Remember How Important And Valuable American Lives Were During the Benghazi Hoax?

Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?


Hillary Clinton wasn't "taken down" by what happened in Benghazi...she was taken down when the Benghazi investigation (that both she and the Obama Administration did their best to stonewall!) revealed that she had been running the State Department through two private servers hidden in her home...had lied to Congressional investigators about their existence and had paid to have the hard drives of those servers professionally "bleached" to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing!

That's wha' happened!
Nonsense. It was four years of relentless political attacks designed solely to politically damage Obama and Clinton.

And that fact is obvious by the results.

Nothing Nada. Zilch.

Oh it damaged Clinton for sure. Her approval was well above 60% before that...and after not so much.

Because voters were made to think "there's so much noise...something must be there"

There wasn't

But ...yea..pointing out hypocrisy of Republicans. conservatives, Trumpers is a waste of time



Great point.

A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009

McCarthy Links Benghazi Panel, Clinton’s Sinking Poll Numbers

Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

Poor analogy.
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?


Comparing Benghazi to the Covid-19 outbreak is just so fucking retarded that only you would be that stupid to do so!

The Kung Pow Sickness happened because of China lying to the WHO and evidence has been shown countless of times proving the CDC has been following the WHO guidelines and you keep on ignoring it!

You also keep on ignoring those like Bill de Bozo comments when Trump was putting flight bans in place and you forget the E.U. outrage over the ban!

So as you proclaim Trump was incompetent then you should hold William de Bozo accountable for his incompetence but you will not and why?

Trump is white and Republican and de Bozo even though white is shagging a black and Democrat and you will ignore his failure as a leader!
Thread, after thread, after thread, after thread about Benghazi was made, spanning years...
  1. Breaking: Benghazi Documents Found Hidden In New Batch Of Uncovered Deleted Hillary Email Files
  2. Father of Benghazi Victim: Either Hillary Is a Liar or Has a Bad Memory From Head Injury
  3. The Real Benghazi Scandal
  4. Fact Check on Benghazi
  5. Text of House Benghazi report, for those interested (Democrats afraid of the truth need not apply)
  6. Confirmed: Record Logs Show Hillary Clinton Went Home To Sleep During Benghazi Massacre
  7. FOIA Docs: Hildebeasty Told 2 Stories on Benghazi Right After Attack
  8. Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue
  9. Hillary Lied Under Oath=> Said She Checked in on Benghazi Survivors – But Called JUST ONE of 35 Surv
  10. A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.
  11. No Marines in Benghazi a decision made by the SoS / State Department; Threats IGNORED

The first few years they were all against Obama, and blamed ONLY Obama, but once he got re-elected, Obama wasn't mentioned again, it was Hillary, and ALL Hillary's fault.

They had no rhyme, reason, or connective tissue, anything that stuck, only thing held them together was that it was against a Democrat. And the lies, Republicans and rightwingers claimed to be very upset and angry about the lies.

Now? They welcome them w/open arms.

What. The heck. Has happened. To these people?

The Republicans only wanted to know how it happened. They appropriated money for extra security that was never spent. The Ambassador wrote the SOS of concern of his safety. While these people were dying a horrifying death, DumBama went to bed. He had a fundraiser in Vegas the next day he didn't want to miss. No help was sent whatsoever.

Now you are going to compare this to a worldwide pandemic that you want to blame Trump for? Do you know how ridiculous this is?

As for your phony claim Trump didn't handle this well, you should have caught his press address yesterday, when Fauci had to get up there and explain how the President acted on his advice and suggestions each and every step of the way.
That briefing was awesome... Even I didn't realize that the response started in early January a full month before the first case inside the US... All while democrats were jacking off in a wet dream impeachment.
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?


Hillary Clinton wasn't "taken down" by what happened in Benghazi...she was taken down when the Benghazi investigation (that both she and the Obama Administration did their best to stonewall!) revealed that she had been running the State Department through two private servers hidden in her home...had lied to Congressional investigators about their existence and had paid to have the hard drives of those servers professionally "bleached" to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing!

That's wha' happened!
Nonsense. It was four years of relentless political attacks designed solely to politically damage Obama and Clinton.

And that fact is obvious by the results.

Nothing Nada. Zilch.

Oh it damaged Clinton for sure. Her approval was well above 60% before that...and after not so much.

Because voters were made to think "there's so much noise...something must be there"

There wasn't

But ...yea..pointing out hypocrisy of Republicans. conservatives, Trumpers is a waste of time




It was years of investigations because the Obama Administration decided to lie about what happened, Lesh! They trotted Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to the American people about what took place in Benghazi and they did so for political reasons.

It's amusingly ironic that what they chose to do...lie about protect themselves politically...ended up totally taking down Hillary Clinton when the investigation revealed her email scandal...with the destruction of evidence and the repeated lies! That wasn't "noise"...that was blatant corruption!
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

Although their deaths were tragic, it wasn't really what pissed everybody off.

Blaming it on an Internet video and arresting the guy who produced and put out the video. That really pissed everybody off and we knew good and goddamn well it wasn't a video that started that shit that killed the ambassador et al.

That coupled with the whole server in the basement by the Secretary of State hiding her actions caused a serious question the motives behind all of this.

But, I don't expect anyone to take an objective look at this whole thing.
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

What happen was Hillary failed to send help when American lives were at stake.
Thread, after thread, after thread, after thread about Benghazi was made, spanning years...
  1. Breaking: Benghazi Documents Found Hidden In New Batch Of Uncovered Deleted Hillary Email Files
  2. Father of Benghazi Victim: Either Hillary Is a Liar or Has a Bad Memory From Head Injury
  3. The Real Benghazi Scandal
  4. Fact Check on Benghazi
  5. Text of House Benghazi report, for those interested (Democrats afraid of the truth need not apply)
  6. Confirmed: Record Logs Show Hillary Clinton Went Home To Sleep During Benghazi Massacre
  7. FOIA Docs: Hildebeasty Told 2 Stories on Benghazi Right After Attack
  8. Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue
  9. Hillary Lied Under Oath=> Said She Checked in on Benghazi Survivors – But Called JUST ONE of 35 Surv
  10. A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.
  11. No Marines in Benghazi a decision made by the SoS / State Department; Threats IGNORED

The first few years they were all against Obama, and blamed ONLY Obama, but once he got re-elected, Obama wasn't mentioned again, it was Hillary, and ALL Hillary's fault.

They had no rhyme, reason, or connective tissue, anything that stuck, only thing held them together was that it was against a Democrat. And the lies, Republicans and rightwingers claimed to be very upset and angry about the lies.

Now? They welcome them w/open arms.

What. The heck. Has happened. To these people?

The Republicans only wanted to know how it happened. They appropriated money for extra security that was never spent. The Ambassador wrote the SOS of concern of his safety. While these people were dying a horrifying death, DumBama went to bed. He had a fundraiser in Vegas the next day he didn't want to miss. No help was sent whatsoever.

Now you are going to compare this to a worldwide pandemic that you want to blame Trump for? Do you know how ridiculous this is?

As for your phony claim Trump didn't handle this well, you should have caught his press address yesterday, when Fauci had to get up there and explain how the President acted on his advice and suggestions each and every step of the way.
That briefing was awesome... Even I didn't realize that the response started in early January a full month before the first case inside the US... All while democrats were jacking off in a wet dream impeachment.

They are trying to make the case that the President acts independently instead of listening to his advisors. They've been making that claim since he took office. They are not after Fauci, they are after Trump, and this time, using him as their vehicle.

I was delighted to see Fauci get pissed off enough to tell that baiter reporter where to get off at. You know how low one would have to stoop to piss off a guy like Fauci. He's an intelligent man. He knows when he's being used by the media.
Great point.

A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009

McCarthy Links Benghazi Panel, Clinton’s Sinking Poll Numbers

And...............did Congress initiate 7 investigations in to each one?
1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
Respectfully. Trump's response was, and is, actually worse.

You guys were always emphasizing that Benghazi was a serious matter due to the loss of lives, remember that line?

Well, we're having MASSIVE and COLOSSAL loss of American lives now.

But you people are minimizing it.


Let's see. During the countless Behghazi hearings trey gowdy changed documents to make it look like things that didn't happen did. The democrats had to release the original document to prove that the republicans were lying.

Just about all the accusations against Obama and Hillary were lies. Remember the one where they lied and claimed Obama refused to send help and purposely made those four people die?

It was all nothing but a lie.

They went on and on about how four people died.

Now they want thousands of Americans to die to open up the economy.

Now they don't give a damn about human life.

Now they are spreading lies about the virus.

Now they are demanding to be able to congregate at churches to spread the virus to more innocent people and don't care.

Now we have over 23 thousand dead and nearly 600 thousand diagnosed with the virus and don't give a damn about the dead.

Republicans don't give a damn about death and human suffering.

All republicans care bout is money and having the power to force their agenda on our nation.
1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
Respectfully. Trump's response was, and is, actually worse.

You guys were always emphasizing that Benghazi was a serious matter due to the loss of lives, remember that line?

Well, we're having MASSIVE and COLOSSAL loss of American lives now.

But you people are minimizing it.


Let's see. During the countless Behghazi hearings trey gowdy changed documents to make it look like things that didn't happen did. The democrats had to release the original document to prove that the republicans were lying.

Just about all the accusations against Obama and Hillary were lies. Remember the one where they lied and claimed Obama refused to send help and purposely made those four people die?

It was all nothing but a lie.

They went on and on about how four people died.

Now they want thousands of Americans to die to open up the economy.

Now they don't give a damn about human life.

Now they are spreading lies about the virus.

Now they are demanding to be able to congregate at churches to spread the virus to more innocent people and don't care.

Now we have over 23 thousand dead and nearly 600 thousand diagnosed with the virus and don't give a damn about the dead.

Republicans don't give a damn about death and human suffering.

All republicans care bout is money and having the power to force their agenda on our nation.

We don't have a choice, you hyperventilating partisan! We have to get the economy back up and running or we won't have an economy period! Are some more people going to die? Yes. Are some more people going to die if we continue with the economy shut down? Yes. People die from viral outbreaks. Those that are especially at risk need to continue to shelter at home. Those that are not elderly or have underlying medical conditions need to get back to work.

Democratic leadership needs the economy to suck for another five months so that they have a chance at electing Joe Biden President. If it comes roaring back...they're screwed and they know it!
Hoax? These people were murdered at Benghazi and their bodies were mutilated while the president ate pizza and the Secy/State called in sick. It's insulting to compare the murder of an Ambassador and brave Soldiers who ran out of ammunition trying to protect him to the victims of a disease.
Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?


You say that like the democratic party supports universal healthcare, lol

No one gives a shit, including the people in this thread.

Just some of us are willing to admit it, and if you think this analogy holds....I have no words.
Great point.

A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009

McCarthy Links Benghazi Panel, Clinton’s Sinking Poll Numbers

And...............did Congress initiate 7 investigations in to each one?
Again, you and others completely miss the point.

Did Baby Bush blame the attacks on internet videos and keep a private server to hide his actions from Congressional oversight?

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