Religion of peace via their man made "submission" strikes again

Jesus ("Isa") is the messiah in Islam (Muslims believe that Jesus will return as a MUSLIM), so as a Scientific Humanist (we care for humanity greatly!) we'd of course, if we had Jesus' super-powers, have come down in the last 2000 years and educated, just educated, the Muslims that they (according to the Bible, that is) got Jesus all wrong. That would be best for the world, of course. It would largely end the Jihad/holy war, and the world would be a far more peaceful place.

Would you other folks have done that, like Scientific Humanists would have done (if you/we had those powers)?
From everything I have been reading about the factions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus. The majority of the Sunni militant Islamist like ISIS factions seem to be more terrorist related. I can understand why dani67 does not care for arabs. From what I have read from the history and more recently arabs have been more involved in terrorist and war activities. The slander from the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf regions are very nasty towards the Shi'ites in their twitter posts. That is not an excuse for any terrorism from either group. It is just the way it appears in the overall history of what their religious leaders have promoted since the division after Mohammad died. Wars and religion do not belong together in any form as God is a spirit.

"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
An Islamic apologist justifying Mashal's murder posted a few hours ago.


Donald Johnkerry Trump

Once Trump's Model of Modern Moderate Muslim replaces Assad, everything will be hugs and kisses. Expect both that guy and Trump to get Nobel Peace Prizes.
This incident happen in Pakistan but from the looks of things the "Management of Savagery" (< written by Osama bin Laden's bud) is working for the Islamist fascists in some areas. They have definitely made one nasty looking mess in many areas of the world in their quest for control. I was reading an article last night that claimed the owner of Emirates24/7 news is a leader of ISIS. I checked to see where it was based from and it's a Kuwait citizen in Germany from what I have found so far. The other document pushing terror and then bringing forth Islamic laws that is very similar was written in the late 60's and the Balkans were the first trial run in that one. They made one hell of a mess there too.
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

Yes, and our bipartisan Establishment traitors saved Kuwait, Bosnia, and Kosovo for Al Qaida and its financiers. Kosovo, by the way, means "Field of Vultures." It was where the crows ate the bodies of the dead Serbians after their last-ditch stand against Islam.
Thank you for the meaning of kosovo, I'll make note of that. What are genos? I'm not a writer.

edit, me duh! I got you now.
Last edited:
From everything I have been reading about the factions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus. The majority of the Sunni militant Islamist like ISIS factions seem to be more terrorist related. I can understand why dani67 does not care for arabs. From what I have read from the history and more recently arabs have been more involved in terrorist and war activities. The slander from the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf regions are very nasty towards the Shi'ites in their twitter posts. That is not an excuse for any terrorism from either group. It is just the way it appears in the overall history of what their religious leaders have promoted since the division after Mohammad died. Wars and religion do not belong together in any form as God is a spirit.

"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

You are completely wrong about this....see, I'm pretty sure that CAIR is the main group leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers. Yep, pretty sure. Yep.

You are either hopeless naive or a lying Muslims. CAIR is a major terrorist supporting organization. They are filled with extremist. They never speak out against Islamist, rather they apologize for it, deny it, ignore it or scream Islamophobia.

Sent from my iPhone using
I Could CAIR Less

Trump better prosecute CAIR under the RICO act, or patriots will have to take the law back into our own hands.
"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

The point you made is that you let others decide on your faith.'re a government school grad?
"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

"Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things..."

I posted this yesterday....
Atheism is contrary to reason.

There is a strong current of atheism, due largely to the strength of Marxism in our society, under which some 'scientists' actually claim that the universe was created out of nothing.....NOTHING.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicistandcosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?

Krauss, like similar 'scientists,' wants to avoid seeking the fundamental question about the origin of the universe
Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

"Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing."
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Have a greater day.
shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

The point you made is that you let others decide on your faith.'re a government school grad?
The other belief systems serve as great SUGGESTIONS - let me clarify that. If those suggestions are immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays), then of course we would not bring that forward.

Cute comment about gov't school grads - and not that far off about them. :)

Enjoy this new week.
I was just joking. Yes, what you say is correct.
No, CAIR is not "leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers."

BTW, secular humanism has issues to. If it worked out great like you think you believe the ME wouldn't be such a mess now.

I'm a Scientific Humanist, specifically. It's not the same exact belief system as you describe.
Yes of course, I read a little bit about your beliefs. I also read some of the other posts you have made to others on what appears to be your precepts, on what you think the Bible is all about. I am pretty sure in time things will work out for you, it may not be what you expect but in time all things get ironed out in corrections, even if there is some strife and tribulation in that mix.
We Need an Urban II, Not Wanky Frankie

Why are Christians ashamed of the Crusades? The great sacrifices over 200 years bought time for Europe to recover from the Dark Ages and medieval stagnancy.
What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

The point you made is that you let others decide on your faith.'re a government school grad?
The other belief systems serve as great SUGGESTIONS - let me clarify that. If those suggestions are immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays), then of course we would not bring that forward.

Cute comment about gov't school grads - and not that far off about them. :)

Enjoy this new week.

"... immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays)...blah blah blah..."

What the heck are you burbling about????
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

The point you made is that you let others decide on your faith.'re a government school grad?
The other belief systems serve as great SUGGESTIONS - let me clarify that. If those suggestions are immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays), then of course we would not bring that forward.

Cute comment about gov't school grads - and not that far off about them. :)

Enjoy this new week.

"... immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays)...blah blah blah..."

What the heck are you burbling about????
If you were in Jesus' shoes, would you have, w/in the last 2000 years (that's a long time!), either during his lifetime, or while he is now allegedly "watching over us", have said that the Bible's verses that say to kill gays is wrong, and that Romans that say gays don't get into heaven is wrong, and apologized for never having spoken up FOR gay rights, as well? Please tell us PChic.

Scientific Humanists basically believe "gay is ok", so we are proud to say that we've moved to a more loving plane than god/Jesus (not to put them down, but just to show people that there is a more loving, more caring, more legally-correct way.) Hopefully we can be a good role model to people, so they treat LGBT with the love and respect that they deserve. Always err on the side of love, we believe. We have a hate-free belief system.
I was just joking. Yes, what you say is correct.
No, CAIR is not "leading the charge AGAINST the Jihadists by advocating condemning or changing the Islamic texts that ISIS uses to justify ISIS's barbarity against non-believers."

BTW, secular humanism has issues to. If it worked out great like you think you believe the ME wouldn't be such a mess now.

I'm a Scientific Humanist, specifically. It's not the same exact belief system as you describe.
Yes of course, I read a little bit about your beliefs. I also read some of the other posts you have made to others on what appears to be your precepts, on what you think the Bible is all about. I am pretty sure in time things will work out for you, it may not be what you expect but in time all things get ironed out in corrections, even if there is some strife and tribulation in that mix.
We Need an Urban II, Not Wanky Frankie

Why are Christians ashamed of the Crusades? The great sacrifices over 200 years bought time for Europe to recover from the Dark Ages and medieval stagnancy.
Blood and guts, times and seasons and the propaganda that has been spread throughout, would be my guess offhand on the shame portion. I keep thinking more of the present situation at hand and try to recall what I have seen in the spirit, and attempt to put it in an order of the spiritual hosts at work for I can get a better understanding.

Would you mind telling me the language for the Kosovo meaning. I would like to add that in the notes I have been gathering for the Balkan states.
shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

"Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things..."

I posted this yesterday....
Atheism is contrary to reason.

There is a strong current of atheism, due largely to the strength of Marxism in our society, under which some 'scientists' actually claim that the universe was created out of nothing.....NOTHING.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicistandcosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?

Krauss, like similar 'scientists,' wants to avoid seeking the fundamental question about the origin of the universe
Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

"Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing."
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Have a greater day.
Krauss and Dawkins are New Atheists. We are Scientific Humanists. We bring forward parts of Buddhism, parts of Christianity, Islam, etc.,...and yes, parts of New Atheism. We strive to have a more positive message than Dawkins et al who are often perceived as "mean". Dawkins is AGAINST theism (he wears an "A" on his lapel - "A" means "non", what he's NOT). However we are FOR Scientific Humanism. He never really says that good parts of religions exist - we believe they do. The attitude is different. Time will show that more clearly.

Have an even greater greater day. :)
What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

"Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things..."

I posted this yesterday....
Atheism is contrary to reason.

There is a strong current of atheism, due largely to the strength of Marxism in our society, under which some 'scientists' actually claim that the universe was created out of nothing.....NOTHING.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicistandcosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?

Krauss, like similar 'scientists,' wants to avoid seeking the fundamental question about the origin of the universe
Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

"Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing."
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Have a greater day.
Krauss and Dawkins are New Atheists. We are Scientific Humanists. We bring forward parts of Buddhism, parts of Christianity, Islam, etc.,...and yes, parts of New Atheism. We strive to have a more positive message than Dawkins et al who are often perceived as "mean". Dawkins is AGAINST theism (he wears an "A" on his lapel - "A" means "non", what he's NOT). However we are FOR Scientific Humanism. He never really says that good parts of religions exist - we believe they do. The attitude is different. Time will show that more clearly.

Have an even greater greater day. :)
Cute, sound like a, "we have a theory of how things works based on" and "we will provide a place for all people of all kinds who simply can't believe that their is a spiritual world and a master designer of it all". It really does sound like a good plan and a nice effort on your part yet your plans will fail as humans are fallible. The spirit within humans is like a mini creator of its own. With our mouths and thoughts we open and close doors to the spiritual world that is in us from the moment we take our first breath in this world. If we willingly or ignorantly open up a door where we are not suppose to go or should not go, we are subjected to the types of evil that comes with it.
Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

The point you made is that you let others decide on your faith.'re a government school grad?
The other belief systems serve as great SUGGESTIONS - let me clarify that. If those suggestions are immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays), then of course we would not bring that forward.

Cute comment about gov't school grads - and not that far off about them. :)

Enjoy this new week.

"... immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays)...blah blah blah..."

What the heck are you burbling about????
If you were in Jesus' shoes, would you have, w/in the last 2000 years (that's a long time!), either during his lifetime, or while he is now allegedly "watching over us", have said that the Bible's verses that say to kill gays is wrong, and that Romans that say gays don't get into heaven is wrong, and apologized for never having spoken up FOR gay rights, as well? Please tell us PChic.

Scientific Humanists basically believe "gay is ok", so we are proud to say that we've moved to a more loving plane than god/Jesus (not to put them down, but just to show people that there is a more loving, more caring, more legally-correct way.) Hopefully we can be a good role model to people, so they treat LGBT with the love and respect that they deserve. Always err on the side of love, we believe. We have a hate-free belief system.

"Scientific Humanists basically believe "gay is ok", so we are proud to say that we've moved to a more loving plane than god/Jesus..."


That's your raison d'être???

Sooo.....what did you glean about the Bible's position on global warming and recycling?
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

The point you made is that you let others decide on your faith.'re a government school grad?
The other belief systems serve as great SUGGESTIONS - let me clarify that. If those suggestions are immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays), then of course we would not bring that forward.

Cute comment about gov't school grads - and not that far off about them. :)

Enjoy this new week.

"... immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays)...blah blah blah..."

What the heck are you burbling about????
If you were in Jesus' shoes, would you have, w/in the last 2000 years (that's a long time!), either during his lifetime, or while he is now allegedly "watching over us", have said that the Bible's verses that say to kill gays is wrong, and that Romans that say gays don't get into heaven is wrong, and apologized for never having spoken up FOR gay rights, as well? Please tell us PChic.

Scientific Humanists basically believe "gay is ok", so we are proud to say that we've moved to a more loving plane than god/Jesus (not to put them down, but just to show people that there is a more loving, more caring, more legally-correct way.) Hopefully we can be a good role model to people, so they treat LGBT with the love and respect that they deserve. Always err on the side of love, we believe. We have a hate-free belief system.

"Scientific Humanists basically believe "gay is ok", so we are proud to say that we've moved to a more loving plane than god/Jesus..."


That's your raison d'être???

Many other causes/beliefs/issues other than LGBT rights - I only see a small percentage of articles about LGBT on that web site:

Most people that think like that simply love humanity too much to embrace any belief system that doesn't say, like SH does, "love gays". We believe that #LoveIsLove. We believe that the after-life judge (if any) would be so compassionate that it's very very risky to embrace a religion that says to kill innocent people (kill gays), and that gays are such (apparent) scum that they can't get into that religion's "heaven". That's too risky for us - we err on the side of love, not hatred. We assume that an all-knowing after-life judge (if any) would embrace love and not hatred, so we can't bring forward hatred of gays in our belief system like the Bible/Qur'an do....too risky (and more loving in this life-time, too.)
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

The point you made is that you let others decide on your faith.'re a government school grad?
The other belief systems serve as great SUGGESTIONS - let me clarify that. If those suggestions are immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays), then of course we would not bring that forward.

Cute comment about gov't school grads - and not that far off about them. :)

Enjoy this new week.

"... immoral (god/Jesus approving of killing gays)...blah blah blah..."

What the heck are you burbling about????
If you were in Jesus' shoes, would you have, w/in the last 2000 years (that's a long time!), either during his lifetime, or while he is now allegedly "watching over us", have said that the Bible's verses that say to kill gays is wrong, and that Romans that say gays don't get into heaven is wrong, and apologized for never having spoken up FOR gay rights, as well? Please tell us PChic.

Scientific Humanists basically believe "gay is ok", so we are proud to say that we've moved to a more loving plane than god/Jesus (not to put them down, but just to show people that there is a more loving, more caring, more legally-correct way.) Hopefully we can be a good role model to people, so they treat LGBT with the love and respect that they deserve. Always err on the side of love, we believe. We have a hate-free belief system.

"Scientific Humanists basically believe "gay is ok", so we are proud to say that we've moved to a more loving plane than god/Jesus..."


That's your raison d'être???

Sooo.....what did you glean about the Bible's position on global warming and recycling?
Can we agree that Scientific Humanism's "love gays", and "gays are ok" is more loving than Jesus (who we like in some other areas, however) who never said that, and who never spoke up against the kill gays wording in the bible nor in Romans where it says that gays can't get into heave (no matter how ethical they might be - there is no caveat)? Can we agree on that, PChic?

Not to put Jesus nor Christians down - no, just moving to a higher moral plane and hopefully being role models for them.
What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

"Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things..."

I posted this yesterday....
Atheism is contrary to reason.

There is a strong current of atheism, due largely to the strength of Marxism in our society, under which some 'scientists' actually claim that the universe was created out of nothing.....NOTHING.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicistandcosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?

Krauss, like similar 'scientists,' wants to avoid seeking the fundamental question about the origin of the universe
Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

"Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing."
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Have a greater day.
Krauss and Dawkins are New Atheists. We are Scientific Humanists. We bring forward parts of Buddhism, parts of Christianity, Islam, etc.,...and yes, parts of New Atheism. We strive to have a more positive message than Dawkins et al who are often perceived as "mean". Dawkins is AGAINST theism (he wears an "A" on his lapel - "A" means "non", what he's NOT). However we are FOR Scientific Humanism. He never really says that good parts of religions exist - we believe they do. The attitude is different. Time will show that more clearly.

Have an even greater greater day. :)

Did I miss your quote of Jesus demanding the killing of gays, or anyone else?

Or....are you simply our best sourced of Greenhouse Gases?
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

"Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things..."

I posted this yesterday....
Atheism is contrary to reason.

There is a strong current of atheism, due largely to the strength of Marxism in our society, under which some 'scientists' actually claim that the universe was created out of nothing.....NOTHING.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicistandcosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?

Krauss, like similar 'scientists,' wants to avoid seeking the fundamental question about the origin of the universe
Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

"Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing."
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Have a greater day.
Krauss and Dawkins are New Atheists. We are Scientific Humanists. We bring forward parts of Buddhism, parts of Christianity, Islam, etc.,...and yes, parts of New Atheism. We strive to have a more positive message than Dawkins et al who are often perceived as "mean". Dawkins is AGAINST theism (he wears an "A" on his lapel - "A" means "non", what he's NOT). However we are FOR Scientific Humanism. He never really says that good parts of religions exist - we believe they do. The attitude is different. Time will show that more clearly.

Have an even greater greater day. :)

Did I miss your quote of Jesus demanding the killing of gays, or anyone else?

Or....are you simply our best sourced of Greenhouse Gases?
Scientific Humanists, if they were in Jesus' shoes, because we love humanity so much, and have a strong sense of fairness (gays aren't hurting you), would have spoken up w/in the last 2000 years and said that the bible was wrong to say to kill gays, and that they don't get to heaven (god/Jesus control access to heaven), and that he was wrong to not have spoken up for gay rights....can we agree that that would be the best day, PChic? If not, then could I invite you to a more loving belief system where you can answer "yes" to that question. Thanks.
Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

"Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things..."

I posted this yesterday....
Atheism is contrary to reason.

There is a strong current of atheism, due largely to the strength of Marxism in our society, under which some 'scientists' actually claim that the universe was created out of nothing.....NOTHING.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicistandcosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?

Krauss, like similar 'scientists,' wants to avoid seeking the fundamental question about the origin of the universe
Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

"Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing."
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Have a greater day.
Krauss and Dawkins are New Atheists. We are Scientific Humanists. We bring forward parts of Buddhism, parts of Christianity, Islam, etc.,...and yes, parts of New Atheism. We strive to have a more positive message than Dawkins et al who are often perceived as "mean". Dawkins is AGAINST theism (he wears an "A" on his lapel - "A" means "non", what he's NOT). However we are FOR Scientific Humanism. He never really says that good parts of religions exist - we believe they do. The attitude is different. Time will show that more clearly.

Have an even greater greater day. :)

Did I miss your quote of Jesus demanding the killing of gays, or anyone else?

Or....are you simply our best sourced of Greenhouse Gases?
Scientific Humanists, if they were in Jesus' shoes, because we love humanity so much, and have a strong sense of fairness (gays aren't hurting you), would have spoken up w/in the last 2000 years and said that the bible was wrong to say to kill gays, and that they don't get to heaven (god/Jesus control access to heaven), and that he was wrong to not have spoken up for gay rights....can we agree that that would be the best day, PChic? If not, then could I invite you to a more loving belief system where you can answer "yes" to that question. Thanks.

So....we agree that Jesus never said what you've suggested?

Excellent...we can proceed, brick by brick.

"...because we love humanity...."

Very close to what has been true of Leftists forever: they love humanity, but hate people.
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.

"Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things..."

I posted this yesterday....
Atheism is contrary to reason.

There is a strong current of atheism, due largely to the strength of Marxism in our society, under which some 'scientists' actually claim that the universe was created out of nothing.....NOTHING.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicistandcosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?

Krauss, like similar 'scientists,' wants to avoid seeking the fundamental question about the origin of the universe
Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

"Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing."
Why is there something rather than nothing?

Have a greater day.
Krauss and Dawkins are New Atheists. We are Scientific Humanists. We bring forward parts of Buddhism, parts of Christianity, Islam, etc.,...and yes, parts of New Atheism. We strive to have a more positive message than Dawkins et al who are often perceived as "mean". Dawkins is AGAINST theism (he wears an "A" on his lapel - "A" means "non", what he's NOT). However we are FOR Scientific Humanism. He never really says that good parts of religions exist - we believe they do. The attitude is different. Time will show that more clearly.

Have an even greater greater day. :)

Did I miss your quote of Jesus demanding the killing of gays, or anyone else?

Or....are you simply our best sourced of Greenhouse Gases?
Scientific Humanists, if they were in Jesus' shoes, because we love humanity so much, and have a strong sense of fairness (gays aren't hurting you), would have spoken up w/in the last 2000 years and said that the bible was wrong to say to kill gays, and that they don't get to heaven (god/Jesus control access to heaven), and that he was wrong to not have spoken up for gay rights....can we agree that that would be the best day, PChic? If not, then could I invite you to a more loving belief system where you can answer "yes" to that question. Thanks.

So....we agree that Jesus never said what you've suggested?

Excellent...we can proceed, brick by brick.

"...because we love humanity...."

Very close to what has been true of Leftists forever: they love humanity, but hate people.
Not to put you down, but please do realize that because you (twice) couldn't answer that question with a "yes" reply, that Scientific Humanism has moved to a more loving plane that you exist on - because it of course would indeed be best for the world if Jesus did those things (said that the Bible's kill gay wording was wrong, and that gays can't get into heaven was wrong, and that Jesus was wrong to never have spoken up for gay rights.)

I'm showing you a more loving way, that's best for the world, that is less hateful (Lev 20:13 says to kill gays), and that will bring LGBT and non-LGBT together like the world has never seen before.....that can only be a GOOD thing, PChic. We care for you as much as we care for LGBT folks, so it's not like we are supremacists. "Love gays equally".

Have a great afternoon.

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