Remember, Gorsuch believes Corps. are "people" and religiosity is a "right"

Please cite direct evidence that this man believes "corps are people". Be specific now.

Regarding religion, are you suggesting having a strong religious feeling or belief is NOT a right? You saying government should be able to restrict someone's religious belief...just because? What the fuck are you saying?

On the first point, do you believe that Gorsuch fully back the Citizen United decision...THAT horrible decision basically states that Corporations ARE just like individuals...

Gorsuch would also overturn Roe v. Wade and set back women's rights by 4 decades.

A Justice best NOT judge by religious tenets....otherwise were are ALL royally fucked.

First, he has not ruled on an abortion issue, so, your abilities as a prognosticator aside, you have no clue how he would have ruled in RvW. Further, one can stand against that ruling and still be in favor of choice. States rights, privacy in the Constitution, etc.

Second, he is clearly a strict original-intent constitutionalist, so the idea he would advocate a state religion or rule not by the words in the document, but by a religious doctrine is a ludicrous suggestion.

Lastly, the CU case did NOT state, basically or otherwise, that corporations are "just like individuals". Read up from something other than HuffPo for a little education.

Many of our laws are arguably derived from 'religious values' (10 Commandments).

Including capital punishment??????
You've clearly never read the bible.

The Old Testament is real big on the death penalty. "Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth..."

God also commands the mass slaughter of infidels.

However, many Christians interpret the Bible to be against the death penalty. Especially Catholics.
God also commands the mass slaughter of infidels.


You're such a liar, and bigot, Guno.
Another one who has never read the bible. You really should read it, especially the parts where God told the Jews how to acquire land for their nation.

No different than ISIS trying to acquire land for their caliphate.

And you would understand some of ISIS's behavior if you read the book of Kings while you were at it, too. Their destruction of blasphemous sites is explained right there in black and white in that book.

Nice try, tard. Not.
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Remember, Gorsuch believes Corps. are "people" and religiosity is a "right"

That's all you guys got? Lol

Now, THAT conclusion may have hurt while getting out of your rectum.....Preparation H might help you, Unhinged.

What is the thread title, gnat? Oh yeah, you Stalisnist are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. that Gorsuch said that religion is a right..

Have any of you Soros retards ever read the bill of rights? :dunno:

Now go burn down a university to crush civil rights, like a good democrat.
Remember, that nitwit Obama thinks it is a good thing to take in almost 2,000 Muslims that didn't pass the Australian vetting process.
Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.

I think it's hysterical that the rightwingnut toons think they should get our judgeship.

they're free to confirm judge garland.

either way, the little whining crackpots need to stop whining

Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.

I think it's hysterical that the rightwingnut toons think they should get our judgeship.

they're free to confirm judge garland.

either way, the little whining crackpots need to stop whining


It is not your "judgeship" Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bats got to appoint those two idiot dingbats when the Kenyan Catastrophe held the office. You don't get to fuck up this country any more than that.

Over the next eight years Trump will be able to get rid of several of those Libtard assholes on the court.

Like the Dead Moon Bat Walking

I think it's hysterical that the rightwingnut toons think they should get our judgeship.

they're free to confirm judge garland.

either way, the little whining crackpots need to stop whining


I'm not sure what Roger Rabbit has to do with this, but..

So Mz. Fakelawyer, you have no clue how judicial appointments work, no surprise. When is comes to the law, you have literally zero knowledge.

The nominee is Gorsuch, Garland was rejected by the last Senate who declined to consider him, just as the McDonalds people declined to consider your application for employment.

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