from the history and more recently arabs have been more involved in terrorist and war activities. The slander from the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf regions are very nasty towards the Shi'ites in their twitter posts. That is not an excuse for any terrorism from either group. It is just the way it appears in the overall history of what their religious leaders have promoted since the division after Mohammad died. Wars and religion do not belong together in any form as God is a spirit.

"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

I know this and in time my hopes are that they also will believe correctly along with the others who haven't. Everything in God's time. The failure of many regardless of their choice of religious beliefs is that they think we are to submit to the precepts of other humans. Humans are unpredictable and fallible no matter who they are. Only one ever had the spirit on them continually and that was Jesus Christ. Only One knew for positively certain that they came down from the heavenly father who sent him into the world and the purpose thereof. In that he also came to save the world from its own self destruction (both the human and the whole world). Jesus came for All whom his father gave to him. Many Jews, Christians and in other forms of religions do not absolutely believe either. If all did believe beyond a doubt of the ones that are in the world we wouldn't be in such a predicament as we our with humankind at the moment. As it is written, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:", "And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers." If anyone approaches to collect what God reserved for his space and time, to awaken them or call them forth they will not hear it. This is done for the soul created with the eternal breath will not die in its own shame.

I will not try to judge what is in the heart of another human without the spirit that leads me. At the same time I try to take notice when the spirit leads me of dangers that are present without over reacting. <that not over reacting saved a young man from being shot one early morning in my youth, when he had broken into my house, and came into my bedroom with dishonorable intentions. In turn I was saved from doing something I would have severely regretted (shoot him with the .38 in my left hand directly on the temple of the right side of his head).
Thank you for the admission that SH is a collection of faith belief systems.
But those concepts ("love your neighbor", etc.) have to first pass science, reason, common sense, be what's best for the world, have a court-room level of evidence, etc. We don't just take them on faith. We can't add Jesus' divinity into our beliefs, for example - Jesus can't provide a court-room level of evidence that he's any more real than any of the other thousands of "prophets" - so we love Christians, but can't be Christian. Hope that makes sense.

Have a great weekend...still.
Science disagrees on the flood - so we have to make a choice to believe modern science, or to believe men who didn't know where the "sun went at night". Scientific Humanists choose the former.
That's pretty funny how you rely on science to prove a flood did not happen but reject science when it suits your purpose to look the other way when human life is selfishly ended. But putting that aside, are you familiar with the scientific concept of falsifiability? Because I would love to hear how you use science to falsify the account of the flood. Please show me how science falsifyies the "flood?"
Yes, Jesus' claims are not falsifiable, not testable, so of course Scientific Humanists can't put Jesus claims above the claims of, say, Mohammad, or above the claims of followers of Zeus, or above the claims of those that claim Krishna is a god, etc.

I admire your tenacity and energy - I wish I could keep up with you.
Thank you. I appreciate that, but we weren't talking about Jesus. We were talking about allegorical events like "the flood." My position was that the Bible tells about actual events in an allegorical fashion such as the great migration from the cradle of civilization. Your position was that science proves the flood didn't happen.

Can you show me that science?
No science shows that Everest was under water, like the Bible says.
I don't recall the Bible saying that Everest was under water and as I said before the Bible tells the account of actual events in an allegorical fashion. So, I don't see your point. How does this prove that science proves there was not a great flood? One that was recorded in many cultures around the globe?
"the waters . . . increased greatly . . . and the mountains were covered" (Genesis 7:18-20).

I think we can agree that Scientific Humanists should be clearer in our communications than god was, because we can obviously improve on the level of communication accuracy relative to the Bible! You get 5 people together and you'll probably get at least 2-4 different interpretations as to what they think that the Bible verse is trying to say! I know we can do better for our children than that. Let's move to a higher level.
That's pretty funny how you rely on science to prove a flood did not happen but reject science when it suits your purpose to look the other way when human life is selfishly ended. But putting that aside, are you familiar with the scientific concept of falsifiability? Because I would love to hear how you use science to falsify the account of the flood. Please show me how science falsifyies the "flood?"
Yes, Jesus' claims are not falsifiable, not testable, so of course Scientific Humanists can't put Jesus claims above the claims of, say, Mohammad, or above the claims of followers of Zeus, or above the claims of those that claim Krishna is a god, etc.

I admire your tenacity and energy - I wish I could keep up with you.
Thank you. I appreciate that, but we weren't talking about Jesus. We were talking about allegorical events like "the flood." My position was that the Bible tells about actual events in an allegorical fashion such as the great migration from the cradle of civilization. Your position was that science proves the flood didn't happen.

Can you show me that science?
No science shows that Everest was under water, like the Bible says.
I don't recall the Bible saying that Everest was under water and as I said before the Bible tells the account of actual events in an allegorical fashion. So, I don't see your point. How does this prove that science proves there was not a great flood? One that was recorded in many cultures around the globe?
"the waters . . . increased greatly . . . and the mountains were covered" (Genesis 7:18-20).

I think we can agree that Scientific Humanists should be clearer in our communications than god was, because we can obviously improve on the level of communication accuracy relative to the Bible! You get 5 people together and you'll probably get at least 2-4 different interpretations as to what they think that the Bible verse is trying to say! I know we can do better for our children than that. Let's move to a higher level.
Sure, I'm sure some mountains were. But again I will say, that you are taking a literal account of an event that was described allegorically. There veracity of something is not dependent on the number of interpretations. I bet I could find 5 people who had a different opinion of you, right? Does that change who you are? The reality is that you are confirming your bias. You have a preference for an outcome. I don't.

The only track record of humanism is poor. Your worldview is based on dialectical materialism. Nothing good will ever come from that.
Watch and decide for yourself
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes - Muslims are scared of this!!!

Jesus ("Isa") is the messiah in Islam (Muslims believe that Jesus will return as a MUSLIM), so as a Scientific Humanist (we care for humanity greatly!) we'd of course, if we had Jesus' super-powers, have come down in the last 2000 years and educated, just educated, the Muslims that they (according to the Bible, that is) got Jesus all wrong. That would be best for the world, of course. It would largely end the Jihad/holy war, and the world would be a far more peaceful place.

Would you other folks have done that, like Scientific Humanists would have done (if you/we had those powers)?

From everything I have been reading about the factions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus. The majority of the Sunni militant Islamist like ISIS factions seem to be more terrorist related. I can understand why dani67 does not care for arabs. From what I have read from the history and more recently arabs have been more involved in terrorist and war activities. The slander from the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf regions are very nasty towards the Shi'ites in their twitter posts. That is not an excuse for any terrorism from either group. It is just the way it appears in the overall history of what their religious leaders have promoted since the division after Mohammad died. Wars and religion do not belong together in any form as God is a spirit.

"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

Watch and decide for yourself
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes - Muslims are scared of this!!!

Jesus ("Isa") is the messiah in Islam (Muslims believe that Jesus will return as a MUSLIM), so as a Scientific Humanist (we care for humanity greatly!) we'd of course, if we had Jesus' super-powers, have come down in the last 2000 years and educated, just educated, the Muslims that they (according to the Bible, that is) got Jesus all wrong. That would be best for the world, of course. It would largely end the Jihad/holy war, and the world would be a far more peaceful place.

Would you other folks have done that, like Scientific Humanists would have done (if you/we had those powers)?

From everything I have been reading about the factions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus. The majority of the Sunni militant Islamist like ISIS factions seem to be more terrorist related. I can understand why dani67 does not care for arabs. From what I have read from the history and more recently arabs have been more involved in terrorist and war activities. The slander from the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf regions are very nasty towards the Shi'ites in their twitter posts. That is not an excuse for any terrorism from either group. It is just the way it appears in the overall history of what their religious leaders have promoted since the division after Mohammad died. Wars and religion do not belong together in any form as God is a spirit.

"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
Watch and decide for yourself
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes - Muslims are scared of this!!!

Jesus ("Isa") is the messiah in Islam (Muslims believe that Jesus will return as a MUSLIM), so as a Scientific Humanist (we care for humanity greatly!) we'd of course, if we had Jesus' super-powers, have come down in the last 2000 years and educated, just educated, the Muslims that they (according to the Bible, that is) got Jesus all wrong. That would be best for the world, of course. It would largely end the Jihad/holy war, and the world would be a far more peaceful place.

Would you other folks have done that, like Scientific Humanists would have done (if you/we had those powers)?

From everything I have been reading about the factions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus. The majority of the Sunni militant Islamist like ISIS factions seem to be more terrorist related. I can understand why dani67 does not care for arabs. From what I have read from the history and more recently arabs have been more involved in terrorist and war activities. The slander from the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf regions are very nasty towards the Shi'ites in their twitter posts. That is not an excuse for any terrorism from either group. It is just the way it appears in the overall history of what their religious leaders have promoted since the division after Mohammad died. Wars and religion do not belong together in any form as God is a spirit.

"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.

based on koran. jesus had Occultation.
no he isnt god .according to Islam.
. islam have 5 great prophet.( mohammad-jesus-moses-ibraham-noah).

You are completely wrong about this....see, I'm pretty sure that CAIR is the main group leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers. Yep, pretty sure. Yep.

You are either hopeless naive or a lying Muslims. CAIR is a major terrorist supporting organization. They are filled with extremist. They never speak out against Islamist, rather they apologize for it, deny it, ignore it or scream Islamophobia.

Sent from my iPhone using

You are completely wrong about this....see, I'm pretty sure that CAIR is the main group leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers. Yep, pretty sure. Yep.

You are either hopeless naive or a lying Muslims. CAIR is a major terrorist supporting organization. They are filled with extremist. They never speak out against Islamist, rather they apologize for it, deny it, ignore it or scream Islamophobia.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was just joking. Yes, what you say is correct.
No, CAIR is not "leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers."
Watch and decide for yourself
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes - Muslims are scared of this!!!

Jesus ("Isa") is the messiah in Islam (Muslims believe that Jesus will return as a MUSLIM), so as a Scientific Humanist (we care for humanity greatly!) we'd of course, if we had Jesus' super-powers, have come down in the last 2000 years and educated, just educated, the Muslims that they (according to the Bible, that is) got Jesus all wrong. That would be best for the world, of course. It would largely end the Jihad/holy war, and the world would be a far more peaceful place.

Would you other folks have done that, like Scientific Humanists would have done (if you/we had those powers)?

From everything I have been reading about the factions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus. The majority of the Sunni militant Islamist like ISIS factions seem to be more terrorist related. I can understand why dani67 does not care for arabs. From what I have read from the history and more recently arabs have been more involved in terrorist and war activities. The slander from the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf regions are very nasty towards the Shi'ites in their twitter posts. That is not an excuse for any terrorism from either group. It is just the way it appears in the overall history of what their religious leaders have promoted since the division after Mohammad died. Wars and religion do not belong together in any form as God is a spirit.

"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.

1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.
I was just joking. Yes, what you say is correct.
No, CAIR is not "leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers."
I did a brief study on the Islam issues between Shia and Sunni after reading an article released on the 15th by the Mufti of Egypt. It may interest you. I condensed down information for myself as I went through looking at the history, names of who did what and what the meanings were, published the article and my notes. Wonderful Word Today: News from The Middle East, History, Events & Notes

BTW, secular humanism has issues to. If it worked out great like you think you believe the ME wouldn't be such a mess now.

This short article on a blog this morning may help you see that if you take time to consider all things. The Iraqi Version of 'What's Up?' Is an Existential Riddle
I was just joking. Yes, what you say is correct.
No, CAIR is not "leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers."

BTW, secular humanism has issues to. If it worked out great like you think you believe the ME wouldn't be such a mess now.

I'm a Scientific Humanist, specifically. It's not the same exact belief system as you describe.
I was just joking. Yes, what you say is correct.
No, CAIR is not "leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers."

BTW, secular humanism has issues to. If it worked out great like you think you believe the ME wouldn't be such a mess now.

I'm a Scientific Humanist, specifically. It's not the same exact belief system as you describe.
Yes of course, I read a little bit about your beliefs. I also read some of the other posts you have made to others on what appears to be your precepts, on what you think the Bible is all about. I am pretty sure in time things will work out for you, it may not be what you expect but in time all things get ironed out in corrections, even if there is some strife and tribulation in that mix.
An Islamic apologist justifying Mashal's murder posted a few hours ago.


Donald Johnkerry Trump

Once Trump's Model of Modern Moderate Muslim replaces Assad, everything will be hugs and kisses. Expect both that guy and Trump to get Nobel Peace Prizes.
This incident happen in Pakistan but from the looks of things the "Management of Savagery" (< written by Osama bin Laden's bud) is working for the Islamist fascists in some areas. They have definitely made one nasty looking mess in many areas of the world in their quest for control. I was reading an article last night that claimed the owner of Emirates24/7 news is a leader of ISIS. I checked to see where it was based from and it's a Kuwait citizen in Germany from what I have found so far. The other document pushing terror and then bringing forth Islamic laws that is very similar was written in the late 60's and the Balkans were the first trial run in that one. They made one hell of a mess there too.
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

Yes, and our bipartisan Establishment traitors saved Kuwait, Bosnia, and Kosovo for Al Qaida and its financiers. Kosovo, by the way, means "Field of Vultures." It was where the crows ate the bodies of the dead Serbians after their last-ditch stand against Islam.

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