Remember, Gorsuch believes Corps. are "people" and religiosity is a "right"

So can Unions and PACs.

Unions and PACs represent INDIVIDUALS, while corporations represent the greediness of a board, some stockholders and the unquenchable thirst for more and more profits.while fucking everyone else....including YOU.

Good grief. the "greediness of a board"? "Some stockholders"? You have no idea what you're talking about and are a complete waste of time!! I'll give you another chance after you learn what a corporation actually is and what it does.
Good grief. the "greediness of a board"? "Some stockholders"? You have no idea what you're talking about and are a complete waste of time!! I'll give you another chance after you learn what a corporation actually is and what it does.

Good grief, your ass......Unions worry about the safety of the workplace and a raise on workers' wages and benefits.
Corporation board members and CEOs worry about if their personal Lear Jets are more modern than their competitors.
Good grief. the "greediness of a board"? "Some stockholders"? You have no idea what you're talking about and are a complete waste of time!! I'll give you another chance after you learn what a corporation actually is and what it does.

Good grief, your ass......Unions worry about the safety of the workplace and a raise on workers' wages and benefits.
Corporation board members and CEOs worry about if their personal Lear Jets are more modern than their competitors.

You can stop now. Your status as the most stupid poster on is secure.
If Obama really had a "despotic" hold on the U.S., Gitmo would be long closed
He damn-well tried. He continuously released terrorists who only returned after being caught again committing acts of terror and / or trying to kill more US troops. Then he lied his ass off about the Taliban 5 being part of the Bo Bergdahl swap - WHICH THET WEREN'T - because Barry knew he would never be able to close GITMO with them still there. They were too dangerous and high profile to just release. So he used Bergdahl as an excuse / a ruse to release them.
Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.
"Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience".......simply a lie.......

You are either delusional or confused Moon Bat.

The great majority of the abortions in this country is for the sake convenience. Very few for medical reasons or in the case of rape or incest. Some studies have it at 98% others for 94%. In either case women are killing their children because they don't want to be bothered with the child living

You Moon Bats never get anything right, do you?

Here is just one study. I can provide more if you are stilled confused or in your typical Libtard denial mode.

Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

Summary: This report reviews available statistics regarding reasons given for obtaining abortions in the United States, including surveys by the Alan Guttmacher Institute and data from seven state health/statistics agencies that report relevant statistics (Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah). The official data imply that AGI claims regarding "hard case" abortions are inflated by roughly a factor of three. Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%. About 98.3% of abortions in the United States are elective, including socio-economic reasons or for birth control. This includes perhaps 30% for primarily economic reasons and possibly 0.1% each for sex selection and selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies.

Like this post from NOVEMBER 2nd....notice how he is INCORRECT and AN ASSHOLE ABOUT IT at the same time. This is very common among snowflakes.

They don't know what the FUCK they are talking about, but they make up for it by being cvnts while they are spreading their bullshit.

After reading these PRE-ELECTION posts by NAT, how ANYONE gives his opinions any weight is beyond me.

Here is a link to all of his posts the week prior to the election.

Now, read and enjoy this post by Nat from NOVEMBER 2nd, 2016.
"I've posted this before and still waiting for ONE right winger to tell me how Trump could win.

The first thing that a right winger would have to do, is to "argue" if the following states would opt for Trump and not for Clinton. The "blue" states are:

WA, OR, CA, CO, NM.....MN, WI, MI, IL, .....NY, PA, VA....Vt, NH, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, MD, DC.....

If the above 20 (plus DC) DO go for Clinton.....then she has 272 EC votes.

Trump can carry even those battleground states like FL, OH, NC, NV, etc.....and he would STILL only total 264 EC votes......


Any arguments as to who will declare victory on the night of Nov. 8th?

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Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.

Cracker is a racist term. I guess it is true you have to be a racist, to know a racist!
You can stop now. Your status as the most stupid poster on is secure.

WOW, my feelings are really "hurt"........LOL

How did this work out for you?

"I've posted this before and still waiting for ONE right winger to tell me how Trump could win.

The first thing that a right winger would have to do, is to "argue" if the following states would opt for Trump and not for Clinton. The "blue" states are:

WA, OR, CA, CO, NM.....MN, WI, MI, IL, .....NY, PA, VA....Vt, NH, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, MD, DC.....

If the above 20 (plus DC) DO go for Clinton.....then she has 272 EC votes.

Trump can carry even those battleground states like FL, OH, NC, NV, etc.....and he would STILL only total 264 EC votes......


Any arguments as to who will declare victory on the night of Nov. 8th?
Right wing retards on here are posting OLD statements about the election....Sure, I was wrong about ONE thing...The electoral college vote, but NOT the popular vote.

You morons "think" that you represent ALL of America....and, of course, you're wrong.

Objectively, if the election were held today, even my grandmother would have a better chance the the orange charlatan.
( I don't think even Melania would be voting for him.).
Remember, Gorsuch believes Corps. are "people" and religiosity is a "right"
Since our laws affect corporations, they must be allowed to have a voice in the process which creates those laws, asshole.

Freedom of religion is a right. Read the Constitution some time. in 'being able to hold a strong religious belief is a Right'? And you oppose that? What part of 'Freedom of Religion and the practice thereof' do you not understand or agree with, comrade?

English is a tough language for morons like you........Freedom of religion does NOT mean the application of religious values in court decisions.
You clearly haven't a clue about court rulings. Not a clue.
Remember that Liberals believe children can be killed for the sake of convenience, you don't have the right to keep and bear arms and that more government control of your life is a good thing.

Cracker is a racist term. I guess it is true you have to be a racist, to know a racist!

Cracker refers to the heritage of early Florida settlers being cowboys, herding cattle to the northern markets. They cracked their bullwhips while herding the cattle earning them the name of "Crackers" It is only racist by the shitheads that have no tolerance for other cultures.

Please cite direct evidence that this man believes "corps are people". Be specific now.

Regarding religion, are you suggesting having a strong religious feeling or belief is NOT a right? You saying government should be able to restrict someone's religious belief...just because? What the fuck are you saying?

On the first point, do you believe that Gorsuch fully back the Citizen United decision...THAT horrible decision basically states that Corporations ARE just like individuals...
You are regurgitating a left wing invention about Citizens United, not the Supreme Court.
'Religiosity'? As in:

noun: religiosity
  1. strong religious feeling or belief. in 'being able to hold a strong religious belief is a Right'? And you oppose that? What part of 'Freedom of Religion and the practice thereof' do you not understand or agree with, comrade?

It is a right.

English is a tough language for morons like you........Freedom of religion does NOT mean the application of religious values in court decisions.

Really? 'Freedom of Religion' is considered in curt cases, as are all other Rights.
Many of our laws are arguably derived from 'religious values' (10 Commandments).

If by "many" you mean 3.

Thou shalt not kill, steal, or bear false witness.

Everything else is the fake god's vanity project.
As the Dixie Chicks sang, I'm not ready to play nice,.......

Filibuster is the voice of the senate minority. USE IT !!!
Corporations are legal persons, that's been established in federal statute for over 200 years.

Freedom of religion is enshrined in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

If you disagree on either point, you are an idiot.
Please cite direct evidence that this man believes "corps are people". Be specific now.

Regarding religion, are you suggesting having a strong religious feeling or belief is NOT a right? You saying government should be able to restrict someone's religious belief...just because? What the fuck are you saying?

On the first point, do you believe that Gorsuch fully back the Citizen United decision...THAT horrible decision basically states that Corporations ARE just like individuals...
You are regurgitating a left wing invention about Citizens United, not the Supreme Court.

Really? How does the "regurgitation" differ, materially?

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