Remember, Gorsuch believes Corps. are "people" and religiosity is a "right"

Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.

I think it's hysterical that the rightwingnut toons think they should get our judgeship.

they're free to confirm judge garland.

either way, the little whining crackpots need to stop whining


It is not your "judgeship" Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bats got to appoint those two idiot dingbats when the Kenyan Catastrophe held the office. You don't get to fuck up this country any more than that.

Over the next eight years Trump will be able to get rid of several of those Libtard assholes on the court.

Like the Dead Moon Bat Walking


Dream on. She's probably the healthiest member of the court.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: the Supreme Court Justice Does 20 push-ups a day
I think it's hysterical that the rightwingnut toons think they should get our judgeship.

they're free to confirm judge garland.

either way, the little whining crackpots need to stop whining


I'm not sure what Roger Rabbit has to do with this, but..

So Mz. Fakelawyer, you have no clue how judicial appointments work, no surprise. When is comes to the law, you have literally zero knowledge.

The nominee is Gorsuch, Garland was rejected by the last Senate who declined to consider him, just as the McDonalds people declined to consider your application for employment.

Rejected or not considered?

Pretty sure you don't know what "rejected" means. And pretty sure you're in no position to call anyone a "fakelawyer" when your knowledge of the law could fit inside Ron Jeremy's foreskin.
God also commands the mass slaughter of infidels.


You're such a liar, and bigot, Guno.

However, many Christians interpret the Bible to be against the death penalty. Especially Catholics.

Maybe if you lie to them, they will see the wisdom of adopting Marxism?

LMAO, it's "bigotry" to read the bible back to you?

Yet another term your dumb ass doesn't understand.
Remember, that nitwit Obama thinks it is a good thing to take in almost 2,000 Muslims that didn't pass the Australian vetting process.

Can you even BEGIN to explain the refugee vetting process?

And please give me a tally of the number of people killed by refugees in America.

Now, THAT conclusion may have hurt while getting out of your rectum.....Preparation H might help you, Unhinged.

What is the thread title, gnat? Oh yeah, you Stalisnist are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. that Gorsuch said that religion is a right..

Have any of you Soros retards ever read the bill of rights? :dunno:

Now go burn down a university to crush civil rights, like a good democrat.

You have every right to your religion.
The state has every obligation to keep that religion in its pants.

Now, THAT conclusion may have hurt while getting out of your rectum.....Preparation H might help you, Unhinged.

What is the thread title, gnat? Oh yeah, you Stalisnist are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. that Gorsuch said that religion is a right..

Have any of you Soros retards ever read the bill of rights? :dunno:

Now go burn down a university to crush civil rights, like a good democrat.

religion is a right.

but that isn't what Gorsuch said. you might want to try actually reading and understanding court decisions. maybe then you wouldn't sound as stupid as you do.

gorsuch said that CORPORATIONS have religion. and that's just nuts.
Well it IS a "right".

noun: religiosity
  1. strong religious feeling or belief."
You have every right to your religion.

Gary, you're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag. You see son, gnat actually was dumb enough to claim Gorsuch is unqualified due to his support of religion as a right. Now, as a drolling little Sorosazi, you have never been exposed to something called "The United States Constitution." I get it, the Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, it causes very bad reactions with you.

The state has every obligation to keep that religion in its pants.

No doubt that made sense to you when it bounced off your colon wall, as you said it to yourself...

Standard Disclaimer: No offense to slugs intended through the comparison to leftists.
religion is a right.

They finally updated DailyKOS to keep you fools from looking quite so stupid. Good.

but that isn't what Gorsuch said. you might want to try actually reading and understanding court decisions. maybe then you wouldn't sound as stupid as you do.

gorsuch said that CORPORATIONS have religion. and that's just nuts.

False, YOU might try reading the actual decisions rather than the bullshit on the Soros hate site, Fakelawyer.

You are the biggest fraud I have ever encountered.

What is the structure of Hobby Lobby? Why does that matter?

Since we BOTH know you have never had a business (or any) law class in your life, I'll answer. Hobby Lobby is a Closely Held Corporation. This matters because it is not publicly traded. We are talking a family business here. WHEN Obama attempted to force his views onto the business of American citizens, he violated the 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb, the religious freedom restoration act, as the high court found.

This holds that the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (which you democrats are at war to end) extends protection to operate such business according to their religious beliefs. Be this a Jewish Deli that doesn't serve ham, or Hobby Lobby.

Your utter and astounding ignorance of basic legal principles in no way alters the substance of the findings by the court.
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You have every right to your religion.

Gary, you're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag. You see son, gnat actually was dumb enough to claim Gorsuch is unqualified due to his support of religion as a right. Now, as a drolling little Sorosazi, you have never been exposed to something called "The United States Constitution." I get it, the Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, it causes very bad reactions with you.

The state has every obligation to keep that religion in its pants.

No doubt that made sense to you when it bounced off your colon wall, as you said it to yourself...

Standard Disclaimer: No offense to slugs intended through the comparison to leftists.

If you had any literacy skills whatsoever you'd notice that she was talking about religious rights FOR CORPORATIONS.

Businesses are not individuals. Accordingly, businesses should have no First Amendment free-exercise rights to religion. Individuals do.
You have every right to your religion.

Gary, you're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag. You see son, gnat actually was dumb enough to claim Gorsuch is unqualified due to his support of religion as a right. Now, as a drolling little Sorosazi, you have never been exposed to something called "The United States Constitution." I get it, the Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, it causes very bad reactions with you.

The state has every obligation to keep that religion in its pants.

No doubt that made sense to you when it bounced off your colon wall, as you said it to yourself...

Standard Disclaimer: No offense to slugs intended through the comparison to leftists.

If you had any literacy skills whatsoever you'd notice that she was talking about religious rights FOR CORPORATIONS.

Businesses are not individuals. Accordingly, businesses should have no First Amendment free-exercise rights to religion. Individuals do.

Well yeah, except the SC says they do. Aside from that pesky little thing you are right. (rolling eyes)
Lots of pages so this may already have been covered. But just in case

Libs keep ranting that "conservatives want corporations to be people"

This is a complete fabrication and an outright lie.

Corporations are considered legal "persons" in order to protect the employees and shareholders from liability for any acts of the corporation that could be deemed illegal. The corporation is held liable for its acts just as an individual is held liable for his/her acts.

Without this protection, employees and shareholders would be subject to being sued for acts they neither participated in or condoned.

Get some education, liberals. Your ignorance makes you look like idiots.

he likes calling me a "fakelawyer" because he's a loser sitting in his basement and doing nothing worthwhile ever

Well, not everyone can sit in a single wide eating bon-bons like you, but no, we in California rarely even have basements.

One thing you and I have in common, Jillian, is we both know you are a fraud.

A high priced Manhattan super lawyer who oddly doesn't know what a tort is? Let's just say, "unlikely,."


More like impossible. It's required in law school and the bar
As the Dixie Chicks sang, I'm not ready to play nice,.......

Filibuster is the voice of the senate minority. USE IT !!!

Corporations are groups of people....who do not lose their right to petition a government simply because they come together in a business setting.....and if you bothered to read the 1st Amendment, which you still won't understand......freedom of religion is a right.. in 'being able to hold a strong religious belief is a Right'? And you oppose that? What part of 'Freedom of Religion and the practice thereof' do you not understand or agree with, comrade?

English is a tough language for morons like you........Freedom of religion does NOT mean the application of religious values in court decisions.

It does if the decision protects the 1st Amendment freedom of religious expression moron....
As the Dixie Chicks sang, I'm not ready to play nice,.......

Filibuster is the voice of the senate minority. USE IT !!!
Except he doesn't believe religion is a right....he believes is none of .govs business....

Yes...the left doesn't think the written Constitution actually exists......but that every nutty idea that pops into their head is actually in the Constitution.......

Now, THAT conclusion may have hurt while getting out of your rectum.....Preparation H might help you, Unhinged.

What is the thread title, gnat? Oh yeah, you Stalisnist are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA. that Gorsuch said that religion is a right..

Have any of you Soros retards ever read the bill of rights? :dunno:

Now go burn down a university to crush civil rights, like a good democrat.

religion is a right.

but that isn't what Gorsuch said. you might want to try actually reading and understanding court decisions. maybe then you wouldn't sound as stupid as you do.

gorsuch said that CORPORATIONS have religion. and that's just nuts.

How could someone be as dumb as you?

I think they actually work at it...

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