Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

Christians will always support Trump. Anti-Christians will always oppose him.

Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.
Yes, Christians Can Support Trump, We weren't hiring a pastor, we were hiring a Patton.

One of the strangest phenomena of the Left has been its certainty that Christianity is simultaneously everything it hates, and only what it likes.
So you are saying that Christians can support Buttigieg regardless of his "sin" on the ground that his policies would better serve the nation's interests...
Of course, as for his "sin" we all have them, and have you forgotten the Pete is a Christian?
...The "Christians" who support trump do not seem to recognize how the policies of this unrepentant sinner are operating to destroy the U.S. and compromise our core American values, as well as the core principles of the Christian faith.
What are America's "core values"?
Christians will always support Trump. Anti-Christians will always oppose him.

Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.
Yes, Christians Can Support Trump, We weren't hiring a pastor, we were hiring a Patton.

One of the strangest phenomena of the Left has been its certainty that Christianity is simultaneously everything it hates, and only what it likes.

So you are saying that Christians can support Buttigieg regardless of his "sin" on the ground that his policies would better serve the nation's interests.

The "Christians" who support trump do not seem to recognize how the policies of this unrepentant sinner are operating to destroy the U.S. and compromise our core American values, as well as the core principles of the Christian faith.

"So you are saying what I want to hear, which you didn't actually say, but I'm just SURE you agree that my worldview is correct."

You always have trouble wrapping your brain around people thinking and making decisions individually, rather than slavishly following orders en masse the way you leftists do. Christians will make up their own minds about Mayor Pete, just as they did and do about Trump. And that decision will be no more subject to your approval and agreement. It also definitely will not in any way be based on accepting your blank assertion that "the nation's best interests" are whatever the likes of you think they are, Lice.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
What the absolute fuck are you even talking about? What does this even mean? Yeah, democrats don’t do jack shit for evangelicals, but my god you are incredibly stupid if you think they benefit from Trump somehow.

One of my chief questions is what do people of the Evangelical religion actually want? They attack other Christians, non-Christians, and fellow Americans of all sorts of demographic groups who just want to be left alone. I get the impression that they want government to cater to their every whim, i.e. "special rights," at the expense of their fellow Americans.

One of my chief questions is: what business is it of yours? And the follow-up question: why do you think anyone is beholden to YOUR interpretation of their actions? We don't have to answer to you for "attacks" that are only attacks in YOUR view, and especially not when you're nothing but excuses for ACTUAL attacks on your side of the aisle.

I can't even address your fauxrage about "cater to their whim, i.e. "special rights," at the expense of their fellow Americans" with a straight face. The hypocrisy is strong with you.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
I just can’t get over how stupid this article is.

“Well democrats don’t give a shit about evangelicals therefore Trump automatically does for some reason!”

Hey assclowns. No one is expecting you all to cozy up to democrats. You can think whatever you want about them. It just doesn’t make any goddamn sense to choose Trump instead...
Sure it does. His job was to whip crooked Hillary's ass, and he did! We couldn't have picked a finer man than Mitt Romney, and you guys made mincemeat of him, but hey, he didn't sully himself while you guys claimed he personally gave some guy's wife cancer and was going to take away grandma's social security. To whip the Clinton's who are gutter fighters, you need to run a gutter fighter. Romney was great at gutter fighting when he was attacking his fellow republicans like Gingrich, but, he turned into a pussy cat when it was time to tear back into the Lefties that were tearing into him. I'm sure you guys love it when we run guys like Papa Bush, McCain, Romney or Bob Dole.

Back in biblical times, about 890 BC, Israel came to be ruled by pieces of real scum: Ahab and Jezebel.

They abused their position, stole from those they ruled and engaged in pretty much whatever immorality appealed to them in the moment, and they ruled for something like 40 years or so, the nation could not drive them from power and suffered under their rule.

The prophet Elijah fought them continually, righteously, but without public support as Ahab and Jezebel were ruthless to those that opposed them, emotionally exhausted, God retired him, replacing him with the Prophet Elisha.


After a particularly vile act by this vile ruling couple, God's prophet Elijah, warns Ahab and Jezebel that they will die violently and she will be eaten in the street by dogs.

Well, Ahab died in battle and was followed by his brother Joram who ruled with the evil Jezebel. The Prophet Elisha anointed Jehu, a gutter fighter, to deal with these corrupt rulers, he anointed him and then RAN!

Well, commissioning Jehu was like firing a bullet out of a gun. Jehu put an arrow through Joram throat within the hour and then went straight to the royal palace where that evil bitch Jezebel was, sending word ahead that her death was coming.

She was waiting for him, dressed to the spades, staring out an upstairs window of the palace. Jehu ordered Jezebel's servants to throw her from the window.


Her blood splashed on the wall and horses, and Jehu used his horse trampled her corpse. He entered the palace where, after he ate and drank, he ordered Jezebel's body to be taken for burial. His servants discovered only her skull, her feet, and the palms of her hands—her flesh had been eaten by stray dogs, just as the prophet Elijah had prophesied.


See, for all your whining about Trump, it could be a lot worse!

But we love your accusations being leveled, sotto voce, against all the "naughty" Christians who support Trump.

It's obvious that support for a political candidate does not mean a blanket endorsement of every aspect of that candidate’s life. It is merely an endorsement of that person’s policies and an assessment of his ability to perform in office. What’s more, it’s often not even a blanket endorsement of that, it’s a practical decision that Candidate A, while imperfect, is preferable to Candidate B. And support for Candidate A, barring some major breach of public trust or endorsement of public evil, does not reflect one way or another on the supporting voter.

You guys don't even draw a firm line against supporting folks that support infanticide and chopping up fetuses and selling them like auto parts. So I'm loving your self-righteous finger pointing and hectoring.

Unlike the Islamists, who the Left carries water for, we split Church and State. Jesus taught that what is human government's is human government's and what is God's is God's and we serve both. Mohammed taught the opposite, that there is no distinction between human government and his god's law, and you guys are fine with jihadists who have the goal of implementing Sharia by force.

Christians understand that we do not conflate the mission of the church, public worship of God, the administration of the sacraments, and the fellowship of believers with secular politics. They are simply not the same and Christians vote their conscience in freedom when it comes to affairs of state.

Your problem is that you think we should approach voting like you folks approach the forceful implementation of Socialism or the Islamist Jihad and it is your great good fortune that we don't.

But we do take great pleasure in how much you whine about our Trump, we love that almost a much as we love him tearing up the Fake News Media that operates as your lying ineffective propaganda organ. And are we going to love watching Comey, McCabe, Brennan and Crapper getting indicted and sentenced, if the evidence is sufficient to justify that.

The wise Christian judges a candidate or an officeholder on their ability to protect the peace and prosperity of the nation and its citizens. Sensible Christians require political leaders that will protect the right of the Church to worship freely and its members to practice their faith in peace.

Here's the dirty little secret, for all Trump's obvious moral shortcomings, he is no worse than than the self-righteous twits that attack him, in fact, he may be better and he's a damn sight more effective. If personal sin were disqualifying, who could lead? Christians in particular, for whom recognition of indwelling sin is both a predicate and a sustainer of faith, know this.

When I heard Hillary call us not only "Deplorable" but "Irredeemable" I was shocked and she didn't do this inadvertently, she made similar comments more than once, and she read them off the teleprompter, her campaign thought those vile accusations would further her candidacy! These were prepared accusations, and mind you, she's a left-wing Christian so she knows EXACTLY what IRREDEEMABLE means. Deplorable is one thing, that might get you a reeducation camp in a dictatorship, but IRREDEEMABLE? What is to be done with them? Is government going to secure their rights? Obviously not.

This was so outrageous, that I sat back in expectation for you guys to universally condemn her, but not only were you guys silent, you cheered your assent! That is when I knew, IT'S ON! When it's unavoidable, it's best to get 'er done! Putting it off at that point just let's the situation get so bad that at some point a Gentleman like Trump isn't enough, you have to go with a Jehu, so you see, our selection of Trump was an act of Christian mercy. Correction through constitutional acts and impartial application of the rule of law.

You're Welcome!
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They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
What the absolute fuck are you even talking about? What does this even mean? Yeah, democrats don’t do jack shit for evangelicals, but my god you are incredibly stupid if you think they benefit from Trump somehow.

One of my chief questions is what do people of the Evangelical religion actually want? They attack other Christians, non-Christians, and fellow Americans of all sorts of demographic groups who just want to be left alone. I get the impression that they want government to cater to their every whim, i.e. "special rights," at the expense of their fellow Americans.

You have a fetish

I see that you have learned a new word. I notice that you said absolutely nothing to contest or refute my comment. Why don't you cultists respect the rights of other Americans? You can put on purple beanies or do cartwheels on the lawn, but you have no right to interfere with other people.

Coming from someone whose entire agenda is passionate excuse-making for "special rights" for the whims of any group you think might vote for you, this is just hysterically funny. You've never respected an ACTUAL right in your entire misbegotten existence. The best you ever manage is just to not have had a reason to violate it yet.
Christians will always support Trump. Anti-Christians will always oppose him.

Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.
Yes, Christians Can Support Trump, We weren't hiring a pastor, we were hiring a Patton.

One of the strangest phenomena of the Left has been its certainty that Christianity is simultaneously everything it hates, and only what it likes.

"I asked you to be a sane and rational adult, and you babbled like a sociopathic child."
Christians will always support Trump. Anti-Christians will always oppose him.

Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.
Yes, Christians Can Support Trump, We weren't hiring a pastor, we were hiring a Patton.

One of the strangest phenomena of the Left has been its certainty that Christianity is simultaneously everything it hates, and only what it likes.
"I asked you to be a sane and rational adult, and you babbled like a sociopathic child."
What the self-righteous hectoring finger point hypocritical and hypercritical Leftists seem to really want is a prophet, a priest, and a king to rule, implementing their agenda rather than securing our Liberties and preserving our God-given rule to rule OURSELVES, the foundational belief of our system of government. You Lefties place on politics a weight it cannot hope to carry and are headed for disappointment.

Unlike you, we don't forsake true religion for a moralistic therapeutic deism. The prigs and scolds replace the Gospel with idealistic rhetoric and aggressive social and political agendas. That’s why the spirituality of the church must be defended. Preaching a social gospel and a political agenda necessarily denigrates the gospel of Christ even though it is often sold as a consequence of and not a replacement for the true gospel.

Leftism is the type of religion which rejoices in the pious sound of traditional phrases.

You guys love to wrap yourselves in pious, Christianist rhetorical flourishes and even the occasional scriptural references. But by conflating the role of the secular and the sacred, by attempting to implement utopia through socialism you misrepresent orthodox Christian teaching about the role of Church and the practice of secular politics to the detriment of both.

Instead of demonstrating that only those with the highest personal ethics can lead, the Bible is full of examples of craven, ruthless, merciless sinners successfully leading their nations. Yet God chose to use them.

Was David disqualified from leading Israel because he murdered Uriah in order to take Bathsheba as his wife? Certainly not. In the Psalms, he is called the apple of God’s eye.

Did Joseph undermine his public witness as a prophet of God by serving Pharaoh even as he held the Israelites in captivity? What about Daniel, who served the fantastically pagan Nebuchadnezzar? Or Esther, who married the murderous, libertine emperor Xerxes? Again, the answer is plainly no.

So why do Trump supporters come in for such scorn? Are Trump’s sins greater than any of these? Are they greater than those of many other presidents? Without resorting to Clinton references, shall we recall George H. W. Bush’s or Lyndon Johnson’s or FDR’s reported adultery? How about John F. Kennedy’s serial adulteries in the White House? Warren Harding’s love child?

Oddly you guys don't seem to apply your apparent "standards" evenly or, frankly, to anyone other than Trump supporters.

The work of the church is not politics. It is the job of the Church to preach the gospel, administer the sacraments, offer true worship to the Creator, and encourage the fellowship of God’s people. We have other priorities than Orange Man Bad.

We heard from you folks about how we are "Deplorable and Irredeemable" clearly you have zero concern for securing our rights, even though we remain committed to securing yours.
Christians will always support Trump. Anti-Christians will always oppose him.

Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.
Yes, Christians Can Support Trump, We weren't hiring a pastor, we were hiring a Patton.

One of the strangest phenomena of the Left has been its certainty that Christianity is simultaneously everything it hates, and only what it likes.
"I asked you to be a sane and rational adult, and you babbled like a sociopathic child."
What the self-righteous hectoring finger point hypocritical and hypercritical Leftists seem to really want is a prophet, a priest, and a king to rule, implementing their agenda rather than securing our Liberties and preserving our God-given rule to rule OURSELVES, the foundational belief of our system of government. You Lefties place on politics a weight it cannot hope to carry and are headed for disappointment.

Unlike you, we don't forsake true religion for a moralistic therapeutic deism. The prigs and scolds replace the Gospel with idealistic rhetoric and aggressive social and political agendas. That’s why the spirituality of the church must be defended. Preaching a social gospel and a political agenda necessarily denigrates the gospel of Christ even though it is often sold as a consequence of and not a replacement for the true gospel.

Leftism is the type of religion which rejoices in the pious sound of traditional phrases.

You guys love to wrap yourselves in pious, Christianist rhetorical flourishes and even the occasional scriptural references. But by conflating the role of the secular and the sacred, by attempting to implement utopia through socialism you misrepresent orthodox Christian teaching about the role of Church and the practice of secular politics to the detriment of both.

Instead of demonstrating that only those with the highest personal ethics can lead, the Bible is full of examples of craven, ruthless, merciless sinners successfully leading their nations. Yet God chose to use them.

Was David disqualified from leading Israel because he murdered Uriah in order to take Bathsheba as his wife? Certainly not. In the Psalms, he is called the apple of God’s eye.

Did Joseph undermine his public witness as a prophet of God by serving Pharaoh even as he held the Israelites in captivity? What about Daniel, who served the fantastically pagan Nebuchadnezzar? Or Esther, who married the murderous, libertine emperor Xerxes? Again, the answer is plainly no.

So why do Trump supporters come in for such scorn? Are Trump’s sins greater than any of these? Are they greater than those of many other presidents? Without resorting to Clinton references, shall we recall George H. W. Bush’s or Lyndon Johnson’s or FDR’s reported adultery? How about John F. Kennedy’s serial adulteries in the White House? Warren Harding’s love child?

Oddly you guys don't seem to apply your apparent "standards" evenly or, frankly, to anyone other than Trump supporters.

The work of the church is not politics. It is the job of the Church to preach the gospel, administer the sacraments, offer true worship to the Creator, and encourage the fellowship of God’s people. We have other priorities than Orange Man Bad, as are the Orange Man’s supporters—and especially the Christians.

We heard from you folks about how we are "Deplorable and Irredeemable" clearly you have zero concern for securing our rights, even though we remain committed to securing yours.

I'm sorry, who is this "you" you keep referring to in a post that presumably is addressing me?
Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.
Yes, Christians Can Support Trump, We weren't hiring a pastor, we were hiring a Patton.

One of the strangest phenomena of the Left has been its certainty that Christianity is simultaneously everything it hates, and only what it likes.
"I asked you to be a sane and rational adult, and you babbled like a sociopathic child."
What the self-righteous hectoring finger point hypocritical and hypercritical Leftists seem to really want is a prophet, a priest, and a king to rule, implementing their agenda rather than securing our Liberties and preserving our God-given rule to rule OURSELVES, the foundational belief of our system of government. You Lefties place on politics a weight it cannot hope to carry and are headed for disappointment.

Unlike you, we don't forsake true religion for a moralistic therapeutic deism. The prigs and scolds replace the Gospel with idealistic rhetoric and aggressive social and political agendas. That’s why the spirituality of the church must be defended. Preaching a social gospel and a political agenda necessarily denigrates the gospel of Christ even though it is often sold as a consequence of and not a replacement for the true gospel.

Leftism is the type of religion which rejoices in the pious sound of traditional phrases.

You guys love to wrap yourselves in pious, Christianist rhetorical flourishes and even the occasional scriptural references. But by conflating the role of the secular and the sacred, by attempting to implement utopia through socialism you misrepresent orthodox Christian teaching about the role of Church and the practice of secular politics to the detriment of both.

Instead of demonstrating that only those with the highest personal ethics can lead, the Bible is full of examples of craven, ruthless, merciless sinners successfully leading their nations. Yet God chose to use them.

Was David disqualified from leading Israel because he murdered Uriah in order to take Bathsheba as his wife? Certainly not. In the Psalms, he is called the apple of God’s eye.

Did Joseph undermine his public witness as a prophet of God by serving Pharaoh even as he held the Israelites in captivity? What about Daniel, who served the fantastically pagan Nebuchadnezzar? Or Esther, who married the murderous, libertine emperor Xerxes? Again, the answer is plainly no.

So why do Trump supporters come in for such scorn? Are Trump’s sins greater than any of these? Are they greater than those of many other presidents? Without resorting to Clinton references, shall we recall George H. W. Bush’s or Lyndon Johnson’s or FDR’s reported adultery? How about John F. Kennedy’s serial adulteries in the White House? Warren Harding’s love child?

Oddly you guys don't seem to apply your apparent "standards" evenly or, frankly, to anyone other than Trump supporters.

The work of the church is not politics. It is the job of the Church to preach the gospel, administer the sacraments, offer true worship to the Creator, and encourage the fellowship of God’s people. We have other priorities than Orange Man Bad, as are the Orange Man’s supporters—and especially the Christians.

We heard from you folks about how we are "Deplorable and Irredeemable" clearly you have zero concern for securing our rights, even though we remain committed to securing yours.

I'm sorry, who is this "you" you keep referring to in a post that presumably is addressing me?
I just hit reply to what I think is a comment to me, but sometimes it turns out I'm replying to someone who replied to the thread rather than me, I get alerts on both.

Please accept my apologies if I replied to you in error.

Take care,
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
What the absolute fuck are you even talking about? What does this even mean? Yeah, democrats don’t do jack shit for evangelicals, but my god you are incredibly stupid if you think they benefit from Trump somehow.

One of my chief questions is what do people of the Evangelical religion actually want? They attack other Christians, non-Christians, and fellow Americans of all sorts of demographic groups who just want to be left alone. I get the impression that they want government to cater to their every whim, i.e. "special rights," at the expense of their fellow Americans.
Yet you are just like them in every possible way. You are a leftist ultra-fundamentalist through and through.

Perhaps you should be looking at yourself rather than others, here.

What is a "leftist fundamentalist"? I just don't like one particular group feeling that they can attack the rights and freedoms of others, and establish a dictatorship run by their hop-headed "clergy." These monkeys seem to believe that all other Americans should obey them. No other religion operating in the U.S., either Christian or non-Christian has acted like this.

I don't want to see the U.S. become another Iran.
A leftist fundamentalist is unintelligent and uneducated. They are completely conformist, dogmatic and only know what they are expected to say ant not why they say it. They speak in cliches rather than understanding issues, they are rigid, arbitrary and virulently opposed to original thought. They are hypocritical in the way they apply one standard to one person and a different one to the next. They lack reason, good judgement, and are utterly predictable. Their reaction to world events is entirely Pavlovian, they are divisive, polemic and intolerant and they operate entirely within a very authoritarian mind set where it is either their way or the highway

In short, they are exactly like you.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
What the absolute fuck are you even talking about? What does this even mean? Yeah, democrats don’t do jack shit for evangelicals, but my god you are incredibly stupid if you think they benefit from Trump somehow.

One of my chief questions is what do people of the Evangelical religion actually want? They attack other Christians, non-Christians, and fellow Americans of all sorts of demographic groups who just want to be left alone. I get the impression that they want government to cater to their every whim, i.e. "special rights," at the expense of their fellow Americans.
Yet you are just like them in every possible way. You are a leftist ultra-fundamentalist through and through.

Perhaps you should be looking at yourself rather than others, here.

What is a "leftist fundamentalist"? I just don't like one particular group feeling that they can attack the rights and freedoms of others, and establish a dictatorship run by their hop-headed "clergy." These monkeys seem to believe that all other Americans should obey them. No other religion operating in the U.S., either Christian or non-Christian has acted like this.

I don't want to see the U.S. become another Iran.
A leftist fundamentalist is unintelligent and uneducated. They are completely conformist, dogmatic and only know what they are expected to say ant not why they say it. They speak in cliches rather than understanding issues, they are rigid, arbitrary and virulently opposed to original thought. They are hypocritical in the way they apply one standard to one person and a different one to the next. They lack reason, good judgement, and are utterly predictable. Their reaction to world events is entirely Pavlovian, they are divisive, polemic and intolerant and they operate entirely within a very authoritarian mind set where it is either their way or the highway

In short, they are exactly like you.
Lol all that fluff sounds good, but it doesn’t apply most progressives. Most Trump supporters without a doubt though. I mean my god you are a simple sheep if you still support Trump.
What the absolute fuck are you even talking about? What does this even mean? Yeah, democrats don’t do jack shit for evangelicals, but my god you are incredibly stupid if you think they benefit from Trump somehow.

One of my chief questions is what do people of the Evangelical religion actually want? They attack other Christians, non-Christians, and fellow Americans of all sorts of demographic groups who just want to be left alone. I get the impression that they want government to cater to their every whim, i.e. "special rights," at the expense of their fellow Americans.
Yet you are just like them in every possible way. You are a leftist ultra-fundamentalist through and through.

Perhaps you should be looking at yourself rather than others, here.

What is a "leftist fundamentalist"? I just don't like one particular group feeling that they can attack the rights and freedoms of others, and establish a dictatorship run by their hop-headed "clergy." These monkeys seem to believe that all other Americans should obey them. No other religion operating in the U.S., either Christian or non-Christian has acted like this.

I don't want to see the U.S. become another Iran.
A leftist fundamentalist is unintelligent and uneducated. They are completely conformist, dogmatic and only know what they are expected to say ant not why they say it. They speak in cliches rather than understanding issues, they are rigid, arbitrary and virulently opposed to original thought. They are hypocritical in the way they apply one standard to one person and a different one to the next. They lack reason, good judgement, and are utterly predictable. Their reaction to world events is entirely Pavlovian, they are divisive, polemic and intolerant and they operate entirely within a very authoritarian mind set where it is either their way or the highway

In short, they are exactly like you.
Lol all that fluff sounds good, but it doesn’t apply most progressives. Most Trump supporters without a doubt though. I mean my god you are a simple sheep if you still support Trump.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him.

You hive mind leftists are no different than those you abhore, though.
One of my chief questions is what do people of the Evangelical religion actually want? They attack other Christians, non-Christians, and fellow Americans of all sorts of demographic groups who just want to be left alone. I get the impression that they want government to cater to their every whim, i.e. "special rights," at the expense of their fellow Americans.
Yet you are just like them in every possible way. You are a leftist ultra-fundamentalist through and through.

Perhaps you should be looking at yourself rather than others, here.

What is a "leftist fundamentalist"? I just don't like one particular group feeling that they can attack the rights and freedoms of others, and establish a dictatorship run by their hop-headed "clergy." These monkeys seem to believe that all other Americans should obey them. No other religion operating in the U.S., either Christian or non-Christian has acted like this.

I don't want to see the U.S. become another Iran.
A leftist fundamentalist is unintelligent and uneducated. They are completely conformist, dogmatic and only know what they are expected to say ant not why they say it. They speak in cliches rather than understanding issues, they are rigid, arbitrary and virulently opposed to original thought. They are hypocritical in the way they apply one standard to one person and a different one to the next. They lack reason, good judgement, and are utterly predictable. Their reaction to world events is entirely Pavlovian, they are divisive, polemic and intolerant and they operate entirely within a very authoritarian mind set where it is either their way or the highway

In short, they are exactly like you.
Lol all that fluff sounds good, but it doesn’t apply most progressives. Most Trump supporters without a doubt though. I mean my god you are a simple sheep if you still support Trump.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him.

You hive mind leftists are no different than those you abhore, though.
I’ll give you points for that at least.

It makes perfect sense to abhore Trump. It really isn’t a matter of policy so much as it is that he is a dumb, whiny little bitch.
Given a choice between voting for someone that hates you, and someone that doesn't live like you but doesn't hate you, they will chose the latter.

We all know the progressive strategy isn't to win over evangelicals, it's to suppress their vote via apathy.

Actually our goal is to keep you from imposing your backwards bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.

But, yes, not letting you do that is the same as "hating" you.
A leftist fundamentalist is unintelligent and uneducated. They are completely conformist, dogmatic and only know what they are expected to say ant not why they say it. They speak in cliches rather than understanding issues, they are rigid, arbitrary and virulently opposed to original thought. They are hypocritical in the way they apply one standard to one person and a different one to the next. They lack reason, good judgement, and are utterly predictable. Their reaction to world events is entirely Pavlovian, they are divisive, polemic and intolerant and they operate entirely within a very authoritarian mind set where it is either their way or the highway

In short, they are exactly like you.

Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?
But most importantly, ignore, excuse and absolve all the above whenever the person/s involved has an 'R' in front of their names.

If you gave me a Democrat that stood against all those things above.... and if that Democrat was running against a Republican which stood FOR all those things above....

I would have no problem voting for that Democrat.

But of course there are no evil-hating Democrats in our Jesse Smollett world. Democrats defend evil, even when it is beyond doubt.
Given a choice between voting for someone that hates you, and someone that doesn't live like you but doesn't hate you, they will chose the latter.

We all know the progressive strategy isn't to win over evangelicals, it's to suppress their vote via apathy.

Actually our goal is to keep you from imposing your backwards bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.

But, yes, not letting you do that is the same as "hating" you.

Yet you are OK imposing your own bigoted ideas on others via government, like a cowardly little cuck.

Fucking hypocrite.

And coward

and a file clerk commando.
Yet you are OK imposing your own bigoted ideas on others via government, like a cowardly little cuck.

Fucking hypocrite.

And coward

and a file clerk commando.

Again, more than you ever did...

But to the point... I want the government to protect people's rights. You know, like the right to go into a store and not have your mother subjected to a homophobic rant like Wifebeater Klein did.

You know, your "hero" Christian... who went ahead and doxxed those two ladies after they complained about him. Just like Jesus would do.
A leftist fundamentalist is unintelligent and uneducated. They are completely conformist, dogmatic and only know what they are expected to say ant not why they say it. They speak in cliches rather than understanding issues, they are rigid, arbitrary and virulently opposed to original thought. They are hypocritical in the way they apply one standard to one person and a different one to the next. They lack reason, good judgement, and are utterly predictable. Their reaction to world events is entirely Pavlovian, they are divisive, polemic and intolerant and they operate entirely within a very authoritarian mind set where it is either their way or the highway

In short, they are exactly like you.

View attachment 260290
I talk about leftist fundamentalists and look who shows up to announce itself!
I talk about leftist fundamentalists and look who shows up to announce itself!

Emperor Palpatine?

Oh, never mind... the joke goes right over your head, buddy. Seems to me that these 'Leftist" occupy a lot of territory in your head rent free.

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