Remember how you freaked out and went nuts during the 2020 pandemic?

I was in hospital 2020 January, emergency situation. The only way to get in was to submit to that damn covid test. At one point in my stay, the nurse told the doctor she was worried about my oxygen level. I don't know what got into me but i said, 'You're putting that thing on my cold hand...(they kept that room at 68degrees freezing the hell out of patients), of course it is reading low. I'm glad i'd had experience with that device otherwise they'd have put that vent in me and killed me and i know they would have. HIPAA is not for your protection. It is for theirs as they share your information among themselves, with the pharmacy, with the gov't.

14,000 a day for me for 6 days.. With the vent it would have gone up to 35,000 a day for my stay until i perished.
Americans are so soft. So stupid to buy that crap. It was bullshit from day one. Well......that's public education for ya.

Some of us are smart enough to have known better from the start. More of us smart enough to have figured it out by now.

Sadly, too many of us were dumb enough to fall for this hoax from the beginning, and too many are stupid enough to still be falling for it after two years.
If Trump did such an amazing job getting the vaccine completed so fast (he did, kudos to him) - then how come his voting base won't take it?

An interesting question indeed.
They did take the vaccine, you stupid moron.
Uhh then you must have never left the house.

I had to get a 16-pack roll of Bounty paper towels off a PALLET because the guy at Walmart was handing them out to people who were IN A LINE. Have you ever had to wait in line at the grocery store to get paper towels?

What JGalt said is definitely correct. People freaked out. Store shelves were empty, restaurants shut down, politicians forced everyone to close down.

I left the house almost daily.

I used hand sanitizer often, although I never got dermatitis. I never wore gloves, nor was I ever afraid to check my mail. I didn't buy an ultraviolet light, and I never held my breath when walking past someone.


Because I wasn't freaking out about it, that's why...
Remember all that? The hand santizizer that was everywhere, that gave you a permanent case of dermatitis? The nitrile gloves you wore everywhere because you were afraid to touch the door handles at the stores? Being afraid to check your mail, for fear of catching COVID? Buying one of those stupid ultraviolet light disinfectant devices for your cell phone? Sucking air through the endless masks you bought, some of which had goofy faces printed on them? Holding your breath as you walked by people on the sidewalk or in the stores?

Well guess what! Most of you caught the Coof anyway, you losers. :laughing0301:

If you didn't catch the original strain, you probably caught the Omicron and didn't even know it. You more than likely now have natural antibodies that didn't even come from the vaccine jabs you took. Now before some jackass says "But the vaccine done kept me from gettin' really sick...", I have yet to hear one of you jackasses get down on your knees and thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed.

"Most people in the United States, including most children, have now been infected with the coronavirus, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At a briefing for reporters on Tuesday, the CDC's Dr. Kristie Clarke said so many people caught omicron over the winter that almost 60% of everyone in the U.S. now have antibodies to the virus in their blood.

That number is even higher for children — almost 75% of children 11 and younger have antibodies to the virus..."

Most Americans have been infected with the COVID-19 virus, the CDC reports

"The researchers examined blood samples from more than 200,000 Americans and looked for virus-fighting antibodies made from infections, not vaccines. They found that signs of past infection rose dramatically between December and February, when the more contagious omicron variant surged through the U.S."

New CDC report estimates percentage of Americans with COVID antibodies

How 'bout that natural immunity? :auiqs.jpg:

Remember all that? The hand santizizer that was everywhere, that gave you a permanent case of dermatitis? The nitrile gloves you wore everywhere because you were afraid to touch the door handles at the stores? Being afraid to check your mail, for fear of catching COVID? Buying one of those stupid ultraviolet light disinfectant devices for your cell phone? Sucking air through the endless masks you bought, some of which had goofy faces printed on them? Holding your breath as you walked by people on the sidewalk or in the stores?

Well guess what! Most of you caught the Coof anyway, you losers. :laughing0301:

If you didn't catch the original strain, you probably caught the Omicron and didn't even know it. You more than likely now have natural antibodies that didn't even come from the vaccine jabs you took. Now before some jackass says "But the vaccine done kept me from gettin' really sick...", I have yet to hear one of you jackasses get down on your knees and thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed.

"Most people in the United States, including most children, have now been infected with the coronavirus, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At a briefing for reporters on Tuesday, the CDC's Dr. Kristie Clarke said so many people caught omicron over the winter that almost 60% of everyone in the U.S. now have antibodies to the virus in their blood.

That number is even higher for children — almost 75% of children 11 and younger have antibodies to the virus..."

Most Americans have been infected with the COVID-19 virus, the CDC reports

"The researchers examined blood samples from more than 200,000 Americans and looked for virus-fighting antibodies made from infections, not vaccines. They found that signs of past infection rose dramatically between December and February, when the more contagious omicron variant surged through the U.S."

New CDC report estimates percentage of Americans with COVID antibodies

How 'bout that natural immunity? :auiqs.jpg:
Amazing how Fauci completely forgot about natural immunity after he was appointed Grand Wizard of Medicine by the Democrats.

Remember how you freaked out and went nuts during the 2020 pandemic?​

Yes I do. I was genuinely scared for the country because the President was a reality TV star from the Apprentice - leading a country of 330 million people during a once in a century pandemic. It freaked me out.
RENT FREE, still and forever. There is no cure. You are afflicted for life.
Nor I. I carried on as before. and i didn't even wear a mask. IF i had to wear one to get to see my doctor, the mask said, 'Forced to Comply'.
My favorites said "Slave" and "Obey". Oh, and my very favorite, one that had an overall grid pattern of "FUCK INSLEE" over and over in letters small enough that you had to be closer than four feet to see it. Many of my friends wanted them so I made a ton of them.

Remember how you freaked out and went nuts during the 2020 pandemic?​

I didn't really do either. I was disappointed it wasn't worse. I had stockpiled things well before it hit America just because I knew people would hoard when it arrived and I didn't miss any work during the "shutdowns". I liked having so few other people in the stores and on the roads. Donald's biggest mistake was sending out all that free money. People too afraid to work weren't too afraid to run out and buy trampolines and whatever the hell else they wasted that fun money on and my month of no traffic and fully stocked and lightly occupied stores ended.

I was actually pretty chuffed with how well I had prepared for the China Flu hysteria that ensued, down to having had enough tylenol to give every household in my family and circle of friends a super-size bottle just as the run on OTC's began.

Literally the only thing I wasn't already well-prepared for was my master bathroom toilet broke and I had to wait a day to get the part because all the stores had closed early to "Stop the Spread". That was it. My one moment of victimhood was having to use the other bathrooms in my house.

Remember how you freaked out and went nuts during the 2020 pandemic?​

Yes I do. I was genuinely scared for the country because the President was a reality TV star from the Apprentice - leading a country of 330 million people during a once in a century pandemic. It freaked me out.
It's not easy being 12 years old these days, is it?
Remember all that?
Well, we remember _you_ all freaking out. And you still are, hence this freakout thread. We get it, you're all still so very butthurt about being proven wrong every time. No need to keep harping on that.

Wait, how is it I'm posting this? After all, all the antivaxxers said that all the vaccinated were guaranteed to die by now. Antivaxxers, what's your new estimate on the date-of-death for all those who were vaccinated?

The thing about antivaxxism? It's eventually a self-correcting position. COVID doesn't care about their butthurt, or about their retarded conspiracy theories.

Remember how you freaked out and went nuts during the 2020 pandemic?​

Yes I do. I was genuinely scared for the country because the President was a reality TV star from the Apprentice - leading a country of 330 million people during a once in a century pandemic. It freaked me out.

Presidents are not supposed to know or do anything about medical issues.
That is what the CDC, FDA, AMA, and FEMA are for.

Its just too bad Fauci was under the influence of Pfizer and Moderna.
Flattening the curve turned out horribly.
I didn't really do either. I was disappointed it wasn't worse. I had stockpiled things well before it hit America just because I knew people would hoard when it arrived and I didn't miss any work during the "shutdowns". I liked having so few other people in the stores and on the roads. Donald's biggest mistake was sending out all that free money. People too afraid to work weren't too afraid to run out and buy trampolines and whatever the hell else they wasted that fun money on and my month of no traffic and fully stocked and lightly occupied stores ended.

I was actually pretty chuffed with how well I had prepared for the China Flu hysteria that ensued, down to having had enough tylenol to give every household in my family and circle of friends a super-size bottle just as the run on OTC's began.

Literally the only thing I wasn't already well-prepared for was my master bathroom toilet broke and I had to wait a day to get the part because all the stores had closed early to "Stop the Spread". That was it. My one moment of victimhood was having to use the other bathrooms in my house.
The only two things I really appreciated from the year long stop the spread bullshit….Like you said…no one on the road…no one in the stores. I was out the whole time enjoying no crowds and no traffic. Plus then my employer sent everyone home to work…which ended up being permanent.

Other than those two things everything else was a load of crap.

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