Remember, Gorsuch believes Corps. are "people" and religiosity is a "right"


Were you a staunch supporter of President Obama's drone strikes?

Why are you embarrassing the Moon Bat?

These Moon Bats hate to answer for Obama's war mongering. They just pretend it never happen. They try to blame it on Bush or something.
There is a ban on the Pope, but not Ayatollahs, for sitting on the Supreme Court???

Is that a question??????????????????????????????????????????

What ever you are is probably working.

While that is as witty as all git-up, you might want to claim that honor for yourself, I mean, you don't want to have to try and explain any of this, trust me on that percy

You posted it.
lol...Yeah, my bad percy...geez

Like this post from NOVEMBER 2nd....notice how he is INCORRECT and AN ASSHOLE ABOUT IT at the same time. This is very common among snowflakes.

They don't know what the FUCK they are talking about, but they make up for it by being cvnts while they are spreading their bullshit.

After reading these PRE-ELECTION posts by NAT, how ANYONE gives his opinions any weight is beyond me.

Here is a link to all of his posts the week prior to the election.

Now, read and enjoy this post by Nat from NOVEMBER 2nd, 2016.
"I've posted this before and still waiting for ONE right winger to tell me how Trump could win.

The first thing that a right winger would have to do, is to "argue" if the following states would opt for Trump and not for Clinton. The "blue" states are:

WA, OR, CA, CO, NM.....MN, WI, MI, IL, .....NY, PA, VA....Vt, NH, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, MD, DC.....

If the above 20 (plus DC) DO go for Clinton.....then she has 272 EC votes.

Trump can carry even those battleground states like FL, OH, NC, NV, etc.....and he would STILL only total 264 EC votes......


Any arguments as to who will declare victory on the night of Nov. 8th?


Did Nat get his answer to the question of how TRUMP CAN WIN?


Nat is always correct.....remember that when you read his posts.
Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.
Liberals and Centrists and responsible Rightists believe nothing of the sorts.

But the Alt Right believes that Trump should kill children in seal raids in the ME.

Were you a staunch supporter of President Obama's drone strikes?
So you want Trump to be like Obama, OK.

I thought they should be used as devices (think of the robot bomb that killed the cop killer) against criminals and domestic terrorists.
Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.
Liberals and Centrists and responsible Rightists believe nothing of the sorts.

But the Alt Right believes that Trump should kill children in seal raids in the ME.

Were you a staunch supporter of President Obama's drone strikes?
So you want Trump to be like Obama, OK.

I thought they should be used as devices (think of the robot bomb that killed the cop killer) against criminals and domestic terrorists.

From my question, you glean that I want Trump to be just like Obama?
Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.
Liberals and Centrists and responsible Rightists believe nothing of the sorts.

But the Alt Right believes that Trump should kill children in seal raids in the ME.

Were you a staunch supporter of President Obama's drone strikes?
So you want Trump to be like Obama, OK.

I thought they should be used as devices (think of the robot bomb that killed the cop killer) against criminals and domestic terrorists.

From my question, you glean that I want Trump to be just like Obama?
If you approve of drones in the ME, yup you want Trump to be like Obama.
[QSo you want Trump to be like Obama, OK.

I thought they should be used as devices (think of the robot bomb that killed the cop killer) against criminals and domestic terrorists.

Trump's foreign policy speech was one of non interventionism.

That Kenyan Catastrophe was at war every day of his administration. Not only that but the asshole escalated a war, managed to lose a war and bombed a country that was no threat to the US and that had disastrous consequences. Failed foreign policy from the Left Wing shithead..
[QSo you want Trump to be like Obama, OK.

I thought they should be used as devices (think of the robot bomb that killed the cop killer) against criminals and domestic terrorists.

Trump's foreign policy speech was one of non interventionism.

That Kenyan Catastrophe was at war every day of his administration. Not only that but the asshole escalated a way, managed to lose a war and bombed a country that was no threat to the US and that had disastrous consequences. Failed foreign policy from the Left Wing shithead..
So we see him intervening.
Any corporation can be held criminally liable for something. can hold a corporation "liable" they pay a fine.....

But if you do the same thing that a corporation may do....YOU may get the needle.

See the fucking difference?

I understand that.... how would you give a corporation the needle? Like what, kill everybody who works there?

There have been instances where certain individuals have knowingly either done something or turned a blind eye to things, they have been held criminally guilty and punished accordingly.
...and then it gets nuked. Thanks Dirty Harry!

But yes, corporations are made up of people and as such have rights. Just like you. And religion is a protected right as well. Sorry!

Sure, try the nuclear option and you will see an all-out revolution against oppression...Always remember that the MAJORITY of Americans voted AGAINST the orange clown.
Who's the orange clown, your love muffin? Nobody got the majority of votes, you're too stupid to discuss politics.
It stated that congress cannot regulate political speech no matter what people use to organize and given said speech. one is arguing with HOW the wording screwed people (like you) The argument is whether the screwing is an ethical issue.

Screwing people has nothing to do with citizens united and free speech

What a "genius" that senator must be.......After how you fuck heads treated Garland's nomination, what did you expect???....

Expect? Exactly that nonsense.

The Biden rule has precedent. You didn't have a reasonable expectation of garland being confirmed. Especially when the senate made it clear that they would be upholding the precedent before Obama nominated the man. The senate deferred to the people and their election. The people ratified that decision by keeping the Senate in Republican hands and electing Trump.

However it would have been nice to see some integrity from the left who spent the last year yelling about how important it was that we have 9 justices to back up their arguments with action showing they weren't going to deny President Trump his appointment. Or at least waiting until he announced who it was before getting upset with a nominee that they unanimously supported for his last position.

Like I said. Integrity would be nice. But being immoral liars was expected.
Again, corporations are affected by our laws. You assholes would tie their hands and not allow them a voice in the laws which affect them.

That is the very definition of tyranny.

Every board member and CEO has a voice in our democracy like the rest of us. Cry elsewhere.
Again, corporations are affected by our laws. You assholes would tie their hands and not allow them a voice in the laws which affect them.

That is the very definition of tyranny.

Every board member and CEO has a voice in our democracy like the rest of us. Cry elsewhere.
You're the one whining about corporations being allowed to electioneer, skippy.
Can you show us in Citizens United where the US Supreme Court said corporations are people?

Citizen United gave corps. PERSON-HOOD......

Ergo, if an individual donates $10 to a candidate while a corporation gives that same candidate $1 million, want to guess WHO the candidate is more beholden to?.

If Corporations weren't considered 'Persons' (not 'people' you blithering fucking idiot) then they couldn't be sued.

They couldn't own property. They wouldn't have to pay taxes. They couldn't hire or fire.

They couldn't do much of anything.

Next time you ram your shitty little '78 Camaro into a Tree, sue the Tree.

Let me know how you make out.

You are a truly, actual, stupid piece of human debris.

And yet you can't send a corporation to jail....
Trump's foreign policy speech was one of non interventionism.

That Kenyan Catastrophe was at war every day of his administration. Not only that but the asshole escalated a war, managed to lose a war and bombed a country that was no threat to the US and that had disastrous consequences. Failed foreign policy from the Left Wing shithead..

Proof positive you don't wish to be taken seriously.
Can you show us in Citizens United where the US Supreme Court said corporations are people?

Citizen United gave corps. PERSON-HOOD......

Ergo, if an individual donates $10 to a candidate while a corporation gives that same candidate $1 million, want to guess WHO the candidate is more beholden to?.

If Corporations weren't considered 'Persons' (not 'people' you blithering fucking idiot) then they couldn't be sued.

They couldn't own property. They wouldn't have to pay taxes. They couldn't hire or fire.

They couldn't do much of anything.

Next time you ram your shitty little '78 Camaro into a Tree, sue the Tree.

Let me know how you make out.

You are a truly, actual, stupid piece of human debris.

And yet you can't send a corporation to jail....
What's that have to do with anything? You're the dumb shit who thinks the "corporations are people" bullshit meme is a real thing.

Also, governments can execute corporations, by the way.
Can you show us in Citizens United where the US Supreme Court said corporations are people?

Citizen United gave corps. PERSON-HOOD......

Ergo, if an individual donates $10 to a candidate while a corporation gives that same candidate $1 million, want to guess WHO the candidate is more beholden to?.

If Corporations weren't considered 'Persons' (not 'people' you blithering fucking idiot) then they couldn't be sued.

They couldn't own property. They wouldn't have to pay taxes. They couldn't hire or fire.

They couldn't do much of anything.

Next time you ram your shitty little '78 Camaro into a Tree, sue the Tree.

Let me know how you make out.

You are a truly, actual, stupid piece of human debris.

And yet you can't send a corporation to jail....
What's that have to do with anything? You're the dumb shit who thinks the "corporations are people" bullshit meme is a real thing.

Also, governments can execute corporations, by the way.

Oh for fuck's sake, you're too stupid to insult.
And yet you can't send a corporation to jail....

Who says?

1. Martin L. Grass
> Company: Rite-Aid
> Current status of the company: Still active

In 1999, Rite-Aid (NYSE: RAD) CEO Martin L. Grass, the son of company founder Alex Grass, was forced to resign from the post he had held for just four years. Grass was formally indicted in 2002, along with several other high-ranking executives at the drugstore chain, for conspiracy to defraud, making false statements, as well as accounting fraud. In 2004, Grass pleaded guilty and reached a plea agreement to serve at least eight years in prison and pay a $500,000 fine, as well as waive $3 million in owed salary. In 2009, Grass moved into a halfway house and was subsequently released in 2010.

2. Joseph Nacchio
> Company: Qwest
> Current status of the company: Acquired

In March, 2005, telecommunication company Qwest’s CEO Joseph Nacchio and several executives were indicted by the SEC. The charges included inflating revenue estimates, lying about nonexistent forthcoming government contracts, and illegally profiting from the run-up in the stock price. In 2007, Nacchio was sentenced to six years in prison. He was also ordered to pay a $19 million fine and forfeit an additional $52 million he had made through illegal trading. Nacchio appealed several times, losing his final appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. He began serving his term in February, 2009, but even now his legal team is petitioning to be heard in the Supreme Court.

3. Walter Forbes
> Company: Cendant
> Current status of the company: Split up

In 1998, Hospitality Franchise Systems, a platform used to purchase hotel chains, merged with direct marketing company Comp-U-Card International to form Cendant. The new corporation soon discovered, however, that Walter Forbes, CUC’s former CEO and the CEO of the newly formed Cendant, had grossly misrepresented the financial status of CUC. He reported at least $500 million in nonexistent profits. Forbes, who insisted he knew nothing about the situation, was forced out. By 2002, the ex-CEO was indicted under fraud charges, and in 2007, after years of appeals, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison and $3.28 billion in damages. In 2005, Cendant split up and spun off into several different companies.

4. Richard Scrushy
> Company: HealthSouth
> Current status of the company: Still active

Richard Scrushy, former CEO of HealthSouth (NYSE: HLS), has 20 years of illicit practices to his credit. Scrushy authorized the firing of whistle blowers, bribed and threatened HealthSouth execs and was complicit in illegal accounting practices. In November, 2003, Scrushy was indicted on charges of conspiracy, securities fraud, money laundering and mail fraud. However, the slippery Scrushy was acquitted on all charges in June, 2005. Less than four months later, he was indicted once again, this time on 30 counts of extortion, obstruction of justice, money laundering, racketeering and bribery. In June, 2007, Scrushy was finally sentenced to six years and 10 months in prison.

5. Bernard “Bernie” Ebbers
> Company: WorldCom
> Current status of the company: Bankrupt and acquired

The fall of Bernard “Bernie” Ebbers, former CEO of WorldCom, began once the telecommunication company’s proposed merger with Sprint (NYSE: S) fell through in June 2000 due to antitrust laws. WorldCom’s stock subsequently plummeted and Ebbers and his executive team continued to rearrange the books to the tune of $11 billion in a desperate attempt to cover up losses. In 2002, the fraud was discovered by internal auditors and Ebbers ousted. In March 2005, Ebbers was convicted of conspiracy, securities fraud and seven counts of filing false reports with regulators. He’s currently serving a 25-year sentence in a Louisiana jail.
And yet you can't send a corporation to jail....

Who says?

1. Martin L. Grass
> Company: Rite-Aid
> Current status of the company: Still active

In 1999, Rite-Aid (NYSE: RAD) CEO Martin L. Grass, the son of company founder Alex Grass, was forced to resign from the post he had held for just four years. Grass was formally indicted in 2002, along with several other high-ranking executives at the drugstore chain, for conspiracy to defraud, making false statements, as well as accounting fraud. In 2004, Grass pleaded guilty and reached a plea agreement to serve at least eight years in prison and pay a $500,000 fine, as well as waive $3 million in owed salary. In 2009, Grass moved into a halfway house and was subsequently released in 2010.

2. Joseph Nacchio
> Company: Qwest
> Current status of the company: Acquired

In March, 2005, telecommunication company Qwest’s CEO Joseph Nacchio and several executives were indicted by the SEC. The charges included inflating revenue estimates, lying about nonexistent forthcoming government contracts, and illegally profiting from the run-up in the stock price. In 2007, Nacchio was sentenced to six years in prison. He was also ordered to pay a $19 million fine and forfeit an additional $52 million he had made through illegal trading. Nacchio appealed several times, losing his final appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. He began serving his term in February, 2009, but even now his legal team is petitioning to be heard in the Supreme Court.

3. Walter Forbes
> Company: Cendant
> Current status of the company: Split up

In 1998, Hospitality Franchise Systems, a platform used to purchase hotel chains, merged with direct marketing company Comp-U-Card International to form Cendant. The new corporation soon discovered, however, that Walter Forbes, CUC’s former CEO and the CEO of the newly formed Cendant, had grossly misrepresented the financial status of CUC. He reported at least $500 million in nonexistent profits. Forbes, who insisted he knew nothing about the situation, was forced out. By 2002, the ex-CEO was indicted under fraud charges, and in 2007, after years of appeals, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison and $3.28 billion in damages. In 2005, Cendant split up and spun off into several different companies.

4. Richard Scrushy
> Company: HealthSouth
> Current status of the company: Still active

Richard Scrushy, former CEO of HealthSouth (NYSE: HLS), has 20 years of illicit practices to his credit. Scrushy authorized the firing of whistle blowers, bribed and threatened HealthSouth execs and was complicit in illegal accounting practices. In November, 2003, Scrushy was indicted on charges of conspiracy, securities fraud, money laundering and mail fraud. However, the slippery Scrushy was acquitted on all charges in June, 2005. Less than four months later, he was indicted once again, this time on 30 counts of extortion, obstruction of justice, money laundering, racketeering and bribery. In June, 2007, Scrushy was finally sentenced to six years and 10 months in prison.

5. Bernard “Bernie” Ebbers
> Company: WorldCom
> Current status of the company: Bankrupt and acquired

The fall of Bernard “Bernie” Ebbers, former CEO of WorldCom, began once the telecommunication company’s proposed merger with Sprint (NYSE: S) fell through in June 2000 due to antitrust laws. WorldCom’s stock subsequently plummeted and Ebbers and his executive team continued to rearrange the books to the tune of $11 billion in a desperate attempt to cover up losses. In 2002, the fraud was discovered by internal auditors and Ebbers ousted. In March 2005, Ebbers was convicted of conspiracy, securities fraud and seven counts of filing false reports with regulators. He’s currently serving a 25-year sentence in a Louisiana jail.

I didn't see "Inc. " after any of those human beings' names.

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