Remember How Important And Valuable American Lives Were During the Benghazi Hoax?

The Republicans only wanted to know how it happened. They appropriated money for extra security that was never spent. The Ambassador wrote the SOS of concern of his safety. While these people were dying a horrifying death, DumBama went to bed. He had a fundraiser in Vegas the next day he didn't want to miss. No help was sent whatsoever.

Now you are going to compare this to a worldwide pandemic that you want to blame Trump for? Do you know how ridiculous this is?

As for your phony claim Trump didn't handle this well, you should have caught his press address yesterday, when Fauci had to get up there and explain how the President acted on his advice and suggestions each and every step of the way.
Are you able to articulate a brief summary of the Fauci advice Trump followed each step of the way?

Starting w/February 1 BTW. Thanks.
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Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

What happen was Hillary failed to send help when American lives were at stake.
View attachment 323347
4 deaths-outrage
25,000 deaths-no big deal
This is what trumpers stand for.

From "All is well", "come on out to the parades " And "this is just the flu".....


THE DEATHS ARE YOUR FAULT...... feigned outrage blaming others...

TDS is dripping...

Are you going to take responsibility for all the death that will occur due to a sever depression caused by a prolonged lock down?
TDS post 1,052,487
4 deaths-outrage
25,000 deaths-no big deal
This is what trumpers stand for.
I am not defending Trump or anyone else here, but...

Get back to us when somebody blames the 25,000 deaths on an internet video and keeps a private server in their bathroom to hide actions from Congressional oversight.

That's the outrage.

But, you love to miss the point. I am beginning to think you can't help yourself.

4 deaths-outrage
25,000 deaths-no big deal
This is what trumpers stand for.
I am not defending Trump or anyone else here, but...

Get back to us when somebody blames the 25,000 deaths on an internet video and keeps a private server in their bathroom to hide actions from Congressional oversight.

That's the outrage.

But, you love to miss the point. I am beginning to think you can't help yourself.

Trump knew the virus was in this country and did nothing.
He is responsible for 25,000 deaths and counting.
Poor analogy.
I look forward for your explanation as to how an entire party can make the biggest scandal in 100 years over the death of 4 Americans, then turn around during a pandemic that has 10s of thousands of Americans dying and be absolutely silent AND dismissive of it.
The Republicans only wanted to know how it happened. They appropriated money for extra security that was never spent. The Ambassador wrote the SOS of concern of his safety. While these people were dying a horrifying death, DumBama went to bed. He had a fundraiser in Vegas the next day he didn't want to miss. No help was sent whatsoever.

Now you are going to compare this to a worldwide pandemic that you want to blame Trump for? Do you know how ridiculous this is?

As for your phony claim Trump didn't handle this well, you should have caught his press address yesterday, when Fauci had to get up there and explain how the President acted on his advice and suggestions each and every step of the way.
Are you able to articulate a brief summary of the Fauci advice Trump followed each step of the way?

Starting w/February 1 BTW. Thanks.

Dig up his statement yesterday. Even Fauci stated he didn't feel there was any emergency when he addressed the public on January 21st. He advised live life as normal and not to worry about anything.
Poor analogy.
I look forward for your explanation as to how an entire party can make the biggest scandal in 100 years over the death of 4 Americans, then turn around during a pandemic that has 10s of thousands of Americans dying and be absolutely silent AND dismissive of it.
The biggest scandal in 100 years was not Benghazi. Not even close.

From "All is well", "come on out to the parades " And "this is just the flu".....


THE DEATHS ARE YOUR FAULT...... feigned outrage blaming others...

TDS is dripping...

Are you going to take responsibility for all the death that will occur due to a sever depression caused by a prolonged lock down?
TDS post 1,052,487
Your TDS is well documented.. Thanks for clearing that up...
Dig up his statement yesterday. Even Fauci stated he didn't feel there was any emergency when he addressed the public on January 21st. He advised live life as normal and not to worry about anything.
Why is there a 20+ page, and counting, thread started by someone on your side trying to get rid of the ONE sensible person advising the Trump on this matter? And it's filled w/your fellow self-proclaimed conservatives bashing the same.
Poor analogy.
I look forward for your explanation as to how an entire party can make the biggest scandal in 100 years over the death of 4 Americans, then turn around during a pandemic that has 10s of thousands of Americans dying and be absolutely silent AND dismissive of it.
The biggest scandal in 100 years was not Benghazi. Not even close.
I'm torn between FISA and the Coup D'etat or Democrats withholding funds to keep the average person and small businesses from going under after telling them all was well...
Trump knew the virus was in this country and did nothing.
What about the travel bans?

What about the MSM saying that COVID-19 was less a threat than the flu?

You are, once again, failing to comprehend the reason for the outrage.

Even if it is true that Trump failed to take action to prevent the spread of a virus (it's not), that is a far different matter than ignoring a call for help, LYING about the violence being the result of an internet video, and keeping all the communications about said derelict of duty on a private server to avoid congressional oversight. The outrage is directed at completely deliberate derelict of duty that resulted in the deaths of Americans serving the U.S. that could have DECISIVELY been prevented.

It's not just about the deaths. People get killed all the time. They also get sick and die all the time.

The complete inaction while having the immediate ability to save Americans, lies, cover-up attempt, and hiding all those actions on an illegal private server to avoid checks and balances from congress.

Are you saying that Trump deliberately let 25,000 people die when he had the immediate and decisive power to prevent those deaths with any measure of certainty, did nothing, blamed it on an internet video, and hid all his scheming on an illegal server to avoid congressional oversight?

Who is silent about it and who is dismissing it?
Look Ray, if this is the schtick you're gonna come with, ignoring the facts and what we can all CLEARLY see around us, then we're done here. Nothing to discuss. Either you sober up and come correct, or I just continue to dismiss you for the joke that you are.

We know your ignorant and have no facts.. Keep listening to the swirling toilet bowl known as CNN. Your bull shit is now circling the bowl.
What gets lost is more than 30 people were saved and it is barely mentioned. I would suspect that they are grateful that they were rescued. There is a heroic story of the defenders who fought on the ground during this ordeal and died fighting as hero's.

4 hours after the attack a six man team reached the scene

9 to 10 hours later the survivors where on a plane being taken out of Libya

They did the best they could under the circumstances and lives were saved and lives lost
but the right media sources politicized it.

and the finger pointing began

embassy people can be on the front lines or they may be in a cozy job in Paris. They all realize this and they still sign up for it.

Anti-Americanism sentiment, not everyone loves Americans. But you do your job and blend it as much as you can if your interested in exploring a foreign country. I would not walk around wearing a MAGA hat.
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Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?


Sorry, I couldn't get past the title.... Anyone who calls Benghai a 'Hoax' when 4 Americans died ... needlessly ... is someone to be ignored.
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan"

You just now, right here, made it partisan.

Hypocrite. Practice what you preach, or stop preaching. You right in this thread, had the chance to take the higher ground, and not make it partisan. And instead, you did exactly what you are decrying others of doing.

You fail sir. Fail.

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