Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

Btw re: fewer Christians...that also goes for whites in general and Americans in particular. Marxists could never make any headway here.,,until they started importing replacement voters.
I get it, the evangelicals want him because he might push their agenda. Except that everything he stands for is opposed to what they supposedly believe in.
View attachment 249799

"I get it, blah blah blah what I want to believe about conservatives, I'm SURE you just confirmed my bigotry so I won't bother to listen!"

In other words, you got nothing.

I know you won't understand this, at least in part because I know you aren't intelligent enough to even try to understand it, but I'll explain it anyway.

Christians don't require people to be perfect, and we certainly don't require them to have always been perfect. I realize that asshats who try to loudly define Christians without ever having spoken to one attempt to project that onto us, but that level of unforgiving judgementalism actually belongs solely to the atheist left, which likes to destroy someone's career for the rest of their lives because they said something un-PC decades ago.

We know Donald Trump is not a perfect person. We also know that WE are not perfect people. There ARE no perfect people on this Earth at the moment, and if we waited to vote until a perfect person was running, we would never vote at all (which I realize is what you want, but ain't gonna happen). The best we can do is pretty much the best anyone can do: look at what's available, and then decide based on what we believe is best for the country's future.

Perhaps you should remember that the main reason that the "immoral" Mr. Trump won is because YOUR side presented someone who was vastly less moral. So you'll excuse me if I find your attempts to declare yourself morally superior to Mr. Trump and his voters to be a shade hypocritical . . . and a lot laughable.
I get it, the evangelicals want him because he might push their agenda. Except that everything he stands for is opposed to what they supposedly believe in.
View attachment 249799

"I get it, blah blah blah what I want to believe about conservatives, I'm SURE you just confirmed my bigotry so I won't bother to listen!"

In other words, you got nothing.

I know you won't understand this, at least in part because I know you aren't intelligent enough to even try to understand it, but I'll explain it anyway.

Christians don't require people to be perfect, and we certainly don't require them to have always been perfect. I realize that asshats who try to loudly define Christians without ever having spoken to one attempt to project that onto us, but that level of unforgiving judgementalism actually belongs solely to the atheist left, which likes to destroy someone's career for the rest of their lives because they said something un-PC decades ago.

We know Donald Trump is not a perfect person. We also know that WE are not perfect people. There ARE no perfect people on this Earth at the moment, and if we waited to vote until a perfect person was running, we would never vote at all (which I realize is what you want, but ain't gonna happen). The best we can do is pretty much the best anyone can do: look at what's available, and then decide based on what we believe is best for the country's future.

Perhaps you should remember that the main reason that the "immoral" Mr. Trump won is because YOUR side presented someone who was vastly less moral. So you'll excuse me if I find your attempts to declare yourself morally superior to Mr. Trump and his voters to be a shade hypocritical . . . and a lot laughable.
So the point is to vote the person who is most faithful to the tenets of Satan?

Can Satan pretend to be a man of God? No?
You don’t have any faith because you lack that bit of humanity. Worse yet the faith of others drives you to envy.

Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

This from someone who thinks she can speak to whether or not others are "correctly" practicing their beliefs, which she doesn't share? Puhleeze.

To think you can babble endlessly about what you "think" and what you mistakenly believe to be your "moral superiority" over others, and NOT have people know your views, is the definition of delusional.
I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

Don’t talk about something you can’t grasp.

You do every time you post. I grasp religion just fine...I simply reject it.

That you reject it is just another indicator that you know nothing about it.

Of course, every post that spews from your keyboard could be described that way.
You don’t know what the definition of faith is then... There is no reason for faith if you can see what you have Faith in...

You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.

You are bothered by Christians. But afraid to live in a place without them.

You're projecting your feelings about religions other than Christianity on to others. Sad, but it's your hangup, not mine. I'm fine with all people that practice their faiths, follows the secular laws of this country and leave other people the hell alone.


I'm not sure what's funnier: that you actually think that defines your positions, or that you expect others to believe it does.

Your positions have nothing to do with leaving people the hell alone, and we all know that "secular laws" really means "We tell you what to think and say, and you hide your beliefs and toe our ideological line."
I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

Don’t talk about something you can’t grasp.

You do every time you post. I grasp religion just fine...I simply reject it.

That you reject it is just another indicator that you know nothing about it.

Of course, every post that spews from your keyboard could be described that way.

Seawitch sez...”I don’t believe in sin...oy vey you are a big sinner!”
I get it, the evangelicals want him because he might push their agenda. Except that everything he stands for is opposed to what they supposedly believe in.
View attachment 249799

"I get it, blah blah blah what I want to believe about conservatives, I'm SURE you just confirmed my bigotry so I won't bother to listen!"

In other words, you got nothing.

I know you won't understand this, at least in part because I know you aren't intelligent enough to even try to understand it, but I'll explain it anyway.

Christians don't require people to be perfect, and we certainly don't require them to have always been perfect. I realize that asshats who try to loudly define Christians without ever having spoken to one attempt to project that onto us, but that level of unforgiving judgementalism actually belongs solely to the atheist left, which likes to destroy someone's career for the rest of their lives because they said something un-PC decades ago.

We know Donald Trump is not a perfect person. We also know that WE are not perfect people. There ARE no perfect people on this Earth at the moment, and if we waited to vote until a perfect person was running, we would never vote at all (which I realize is what you want, but ain't gonna happen). The best we can do is pretty much the best anyone can do: look at what's available, and then decide based on what we believe is best for the country's future.

Perhaps you should remember that the main reason that the "immoral" Mr. Trump won is because YOUR side presented someone who was vastly less moral. So you'll excuse me if I find your attempts to declare yourself morally superior to Mr. Trump and his voters to be a shade hypocritical . . . and a lot laughable.
So the point is to vote the person who is most faithful to the tenets of Satan?

Can Satan pretend to be a man of God? No?

"So the point is some asinine thing I pulled out of my ass with no relation to what you said, but that allows me to spew mindless bigoted insults?"

Do us all a favor and just assume that whatever dipshit thing you're going to say is utterly wrong, and don't waste time asking if you're right. You aren't. You never will be. Accept it.
Where does it say I have no faith. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but it doesn’t come from the “divine”.

I don’t know who “it” you appeal to. I am saying you have no faith. Empty. The most base type of person...the faithless type.

I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

This from someone who thinks she can speak to whether or not others are "correctly" practicing their beliefs, which she doesn't share? Puhleeze.

To think you can babble endlessly about what you "think" and what you mistakenly believe to be your "moral superiority" over others, and NOT have people know your views, is the definition of delusional.

Point out where I did that? All I did was ask you who the "we" your highness thought she was speaking for because the sanctity of sperm and the meaning of God's punishment of Onan has long been debated. But, hey, cover up your mistake with more bitchy arrogance, that seems to work really well.
You don't have to have faith in an imaginary deity to have faith. For example, I still have faith that the guard rails are holding despite Trump constantly testing them.

You don’t have any faith. And it bothers yuyvto see fairy. It makes you feel the rancid joke in your soul.

I'm not bothered at all by seeing fairies.

You are bothered by Christians. But afraid to live in a place without them.

You're projecting your feelings about religions other than Christianity on to others. Sad, but it's your hangup, not mine. I'm fine with all people that practice their faiths, follows the secular laws of this country and leave other people the hell alone.


I'm not sure what's funnier: that you actually think that defines your positions, or that you expect others to believe it does.

Your positions have nothing to do with leaving people the hell alone, and we all know that "secular laws" really means "We tell you what to think and say, and you hide your beliefs and toe our ideological line."

My position has everything to do with practice your religion as you see fit as long as you abide by the laws of this country. Doesn't matter which religion it is.
No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

Don’t talk about something you can’t grasp.

You do every time you post. I grasp religion just fine...I simply reject it.

That you reject it is just another indicator that you know nothing about it.

Of course, every post that spews from your keyboard could be described that way.

Seawitch sez...”I don’t believe in sin...oy vey you are a big sinner!”

I don't believe in sin nor follow the teachings of Christ. You allegedly do though.
I have faith in abundance ...just not in some imaginary deity.

No you don’t. And you envy people who do. Oy vey

To think you know the views of someone you've never met is the definition of hubris. Isn't that a sin?

Don’t talk about something you can’t grasp.

You do every time you post. I grasp religion just fine...I simply reject it.

That you reject it is just another indicator that you know nothing about it.

Of course, every post that spews from your keyboard could be described that way.

You really think I'm not religious because I just don't know enough about it? :lol:

You should take your act on the road! :lol:
And now the Democrats are the party of amnesty acid and abortion.

Times change. Most people are realizing the war on drugs is stupid, women should control their own bodies, and people refusing to fight in a war that was unjust was a reasonable. So I guess McGovern was ahead of his time, as history proved him right about everything.


And we do mean everything...
No, that's what insurance is for. and again that isn't a proper comparison.

There is compelling interest in systemic discrimination, not contracted services like this.

stomping out homophobia is a compelling interest..

To him, same sex marriage is sinful, just like the other things. He is far more consistent than the progressives in this case.

Naw, man consistent would be only selling to couples where they are both virgins on their wedding night like the bible says, the woman doesn't wear pants or braids or jewelry, the woman doesn't write her own vows because the bible says to keep her mouth shut in church. In short, if he actually followed what the Bible says, he'd never sell a cake to anyone.

Come to think of it... where are wedding cakes even mentioned in the bible? They aren't. Wedding cakes are a Roman tradition, except the Romans actually did bake the cakes to look like Dildos to encourage fertility.

To me it is his call, because the service he requires doesn't meet the requirements of a PA, nor is it timely or required service.

Well, you are entitled to that view... the law takes a different position.
No, that's what insurance is for. and again that isn't a proper comparison.

There is compelling interest in systemic discrimination, not contracted services like this.

stomping out homophobia is a compelling interest..

To him, same sex marriage is sinful, just like the other things. He is far more consistent than the progressives in this case.

Naw, man consistent would be only selling to couples where they are both virgins on their wedding night like the bible says, the woman doesn't wear pants or braids or jewelry, the woman doesn't write her own vows because the bible says to keep her mouth shut in church. In short, if he actually followed what the Bible says, he'd never sell a cake to anyone.

Come to think of it... where are wedding cakes even mentioned in the bible? They aren't. Wedding cakes are a Roman tradition, except the Romans actually did bake the cakes to look like Dildos to encourage fertility.

To me it is his call, because the service he requires doesn't meet the requirements of a PA, nor is it timely or required service.

Well, you are entitled to that view... the law takes a different position.

Only to you. People have the right to their views and opinions.

You don't get to define that, and neither should government in this case.

The law is being applied wrongly.
I get it, the evangelicals want him because he might push their agenda. Except that everything he stands for is opposed to what they supposedly believe in.
View attachment 249799

"I get it, blah blah blah what I want to believe about conservatives, I'm SURE you just confirmed my bigotry so I won't bother to listen!"

In other words, you got nothing.

I know you won't understand this, at least in part because I know you aren't intelligent enough to even try to understand it, but I'll explain it anyway.

Christians don't require people to be perfect, and we certainly don't require them to have always been perfect. I realize that asshats who try to loudly define Christians without ever having spoken to one attempt to project that onto us, but that level of unforgiving judgementalism actually belongs solely to the atheist left, which likes to destroy someone's career for the rest of their lives because they said something un-PC decades ago.

We know Donald Trump is not a perfect person. We also know that WE are not perfect people. There ARE no perfect people on this Earth at the moment, and if we waited to vote until a perfect person was running, we would never vote at all (which I realize is what you want, but ain't gonna happen). The best we can do is pretty much the best anyone can do: look at what's available, and then decide based on what we believe is best for the country's future.

Perhaps you should remember that the main reason that the "immoral" Mr. Trump won is because YOUR side presented someone who was vastly less moral. So you'll excuse me if I find your attempts to declare yourself morally superior to Mr. Trump and his voters to be a shade hypocritical . . . and a lot laughable.
So the point is to vote the person who is most faithful to the tenets of Satan?

Can Satan pretend to be a man of God? No?

"So the point is some asinine thing I pulled out of my ass with no relation to what you said, but that allows me to spew mindless bigoted insults?"

Do us all a favor and just assume that whatever dipshit thing you're going to say is utterly wrong, and don't waste time asking if you're right. You aren't. You never will be. Accept it.
What are you blabbering about? Trump just repeatedly does stuff you're not supposed to do according to the Bible: lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery and so on. And in spades.

And why is that "bigoted"?
Only to you. People have the right to their views and opinions.

Yes, they do. And when they act on them, there are consequences... it's why you'll get fired if you start screaming about how lazy black folks are at work today.... or why you'll get fined if you deny a gay person service they are entitled to.

You don't get to define that, and neither should government in this case.

Except the government is and it should be. Look, it's one thing if Klein the Wifebeater or Jack the Latent Homo just hate, hate, hate the icky gays in their hearts, it's another if they inflict their views on their customers. And while normally, i'm just fine with the market driving these guys out of business.... getting a big old government boot to squash them works, too.

The law is being applied wrongly.

Your opinion. Sounds to me like the law is being rightly applied as intended to protect consumers from discrimination. That's what the law is there for. It's not there to protect the businessman. He has the option of doing something else for a living.
Only to you. People have the right to their views and opinions.

Yes, they do. And when they act on them, there are consequences... it's why you'll get fired if you start screaming about how lazy black folks are at work today.... or why you'll get fined if you deny a gay person service they are entitled to.

You don't get to define that, and neither should government in this case.

Except the government is and it should be. Look, it's one thing if Klein the Wifebeater or Jack the Latent Homo just hate, hate, hate the icky gays in their hearts, it's another if they inflict their views on their customers. And while normally, i'm just fine with the market driving these guys out of business.... getting a big old government boot to squash them works, too.

The law is being applied wrongly.

Your opinion. Sounds to me like the law is being rightly applied as intended to protect consumers from discrimination. That's what the law is there for. It's not there to protect the businessman. He has the option of doing something else for a living.

That really isn't freedom, it's fascism by proxy. And of course you have your pom poms in your hand cheering for it.

More of your usual lies.

The Constitution protects a person's rights regardless of if they want to sell something or not. In this case the right to commerce does not trump the right to free exercise.
I get it, the evangelicals want him because he might push their agenda. Except that everything he stands for is opposed to what they supposedly believe in.
View attachment 249799

"I get it, blah blah blah what I want to believe about conservatives, I'm SURE you just confirmed my bigotry so I won't bother to listen!"

In other words, you got nothing.

I know you won't understand this, at least in part because I know you aren't intelligent enough to even try to understand it, but I'll explain it anyway.

Christians don't require people to be perfect, and we certainly don't require them to have always been perfect. I realize that asshats who try to loudly define Christians without ever having spoken to one attempt to project that onto us, but that level of unforgiving judgementalism actually belongs solely to the atheist left, which likes to destroy someone's career for the rest of their lives because they said something un-PC decades ago.

We know Donald Trump is not a perfect person. We also know that WE are not perfect people. There ARE no perfect people on this Earth at the moment, and if we waited to vote until a perfect person was running, we would never vote at all (which I realize is what you want, but ain't gonna happen). The best we can do is pretty much the best anyone can do: look at what's available, and then decide based on what we believe is best for the country's future.

Perhaps you should remember that the main reason that the "immoral" Mr. Trump won is because YOUR side presented someone who was vastly less moral. So you'll excuse me if I find your attempts to declare yourself morally superior to Mr. Trump and his voters to be a shade hypocritical . . . and a lot laughable.
So the point is to vote the person who is most faithful to the tenets of Satan?

Can Satan pretend to be a man of God? No?

"So the point is some asinine thing I pulled out of my ass with no relation to what you said, but that allows me to spew mindless bigoted insults?"

Do us all a favor and just assume that whatever dipshit thing you're going to say is utterly wrong, and don't waste time asking if you're right. You aren't. You never will be. Accept it.
What are you blabbering about? Trump just repeatedly does stuff you're not supposed to do according to the Bible: lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery and so on. And in spades.

And why is that "bigoted"?

See? Perfect example. You could have saved yourself the time and effort of writing that by just saying, "This is utter bullshit which will be laughed at."
That really isn't freedom, it's fascism by proxy. And of course you have your pom poms in your hand cheering for it.

More of your usual lies.

The Constitution protects a person's rights regardless of if they want to sell something or not. In this case the right to commerce does not trump the right to free exercise.

sure it does... if the law applies to the more honest homophobe who just hates gays because he thinks the buttsex is icky, then it applies to the religious phony who claims a biblical basis for his hate.

Just like i can't go out and murder my ex-boss by cutting out his heart by claiming I am trying to praise Quetzalcoatl. See how that works. You can believe in any silly, backwards ass superstitious bullshit you want, but when it comes to the law, the law is the law.

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