Religious freedom bill filed in Georgia!

So, other than a religious group wanting to deny the rights of others what's the debate about?
Says a person who's side is all about denying rights.

Nope. I'm for equal protection under the law.

Giving religious people a pass on anti-discrimination laws, and making everyone else follow them, isn't equal protection.

You sure that was meant for me?

Hmmm... nope that was a quote fail. My bad.
It's quite odd that you're obsessed jesus cousin than you are Jesus. John can't save you

I am not obsessed with anyone, I asked my question first and you have yet to respond to it. Though the John question was the 2nd one I asked since the first one was too hard for you and you could not google it.

When you answer it, I will be very happy to answer your simple question.

John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games
When government writes laws that offer special favors to recognized religions, that's "law respecting an establishment of religion". And it is a problem because it basically turns the First Amendment inside out. The point of the first was to prevent government from playing favorites with religion. But as soon as we designate some religions as 'recognized', and others as not, we're playing favorites. We're doing exactly what it was supposed to prevent.

Not at all. There can be no "favorite" when there are more than 300 recognized religions. Since the government has decided that religions should be tax exempt, there has to be come criteria for what is a religion.

The 1st was supposed to prevent a single religion becoming the official religion of the country, as was the case in many of the countries the founders left.

Except the Supreme Court just ruled that one religion gets special treatment over all the others.

Supreme Court is ‘unspeakably cruel’ for denying Muslim death row inmate’s request for imam, ex-Obama official says
It's quite odd that you're obsessed jesus cousin than you are Jesus. John can't save you

I am not obsessed with anyone, I asked my question first and you have yet to respond to it. Though the John question was the 2nd one I asked since the first one was too hard for you and you could not google it.

When you answer it, I will be very happy to answer your simple question.

John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
It's quite odd that you're obsessed jesus cousin than you are Jesus. John can't save you

I am not obsessed with anyone, I asked my question first and you have yet to respond to it. Though the John question was the 2nd one I asked since the first one was too hard for you and you could not google it.

When you answer it, I will be very happy to answer your simple question.

John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

As I said son silly little word games
You HATE that I dont let you play them
You're dismissed, it irks you that you can't get to me.
I am not obsessed with anyone, I asked my question first and you have yet to respond to it. Though the John question was the 2nd one I asked since the first one was too hard for you and you could not google it.

When you answer it, I will be very happy to answer your simple question.

John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

As I said son silly little word games
You HATE that I dont let you play them
You're dismissed, it irks you that you can't get to me.

Translated this means...Oh shit, he answered the question right while I did not even the simplest question about the bible ever...i better just attack him and pretend like he never even answered the question.

You are pathetic, you asked a question, I gave you the correct answer and you lack the balls and honesty to own up to it.
Meant to counter the Leftist religious 'purge' going on....
Yeah like a ban on Muslims...:auiqs.jpg:
Why do liberals have to lie?

There was never a ban called for against Muslims. There was a call for a delay of people / Muslims coming from terrorist hotspots known for hating America, delaying ling enough for a thorough background check to be done.

Barry was kind enough to demonstrate why one was needed - the terrorist he allowed into the US without a thorough background check killed 7 Americans in California.

The Leftists here and elsewhere across our great nation belong to a cult known as the cult of postmodernism. They've surrendered their will--hell, their entire being--to be dominated, subjugated and owned body and soul to and by a religion of false science, anti-fact, sadism, Satanism and moral relativism. Seems those of us capable of resisting the radical Left's call for joining their cult, for mass assimilation, are becoming fewer and fewer. We are at war, ideologically and morally, fighting for the very future of our species to remain free and to proliferate according to primeval human nature, which the Leftists also deny to be fact. In their minds, human nature is a social construct; one which can be torn down and redefined, rebuilt in the image of their neo-deity. Arguing with them is truly futile. We've pretty much come to the point where physical war is inevitable.

How has the Democrat Party willed its adherents to support policies that they can neither defend, nor even explain.

Men are women
Anti-white racism
Ending free speech
John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

As I said son silly little word games
You HATE that I dont let you play them
You're dismissed, it irks you that you can't get to me.

Translated this means...Oh shit, he answered the question right while I did not even the simplest question about the bible ever...i better just attack him and pretend like he never even answered the question.

You are pathetic, you asked a question, I gave you the correct answer and you lack the balls and honesty to own up to it.

LOL, son I own you and I know it hurts. Your inflated self worth is legendary. Your little word games, you look stupid to everyone but you. Be careful....remember, according to you I have the power to get you banned ;) I will never let you play your silly little game with me kid.

It's quite odd that you're obsessed jesus cousin than you are Jesus. John can't save you

I am not obsessed with anyone, I asked my question first and you have yet to respond to it. Though the John question was the 2nd one I asked since the first one was too hard for you and you could not google it.

When you answer it, I will be very happy to answer your simple question.

John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

The question wasn't who Peter said He is, the question was who do YOU say he is.
But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

As I said son silly little word games
You HATE that I dont let you play them
You're dismissed, it irks you that you can't get to me.

Translated this means...Oh shit, he answered the question right while I did not even the simplest question about the bible ever...i better just attack him and pretend like he never even answered the question.

You are pathetic, you asked a question, I gave you the correct answer and you lack the balls and honesty to own up to it.

LOL, son I own you and I know it hurts. Your inflated self worth is legendary. Your little word games, you look stupid to everyone but you. Be careful....remember, according to you I have the power to get you banned ;) I will never let you play your silly little game with me kid.


Once again, I asked you a question, that you could not answer. So then I asked an easier question, which you finally answered, but got wrong. Those are the facts of the situation.
I am not obsessed with anyone, I asked my question first and you have yet to respond to it. Though the John question was the 2nd one I asked since the first one was too hard for you and you could not google it.

When you answer it, I will be very happy to answer your simple question.

John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

The question wasn't who Peter said He is, the question was who do YOU say he is.

Who Peter said He is, is who He is. Why mess with the perfect answer?

Seems you were the one that brought up sola scriptura just a few post ago.
Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

As I said son silly little word games
You HATE that I dont let you play them
You're dismissed, it irks you that you can't get to me.

Translated this means...Oh shit, he answered the question right while I did not even the simplest question about the bible ever...i better just attack him and pretend like he never even answered the question.

You are pathetic, you asked a question, I gave you the correct answer and you lack the balls and honesty to own up to it.

LOL, son I own you and I know it hurts. Your inflated self worth is legendary. Your little word games, you look stupid to everyone but you. Be careful....remember, according to you I have the power to get you banned ;) I will never let you play your silly little game with me kid.


Once again, I asked you a question, that you could not answer. So then I asked an easier question, which you finally answered, but got wrong. Those are the facts of the situation.

You asked me a question I refused to answer. Big difference. I won't ever play your game, be careful...I might get you banned ;)
John can't save you son

But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

The question wasn't who Peter said He is, the question was who do YOU say he is.

Who Peter said He is, is who He is. Why mess with the perfect answer?

Seems you were the one that brought up sola scriptura just a few post ago.

Run from the question son. Who do YOU say He is?
Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

As I said son silly little word games
You HATE that I dont let you play them
You're dismissed, it irks you that you can't get to me.

Translated this means...Oh shit, he answered the question right while I did not even the simplest question about the bible ever...i better just attack him and pretend like he never even answered the question.

You are pathetic, you asked a question, I gave you the correct answer and you lack the balls and honesty to own up to it.

LOL, son I own you and I know it hurts. Your inflated self worth is legendary. Your little word games, you look stupid to everyone but you. Be careful....remember, according to you I have the power to get you banned ;) I will never let you play your silly little game with me kid.


Once again, I asked you a question, that you could not answer. So then I asked an easier question, which you finally answered, but got wrong. Those are the facts of the situation.

You asked me a question I refused to answer. Big difference. I won't ever play your game, be careful...I might get you banned ;)

Well, you answered the second one, the really easy one that a 1st grader could answer and you still got it wrong.
But he can save you from the embarrassment of being too uneducated to answer my first question to you.

Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

The question wasn't who Peter said He is, the question was who do YOU say he is.

Who Peter said He is, is who He is. Why mess with the perfect answer?

Seems you were the one that brought up sola scriptura just a few post ago.

Run from the question son.

I answered the question. Why do you hate the bible?
As I said son silly little word games
You HATE that I dont let you play them
You're dismissed, it irks you that you can't get to me.

Translated this means...Oh shit, he answered the question right while I did not even the simplest question about the bible ever...i better just attack him and pretend like he never even answered the question.

You are pathetic, you asked a question, I gave you the correct answer and you lack the balls and honesty to own up to it.

LOL, son I own you and I know it hurts. Your inflated self worth is legendary. Your little word games, you look stupid to everyone but you. Be careful....remember, according to you I have the power to get you banned ;) I will never let you play your silly little game with me kid.


Once again, I asked you a question, that you could not answer. So then I asked an easier question, which you finally answered, but got wrong. Those are the facts of the situation.

You asked me a question I refused to answer. Big difference. I won't ever play your game, be careful...I might get you banned ;)

Well, you answered the second one, the really easy one that a 1st grader could answer and you still got it wrong.

You poor little boy. You just aren't very good at this.
Son you think your little word games and semantics make you look smart, they don't tell me what is John's name according to the Bible and his parents. See how silly you look? Solo Scriptura. Nobody needs to save e from you,the cause of your animus with is that you dont get away with these silly games

Sure they do dumb fuck, his first name is John. We are told this in Luke 1... But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

I gave you the easiest question that was possible since the first one was too hard for you, and you still got it wrong. A preschooler could have told you that John the Baptist first name was John. And you claim to have some sort of education! That is rich.

But, since you did answer my question (and got it wrong), I will be happy to answer yours.

Jesus Peter so smoothly put it...“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is a co-equal part of the Godhead, or the Triune God. While Jesus is the Son of God he is also God and in His own recorded words put Himself equal with God.

He is also the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

The question wasn't who Peter said He is, the question was who do YOU say he is.

Who Peter said He is, is who He is. Why mess with the perfect answer?

Seems you were the one that brought up sola scriptura just a few post ago.

Run from the question son.

I answered the question. Why do you hate the bible?

(smile) You think is a good tactic? Who do YOU say He is?
Translated this means...Oh shit, he answered the question right while I did not even the simplest question about the bible ever...i better just attack him and pretend like he never even answered the question.

You are pathetic, you asked a question, I gave you the correct answer and you lack the balls and honesty to own up to it.

LOL, son I own you and I know it hurts. Your inflated self worth is legendary. Your little word games, you look stupid to everyone but you. Be careful....remember, according to you I have the power to get you banned ;) I will never let you play your silly little game with me kid.


Once again, I asked you a question, that you could not answer. So then I asked an easier question, which you finally answered, but got wrong. Those are the facts of the situation.

You asked me a question I refused to answer. Big difference. I won't ever play your game, be careful...I might get you banned ;)

Well, you answered the second one, the really easy one that a 1st grader could answer and you still got it wrong.

You poor little boy. You just aren't very good at this.

I got you to prove you have zero knowledge of the Bible or of Christianity.

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