Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

Religion is man-made, anybody can be a religious at anything... You do realize it’s a generic term
So is "faith".

You don’t have any faith because you lack that bit of humanity. Worse yet the faith of others drives you to envy.

Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...
Again, look up any post by JoeB, I just responded to one 5 minutes ago.

He said threads started by, not posts... Sorry you don't get simple instructions.

The Democrats aren’t even close to being a democratic organization. The deck is stacked with superdelegates. Watch how they control their own party members and imagine what they do with control of the government.

The Superdelegate rule was put in there so they didn't have a repeat of what happened in 1972, where they nominated a nut and lost 49 states. After the Trump Debacle plays out, the GOP will do the same.

Worthless post is worthless

Superdelegates are undemocratic,. lol.

The "Electoral College" is undemocratic. Gerrymandering is undemocratic. Removing voters names fromo the register without comfirming their status is undemocratic.

The entire nominating process of both parties is entirely undemocratic. You have a candidate who got 15% of the votes winning ALL of the delegates from a state. That's not democracy. That's idiocy on the hoof.

"Your system of government is totally against your system of government, because I say so and I'm an expert on countries I'm not part of!"

Call me when you can produce a country that matters to anyone, and maybe you can talk about what it takes. Maybe.

Do you notice a pattern?

And comment on it every damned chance I get.

It's annoying enough to be blathered at by Americans who know nothing about our government or history or culture. It's far worse to be blathered at by some foreign twat living in a second-tier country with delusions of grandeur.
He said threads started by, not posts... Sorry you don't get simple instructions.

The Superdelegate rule was put in there so they didn't have a repeat of what happened in 1972, where they nominated a nut and lost 49 states. After the Trump Debacle plays out, the GOP will do the same.

Worthless post is worthless

Superdelegates are undemocratic,. lol.

The "Electoral College" is undemocratic. Gerrymandering is undemocratic. Removing voters names fromo the register without comfirming their status is undemocratic.

The entire nominating process of both parties is entirely undemocratic. You have a candidate who got 15% of the votes winning ALL of the delegates from a state. That's not democracy. That's idiocy on the hoof.

"Your system of government is totally against your system of government, because I say so and I'm an expert on countries I'm not part of!"

Call me when you can produce a country that matters to anyone, and maybe you can talk about what it takes. Maybe.

Do you notice a pattern?

And comment on it every damned chance I get.

It's annoying enough to be blathered at by Americans who know nothing about our government or history or culture. It's far worse to be blathered at by some foreign twat living in a second-tier country with delusions of grandeur.

Foreign meddling in other words. You would be surprised at how many liberals here are foreign based. Or foreign loyal.
Deanard used to lead off every post with complaints from Canada or China until he got embarrassed about it.
I’m asking who she thinks she’s speaking for because the “sperm as sacred” issue has been long debated in religion.

Not in our religion. Go ahead and quote yours again.

You're not Christian? I already told you what my religion is, it's irony. It'll never let you down.

No your religion is not irony. If it were you would have more interesting posts.
You don’t belong here.

I'm sorry, crazy person, but where is the here I don't belong?

You don’t belong in a place where the majority culture something you despise and want to break.

What is Islam?
3 out of 100 of us rubes?
Try to get things in perspective.
I bet you don't even know one in the deep loser south
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?

They are embracing the Party of racism and misogyny, which promotes anti-family policies, and the transfer of wealth to the 1% at the expense of the poor and the middle class. A party which increases poverty, and which promotes policies making it impossible for workers to care for their family without government support. I'm sure that Jesus, who said it is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, who said that the love of money was the root of all evil, and who said that poor shall inherit the earth, would vote for the party of hate, repression and greed - NOT!

When did they start supporting Democrats?
Worthless post is worthless

Superdelegates are undemocratic,. lol.

The "Electoral College" is undemocratic. Gerrymandering is undemocratic. Removing voters names fromo the register without comfirming their status is undemocratic.

The entire nominating process of both parties is entirely undemocratic. You have a candidate who got 15% of the votes winning ALL of the delegates from a state. That's not democracy. That's idiocy on the hoof.

"Your system of government is totally against your system of government, because I say so and I'm an expert on countries I'm not part of!"

Call me when you can produce a country that matters to anyone, and maybe you can talk about what it takes. Maybe.

Do you notice a pattern?

And comment on it every damned chance I get.

It's annoying enough to be blathered at by Americans who know nothing about our government or history or culture. It's far worse to be blathered at by some foreign twat living in a second-tier country with delusions of grandeur.

Foreign meddling in other words. You would be surprised at how many liberals here are foreign based. Or foreign loyal.
Deanard used to lead off every post with complaints from Canada or China until he got embarrassed about it.

How does anyone take you seriously when you don't know the meaning of the words you regurgitate from knees news?
Liberal, liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
No Latin in college?
No college?
So is "faith".

You don’t have any faith because you lack that bit of humanity. Worse yet the faith of others drives you to envy.

Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.
You don’t have any faith because you lack that bit of humanity. Worse yet the faith of others drives you to envy.

Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.
Ye of little faith
I get it, the evangelicals want him because he might push their agenda. Except that everything he stands for is opposed to what they supposedly believe in.
You don’t have any faith because you lack that bit of humanity. Worse yet the faith of others drives you to envy.

Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuo to see it in Christians. It makes you feel more distinctly the rancid hole in your soul.
So is "faith".

You don’t have any faith because you lack that bit of humanity. Worse yet the faith of others drives you to envy.

Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?
Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.
You don’t have any faith because you lack that bit of humanity. Worse yet the faith of others drives you to envy.

Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

Don’t talk about something you can’t grasp.
I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.

You are bothered by Christians. But afraid to live in a place without them.
I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.

You are bothered by Christians. But afraid to live in a place without them.
Bingo! In Muslim controlled countries any other thinking is not tolerated… Fact
Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

Don’t talk about something you can’t grasp.

You do every time you post. I grasp religion just fine...I simply reject it.
I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.

You are bothered by Christians. But afraid to live in a place without them.

You're projecting your feelings about religions other than Christianity on to others. Sad, but it's your hangup, not mine. I'm fine with all people that practice their faiths, follows the secular laws of this country and leave other people the hell alone.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.

You are bothered by Christians. But afraid to live in a place without them.
Bingo! In Muslim controlled countries any other thinking is not tolerated… Fact

It’s not that they want a Muslim country. Obviously they seek out Christian countries and nations to infiltrate. What they want are enough Muslims to neutralize Christians. It atheists. Whatever it takes.

You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.

You are bothered by Christians. But afraid to live in a place without them.
Bingo! In Muslim controlled countries any other thinking is not tolerated… Fact

Not just Muslim countries. In Russia such behaviour isn't tolerated either.
And I think the title of this thread is an example of what drives them crazy. Christians will never abandon Trump...obviously. Trump is the only candidate for Christians by a long shot. So what’s the solution?
In their minds it’s fewer Christians.

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