Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist

I do not feel that two healthy strong young men should be allowed to sponge off the taxpayers so that they may be mutual friends.
How are they sponging off taxpayers? So, you're against a woman working and her husband staying home to take care of the kids? Sounds to me you just have antiquated ideas and want to hold on to them.
Many heterosexual couples cannot have children, should we preclude them from getting married? What about couples that marry when they're older, you think that shouldn't be allowed because they won't have children? Since when does "being able to have children" become a pre-requisite for marriage?

What do you care if someone wants to support someone else? Who are you, the "fair support police"? Is that the reason Republicans don't want to allow same-sex marriage, because they want everyone to be the way they imagine them to be?


Probably charge more for less. Why should they have to settle for some rinky dink insurance company just to satisfy the archaic beliefs of those who are anti same-sex marriage.

And I do know two couples that went to the minister of our church who were divorced and they were both denied. They were rather embarrassed but the minister was very straightforward and explained the reason from our biblical vantage.
Okay, so you belong to a church that doesn't believe in "forgiveness". That's weird, because I thought it was Christians that were against same-sex marriage, and I believe that Christians practice forgiveness, and divorce is not an unforgiveable sin.

Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent. People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again. As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.
what are the stupid reasons?, you dont make the rules. marriage was created to secure more wealth by combining family assets many counties stilll practice that, some folks just get married for companionship , some for love, some to start a family , until getting divorced became more easy people stayed married had affairs lived together in name only it was not always as you saw it ... now folks are more honest

stop judging others lest we judge you
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We do not believe in women ministers. And the fact that a women is ordained does not mean she would be considered for that position within our church. We hold to this on biblical grounds. So, we really do not care what others churches decide to do. They will ultimately have to answer to the Lord.

From a legal standpoint, your church is no more "valid" than any other church - including churches that support same sex marriage.
Christians answer to a higher authority.
seems so.
one who teaches hate .declares war on those who dont follow the same dogma . commits *sin and blame it on **some fictional evil spirit ** condones hypocrrisy
yes sure they do
How are they sponging off taxpayers? So, you're against a woman working and her husband staying home to take care of the kids? Sounds to me you just have antiquated ideas and want to hold on to them.
Many heterosexual couples cannot have children, should we preclude them from getting married? What about couples that marry when they're older, you think that shouldn't be allowed because they won't have children? Since when does "being able to have children" become a pre-requisite for marriage?

What do you care if someone wants to support someone else? Who are you, the "fair support police"? Is that the reason Republicans don't want to allow same-sex marriage, because they want everyone to be the way they imagine them to be?


Probably charge more for less. Why should they have to settle for some rinky dink insurance company just to satisfy the archaic beliefs of those who are anti same-sex marriage.

Okay, so you belong to a church that doesn't believe in "forgiveness". That's weird, because I thought it was Christians that were against same-sex marriage, and I believe that Christians practice forgiveness, and divorce is not an unforgiveable sin.

Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent. People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again. As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.

So people should remain in failed marriages and remain miserable for the rest of their lives.

How very 18th Century of you.

No, they should learn to work for a better marriage and not expect it to just happen by itself. People should look at the individual they are dating and see beyond the fantasy and hype. Marriage is worth fighting for. Family is worth fighting for. The sensual is fleeting at best and is certainly not what a marriage should be based upon. This is another reason homosexuality is not of marital value.
Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent. People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again. As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.

So people should remain in failed marriages and remain miserable for the rest of their lives.

How very 18th Century of you.

No, they should learn to work for a better marriage and not expect it to just happen by itself. People should look at the individual they are dating and see beyond the fantasy and hype. Marriage is worth fighting for. Family is worth fighting for. The sensual is fleeting at best and is certainly not what a marriage should be based upon. This is another reason homosexuality is not of marital value.

More profound ignorance from Little Nipper. Homosexuals don't want to get married for the purposes of a "fleeting" "sensual" moment. They want a long term commitment to each other. They want to be with each other "until death do them part". They want to have homes and families and raise children. What is more they have been doing all of the above for a very long time. All they want now is for their long term committed relationships that they have worked and fought for to have the same legal recognition. Why are you so selfish as to want to deny them what you enjoy? What makes you so special that you are entitled to the benefits of a legally recognized marriage but they and their children are not?
Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent. People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again. As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.

So people should remain in failed marriages and remain miserable for the rest of their lives.

How very 18th Century of you.

No, they should learn to work for a better marriage and not expect it to just happen by itself. People should look at the individual they are dating and see beyond the fantasy and hype. Marriage is worth fighting for. Family is worth fighting for. The sensual is fleeting at best and is certainly not what a marriage should be based upon. This is another reason homosexuality is not of marital value.
Homosexual relationships are as deep and meaningful as heterosexual relationships. Its not just about the sensual.
Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent. People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again. As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.

So people should remain in failed marriages and remain miserable for the rest of their lives.

How very 18th Century of you.

No, they should learn to work for a better marriage and not expect it to just happen by itself. People should look at the individual they are dating and see beyond the fantasy and hype. Marriage is worth fighting for. Family is worth fighting for. The sensual is fleeting at best and is certainly not what a marriage should be based upon. This is another reason homosexuality is not of marital value.
you dont know a thing about human relationships do you? one day you will grow up and learn
Of course we believe in forgiveness. And divorce is pardonable; however, I understand that without accepting responcibility for our mistake, America has become soft and indulgent.
But how does it affect you and your marriage that other people are soft and indulgent? If you are a Christian, you are taught to love all people and try to be an example for them, not force them into being like you.

People get married for stupid reasons and think if things don't go their way they can simply get a divorce and try again, and again, and again.
And I believe that is their business. As long as you practice what you believe, you won't be held accountable for the mistakes or behavior of others.

As a result, marriage has become a joke and it is no wonder that after thousands of years, within 20 years, we have gone from a nation who understood marriage to be between a husband and a wife until death separated them --- into whatever/whomever, for as long as one is jiggy with it ---- so says Uncle Sam... Sorry, but the Federal Government doesn't know the first thing about integrity at this point in our history.
Marriage has not become a joke to me and to many people. Those that don't take it seriously don't affect me or my marriage in any way. As long as I don't have to pay for their divorces, I really don't care how long anyone stays married. You seem to want a Theocracy, where religion is the way the country is ruled, as long as it is your religion. How about other people's religion?
The government's only business with marriage is in that they issue a license and record it so that you and your spouse can take advantage of the benefits of marriage. The government really has no other interest in marriage.

No, they should learn to work for a better marriage and not expect it to just happen by itself. People should look at the individual they are dating and see beyond the fantasy and hype. Marriage is worth fighting for. Family is worth fighting for. The sensual is fleeting at best and is certainly not what a marriage should be based upon. This is another reason homosexuality is not of marital value.
And how do you think they are going to learn to work for a better marriage? You can't force people to go to church, the only place I know that tries to teach people to live a better life (for free). You are wanting people to adopt your ideals, but they are free to do as they please. Marriage may not always be worth fighting for if you have an abusive husband or a wife that steps out on you. Family is worth fighting for, but you can't force people to fight to keep their family together if they don't know how or were never taught that.

You may not consider same-sex marriage of value, but to the homosexual couples it is. It will allow them the same benefits that are allowed heterosexual couples, and surely as a Christian, you wouldn't want to treat anyone as less than you. Their marriage is not going to cause your marriage to go bad.

You can get that with a civil union

‘Gay Marriage’ or Religious Freedom: You Can’t Have Both

by Benjamin Wiker Saturday, May 04, 2013

While we wait until June to find out how the U.S. Supreme Court will rule in its two "gay marriage" cases, perhaps it will add a little energy to our prayers to understand that the judges in black will be making a stark choice: The choice is either "gay marriage" or religious freedom, but not both.

If the court, in settling Hollingsworth v. Perry, affirms the desire of the minority to extend the sexual revolution to same-sex "marriage," then it will be a violation of the Constitution (specifically the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment) to claim that homosexual activity and hence homosexual "marriage" are wrong.

Note that both aspects are mentioned. If the law affirms "gay marriage" as a guaranteed right, it implicitly demands that all citizens likewise affirm homosexual activity of any and every kind.

In affirming same-sex "marriage" as a protected right, the Supreme Court will not just be making law — which is itself a violation of the separation of powers — it will be remaking morality.

To be more exact, it will be acting as an instrument of the ongoing (and now, nearly complete) sexual revolution against the Judeo-Christian understanding of sexuality and marriage.

And, to be even more exact, the court will be establishing secular liberalism ever more firmly as our state religion, the worldview that defines what is good and evil, and therefore defines what is legal and illegal.


If the U.S. Supreme Court affirms same-sex "marriage," things will only get worse for Christians. It will be the secular liberal state against the Christian church, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment against the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

Religious liberty will be the loser — precisely because, in using the amendment historically designed to remove the vestiges of the evil institution of slavery, liberalism will have successfully equated, in the eyes of the law, racism with religious opposition to homosexuality.

Read more: NCRegister | ?Gay Marriage? or Religious Freedom: You Can?t Have Both
I do not understand the problem surrounding visitation rights. What I imagine is that one has a brother or son dying of HIV complications. then there is the one who gave it to him. The family is upset and want nothing to do with the one they imagine infected their loved one. It is not like I ever heard of not allowing one's best friend not to come to the hospital to see a dying friend. What is the concern is that a murderer is willfully spreading diseases to further his own pleasure and is then upset when he is excluded from visitation rights by grieving family members.
I do not understand the problem surrounding medical insurance. Everyone who works is entitled to medical insurance provided by an employer. Usually, medical insurance is much cheaper for a single person. It is family care that skyrockets in cost. A single man might spend $45 out of his pay weekly. The man with a family will likely spend triple that amount or more. So two "gay" men spend $90 in healthcare a week between themselves, as opposed to $150 a week as a husband and wife...
I do not understand the problem surrounding immigration. Do we really want immigrants? The government is try to throw out a German family that has a farm in the US and is not sponging off society. The issue is they want to home school their children. The government doesn't "feel" that is a reason to come to the US. Is being "GAY" a better reason?
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I don't understand the issue surrounding adoption rights. Are not orphants entitled to both a mather and a father? Are they some how second class citizens? Is bringing up a baby like buying toys or a doll? It seems to me that the desire of the parents would be that thieir child might receive the best and not simply be handed over to anyone not able to have children for any reason. There are religious concerns and educational concerns --- among others. The rights of the child outweigh the rights of strangers.
I don't understand the issue of Social Security. Both the men pay into the SS over their entire working career. They will certainly get back far more than they invested. They can start a 401K and will it to whomever.

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