Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

The Christian right are the most fearful people in America. It is a fact that fearfulness clouds the mind and it is this fact that their leaders use to great advantage. I may be stating the obvious but it is all the explanation needed. These people are strangers to the kind of graceful courage exemplified by Christ.

State one real world example to back up your bigotry or apologize.
The fearfulness of the Christian right is self-evident. I was raised in such an environment so I know the mindset intimately. My extended family is still living in the same shithole Alabama town barely getting by AND giving a substantial portion of their income to churches that don't do a damned thing for them. You want an apology? Fuck you. The bullshit I went through as a child growing up and being made to be afraid of everything was a crime against me I will never forgive. Not even going to talk about the bible toting perverts.

Your inability to back up your hateful shit is noted.

You should apologize to the people you have smeared.
I backed up my personal opinion with personal experience, what more do you want? You're a pretty lousy defender of the faith.
what more do you want? .

A little intelligence and intellectual honesty would be nice. You stupid regressives attack Christianity obsessively even as you defend Islam at every opportunity. Mainstream Islam believes in killing Gays. Some Christian Bakers want the opportunity to follow their faith by simply refusing to endorse a gay marriage through their art.

Guess which one you dumb fucks attack and which you support?
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump
Republicans are moving towards banning abortion. Social conservatives are thrilled right now
what more do you want? .

A little intelligence and intellectual honesty would be nice. You stupid regressives attack Christianity obsessively even as you defend Islam at every opportunity. Mainstream Islam believes in killing Gays. Some Christian Bakers want the opportunity to follow their faith by simply refusing to endorse a gay marriage through their art.

Guess which one you dumb fucks attack and which you support?
I speak for myself on the subject of faith and no one else. I have only ever defended Islam on religious freedom grounds and never on it's beliefs. Overall any religious zealot is a pestilence on society no matter who they worship. Muslim countries are fucked up because there is no separation between the religious and the secular. I see the same dark urge to brutally enforce morality every time some holier-than-thou bible-thumper thinks they have the God-given right to tell people how to live.
How do religious conservatives react to Trump claiming the Bible is his favorite book?
He cannot quote a single verse from the Bible.

Do you endorse him lying to your face and using you?
t really doesn't. You prove yourself to be an idiot all the time, It's not like you're capable of besting me in a debate or anything. You're a total moron with no understanding of how the world actually works.

Okay, buddy, I usually argue circles around you and frankly, you rarely contribute anything to a thread. I GIve some of the wingnuts credit, they actually make an effort.
A little intelligence and intellectual honesty would be nice. You stupid regressives attack Christianity obsessively even as you defend Islam at every opportunity. Mainstream Islam believes in killing Gays. Some Christian Bakers want the opportunity to follow their faith by simply refusing to endorse a gay marriage through their art.

Guess which one you dumb fucks attack and which you support?

First, no one supports Muslims killing gays. We also realize we can't really control what goes on outside our own country. So you guys go on about one pedophile who gets thrown off a roof in Syria after civil order breaks down, and use that to tar 1.6 Billion Muslims. This is what makes you sort of contemptible.

Our problem with the Islamic World is our idiotic policies, that have largely CREATED the Jihadis. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Saddam, every last one of them was someone the CIA though we could "Work with" and gave money to. It's idiotic to stick your hand in a hornet's nest and whine about getting stung. It's the height of idiocy to breed a meaner, nastier type of hornet and then whine when it stings you.

Now, as for "obsessively" attacking Christianity... only to the degree they try to impose their limited view of What Jesus Said on the rest of us. Jesus really didn't talk about gays at all... but "Christians" have fought every step to prevent them from enjoying the same rights straights have.
t really doesn't. You prove yourself to be an idiot all the time, It's not like you're capable of besting me in a debate or anything. You're a total moron with no understanding of how the world actually works.

Okay, buddy, I usually argue circles around you and frankly, you rarely contribute anything to a thread. I GIve some of the wingnuts credit, they actually make an effort.

Oh, dumbass? Feel free to provide 1 instance of that happening. :auiqs.jpg:

JoeB131's earth:

what more do you want? .

A little intelligence and intellectual honesty would be nice. You stupid regressives attack Christianity obsessively even as you defend Islam at every opportunity. Mainstream Islam believes in killing Gays. Some Christian Bakers want the opportunity to follow their faith by simply refusing to endorse a gay marriage through their art.

Guess which one you dumb fucks attack and which you support?

No one has "attack[ed]" "Christianity," this world-wide faith. No one has "defend[ed]" those radicals that use the religion of Islam to justify terrorism and murder. Why point out those Muslims who attack LGBTs when many people who self-identify as "Christians" seize every opportunity to do the same, to the disgrace of the Christian faith.

BTW: You cannot identify these bakers as "Christian" without identifying which sect they are in. Pete Buttigieg is a Christian. I seem to remember that he is a Christian of the Episcopalian denomination.

The world's people must guard ourselves against all radical fundamentalists who use religion, whatever that religion is, to attack others.

As this Russian/Polish/Irish American citizen who is watching the commencement ceremonies at Washington, D.C.'s historically African-American university, Howard University, and is currently listening to the European-descended man from Brooklyn who is being presented with an honorary doctorate (and here is another obviously "white" honoree, as I cannot type fast enough!), I am proud that we Americans are here together.

Congratulations to the Howard University Grads this day!
The Christian right are the most fearful people in America. It is a fact that fearfulness clouds the mind and it is this fact that their leaders use to great advantage. I may be stating the obvious but it is all the explanation needed. These people are strangers to the kind of graceful courage exemplified by Christ.

State one real world example to back up your bigotry or apologize.
The fearfulness of the Christian right is self-evident. I was raised in such an environment so I know the mindset intimately. My extended family is still living in the same shithole Alabama town barely getting by AND giving a substantial portion of their income to churches that don't do a damned thing for them. You want an apology? Fuck you. The bullshit I went through as a child growing up and being made to be afraid of everything was a crime against me I will never forgive. Not even going to talk about the bible toting perverts.

Your inability to back up your hateful shit is noted.

You should apologize to the people you have smeared.
I backed up my personal opinion with personal experience, what more do you want? You're a pretty lousy defender of the faith.

A public example so that I can actually address it.

Your unhappiness with your family, is not only unknown to me, but likely mixed up with a lot of personal baggage.

Indeed, it is hard to imagine a worse example for discussion purposes.
Same tired made up story over and over.

"Rights for me and not for thee"

People have the right to free exercise, they don't have the right to a specific wedding cake.

But your hatred of anyone different than you makes you an asshole.

Naw, what makes me not an asshole is I have no tolerance for people trying to dress their bigoty up in vestments and call it holy.

Take away the tax exemptions of the homophobic churches, just like they did with the racist ones, and you'd be amazed how fast they have a "Come To Jesus" moment.

Joe's just a miserable old fuck who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.

Yep -- an absolutely twisted, revolting thing with nothing but darkness and hatred where its heart should be.

yet you two are the ones getting angry to the point of wishing people dead.

What does that say about you.

I'm not a turd like you. God is homophobic, retard.

Jesus isn't, just his dad. But Jesus's old man also wants adulterers and kids who disobey their parents stoned to death.
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?
Why yes and then they can work on the members of the conservatives that are into pretending they are christians while accumulating vast amounts of wealth. Just like Jesus said to do...
The Christian right are the most fearful people in America. It is a fact that fearfulness clouds the mind and it is this fact that their leaders use to great advantage. I may be stating the obvious but it is all the explanation needed. These people are strangers to the kind of graceful courage exemplified by Christ.

State one real world example to back up your bigotry or apologize.
The fearfulness of the Christian right is self-evident. I was raised in such an environment so I know the mindset intimately. My extended family is still living in the same shithole Alabama town barely getting by AND giving a substantial portion of their income to churches that don't do a damned thing for them. You want an apology? Fuck you. The bullshit I went through as a child growing up and being made to be afraid of everything was a crime against me I will never forgive. Not even going to talk about the bible toting perverts.

Your inability to back up your hateful shit is noted.

You should apologize to the people you have smeared.
I backed up my personal opinion with personal experience, what more do you want? You're a pretty lousy defender of the faith.

A public example so that I can actually address it.

Your unhappiness with your family, is not only unknown to me, but likely mixed up with a lot of personal baggage.

Indeed, it is hard to imagine a worse example for discussion purposes.
You were wanting me to apologize to either you or Christianity (either is stupid) for my heresy. How am I supposed to take you seriously? Your version of Christianity where Trump is a godly man and I am a horrible sinner for caring about the poor and downtrodden will land you in everlasting damnation. Get on your knees and beg Him not to send you to hell for following the false prophet that tells you to hate your brothers and sisters. Or just send Brother Joel some more of your retirement money I don't really care. You're a horrible hypocrite and you have no moral standing to lecture me on anything.
State one real world example to back up your bigotry or apologize.
The fearfulness of the Christian right is self-evident. I was raised in such an environment so I know the mindset intimately. My extended family is still living in the same shithole Alabama town barely getting by AND giving a substantial portion of their income to churches that don't do a damned thing for them. You want an apology? Fuck you. The bullshit I went through as a child growing up and being made to be afraid of everything was a crime against me I will never forgive. Not even going to talk about the bible toting perverts.

Your inability to back up your hateful shit is noted.

You should apologize to the people you have smeared.
I backed up my personal opinion with personal experience, what more do you want? You're a pretty lousy defender of the faith.

A public example so that I can actually address it.

Your unhappiness with your family, is not only unknown to me, but likely mixed up with a lot of personal baggage.

Indeed, it is hard to imagine a worse example for discussion purposes.
You were wanting me to apologize to either you or Christianity (either is stupid) for my heresy. How am I supposed to take you seriously? Your version of Christianity where Trump is a godly man and I am a horrible sinner for caring about the poor and downtrodden will land you in everlasting damnation. Get on your knees and beg Him not to send you to hell for following the false prophet that tells you to hate your brothers and sisters. Or just send Brother Joel some more of your retirement money I don't really care. You're a horrible hypocrite and you have no moral standing to lecture me on anything.

Listen crazytrain.

You said a bunch of bigoted and hateful things about Christians.

I asked you to back up your bigoted and hateful shit, or apologize.

You posted some personal shit about your hometown, as though I am to just take that on faith.

I asked you for a more public example, so that I could actually address it.

ANd you made up some crazy shit about heresy.

Try to be less crazy.

AND, now, back up the hateful bigoted shit you said about Christians, right above, or apologize for your bigotry and hatred.

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