Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist

Allowing gays to marry does not force Christians to change any of their beliefs. They can still practice their religion and get married as usual. No Christian will be forced to enter into a gay marriage against their will. This post is nonsense.

Marriage is one of the holiest of Chrstian rituals. It has a spiritual dimension. If gays had any common decency or religious tolerance they wouldn't insist on calling calling their unions marriage. Instead, they forge ahead with their onslaught against Christianity.

The OP is correct.
no he isnt he is full of shit
marriage is a civil act not religious christians can celabrate it as a ritual if they wish but they have no more *rights * to own it than anyboby else.
those that get married with out the **blessing * of some deity are still legally married as those that do . the bible is full of incest, poligamy ,and rape christians should embrace those *acts * as well
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According to the unequivocal moral precepts of the Judeo-Christian tradition – explicit throughout both the Old and New Testaments – homosexual behavior is sin. Sin is evil. Homosexual behavior is the central, defining characteristic of so-called “gay marriage.” Therefore, “gay marriage” is evil. Christians are obligated to avoid sin – to “do no evil.”

We’re fortunate to have the First Amendment to protect citizens from such hate and ignorance.

Of course this sort of nonsense is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

And the OP premise fails as religious freedom and equal protection rights for same-sex couples currently coexist in jurisdictions that follow the 14th Amendment.
You are such a hater. You'd be happier if you'd just let it go and leave people to live their own lives.

I don't see hate at all. As a Christian, I am often faced with people who do not accept Creationism, Noah's Flood, Jesus Christ, etc... We disagree, but they do not hate me or even hate the ideology. They simply disagree. Why cannot homosexuals simply accept that what they find as fulfilling might be seen as not worthy of marriage by others and move on.

Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people called spouses that establishes rights and obligations between the spouses, between the spouses and their children, and between the spouses and their in-laws.[1] The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged.

Marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage

April 29, 2013


Black clergy from Chicago and the south suburbs on Monday began another round of robo-calls narrated by the Rev. James Meeks to condemn same-sex marriage, urging people to compel their state lawmakers to oppose a pending Illinois House bill.

The effort though, represents a marriage of another kind.

The Chicago-based African American Clergy Coalition joined forces with the National Organization for Marriage, pooling resources as the groups aim to kill same-sex marriage legislation that has already advanced from the Illinois state Senate.

“I like the relationship between us and NOM because we’ve been able to educate NOM as to the core beliefs of African Americans,” said Bishop Lance Davis, senior pastor of the New Zion Christian Fellowship Church of Dolton. “The relationship actually stems around the fact that I believe that most of your family-oriented organizations thought, erroneously, the majority of the African American community is behind a liberal agenda, period. They found out the African American church is very conservative.”


Conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage - Southtown Star
conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage

by natasha korecki
april 29, 2013


black clergy from chicago and the south suburbs on monday began another round of robo-calls narrated by the rev. James meeks to condemn same-sex marriage, urging people to compel their state lawmakers to oppose a pending illinois house bill.

The effort though, represents a marriage of another kind.

The chicago-based african american clergy coalition joined forces with the national organization for marriage, pooling resources as the groups aim to kill same-sex marriage legislation that has already advanced from the illinois state senate.

“i like the relationship between us and nom because we’ve been able to educate nom as to the core beliefs of african americans,” said bishop lance davis, senior pastor of the new zion christian fellowship church of dolton. “the relationship actually stems around the fact that i believe that most of your family-oriented organizations thought, erroneously, the majority of the african american community is behind a liberal agenda, period. They found out the african american church is very conservative.”


conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage - southtown star

conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage

by natasha korecki
april 29, 2013


black clergy from chicago and the south suburbs on monday began another round of robo-calls narrated by the rev. James meeks to condemn same-sex marriage, urging people to compel their state lawmakers to oppose a pending illinois house bill.

The effort though, represents a marriage of another kind.

The chicago-based african american clergy coalition joined forces with the national organization for marriage, pooling resources as the groups aim to kill same-sex marriage legislation that has already advanced from the illinois state senate.

“i like the relationship between us and nom because we’ve been able to educate nom as to the core beliefs of african americans,” said bishop lance davis, senior pastor of the new zion christian fellowship church of dolton. “the relationship actually stems around the fact that i believe that most of your family-oriented organizations thought, erroneously, the majority of the african american community is behind a liberal agenda, period. They found out the african american church is very conservative.”


conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage - southtown star

View attachment 25605

Thanks for the bump, but next time wait a couple of hours YOU F-ing


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conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage

by natasha korecki
april 29, 2013


black clergy from chicago and the south suburbs on monday began another round of robo-calls narrated by the rev. James meeks to condemn same-sex marriage, urging people to compel their state lawmakers to oppose a pending illinois house bill.

The effort though, represents a marriage of another kind.

The chicago-based african american clergy coalition joined forces with the national organization for marriage, pooling resources as the groups aim to kill same-sex marriage legislation that has already advanced from the illinois state senate.

“i like the relationship between us and nom because we’ve been able to educate nom as to the core beliefs of african americans,” said bishop lance davis, senior pastor of the new zion christian fellowship church of dolton. “the relationship actually stems around the fact that i believe that most of your family-oriented organizations thought, erroneously, the majority of the african american community is behind a liberal agenda, period. They found out the african american church is very conservative.”


conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage - southtown star

View attachment 25605

thanks for the bump, but next time wait a couple of hours you f-ing



Conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage

April 29, 2013


Black clergy from Chicago and the south suburbs on Monday began another round of robo-calls narrated by the Rev. James Meeks to condemn same-sex marriage, urging people to compel their state lawmakers to oppose a pending Illinois House bill.

The effort though, represents a marriage of another kind.

The Chicago-based African American Clergy Coalition joined forces with the National Organization for Marriage, pooling resources as the groups aim to kill same-sex marriage legislation that has already advanced from the Illinois state Senate.

“I like the relationship between us and NOM because we’ve been able to educate NOM as to the core beliefs of African Americans,” said Bishop Lance Davis, senior pastor of the New Zion Christian Fellowship Church of Dolton. “The relationship actually stems around the fact that I believe that most of your family-oriented organizations thought, erroneously, the majority of the African American community is behind a liberal agenda, period. They found out the African American church is very conservative.”


Conservatives and black clergy unite against same-sex marriage - Southtown Star

That's nice. Don't allow gay marriage in your churches then.
Quick question for those anti gay marriage people out there.

What do you honestly think will be the downside if gay marriage is legalized everywhere?

And give me specifics, none of this 'undermine traditional marriage' crap.
Quick question for those anti gay marriage people out there.

What do you honestly think will be the downside if gay marriage is legalized everywhere?

And give me specifics, none of this 'undermine traditional marriage' crap.

Because we cat's will then be able to marry dogs.

Quick question for those anti gay marriage people out there.

What do you honestly think will be the downside if gay marriage is legalized everywhere?

And give me specifics, none of this 'undermine traditional marriage' crap.

Because we cat's will then be able to marry dogs.


And women will divorce their husbands in droves in order to marry other women. (A real fear expressed by the shit)
Quick question for those anti gay marriage people out there.

What do you honestly think will be the downside if gay marriage is legalized everywhere?

And give me specifics, none of this 'undermine traditional marriage' crap.

Because we cat's will then be able to marry dogs.


And women will divorce their husbands in droves in order to marry other women. (A real fear expressed by the shit)

Stands to reason that for every Larry Craig with a wide stance there is probably a LouAnn Craig with an eye for the ladies. :cool:
Because we cat's will then be able to marry dogs.


And women will divorce their husbands in droves in order to marry other women. (A real fear expressed by the shit)

Stands to reason that for every Larry Craig with a wide stance there is probably a LouAnn Craig with an eye for the ladies. :cool:

You could update it to the 2013:

Stands to reason that for every barack obama with a wide stance there is probably a michelle obama with an eye for the ladies.

And women will divorce their husbands in droves in order to marry other women. (A real fear expressed by the shit)

Stands to reason that for every Larry Craig with a wide stance there is probably a LouAnn Craig with an eye for the ladies. :cool:

You could update it to the 2013:

Stands to reason that for every barack obama with a wide stance there is probably a michelle obama with an eye for the ladies.

You criticize and demean homosexuality, but the type of attitude you display is sick. It isn't Christian nor human, must be Jihad.
The fact that atheists get married every day implies that marriage is not "ultimately" a "religious illustration of man joined with God".

And the fact that many churches have no problem marrying two partners of the same sex implies that the laws as of now are "discriminating" against those churches that would be happy to marry same sex partners.

We do not believe in women ministers. And the fact that a women is ordained does not mean she would be considered for that position within our church. We hold to this on biblical grounds. So, we really do not care what others churches decide to do. They will ultimately have to answer to the Lord.

From a legal standpoint, your church is no more "valid" than any other church - including churches that support same sex marriage.
Christians answer to a higher authority.
I do not feel that two healthy strong young men should be allowed to sponge off the taxpayers so that they may be mutual friends.
How are they sponging off taxpayers? So, you're against a woman working and her husband staying home to take care of the kids? Sounds to me you just have antiquated ideas and want to hold on to them.
They cannot have children together.
Many heterosexual couples cannot have children, should we preclude them from getting married? What about couples that marry when they're older, you think that shouldn't be allowed because they won't have children? Since when does "being able to have children" become a pre-requisite for marriage?

What do you care if someone wants to support someone else? Who are you, the "fair support police"? Is that the reason Republicans don't want to allow same-sex marriage, because they want everyone to be the way they imagine them to be?


That aside, there are companies out there that do insure homosexual couples. They are private companies and if that is what they wish to do, that is up to them.
Probably charge more for less. Why should they have to settle for some rinky dink insurance company just to satisfy the archaic beliefs of those who are anti same-sex marriage.

And I do know two couples that went to the minister of our church who were divorced and they were both denied. They were rather embarrassed but the minister was very straightforward and explained the reason from our biblical vantage.
Okay, so you belong to a church that doesn't believe in "forgiveness". That's weird, because I thought it was Christians that were against same-sex marriage, and I believe that Christians practice forgiveness, and divorce is not an unforgiveable sin.

Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent. People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again. As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.
I do not feel that two healthy strong young men should be allowed to sponge off the taxpayers so that they may be mutual friends.
How are they sponging off taxpayers? So, you're against a woman working and her husband staying home to take care of the kids? Sounds to me you just have antiquated ideas and want to hold on to them.
Many heterosexual couples cannot have children, should we preclude them from getting married? What about couples that marry when they're older, you think that shouldn't be allowed because they won't have children? Since when does "being able to have children" become a pre-requisite for marriage?

What do you care if someone wants to support someone else? Who are you, the "fair support police"? Is that the reason Republicans don't want to allow same-sex marriage, because they want everyone to be the way they imagine them to be?


Probably charge more for less. Why should they have to settle for some rinky dink insurance company just to satisfy the archaic beliefs of those who are anti same-sex marriage.

And I do know two couples that went to the minister of our church who were divorced and they were both denied. They were rather embarrassed but the minister was very straightforward and explained the reason from our biblical vantage.
Okay, so you belong to a church that doesn't believe in "forgiveness". That's weird, because I thought it was Christians that were against same-sex marriage, and I believe that Christians practice forgiveness, and divorce is not an unforgiveable sin.

Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent. People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again. As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.

So people should remain in failed marriages and remain miserable for the rest of their lives.

How very 18th Century of you.
Stands to reason that for every Larry Craig with a wide stance there is probably a LouAnn Craig with an eye for the ladies. :cool:

You could update it to the 2013:

Stands to reason that for every barack obama with a wide stance there is probably a michelle obama with an eye for the ladies.

You criticize and demean homosexuality, but the type of attitude you display is sick. It isn't Christian nor human, must be Jihad.

"i tawt i taw a stupid ass, i did i did taw a stupid ass"

I use salunsky rules 5 & 6 the most, get over it...:eusa_angel:

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