Remember How Important And Valuable American Lives Were During the Benghazi Hoax?

Who is silent about it and who is dismissing it?
Look Ray, if this is the schtick you're gonna come with, ignoring the facts and what we can all CLEARLY see around us, then we're done here. Nothing to discuss. Either you sober up and come correct, or I just continue to dismiss you for the joke that you are.


That's a lot of typing to say you don't have an answer.
Dig up his statement yesterday. Even Fauci stated he didn't feel there was any emergency when he addressed the public on January 21st. He advised live life as normal and not to worry about anything.
Why is there a 20+ page, and counting, thread started by someone on your side trying to get rid of the ONE sensible person advising the Trump on this matter? And it's filled w/your fellow self-proclaimed conservatives bashing the same.

I don't speak for every conservative, and every other conservative doesn't speak for me. There are conservatives that dislike Trump, and there are conservatives that dislike Fauci.

I don't care for the guy myself, but you on the left are trying to use him as the poster boy to support your claim that Trump knew this was going to be a problem, and ignored the advice of his experts. Well, that didn't happen apparently. The WHO sent out a notice to all countries that COVID-19 is starting to be a problem on January 30th, and Trump took his first action on January 30th.

Some now believe that given the different levels of severity this thing has, we may have had the virus in our country before there was any warning at all. In mild cases, it's very similar to a cold, mild case of the flu, or a bug that most people don't run to the doctor for. Let's not forget the asymptomatic people as well.

Bottom line, there was no way to stop this thing, or make it any less damaging. That's why 180 other countries are dealing with the same problem. China held out on the world, and so did the WHO. I know you on the left are doing your best to use this as a political opportunity, but outside the left, the rest understand that this was something out of control of the President. It's something we've never experienced before, and there was no possible way to prepare for it.
It was years of investigations because the Obama Administration decided to lie about what happened, Lesh! They trotted Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to the American people about what took place in Benghazi and they did so for political reasons.
Gimmee a break. Every now and again you seem reasonable. This isn't one of those times.

They gave the best explanation they could with the available evidence the intel folks could give them.

Who really cares WHAT they said? No one did anything wrong. It was an unfortunate event. There were events like it in the days before and that day just like that.

The only reason Republicans cared at all was because they wanted to blame Al Queda to "prove" that Obama hadn't done enough (especially since Bin Laden had just been killed)
What gets lost is more than 30 people were saved and it is barely mentioned. I would suspect that they are grateful that they were rescued. There is a heroic story of the defenders who fought on the ground during this ordeal and died fighting as hero's.
So, why the bullshit about the internet video, the failure to act when it was clear we had resources to rescue the ambassador, and why keep all communications about the incident on a private server to avoid congressional oversight and delete 33,000 emails to hide it all?

Did that get lost too?

Who really cares WHAT they said? No one did anything wrong. It was an unfortunate event. There were events like it in the days before and that day just like that.
Can't the same be said about the COVID-19 response? (this is a trap question)

And, why all the bullshit about an internet video and a private server to cover it up?

Republicans, self-proclaimed Conservatives and other assorted rightwingers nationwide and here on USMB were besides themselves, daily lamenting the loss of "those 4 precious American souls" and how it was such a travesty and disaster that they died, overseas mind you, on enemy territory, by enemy warfare, but they managed to spin it into this Trumped up scandal that deserved impeachment and investigation after investigation.

At no point did they stop, ever, to say, "hey, this was a mistake, let's not make this partisan", NOPE, they RAMPED up the partisanship, first they tried to pin it on Obama, for two years straight, they hammered him w/"Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and "American lives, American lives, American lives!" It didn't work though, because Obama trounced their asses handily under that barrage of attacks against him.

And did they stop their political nonsense then? NOPE, they spun on a dime and IMMEDIATELY started attacking Hillary. How "she slept on the job." and how "she wanted them to die" and yada, yada, yada. No cry for temperance was heard or heeded, much less cries to cease this road they were on. They pressed on and on and eventually, through that hoax and other things, managed to take down Hillary, which was their ultimate goal. Then they became silent. They had their prize, no more Benghazi nonsense.

But look at them now. THOUSANDS of Americans are dying, due to TRUE incompetence, recklessness and fecklessness, and these very same Republicans are DEFENDING it.

The SAME ones who said that we need to move heaven and earth, to avenge the loss of 4. American. Lives.

Wha' happened?

What happen was Hillary failed to send help when American lives were at stake.
View attachment 323347
4 deaths-outrage
25,000 deaths-no big deal
This is what trumpers stand for.
There was actually 2,800,000 deaths in the U.S. last year. Stupid ass.
It was years of investigations because the Obama Administration decided to lie about what happened, Lesh! They trotted Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to the American people about what took place in Benghazi and they did so for political reasons.
Gimmee a break. Every now and again you seem reasonable. This isn't one of those times.

They gave the best explanation they could with the available evidence the intel folks could give them.

Who really cares WHAT they said? No one did anything wrong. It was an unfortunate event. There were events like it in the days before and that day just like that.

The only reason Republicans cared at all was because they wanted to blame Al Queda to "prove" that Obama hadn't done enough (especially since Bin Laden had just been killed)

That's a crock, Lesh! They knew there was no "protest" that turned into an attack and they knew it rather quickly! By the time Susan Rice was telling all those lies about a You Tube video prompting a protest that turned violent they had been told by those on the ground that day that there was no protest. This was a planned attack by a large well armed force. You don't find mortars at a street protest. You find them at a battle! Let's be honest here...the Clinton State Department concocted the story about a You Tube protest turned violent because they didn't want to admit that they'd dropped the ball on protecting our diplomats.

It was an unfortunate event? It sure was. Especially since it didn't have to turn out the way it did! Christopher Stevens and the others might have had a chance if Hillary Clinton hadn't made the call to draw down American security forces in Libya...something she did over the repeated pleas from Stevens not to do so.

But you know what REALLY pisses me off about Benghazi? It was when Clinton met the plane bringing the caskets of the dead Americans back from Libya and lied to the families of those dead men...telling them that she'd make sure the person responsible for the You Tube video that led to the protest was held accountable for what they'd done! What kind of a person does that? I mean seriously? Is it possible to get more despicable than that?
What gets lost is more than 30 people were saved and it is barely mentioned. I would suspect that they are grateful that they were rescued. There is a heroic story of the defenders who fought on the ground during this ordeal and died fighting as hero's.
So, why the bullshit about the internet video, the failure to act when it was clear we had resources to rescue the ambassador, and why keep all communications about the incident on a private server to avoid congressional oversight and delete 33,000 emails to hide it all?

Did that get lost too?


Because real time is not a movie and happy endings are nice but it this is reality we live in

It was clear we had resources to rescue - that is an opinion and cannot be proven to be a fact.

According to the timeline the attack started about 3;40 OR 4:15. They gain access to the compound interior at least by 4;15 or earlier and they WERE ALREADY IN THE COMPOUND. They were inside the compound in 15 minutes. You seem to think that they could have been rescued in that short time span when it does take time to access the danger and respond appropriate. Live is not a movie.

4:45 a team assigned to the embassy tried to retake the compound

5:20 the compound was secured. So in a less than 2 hours they were at least 2 deaths and the Stevens was hurt.

the House Select Committee's report explains: "The assets ultimately deployed by the Defense Department in response to the Benghazi attacks were not positioned to arrive before the final lethal attack."

Quote - why the bullshit about the internet video

well if your talking about the Muslim video well they were wrong in that sense. but still it was after the fact and the situation was over. It does not prove intent, it just shows that they really didn't know and was making their statements told to them . It was during the investigation by the house that it showed that they relied on what was told to them by CIA assessments.

Quote - and why keep all communications about the incident on a private server to avoid congressional oversight and delete 33,000 emails to hide it all?

The committee, for its investigation, asked the State Department to turn over emails Clinton had sent to her aides about the attack.

They were turned over and some of those emails turned out to have been sent from Clinton's private email account . She released the email when asked. This is probably why the private email server becomes known and used against her during her run for president. Your getting your conspiracies mixed up.

the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks

the administration did make two mistakes. First, the State Department failed to provide sufficient security at Benghazi, which an internal review blamed on "systemic failures" at the department’s "senior levels." Second, Obama administration officials initially mischaracterized how the attack began (more on this below), but investigations found they were honestly relaying the CIA's assessments, not deliberately lying, as Republicans charged.

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee, what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping," McCarthy said on Fox News. About a week later, amid controversy over his comments, McCarthy dropped out of the race to be speaker.

Thus proving that it really was the original witch hunt and address that they knew she would run and wanted to make unfounded accusations. Such a statement after the report was released which exonerated her but was unacceptable for repubs. But they had what they needed for the next phase.
Gimmee a break. Every now and again you seem reasonable. This isn't one of those times.

They gave the best explanation they could with the available evidence the intel folks could give them.

Who really cares WHAT they said? No one did anything wrong. It was an unfortunate event. There were events like it in the days before and that day just like that.

The only reason Republicans cared at all was because they wanted to blame Al Queda to "prove" that Obama hadn't done enough (especially since Bin Laden had just been killed)

1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
When you converse with crazy people you become crazy yourself. Marc is a nut.
What gets lost is more than 30 people were saved and it is barely mentioned. I would suspect that they are grateful that they were rescued. There is a heroic story of the defenders who fought on the ground during this ordeal and died fighting as hero's.
So, why the bullshit about the internet video, the failure to act when it was clear we had resources to rescue the ambassador, and why keep all communications about the incident on a private server to avoid congressional oversight and delete 33,000 emails to hide it all?

Did that get lost too?


Because real time is not a movie and happy endings are nice but it this is reality we live in

It was clear we had resources to rescue - that is an opinion and cannot be proven to be a fact.

According to the timeline the attack started about 3;40 OR 4:15. They gain access to the compound interior at least by 4;15 or earlier and they WERE ALREADY IN THE COMPOUND. They were inside the compound in 15 minutes. You seem to think that they could have been rescued in that short time span when it does take time to access the danger and respond appropriate. Live is not a movie.

4:45 a team assigned to the embassy tried to retake the compound

5:20 the compound was secured. So in a less than 2 hours they were at least 2 deaths and the Stevens was hurt.

the House Select Committee's report explains: "The assets ultimately deployed by the Defense Department in response to the Benghazi attacks were not positioned to arrive before the final lethal attack."

Quote - why the bullshit about the internet video

well if your talking about the Muslim video well they were wrong in that sense. but still it was after the fact and the situation was over. It does not prove intent, it just shows that they really didn't know and was making their statements told to them . It was during the investigation by the house that it showed that they relied on what was told to them by CIA assessments.

Quote - and why keep all communications about the incident on a private server to avoid congressional oversight and delete 33,000 emails to hide it all?

The committee, for its investigation, asked the State Department to turn over emails Clinton had sent to her aides about the attack.

They were turned over and some of those emails turned out to have been sent from Clinton's private email account . She released the email when asked. This is probably why the private email server becomes known and used against her during her run for president. Your getting your conspiracies mixed up.

the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks

the administration did make two mistakes. First, the State Department failed to provide sufficient security at Benghazi, which an internal review blamed on "systemic failures" at the department’s "senior levels." Second, Obama administration officials initially mischaracterized how the attack began (more on this below), but investigations found they were honestly relaying the CIA's assessments, not deliberately lying, as Republicans charged.

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee, what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping," McCarthy said on Fox News. About a week later, amid controversy over his comments, McCarthy dropped out of the race to be speaker.

Thus proving that it really was the original witch hunt and address that they knew she would run and wanted to make unfounded accusations. Such a statement after the report was released which exonerated her but was unacceptable for repubs. But they had what they needed for the next phase.

Did you actually pay attention during the Benghazi investigations, Kilroy? From your post it doesn't appear so.

Your description of how Clinton responded to inquiries by Congressional investigators is laughable! She didn't hand over thousands of emails dealing with Benghazi although she told Congress and the American people that she'd complied fully with their requests! She couldn't! How could she turn over emails originating from the secret servers she'd hidden at her home? To do so would expose the pay for play scheme she was running at State! When Congress started asking questions about Benghazi Clinton's response was to pay professionals to "bleach" her two hard drives to destroy whatever was on them!
It was years of investigations because the Obama Administration decided to lie about what happened, Lesh! They trotted Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to the American people about what took place in Benghazi and they did so for political reasons.
Gimmee a break. Every now and again you seem reasonable. This isn't one of those times.

They gave the best explanation they could with the available evidence the intel folks could give them.

Who really cares WHAT they said? No one did anything wrong. It was an unfortunate event. There were events like it in the days before and that day just like that.

The only reason Republicans cared at all was because they wanted to blame Al Queda to "prove" that Obama hadn't done enough (especially since Bin Laden had just been killed)

That's a crock, Lesh! They knew there was no "protest" that turned into an attack and they knew it rather quickly! By the time Susan Rice was telling all those lies about a You Tube video prompting a protest that turned violent they had been told by those on the ground that day that there was no protest. This was a planned attack by a large well armed force. You don't find mortars at a street protest. You find them at a battle! Let's be honest here...the Clinton State Department concocted the story about a You Tube protest turned violent because they didn't want to admit that they'd dropped the ball on protecting our diplomats.

It was an unfortunate event? It sure was. Especially since it didn't have to turn out the way it did! Christopher Stevens and the others might have had a chance if Hillary Clinton hadn't made the call to draw down American security forces in Libya...something she did over the repeated pleas from Stevens not to do so.

But you know what REALLY pisses me off about Benghazi? It was when Clinton met the plane bringing the caskets of the dead Americans back from Libya and lied to the families of those dead men...telling them that she'd make sure the person responsible for the You Tube video that led to the protest was held accountable for what they'd done! What kind of a person does that? I mean seriously? Is it possible to get more despicable than that?
That friggin video sparked violent protests all around the globe AND was what the CIA blamed for the attack, In fact it WAS part of what the attackers themselves claimed as reason for the attack.

Benghazi WASN'T "the Embassy" in Libya and Stevens was only visiting that day. It was part of a CIA op to funnel arms to anti-Assad forces in Syria and because of that was not "normal" in any diplomatic sense.

And regarding the ACTUAL Embassy (in Tripoli where Steven spent most of his time) he had turned down offers of more security made by General Ham

Bottom line...Republicans went nuts because they wanted to show that despite getting Bin Laden, that AL Qaeda was still a force. They used those bodies to hurt the Administration and Clinton and they have ADMITTED it
Hillary Clinton wasn't "taken down" by what happened in Benghazi...she was taken down when the Benghazi investigation (that both she and the Obama Administration did their best to stonewall!) revealed that she had been running the State Department through two private servers hidden in her home...had lied to Congressional investigators about their existence and had paid to have the hard drives of those servers professionally "bleached" to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing!

That's wha' happened!


"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta. They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself." - Anne Stevens, Ambassador Stevens' sister.
1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
Respectfully. Trump's response was, and is, actually worse.

You guys were always emphasizing that Benghazi was a serious matter due to the loss of lives, remember that line?

Well, we're having MASSIVE and COLOSSAL loss of American lives now.

But you people are minimizing it.

Benghazi was supposed to be managed by people like Obama and Hillary who are of the Gold Standard. They know better. One step ahead of everyone else. And the current situation. We would be in worse shape with Progs in control. They would not know anything to do except play the authoritarian card. Us citizens are screwed by both sides. Patriot Acts, TSA and Homeland Security with politicians shoving edicts down our throats like Hitler, Mao and Stalin on this issue.
1. Your overgeneralizations are just that. Not everyone on the right flipped....and you can't say there isn't anyone on the right who felt like she fell down.
2. This was bullets and bombs. Not MOTHER NATURE so your false comparison is bullshit (as usual).
3. It wasn't just Hillary and Trump isn't using some video to explain away the virus. He didn't send out his chief bullshitters to try and deflect the following Sunday.

What part of that don't you get ?
Respectfully. Trump's response was, and is, actually worse.

You guys were always emphasizing that Benghazi was a serious matter due to the loss of lives, remember that line?

Well, we're having MASSIVE and COLOSSAL loss of American lives now.

But you people are minimizing it.

Benghazi was supposed to be managed by people like Obama and Hillary who are of the Gold Standard. They know better. One step ahead of everyone else. And the current situation. We would be in worse shape with Progs in control. They would not know anything to do except play the authoritarian card. Us citizens are screwed by both sides. Patriot Acts, TSA and Homeland Security with politicians shoving edicts down our throats like Hitler, Mao and Stalin on this issue.
That quite the unhinged rant
It was years of investigations because the Obama Administration decided to lie about what happened, Lesh! They trotted Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to the American people about what took place in Benghazi and they did so for political reasons.
Gimmee a break. Every now and again you seem reasonable. This isn't one of those times.

They gave the best explanation they could with the available evidence the intel folks could give them.

Who really cares WHAT they said? No one did anything wrong. It was an unfortunate event. There were events like it in the days before and that day just like that.

The only reason Republicans cared at all was because they wanted to blame Al Queda to "prove" that Obama hadn't done enough (especially since Bin Laden had just been killed)

That's a crock, Lesh! They knew there was no "protest" that turned into an attack and they knew it rather quickly! By the time Susan Rice was telling all those lies about a You Tube video prompting a protest that turned violent they had been told by those on the ground that day that there was no protest. This was a planned attack by a large well armed force. You don't find mortars at a street protest. You find them at a battle! Let's be honest here...the Clinton State Department concocted the story about a You Tube protest turned violent because they didn't want to admit that they'd dropped the ball on protecting our diplomats.

It was an unfortunate event? It sure was. Especially since it didn't have to turn out the way it did! Christopher Stevens and the others might have had a chance if Hillary Clinton hadn't made the call to draw down American security forces in Libya...something she did over the repeated pleas from Stevens not to do so.

But you know what REALLY pisses me off about Benghazi? It was when Clinton met the plane bringing the caskets of the dead Americans back from Libya and lied to the families of those dead men...telling them that she'd make sure the person responsible for the You Tube video that led to the protest was held accountable for what they'd done! What kind of a person does that? I mean seriously? Is it possible to get more despicable than that?
That friggin video sparked violent protests all around the globe AND was what the CIA blamed for the attack, In fact it WAS part of what the attackers themselves claimed as reason for the attack.

Benghazi WASN'T "the Embassy" in Libya and Stevens was only visiting that day. It was part of a CIA op to funnel arms to anti-Assad forces in Syria and because of that was not "normal" in any diplomatic sense.

And regarding the ACTUAL Embassy (in Tripoli where Steven spent most of his time) he had turned down offers of more security made by General Ham

Bottom line...Republicans went nuts because they wanted to show that despite getting Bin Laden, that AL Qaeda was still a force. They used those bodies to hurt the Administration and Clinton and they have ADMITTED it
Oh god! Back to that tired talking point about Stevens "turning down" offers of more security from General Ham? It wasn't that Stevens didn't WANT more security and he wouldn't have LOVED to have taken General Ham up on his offer...but Stevens was prohibited from doing so. First and foremost, it wasn’t in his power to override State policy. His uncommunicative “no’s” to General Ham were a way of complying with State policy, without airing the internal debate between him and his superiors.
Secondly, the issue of diplomatic immunity mattered. The U.S. had no status of forces agreement with Libya, the standard instrument by which the purview of U.S. military security forces is established between America and a foreign country where our forces operate. If a special forces team was there as part of the U.S. diplomatic mission, it had immunity; if it was there under DOD command, its status was unnegotiated: existing in a sort of twilight zone in which its actions – which could well include killing Libyans – would make our soldiers vulnerable to arrest and prosecution, and create major problems for Stevens and the U.S. government.

I can't believe that you on the left are dragging out all the OLD...TIRED...AND TOTALLY DEBUNKED...talking points that the liberal media attempted to use back then to absolve Hillary Clinton of blame for what happened to Christopher Stevens and the other three Americans! It was disgusting when you tried to blame Stevens back then...and it's no better now!
It was years of investigations because the Obama Administration decided to lie about what happened, Lesh! They trotted Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to the American people about what took place in Benghazi and they did so for political reasons.
Gimmee a break. Every now and again you seem reasonable. This isn't one of those times.

They gave the best explanation they could with the available evidence the intel folks could give them.

Who really cares WHAT they said? No one did anything wrong. It was an unfortunate event. There were events like it in the days before and that day just like that.

The only reason Republicans cared at all was because they wanted to blame Al Queda to "prove" that Obama hadn't done enough (especially since Bin Laden had just been killed)

That's a crock, Lesh! They knew there was no "protest" that turned into an attack and they knew it rather quickly! By the time Susan Rice was telling all those lies about a You Tube video prompting a protest that turned violent they had been told by those on the ground that day that there was no protest. This was a planned attack by a large well armed force. You don't find mortars at a street protest. You find them at a battle! Let's be honest here...the Clinton State Department concocted the story about a You Tube protest turned violent because they didn't want to admit that they'd dropped the ball on protecting our diplomats.

It was an unfortunate event? It sure was. Especially since it didn't have to turn out the way it did! Christopher Stevens and the others might have had a chance if Hillary Clinton hadn't made the call to draw down American security forces in Libya...something she did over the repeated pleas from Stevens not to do so.

But you know what REALLY pisses me off about Benghazi? It was when Clinton met the plane bringing the caskets of the dead Americans back from Libya and lied to the families of those dead men...telling them that she'd make sure the person responsible for the You Tube video that led to the protest was held accountable for what they'd done! What kind of a person does that? I mean seriously? Is it possible to get more despicable than that?
That friggin video sparked violent protests all around the globe AND was what the CIA blamed for the attack, In fact it WAS part of what the attackers themselves claimed as reason for the attack.

Benghazi WASN'T "the Embassy" in Libya and Stevens was only visiting that day. It was part of a CIA op to funnel arms to anti-Assad forces in Syria and because of that was not "normal" in any diplomatic sense.

And regarding the ACTUAL Embassy (in Tripoli where Steven spent most of his time) he had turned down offers of more security made by General Ham

Bottom line...Republicans went nuts because they wanted to show that despite getting Bin Laden, that AL Qaeda was still a force. They used those bodies to hurt the Administration and Clinton and they have ADMITTED it
Oh god! Back to that tired talking point about Stevens "turning down" offers of more security from General Ham? It wasn't that Stevens didn't WANT more security and he wouldn't have LOVED to have taken General Ham up on his offer...but Stevens was prohibited from doing so. First and foremost, it wasn’t in his power to override State policy. His uncommunicative “no’s” to General Ham were a way of complying with State policy, without airing the internal debate between him and his superiors.
Secondly, the issue of diplomatic immunity mattered. The U.S. had no status of forces agreement with Libya, the standard instrument by which the purview of U.S. military security forces is established between America and a foreign country where our forces operate. If a special forces team was there as part of the U.S. diplomatic mission, it had immunity; if it was there under DOD command, its status was unnegotiated: existing in a sort of twilight zone in which its actions – which could well include killing Libyans – would make our soldiers vulnerable to arrest and prosecution, and create major problems for Stevens and the U.S. government.

I can't believe that you on the left are dragging out all the OLD...TIRED...AND TOTALLY DEBUNKED...talking points that the liberal media attempted to use back then to absolve Hillary Clinton of blame for what happened to Christopher Stevens and the other three Americans! It was disgusting when you tried to blame Stevens back then...and it's no better now!
Four years of relentless Fox Noise pounding into your head will get the above

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