Remember How Important And Valuable American Lives Were During the Benghazi Hoax?

Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?


It's the fact that black Jesus wouldent get out of bed and address one of his ambassadors was being killed. You know you are blinded by his blackness, but face it, the token negroid diddnt just get those people killed, he refused to get out of bed and deal with it. Hope it's never you.
Dig up his statement yesterday. Even Fauci stated he didn't feel there was any emergency when he addressed the public on January 21st. He advised live life as normal and not to worry about anything.
Why is there a 20+ page, and counting, thread started by someone on your side trying to get rid of the ONE sensible person advising the Trump on this matter? And it's filled w/your fellow self-proclaimed conservatives bashing the same.

I don't speak for every conservative, and every other conservative doesn't speak for me. There are conservatives that dislike Trump, and there are conservatives that dislike Fauci.

I don't care for the guy myself, but you on the left are trying to use him as the poster boy to support your claim that Trump knew this was going to be a problem, and ignored the advice of his experts. Well, that didn't happen apparently. The WHO sent out a notice to all countries that COVID-19 is starting to be a problem on January 30th, and Trump took his first action on January 30th.

Some now believe that given the different levels of severity this thing has, we may have had the virus in our country before there was any warning at all. In mild cases, it's very similar to a cold, mild case of the flu, or a bug that most people don't run to the doctor for. Let's not forget the asymptomatic people as well.

Bottom line, there was no way to stop this thing, or make it any less damaging. That's why 180 other countries are dealing with the same problem. China held out on the world, and so did the WHO. I know you on the left are doing your best to use this as a political opportunity, but outside the left, the rest understand that this was something out of control of the President. It's something we've never experienced before, and there was no possible way to prepare for it.
Well said. We don't know if it might have been less damaging--Fauci admits it is a very complicated situation to shutdown a country. It is.
There IS a lot of noise. The OP had a point, though, about how 4 lives lost in Benghazi was an absolute irredeemable crime and many (not all) are going out of their way now to minimize 26,000. Some are saying they are counting deaths not caused by the Virus. Others are saying well, hey, it's better than a million, which some expert predicted.

But I don't know we can pin this all on Trump. It's a pandemic and you're right that other countries have had similar messes to contend with.

He COULD have looked to the stockpiles sooner---PPE and test kits especially--and imo he should have been stricter about quarantining those who reentered the country from China after that first ban. Americans can carry the virus just as easily as a Chinese national. Many of them just got sent home. And Europeans were still coming in droves for how much longer?

Trump was concerned and trying to save the economy. It didn't work, but I don't know what would have.
1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
Bullshit excuses and justification.

Try again .
Libs like Marc still don't get it. They gloss over the importance of the economy. Thanks to the Democrat approach to this crisis we are now headed towards a depression. Trump tried to keep investors calm so they would not pull their money out of the stock market. Democrats got in the way and now we our headed to disastrous times.
Lol, lies and attempted misdirection. Remember, dead people don't work or spend money, and don't forget tRump is out there trying to take credit for the "Democratic approach" every day.
Dig up his statement yesterday. Even Fauci stated he didn't feel there was any emergency when he addressed the public on January 21st. He advised live life as normal and not to worry about anything.
Why is there a 20+ page, and counting, thread started by someone on your side trying to get rid of the ONE sensible person advising the Trump on this matter? And it's filled w/your fellow self-proclaimed conservatives bashing the same.

I don't speak for every conservative, and every other conservative doesn't speak for me. There are conservatives that dislike Trump, and there are conservatives that dislike Fauci.

I don't care for the guy myself, but you on the left are trying to use him as the poster boy to support your claim that Trump knew this was going to be a problem, and ignored the advice of his experts. Well, that didn't happen apparently. The WHO sent out a notice to all countries that COVID-19 is starting to be a problem on January 30th, and Trump took his first action on January 30th.

Some now believe that given the different levels of severity this thing has, we may have had the virus in our country before there was any warning at all. In mild cases, it's very similar to a cold, mild case of the flu, or a bug that most people don't run to the doctor for. Let's not forget the asymptomatic people as well.

Bottom line, there was no way to stop this thing, or make it any less damaging. That's why 180 other countries are dealing with the same problem. China held out on the world, and so did the WHO. I know you on the left are doing your best to use this as a political opportunity, but outside the left, the rest understand that this was something out of control of the President. It's something we've never experienced before, and there was no possible way to prepare for it.
Well said. We don't know if it might have been less damaging--Fauci admits it is a very complicated situation to shutdown a country. It is.
There IS a lot of noise. The OP had a point, though, about how 4 lives lost in Benghazi was an absolute irredeemable crime and many (not all) are going out of their way now to minimize 26,000. Some are saying they are counting deaths not caused by the Virus. Others are saying well, hey, it's better than a million, which some expert predicted.

But I don't know we can pin this all on Trump. It's a pandemic and you're right that other countries have had similar messes to contend with.

He COULD have looked to the stockpiles sooner---PPE and test kits especially--and imo he should have been stricter about quarantining those who reentered the country from China after that first ban. Americans can carry the virus just as easily as a Chinese national. Many of them just got sent home. And Europeans were still coming in droves for how much longer?

Trump was concerned and trying to save the economy. It didn't work, but I don't know what would have.

I don't think there is any preparation that we could have had for a problem this large. The test kits (the only ones approved by the FDA) were defective when the CDC began to pass them around. Why they couldn't figure that out before this hit, I have no idea.

We have a backwards way of labeling deaths because of the virus. If I had a heart attack, died at the hospital, and my blood work came back that I also had COVID-19, it would be labeled as a COVID-19 death. Italy was doing the same thing, until the doctors questioned why other deaths were decreasing so much; diabetes, kidney failure, influenza......

Hindsight is 20/20. Given the fact not many alive today ever experienced anything like this, I would say we did a pretty good job, and the President frequently credits the people more than himself or the government.
More bullshit from you! Or have you forgotten the narrative that Benghazi was Steven's fault because he knew it was dangerous and went to Benghazi anyways!
Of course he knew it was dangerous. That in no way makes him at fault.

What the hell is wrong with you?
We have a backwards way of labeling deaths because of the virus. If I had a heart attack, died at the hospital, and my blood work came back that I also had COVID-19, it would be labeled as a COVID-19 death. Italy was doing the same thing, until the doctors questioned why other deaths were decreasing so much; diabetes, kidney failure, influenza......
You sure about that, Ray? I keep hearing that from the minimizers. I don't know if I believe it. What gives you that idea?
I don't think there is any preparation that we could have had for a problem this large. The test kits (the only ones approved by the FDA) were defective when the CDC began to pass them around. Why they couldn't figure that out before this hit, I have no idea.
There were tests available .That was what South Korea used. The Trump Admin refused to ask for them. Instead they tried to reinvent the wheel and came up with faulty tests and had to start all over again. We STILL can;t get enough
Respectfully. Trump's response was, and is, actually worse.

You guys were always emphasizing that Benghazi was a serious matter due to the loss of lives, remember that line?

Well, we're having MASSIVE and COLOSSAL loss of American lives now.

But you people are minimizing it.

Every Republican and/or self-proclaimed conservative worth his/her salt here on USMB couldn't get enough of the Benghazi hoax, they were posting every. little. minutia...

Yep, a massive terrorist attack on our land, our embassy, killing our Ambassador with the US President, Barack Hussein Obama doing nothing but acknowledging the attack and then...going to minutia!

What hoax? That President ignored the attack and went to bed?

There were tests available .That was what South Korea used. The Trump Admin refused to ask for them. Instead they tried to reinvent the wheel and came up with faulty tests and had to start all over again. We STILL can;t get enough
I've analyzed this, most testing is not necessary. Too many Americans freak out when they hear more Americans have been diagnosed with Coronavirus. Better to have fewer tests if he keeps Americans from overreacting.
There were tests available .That was what South Korea used. The Trump Admin refused to ask for them. Instead they tried to reinvent the wheel and came up with faulty tests and had to start all over again. We STILL can;t get enough

Oh gosh, it must have slipped your mind to provide the reliable source and working link to support your allegations. Might you please correct this oversight so we can take you post seriously instead of it being the joke is now.
Can you tell me more about Trump's plan?
Trump has appointed a panel of our top economists to get our economy up and running again. A mutiny by the Dems could damage the restart. Trump is right, he needs to be the one calling all the shots.
Benghazi was supposed to be managed by people like Obama and Hillary who are of the Gold Standard. They know better. One step ahead of everyone else. And the current situation. We would be in worse shape with Progs in control. They would not know anything to do except play the authoritarian card. Us citizens are screwed by both sides. Patriot Acts, TSA and Homeland Security with politicians shoving edicts down our throats like Hitler, Mao and Stalin on this issue.

Idiot. Are you really comparing the US to China, USSR and Nazi Germany? Hyperbole much? Empty rhetoric much?
Trump has appointed a panel of our top economists to get our economy up and running again. A mutiny by the Dems could damage the restart. Trump is right, he needs to be the one calling all the shots.

Are you Russian? Your name sounds Russian. Almost Leninesque...only a Russian, anti-American, anti-Constitution, USSR-loving, monarchy-loving windbag would want to give one person so much power. Or a cultist for that matter.

To be fair, all the Deplorable, right-wing, neocon loons on this board come across as authoritarian in nature. They'd be in Jackboots in Germany circa 1933, waving the red flag in St Petersburg in 1917, and at the forefront of the cultural revolution in 1966. The irony - so called constitutionalist, conservative US 'patriots' are in fact the most totalitarian in nature than any form of political idealogue on the planet.
Oh god! Back to that tired talking point about Stevens "turning down" offers of more security from General Ham? It wasn't that Stevens didn't WANT more security and he wouldn't have LOVED to have taken General Ham up on his offer...but Stevens was prohibited from doing so. First and foremost, it wasn’t in his power to override State policy. His uncommunicative “no’s” to General Ham were a way of complying with State policy, without airing the internal debate between him and his superiors.
Secondly, the issue of diplomatic immunity mattered. The U.S. had no status of forces agreement with Libya, the standard instrument by which the purview of U.S. military security forces is established between America and a foreign country where our forces operate. If a special forces team was there as part of the U.S. diplomatic mission, it had immunity; if it was there under DOD command, its status was unnegotiated: existing in a sort of twilight zone in which its actions – which could well include killing Libyans – would make our soldiers vulnerable to arrest and prosecution, and create major problems for Stevens and the U.S. government.

I can't believe that you on the left are dragging out all the OLD...TIRED...AND TOTALLY DEBUNKED...talking points that the liberal media attempted to use back then to absolve Hillary Clinton of blame for what happened to Christopher Stevens and the other three Americans! It was disgusting when you tried to blame Stevens back then...and it's no better now!

Even his own family are not blaming Hillary. And he was told on several occasions not to go. Fact. He went anyway. Fact. The attack happened after he retired for the night. There was no forewarning (sure, one of the guards saw someone taking a picture of the place, but if that was a 'forewarning' that the state dept should have known about - on the night! - then the White House would be under attack every hour or every day or every week of the year). No, your partisan hackery is noted. When you neocon loons give a shit about the 6,000+ US servicemen and women who have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq due to Bush's war of choice, then you might have the right to act so indignant over four people losing their lives in Benghazi. No charges were laid despite the best intentions of a partisan enquiry. And Hillary already has admitted to her shortcomings over the incident.

You have a piece of shit in the White House at the moment who has done immeasurably more damage to the US in terms of its reputation and deaths, than Hillary or Obama. So, in other words, unless you want to have a fair and honest discussion, go fuck yourself you partisan hack.

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