Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
Evangelicals are religious ? Lol....I'm sorry but having Christian's friends from Catholics to Greek orthodox I think those who call themselves evangelicals are the worst (highly likely bigots or racists, supported, slavery, racism, anti immigrants and anti refugees, gave us the most immoral human being as president) they are not religious.

These people who refer to themselves as "Christians" without any further identifier are trying to mold the Christian faith according to their sickness. They are an insult to every other Christian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Orthodox, and all the rest..

I always find it comical that progressives are far more judgemental than the people they are bitching about being judgemental.

Far less forgiving as well.

"Hate the sinner and the sin, and make sure they are ruined for life" The progressive mantra.
I'm not pro sex marriage, also anti abortion, beleive in God almighty...but I also know for a fact that evangelicals in the US are the biggest hypocrites and assholes in the world...or at least most of them. They preach and preach, and they thrive on hate racism and bigotry...and worse they voted overwhelmingly for the most evil **** in the world.
You literally vote for Democrats because you hate white Christians.

You are a piece of shit on the bottom of the devil’s sole.
Where it says "all men are created equal, with certain inalienable rights".

Even the Bible says that Christian should obey the laws of the land. These bigots don't have a leg to stand on - not Constitutionally, and certainly not according to the word in the Bible.

Guess what, foreign "expert": that phrase doesn't appear in our Constitution, which you would know, if it wasn't OUR Constitution, not yours.

And thank you for demonstrating just one of the reasons why nothing you have to say about how the US runs itself has any value whatsoever.

"These bigot don't have a leg to stand on . . . except for laws I can't cite, a culture I know nothing about, and a history that's utterly foreign to me. But damn it, I just KNOW that this is how your country is supposed to work, because I want it to!"

The only reason you're still running your toothless gums is that you have even less shame than you do brains.
Jesus said it. That should be enough.

it is kind of cute how you think they care what Jesus says.

It is not at all cute how you think dimwits like you and "Assfuck Dave" have anything to tell anyone about what Jesus says.

We care what He said. We care not in the slightest what you and "Assfuck Dave" think about it.

You don't care in the slightest what He said. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You want people to call you insulting and demeaning names, and then disregard what you're saying, because that is how you treat others.

Our way allows you to have your beliefs and just stay out of our lives, which is what we want you to do for us. See. how that works, when you actually LIVE the principles you claim to espouse.
since when did you have rational conversation and not fly into people for how they feel?
lol Marty came off sucking trump in this thread, per usual.


I didn’t get the whole

“Christians would rather vote for someone who paid for an abortion rather than someone who supports abortion”. Isn’t paying for an abortion supporting abortion?
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
Evangelicals are religious ? Lol....I'm sorry but having Christian's friends from Catholics to Greek orthodox I think those who call themselves evangelicals are the worst (highly likely bigots or racists, supported, slavery, racism, anti immigrants and anti refugees, gave us the most immoral human being as president) they are not religious.

These people who refer to themselves as "Christians" without any further identifier are trying to mold the Christian faith according to their sickness. They are an insult to every other Christian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Orthodox, and all the rest..

I always find it comical that progressives are far more judgemental than the people they are bitching about being judgemental.

Far less forgiving as well.

"Hate the sinner and the sin, and make sure they are ruined for life" The progressive mantra.
I'm not pro sex marriage, also anti abortion, beleive in God almighty...but I also know for a fact that evangelicals in the US are the biggest hypocrites and assholes in the world...or at least most of them. They preach and preach, and they thrive on hate racism and bigotry...and worse they voted overwhelmingly for the most evil **** in the world.
You literally vote for Democrats because you hate white Christians.

You are a piece of shit on the bottom of the devil’s sole.

Evangelicals are religious ? Lol....I'm sorry but having Christian's friends from Catholics to Greek orthodox I think those who call themselves evangelicals are the worst (highly likely bigots or racists, supported, slavery, racism, anti immigrants and anti refugees, gave us the most immoral human being as president) they are not religious.

These people who refer to themselves as "Christians" without any further identifier are trying to mold the Christian faith according to their sickness. They are an insult to every other Christian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Orthodox, and all the rest..

I always find it comical that progressives are far more judgemental than the people they are bitching about being judgemental.

Far less forgiving as well.

"Hate the sinner and the sin, and make sure they are ruined for life" The progressive mantra.
I'm not pro sex marriage, also anti abortion, beleive in God almighty...but I also know for a fact that evangelicals in the US are the biggest hypocrites and assholes in the world...or at least most of them. They preach and preach, and they thrive on hate racism and bigotry...and worse they voted overwhelmingly for the most evil **** in the world.
You literally vote for Democrats because you hate white Christians.

You are a piece of shit on the bottom of the devil’s sole.

I don’t believe in Satan.
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?

They are embracing the Party of racism and misogyny, which promotes anti-family policies, and the transfer of wealth to the 1% at the expense of the poor and the middle class. A party which increases poverty, and which promotes policies making it impossible for workers to care for their family without government support. I'm sure that Jesus, who said it is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, who said that the love of money was the root of all evil, and who said that poor shall inherit the earth, would vote for the party of hate, repression and greed - NOT!

So they should support a party that shits on their religious beliefs, forces them to not just tolerate, but accept lifestyles they do not approve of, and enforces an open hositlity to their religion in schools and the public square?

And can it with the ist/ic/ism bullshit. You are just as bigoted as the most virulent KKK asshole, but because you are bigoted against "approved" groups, you think you get a pass.

As long as Democrats are the party of "BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE, PEASANT" they will not have the support of the most Religious people in this country.

They also lose people like me, who while not religious, don't have the deep hatred of the religious you have.

I'm sorry...come again with who is "shitting on religious beliefs"?

Supreme Court is ‘unspeakably cruel’ for denying Muslim death row inmate’s request for imam, ex-Obama official says

Did you even bother to read your own link?

You are such a hypocrite, Seabiscuit. If the guy had been a Christian and wanting his own personal pastor there, you'd have been screeching about "Have to follow the rules!" and "No special treatment!" and "Separation of church and state!" at the top of your lungs.

No matter how much you and Justice Kagan try to pretend otherwise, your link had nothing to do with "shitting on religion", or with the inmate's religion at all, and everything to do with rules and proper procedure.

No, actually I would not. If he were Christian and the prison only offered an Imam be in the room, I'd respond the same way I am now, with outrage. The difference is that if that were the case, you'd be outraged and you aren't now.

No, I wouldn't be outraged in the same situation, because it would still be the case that he addressed the question at the last minute, probably as an attempt to delay the execution.

The rules are the rules, and they're not a secret if you want to bother to find them out. We don't have enough facts for anyone to really be outraged; you're just pissed because you're making ASSumptions based on your preferred narrative.

He wasn't allowed in the death chamber, because the law as set up didn't allow it. The guy was not denied an Imam prior to being in the death chamber.

The issue becomes that if he was allowed in, the people trying to get his sentence commuted would have also appealed for THAT, because the State was then not following the rules of the death chamber.

Catch-22 situation.
But one religious representative WAS allowed in, elevating that one above all others. Directly in violation of the Constitution.

The law was probably from a time when it wasn't considered. Blame the legislature for not updating the law.

Again, if they HAD let the guy in, I guarantee his defense attorneys would have claimed a violation of execution chamber procedure and sought a stay.

The rule in question is that no one is allowed in the execution chamber who is not an employee of the Department of Corrections. One assumes it's a matter of security and safety, and I am willing to defer to the prison staff's superior knowledge and expertise on that subject.

Whether or not the Department of Corrections has any imams on its chaplain staff, or whether or not any imams have even TRIED to become part of the staff, is unclear from that article.

It appears that the Supreme Court felt that the inmate had waited far too long to address the question and that made it likely just an attempt to delay his execution.

The prisoner did not find out until it was "too late". Seems like the only compelling interest of the government was to kill the man as quickly as possible. It would seem to me that protecting Constitutional rights is the more compelling state interest than killing someone, don't you?

Apparently, he did. Seems like you're making more ASSumptions.

1) We don't believe sperm are sacred. We never have. The whole sperm thing is a left-wing attempt at dodging the issue of abortion by way of left-wing abysmal ignorance of basic reproductive biology. Just because you baby-killing mouthbreathers have spent the last 50 years shouting, "If you think abortion is murder, then you have to think masturbation is too!" does NOT in any way make your stupidity any part of OUR beliefs.

Who is "we"? Genesis 38 has been misinterpreted by Christians for centuries.

6 For his first son Er, Judah got a wife whose name was Tamar.

7 Er’s conduct was evil, and it displeased the LORD, so the LORD killed him.

8 Then Judah said to Er’s brother Onan, “Go and sleep with your brother’s widow. Fulfill your obligation to her as her husband’s brother, so that your brother may have descendants.”

9 But Onan knew that the children would not belong to him, so when he had intercourse with his brother’s widow, he let the semen spill on the ground, so that there would be no children for his brother.

10 What he did displeased the LORD, and the LORD killed him also.

I can't tell you how much I value your "wisdom" on how we are "misinterpreting" the Bible because we don't see it the way you do. I can't tell you, because it's impossible to measure negatives to that extent.
It is not at all cute how you think dimwits like you and "Assfuck Dave" have anything to tell anyone about what Jesus says.

We care what He said. We care not in the slightest what you and "Assfuck Dave" think about it.

but it is damn cute how someone that claims to follow Jesus is calling someone "assfuck dave".

I do not recall Jesus using that term! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

"If you call yourself a christian then you should turn the other cheek while I fuck you in the ass!"

I do not recall Jesus saying that either.

I am guessing you have never read a bible in your life.

I've never turned water to wine or risen from the dead either, what's your point?

That you are not Jesus.

Damn! Can't get nothin' past you, Sherlock!
Considering the male gender doesn't have a "choice" anyway in this situation, I honestly don't care.

There are plenty of pro-life women who understand exactly the point you are making, and they are still pro-life. Why do you have to frame this as a "all-men" vs "all-women" conflict?

Oh, right, because hacks gotta hack.

Being a male and a trump supporter, caring is probably too much to ask of you.

As for the supposed “conflict”, it’s a construct of your imagination. About 90% of catholic women practice contraception which was and likely still is antithetical to Church teachings. Women pretty much know the score when it comes to a bunch of people in state capitols making their healthcare decisions. This is why the contraception is used in the first place.

It’s a pretty easy scenario to understand. I’m sure if you try, you could too.

You equate caring with government overreach, or following progressive matras, typical.

Why did you have to shift to contraception of Catholics? I stated there are plenty of pro-life women, and you saw fit to ignore that?

Dodge, duck dip, dive, and dodge.

The fact that there are "pro-life" women adds nothing. The issue deals only with conditions inside a female' body. Presumably these women exercise autonomy. But plenty of women exist that are not "pro-life" and Big Government is trying to steal their autonomy.

It subtracts from the whole this is a "men vs. women" motif progressives try to play. Plenty of women are pro-life, particularly in places like Alabama and other Southern/midwestern States.

"Big Government" is really only at the federal level. What States do is more local annoying government, at least as long as they stay within the Constitution.

A state legislature deciding whom you can legally marry, what survivor benefits you’re entitled to, and prohibiting you from making your own healthcare decisions is not “big government”?

Yeah, I'm sure you'd like to pretend that state legislatures banned something that was previously allowed, but that's not how it worked.

The state government deciding what does and doesn't constitute a recognized marriage, for legal purposes, is actually exactly within the correct purview of government. It never stopped anyone from making binding legally-contractual arrangements of their own that just didn't happen to wear that particular label. This pretense of "without the word marriage, we couldn't write wills or medical powers of attorney!" is really old and threadbare.
What do the Dems offer them besides persecution?

Sorry, the party of "Bake that cake, peasant" isn't going to win over these people.

No, I don’t expect it would. I wouldn’t expect them as a group to endorse the Democrats.

However if your loyalty is to God (make me laugh harder), your loyalty is to her/him (or just “him” in their case). You don’t compromise that and give your loyalty to someone who doesn’t share your values.

As for the Politics of the situation, lets say Joe Biden is the nominee. You’re stating—correctly—that the Christian Conservatives will support someone who has had multiple affairs over Biden who TTBOOK, never had any.

Biden supports policies harmful to their interests.

You are confusing supporting someone politically with endorsing their behavior.

Trump may violate the rules they live by, but to them his soul is his issue,and thus they know God will judge him as he sees fit.

But what he doesn't do it try to ruin them for their belief structure.


Just a quick question…

If it comes out that Mara-Lard-Ass paid for some abortions when he was spilling his baby batter, should that change anything as far as Christian Conservatives go?

Just a quick question: Do you actually think you just asked a legitimate, serious question that should be answered seriously?

Instead of wasting time trying to dictate to people whose beliefs you don't share how purist you think they ought to be in practicing their beliefs - which you don't share - and just exactly what Donald Trump would have to do to finally become more objectionable than literally every single Democrat politician currently breathing, it might be more profitable for you to spend some time questioning why it is that every Democrat in the country is such an amoral, disgusting pile of crap that they make Donald Trump look good in comparison.

Maybe the problem isn't that conservatives don't understand who and what Trump is; maybe the problem is that we DO understand who DEMOCRATS are.

It was a ridiculous question to based on a ridiculous premise smoky

Well, I won't argue that virtually everything you think and try to project onto the world around you IS ridiculous.
No, I don’t expect it would. I wouldn’t expect them as a group to endorse the Democrats.

However if your loyalty is to God (make me laugh harder), your loyalty is to her/him (or just “him” in their case). You don’t compromise that and give your loyalty to someone who doesn’t share your values.

As for the Politics of the situation, lets say Joe Biden is the nominee. You’re stating—correctly—that the Christian Conservatives will support someone who has had multiple affairs over Biden who TTBOOK, never had any.

Biden supports policies harmful to their interests.

You are confusing supporting someone politically with endorsing their behavior.

Trump may violate the rules they live by, but to them his soul is his issue,and thus they know God will judge him as he sees fit.

But what he doesn't do it try to ruin them for their belief structure.


Just a quick question…

If it comes out that Mara-Lard-Ass paid for some abortions when he was spilling his baby batter, should that change anything as far as Christian Conservatives go?

Just a quick question: Do you actually think you just asked a legitimate, serious question that should be answered seriously?

Instead of wasting time trying to dictate to people whose beliefs you don't share how purist you think they ought to be in practicing their beliefs - which you don't share - and just exactly what Donald Trump would have to do to finally become more objectionable than literally every single Democrat politician currently breathing, it might be more profitable for you to spend some time questioning why it is that every Democrat in the country is such an amoral, disgusting pile of crap that they make Donald Trump look good in comparison.

Maybe the problem isn't that conservatives don't understand who and what Trump is; maybe the problem is that we DO understand who DEMOCRATS are.

It was a ridiculous question to based on a ridiculous premise smoky

Well, I won't argue that virtually everything you think and try to project onto the world around you IS ridiculous.

Whatever smokey…you’e lining up on the side of "someone who pays for an abortion is not supporting abortion."
Being a male and a trump supporter, caring is probably too much to ask of you.

As for the supposed “conflict”, it’s a construct of your imagination. About 90% of catholic women practice contraception which was and likely still is antithetical to Church teachings. Women pretty much know the score when it comes to a bunch of people in state capitols making their healthcare decisions. This is why the contraception is used in the first place.

It’s a pretty easy scenario to understand. I’m sure if you try, you could too.

You equate caring with government overreach, or following progressive matras, typical.

Why did you have to shift to contraception of Catholics? I stated there are plenty of pro-life women, and you saw fit to ignore that?

Dodge, duck dip, dive, and dodge.

The fact that there are "pro-life" women adds nothing. The issue deals only with conditions inside a female' body. Presumably these women exercise autonomy. But plenty of women exist that are not "pro-life" and Big Government is trying to steal their autonomy.

It subtracts from the whole this is a "men vs. women" motif progressives try to play. Plenty of women are pro-life, particularly in places like Alabama and other Southern/midwestern States.

"Big Government" is really only at the federal level. What States do is more local annoying government, at least as long as they stay within the Constitution.

A state legislature deciding whom you can legally marry, what survivor benefits you’re entitled to, and prohibiting you from making your own healthcare decisions is not “big government”?

Yeah, I'm sure you'd like to pretend that state legislatures banned something that was previously allowed, but that's not how it worked.

The state government deciding what does and doesn't constitute a recognized marriage, for legal purposes, is actually exactly within the correct purview of government. It never stopped anyone from making binding legally-contractual arrangements of their own that just didn't happen to wear that particular label. This pretense of "without the word marriage, we couldn't write wills or medical powers of attorney!" is really old and threadbare.

Having to have the government’s blessing of your marriage is an example of having a pretty invasive government. You may think differently but then again, you’re an idiot.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
Evangelicals are religious ? Lol....I'm sorry but having Christian's friends from Catholics to Greek orthodox I think those who call themselves evangelicals are the worst (highly likely bigots or racists, supported, slavery, racism, anti immigrants and anti refugees, gave us the most immoral human being as president) they are not religious.

These people who refer to themselves as "Christians" without any further identifier are trying to mold the Christian faith according to their sickness. They are an insult to every other Christian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Orthodox, and all the rest..

I always find it comical that progressives are far more judgemental than the people they are bitching about being judgemental.

Far less forgiving as well.

"Hate the sinner and the sin, and make sure they are ruined for life" The progressive mantra.
I'm not pro sex marriage, also anti abortion, beleive in God almighty...but I also know for a fact that evangelicals in the US are the biggest hypocrites and assholes in the world...or at least most of them. They preach and preach, and they thrive on hate racism and bigotry...and worse they voted overwhelmingly for the most evil **** in the world.

Newflash, Punkin: That isn't anything you KNOW. That's just a bunch of hatred and bitterness you FEEL, and you think it's knowledge because your bile has shortcircuited your brain . . . just like with any other vicious bigot.

Congratulations. You ARE the piece of shit you proclaim others to be. :clap:
Where it says "all men are created equal, with certain inalienable rights".

Even the Bible says that Christian should obey the laws of the land. These bigots don't have a leg to stand on - not Constitutionally, and certainly not according to the word in the Bible.

Guess what, foreign "expert": that phrase doesn't appear in our Constitution, which you would know, if it wasn't OUR Constitution, not yours.

And thank you for demonstrating just one of the reasons why nothing you have to say about how the US runs itself has any value whatsoever.

"These bigot don't have a leg to stand on . . . except for laws I can't cite, a culture I know nothing about, and a history that's utterly foreign to me. But damn it, I just KNOW that this is how your country is supposed to work, because I want it to!"

The only reason you're still running your toothless gums is that you have even less shame than you do brains.
Jesus said it. That should be enough.

it is kind of cute how you think they care what Jesus says.

It is not at all cute how you think dimwits like you and "Assfuck Dave" have anything to tell anyone about what Jesus says.

We care what He said. We care not in the slightest what you and "Assfuck Dave" think about it.

You don't care in the slightest what He said. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You want people to call you insulting and demeaning names, and then disregard what you're saying, because that is how you treat others.

Our way allows you to have your beliefs and just stay out of our lives, which is what we want you to do for us. See. how that works, when you actually LIVE the principles you claim to espouse.

You might want to figure out how to get your own mind functioning before you presume to read mine.
lol Marty came off sucking trump in this thread, per usual.


I didn’t get the whole

“Christians would rather vote for someone who paid for an abortion rather than someone who supports abortion”. Isn’t paying for an abortion supporting abortion?

No, one is an individual act. The other is a public policy involving millions of individual acts.

So yeah, we'd rather have someone who made one mistake in life than someone who wants to turn the laws themselves into mistakes.
Biden supports policies harmful to their interests.

You are confusing supporting someone politically with endorsing their behavior.

Trump may violate the rules they live by, but to them his soul is his issue,and thus they know God will judge him as he sees fit.

But what he doesn't do it try to ruin them for their belief structure.


Just a quick question…

If it comes out that Mara-Lard-Ass paid for some abortions when he was spilling his baby batter, should that change anything as far as Christian Conservatives go?

Just a quick question: Do you actually think you just asked a legitimate, serious question that should be answered seriously?

Instead of wasting time trying to dictate to people whose beliefs you don't share how purist you think they ought to be in practicing their beliefs - which you don't share - and just exactly what Donald Trump would have to do to finally become more objectionable than literally every single Democrat politician currently breathing, it might be more profitable for you to spend some time questioning why it is that every Democrat in the country is such an amoral, disgusting pile of crap that they make Donald Trump look good in comparison.

Maybe the problem isn't that conservatives don't understand who and what Trump is; maybe the problem is that we DO understand who DEMOCRATS are.

It was a ridiculous question to based on a ridiculous premise smoky

Well, I won't argue that virtually everything you think and try to project onto the world around you IS ridiculous.

Whatever smokey…you’e lining up on the side of "someone who pays for an abortion is not supporting abortion."

No, I'm lining up on the side of "paying for an abortion is different from pushing it as public policy". Whatever half-assed, emotion-soaked parallels you want to try to draw are meaningless to and not incumbent on me.
You equate caring with government overreach, or following progressive matras, typical.

Why did you have to shift to contraception of Catholics? I stated there are plenty of pro-life women, and you saw fit to ignore that?

Dodge, duck dip, dive, and dodge.

The fact that there are "pro-life" women adds nothing. The issue deals only with conditions inside a female' body. Presumably these women exercise autonomy. But plenty of women exist that are not "pro-life" and Big Government is trying to steal their autonomy.

It subtracts from the whole this is a "men vs. women" motif progressives try to play. Plenty of women are pro-life, particularly in places like Alabama and other Southern/midwestern States.

"Big Government" is really only at the federal level. What States do is more local annoying government, at least as long as they stay within the Constitution.

A state legislature deciding whom you can legally marry, what survivor benefits you’re entitled to, and prohibiting you from making your own healthcare decisions is not “big government”?

Yeah, I'm sure you'd like to pretend that state legislatures banned something that was previously allowed, but that's not how it worked.

The state government deciding what does and doesn't constitute a recognized marriage, for legal purposes, is actually exactly within the correct purview of government. It never stopped anyone from making binding legally-contractual arrangements of their own that just didn't happen to wear that particular label. This pretense of "without the word marriage, we couldn't write wills or medical powers of attorney!" is really old and threadbare.

Having to have the government’s blessing of your marriage is an example of having a pretty invasive government. You may think differently but then again, you’re an idiot.

More emotion. Every time you open your flapping gob, I feel like I need a shower from the storm of hormones you send flying around.

I get that you see the entire world through the prism of "You must approve of me!", but no one has ever been "getting the government's blessing" on anything. Marriage is a legal and financial contract, however much immature twits like you want to pretend it's all one big badly-written romance novel. It carries with it a wide variety of issues which may someday have to be settled by legal adjudication, just like any other contract. Therefore, just like any other contract, the law has to decide what does and does not constitute a legally binding contract in their jurisdiction. No more, no less. Ideally (meaning when it's not influenced by a bunch of sobbing teenagers masquerading as adults) the law is silent on overwrought emotional BS like you leftists keep gabbling on about.

I doubt you think differently, since I doubt you think at all.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
Evangelicals are religious ? Lol....I'm sorry but having Christian's friends from Catholics to Greek orthodox I think those who call themselves evangelicals are the worst (highly likely bigots or racists, supported, slavery, racism, anti immigrants and anti refugees, gave us the most immoral human being as president) they are not religious.

These people who refer to themselves as "Christians" without any further identifier are trying to mold the Christian faith according to their sickness. They are an insult to every other Christian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Orthodox, and all the rest..

I always find it comical that progressives are far more judgemental than the people they are bitching about being judgemental.

Far less forgiving as well.

"Hate the sinner and the sin, and make sure they are ruined for life" The progressive mantra.
I'm not pro sex marriage, also anti abortion, beleive in God almighty...but I also know for a fact that evangelicals in the US are the biggest hypocrites and assholes in the world...or at least most of them. They preach and preach, and they thrive on hate racism and bigotry...and worse they voted overwhelmingly for the most evil **** in the world.
You literally vote for Democrats because you hate white Christians.

You are a piece of shit on the bottom of the devil’s sole.

Who hates white Christians? With the exception of Barack Obama, who had one white parent and one black one, to the best of my recollection all of the candidates running have been white and Christian except for Bernie Sanders

It sounds like you are still involved with the tiffs between various Christian sects that date from the Middle Ages and Reformation and continued through early modern times, including those that occurred between the colonists in what later became the United States, as well as being caught up in racial politics.

I voted for two white Christians in 2016, but trump and pigpence got in, instead.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
Evangelicals are religious ? Lol....I'm sorry but having Christian's friends from Catholics to Greek orthodox I think those who call themselves evangelicals are the worst (highly likely bigots or racists, supported, slavery, racism, anti immigrants and anti refugees, gave us the most immoral human being as president) they are not religious.

These people who refer to themselves as "Christians" without any further identifier are trying to mold the Christian faith according to their sickness. They are an insult to every other Christian, Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Orthodox, and all the rest..

I always find it comical that progressives are far more judgemental than the people they are bitching about being judgemental.

Far less forgiving as well.

"Hate the sinner and the sin, and make sure they are ruined for life" The progressive mantra.
I'm not pro sex marriage, also anti abortion, beleive in God almighty...but I also know for a fact that evangelicals in the US are the biggest hypocrites and assholes in the world...or at least most of them. They preach and preach, and they thrive on hate racism and bigotry...and worse they voted overwhelmingly for the most evil **** in the world.

Newflash, Punkin: That isn't anything you KNOW. That's just a bunch of hatred and bitterness you FEEL, and you think it's knowledge because your bile has shortcircuited your brain . . . just like with any other vicious bigot.

Congratulations. You ARE the piece of shit you proclaim others to be. :clap:

Well here you are again without a reasonable argument just flinging insults, hate and bile all while accusing others of doing what you’re doing.

Here is no logical reason or to deny gays the right to marry but you want to do it anyway and you’re prepared to attack, vilify and denigrate anyone who tells you that your position is indefensible.

There is no cure for ignorant and stupid.

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