Remember the days when Governor Cuomo caught the heat over the most Covid deaths?

Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.

The Red states are doing a better job of protecting the elderly and the rising cases are more with younger folks who are not dying. Up until a day ago, it was NY/NJ/CA that led the pack in deaths every day.

We down to less than 20% of our peak and still dropping.

You just need to keep this up because this is how you defeat Trump.

By lying your asses off like you've been doing ever since he was elected.

Check the numbers, hotshot.
I remember coumo sending known, confirmed wuflu carriers to nursing homes and killing thousands of elderly
He wasn't sending them there to kill them. The hospitals were at capacity. Which is why they constructed make shift outdoor facilities.
...which remained empty.

You are contradicting yourself.
So, you are a coward. Can't address the other governors and those failures. You failed.

There are no failures. They should not be shutting down. Deaths are not up and they are not going up.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....

next week it may be democrat governed what?....
The side that can't address the OP. That is what has been proven. DeSantis and Abbott were bragging about opening up their states, while blaming Cuomo for locking down. And? What do you have to say about that? Nothing! You just turn to Democrat governors. You're a coward, and by way of your response, that has been proven.
you dumbass.....why dont read whats been said by the person you want to criticize....i have said many a time that the republicans in congress and elsewhere should go straight to why dont you show a post of mine saying how wonderful republicans are.....and when you cant i will accept your apology something a coward like you would never do....
LOL! Boss, get a clue. I never said you said that. You redirected the conversation to Democrats. This is about those Governors and Republicans who criticized Cuomo for closing down their economy and blaming him on the the deaths of the nursing home residents. So, now what do they have to say about that? This isn't about Democrats. This is about Republicans running their mouths and now the shoe is on the other foot. No one has addressed my OP. Because they can't.
lol... no you get a clue....all i did was ask you what happens if next week it becomes the democrat states and then all this bullshit you threw at me comes out...its called a conversation, if you cant handle one of them maybe you should not be posting things.....
1), not enough beds
If there are no ICU beds at the nursing home there is no good reason to send known china disease carriers there except to infect and kill as many old people as possible
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.

The Red states are doing a better job of protecting the elderly and the rising cases are more with younger folks who are not dying. Up until a day ago, it was NY/NJ/CA that led the pack in deaths every day.

We down to less than 20% of our peak and still dropping.

You just need to keep this up because this is how you defeat Trump.

By lying your asses off like you've been doing ever since he was elected.

Check the numbers, hotshot.
These responses get crazier by the hour. Rising cases mean more infections, which mean more spread. Being young or old, doesn't prove one state is doing better than the other. It means that more infections are likely. It also means more asymptomatic cases will rise. When did common horse sense logic become a thing of the past?
1), not enough beds
If there are no ICU beds at the nursing home there is no good reason to send known china disease carriers there except to infect and kill as many old people as possible
That might make sense to a world full of delusional crazy people, but you're addressing me boss. Tell that to some of these Trump toads who will eat it up like bait on a hook, even though, I'm pretty sure they won't know what the fuck your are talking about either.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....

next week it may be democrat governed what?....
The side that can't address the OP. That is what has been proven. DeSantis and Abbott were bragging about opening up their states, while blaming Cuomo for locking down. And? What do you have to say about that? Nothing! You just turn to Democrat governors. You're a coward, and by way of your response, that has been proven.
you dumbass.....why dont read whats been said by the person you want to criticize....i have said many a time that the republicans in congress and elsewhere should go straight to why dont you show a post of mine saying how wonderful republicans are.....and when you cant i will accept your apology something a coward like you would never do....
LOL! Boss, get a clue. I never said you said that. You redirected the conversation to Democrats. This is about those Governors and Republicans who criticized Cuomo for closing down their economy and blaming him on the the deaths of the nursing home residents. So, now what do they have to say about that? This isn't about Democrats. This is about Republicans running their mouths and now the shoe is on the other foot. No one has addressed my OP. Because they can't.
lol... no you get a clue....all i did was ask you what happens if next week it becomes the democrat states and then all this bullshit you threw at me comes out...its called a conversation, if you cant handle one of them maybe you should not be posting things.....
Ask me when it happens, then I'll tell you. In the mean time, the Right has paralyzed fingers going to a key board where those fingers can't type an explanation to my OP.
I remember coumo sending known, confirmed wuflu carriers to nursing homes and killing thousands of elderly
He wasn't sending them there to kill them. The hospitals were at capacity. Which is why they constructed make shift outdoor facilities.
...which remained empty.

You are contradicting yourself.
So, you are a coward. Can't address the other governors and those failures. You failed.

There are no failures. They should not be shutting down. Deaths are not up and they are not going up.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. You have not identified the problem. So here, let me help you out. It's you.
Your response is a collection of garbled idiot talk. This is what happens when you have no arguments
I have a great argument

nursing homes have the weakest and most vulnerable potential victims

its the last place any caring leader would send patients known to be carrying the chinese disease
"Caring leader?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:If we had a caring leader, Trump wouldn't have called this virus a hoax, one person coming out of China, screw up on the ban, said it was contained, it will be over in April, try disinfectants, Hydroxychloroquine, and on and on.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....

next week it may be democrat governed what?....
The side that can't address the OP. That is what has been proven. DeSantis and Abbott were bragging about opening up their states, while blaming Cuomo for locking down. And? What do you have to say about that? Nothing! You just turn to Democrat governors. You're a coward, and by way of your response, that has been proven.
you dumbass.....why dont read whats been said by the person you want to criticize....i have said many a time that the republicans in congress and elsewhere should go straight to why dont you show a post of mine saying how wonderful republicans are.....and when you cant i will accept your apology something a coward like you would never do....
LOL! Boss, get a clue. I never said you said that. You redirected the conversation to Democrats. This is about those Governors and Republicans who criticized Cuomo for closing down their economy and blaming him on the the deaths of the nursing home residents. So, now what do they have to say about that? This isn't about Democrats. This is about Republicans running their mouths and now the shoe is on the other foot. No one has addressed my OP. Because they can't.
lol... no you get a clue....all i did was ask you what happens if next week it becomes the democrat states and then all this bullshit you threw at me comes out...its called a conversation, if you cant handle one of them maybe you should not be posting things.....
Ask me when it happens, then I'll tell you. In the mean time, the Right has paralyzed fingers going to a key board where those fingers can't type an explanation to my OP.
yea i remember what you are talking about and yes he got a lot of matter who is in charge with this virus from the president on down to the mayors it has to be tough job because you dont know whats going to happen.....from the way this virus behaves to the behavior of the people who are worried about their jobs and were is the money they need to pay their bills and feed their family and on top of that they got the people out there demonstrating and the ones who are just out to do destroy things they dont state can look good this week and next week not look so good and a lot of it is because the people are worried about not only their well being but their jobs and are willing to take their chances outside.....and it has gotten to the point you dont know who to believe anymore.....trump?....i dont even listen anymore to the guy...the CDC?....other so called "experts"....its getting to be pretty ridiculous.....
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Since the toads can't explain away the failures of these Republican governors, we'll just show them how full of shit they are ourselves.

Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.

Like I said in March, Trump needs to suspend the election until the virus is eradicated
I remember coumo sending known, confirmed wuflu carriers to nursing homes and killing thousands of elderly
He wasn't sending them there to kill them. The hospitals were at capacity. Which is why they constructed make shift outdoor facilities.
...which remained empty.

You are contradicting yourself.
So, you are a coward. Can't address the other governors and those failures. You failed.

There are no failures. They should not be shutting down. Deaths are not up and they are not going up.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. You have not identified the problem. So here, let me help you out. It's you.

You've posed a false problem.

Fixed it for you.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....

next week it may be democrat governed what?....
The side that can't address the OP. That is what has been proven. DeSantis and Abbott were bragging about opening up their states, while blaming Cuomo for locking down. And? What do you have to say about that? Nothing! You just turn to Democrat governors. You're a coward, and by way of your response, that has been proven.
you dumbass.....why dont read whats been said by the person you want to criticize....i have said many a time that the republicans in congress and elsewhere should go straight to why dont you show a post of mine saying how wonderful republicans are.....and when you cant i will accept your apology something a coward like you would never do....
LOL! Boss, get a clue. I never said you said that. You redirected the conversation to Democrats. This is about those Governors and Republicans who criticized Cuomo for closing down their economy and blaming him on the the deaths of the nursing home residents. So, now what do they have to say about that? This isn't about Democrats. This is about Republicans running their mouths and now the shoe is on the other foot. No one has addressed my OP. Because they can't.
lol... no you get a clue....all i did was ask you what happens if next week it becomes the democrat states and then all this bullshit you threw at me comes out...its called a conversation, if you cant handle one of them maybe you should not be posting things.....
Ask me when it happens, then I'll tell you. In the mean time, the Right has paralyzed fingers going to a key board where those fingers can't type an explanation to my OP.
yea i remember what you are talking about and yes he got a lot of matter who is in charge with this virus from the president on down to the mayors it has to be tough job because you dont know whats going to happen.....from the way this virus behaves to the behavior of the people who are worried about their jobs and were is the money they need to pay their bills and feed their family and on top of that they got the people out there demonstrating and the ones who are just out to do destroy things they dont state can look good this week and next week not look so good and a lot of it is because the people are worried about not only their well being but their jobs and are willing to take their chances outside.....and it has gotten to the point you dont know who to believe anymore.....trump?....i dont even listen anymore to the guy...the CDC?....other so called "experts"....its getting to be pretty ridiculous.....
I agree. But this last video above shows you my own frustrations. The governor is talking about infections and there are not as many deaths, when that is not the issue. The issue involves what he is not talking about. How many of those infections are asymptomatic that we know nothing about, that can spread to other areas, states, and people, while trying to criticize others? That is the point of this OP.

Other countries who set politics to the side, preserved some semblance of their economy by locking everyone down and flattened their curves. It's the only way we are going to get to door number #3, and we all know it. But, as the OP points out, we are still in denial, and blaming Cuomo was the distraction, while the one's who initially blamed him, are now seeing accelerated numbers of cases in their own states. Dead or not.

And by the way, The Democrat state of California is also seeing rises.

Bottom line, since the federal government doesn't want to get involved, it's up to all governors to lock down for as long as it takes. Because, if we don't, there won't be any economy to go back to anyway.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.

Like I said in March, Trump needs to suspend the election until the virus is eradicated
Trump is the reason we are still fighting this as we are now. With him, it never ends.
Since the toads can't explain away the failures of these Republican governors, we'll just show them how full of shit they are ourselves.

You are showing someone is full of

I appreciate your non-argument. It was expected.

You claim Republican Governors were failures....according to who ? You ?


So you really don't have an argument

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