Remember the days when Governor Cuomo caught the heat over the most Covid deaths?

There is a difference between beds and ICU beds. Get a clue;

were ny nursing homes overstocked with ICU beds?

cuomo had other places to send wuflu patients instead of the nursing homes
Your response is a collection of garbled idiot talk. This is what happens when you have no arguments, and cant answer the question about the other governors mistakes with record Coronavirus cases. Do you have any excuses for them? Of course not. You are the ultimate fail. Take a hike. You're boring.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
You are going to condone manslaughter because other Governors were idiots too?

You need a bullet to the head.
What manslaughter? And you need a head to actually function with some semblance of intelligence.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....
The side where people run around like idiot children with AR's crying about their freedoms. Boo hoo! When did freedom constitute endangering everyone else with your stupidity? We have laws against people driving drunk who endanger others. Opening businesses back up at the expense of my freedom and quality of life, and the lack of it, should be treated as nothing more than what the drunk driver gets fined for.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
You are going to condone manslaughter because other Governors were idiots too?

You need a bullet to the head.
So, that's the excuse. They are "ALL" idiots. Got it.
From NY to Pennsylvania, to California, the deaths of the elderly have all been due to Democrats.

Of course, the healthy people of all these states, and the three you named, will be just fine because your fearmongering of 'reported cases' does NOT equal deaths.
Your response is a collection of garbled idiot talk. This is what happens when you have no arguments
I have a great argument

nursing homes have the weakest and most vulnerable potential victims

its the last place any caring leader would send patients known to be carrying the chinese disease
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....
The side where people run around like idiot children with AR's crying about their freedoms. Boo hoo! When did freedom constitute endangering everyone else with your stupidity? We have laws against people driving drunk who endanger others. Opening businesses back up at the expense of my freedom and quality of life, and the lack of it, should be treated as nothing more than what the drunk driver gets fined for.
so just like i thought.....cant prove shit just more useless talk from another asswipe .....i asked you to prove what you are saying about me any post of mine backing those idiots,it should be easy enough i have well over 50 thousand posts....
Thanks to Trump and his re-opening nincompoops who were so worried about their first amendment cry baby rights, they've created a catastrophe across this country. And ask anyone with a functioning brain, and they could have told these first amendment Sheep what was going to happen. But no, these soulless, brainless, AR totting douche bags, simply do not care about anyone but themselves. And this is where we are in this country. Now the right is covering, dodging, and scapegoating whoever and whatever they can for this unthinkable, brainless, self centered fuck up, that is going to kill so many more.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....

next week it may be democrat governed what?....
The side that can't address the OP. That is what has been proven. DeSantis and Abbott were bragging about opening up their states, while blaming Cuomo for locking down. And? What do you have to say about that? Nothing! You just turn to Democrat governors. You're a coward, and by way of your response, that has been proven.
Your response is a collection of garbled idiot talk. This is what happens when you have no arguments
I have a great argument

nursing homes have the weakest and most vulnerable potential victims

its the last place any caring leader would send patients known to be carrying the chinese disease
Not enough ICU beds spells three things: (1), not enough beds, (2), the risk of transporting those elderly patients is probably higher, and they haven't got enough ICU beds waiting for them when they get there, and (3), you still have no argument. Where in logic land are you not getting this?
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
You are going to condone manslaughter because other Governors were idiots too?

You need a bullet to the head.
So, that's the excuse. They are "ALL" idiots. Got it.
From NY to Pennsylvania, to California, the deaths of the elderly have all been due to Democrats.

Of course, the healthy people of all these states, and the three you named, will be just fine because your fearmongering of 'reported cases' does NOT equal deaths.
You're a liar as always. Prove that the Democrats are responsible for all elderly deaths.

And by the way, what part of stupid did you forget about? Oh yes, the "fear mongering" part. Just because the cases do not mean all deaths, doesn't mean those cases can't be transmitted to others who will die. Get a fucking clue.
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....

next week it may be democrat governed what?....
The side that can't address the OP. That is what has been proven. DeSantis and Abbott were bragging about opening up their states, while blaming Cuomo for locking down. And? What do you have to say about that? Nothing! You just turn to Democrat governors. You're a coward, and by way of your response, that has been proven.
you dumbass.....why dont read whats been said by the person you want to criticize....i have said many a time that the republicans in congress and elsewhere should go straight to why dont you show a post of mine saying how wonderful republicans are.....and when you cant i will accept your apology something a coward like you would never do....
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....

next week it may be democrat governed what?....
The side that can't address the OP. That is what has been proven. DeSantis and Abbott were bragging about opening up their states, while blaming Cuomo for locking down. And? What do you have to say about that? Nothing! You just turn to Democrat governors. You're a coward, and by way of your response, that has been proven.
you dumbass.....why dont read whats been said by the person you want to criticize....i have said many a time that the republicans in congress and elsewhere should go straight to why dont you show a post of mine saying how wonderful republicans are.....and when you cant i will accept your apology something a coward like you would never do....
LOL! Boss, get a clue. I never said you said that. You redirected the conversation to Democrats. This is about those Governors and Republicans who criticized Cuomo for closing down their economy and blaming him on the the deaths of the nursing home residents. So, now what do they have to say about that? This isn't about Democrats. This is about Republicans running their mouths and now the shoe is on the other foot. No one has addressed my OP. Because they can't.
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc – Latest News & Video We are in worse shape than ever before because of this genocide pos president.
Maddow by the way she lives is a dead end to society and is genocide. A Great Depression is what we deserve. It will be a learning process for us all. The figas will be known then.
Lol! What did shit head say three months ago? This was contained? It was a hoax? And now you make the excuse for shit head that this is a learning process. What a coward.
There are lots of very old people in Florida and Texas who would rather die without being told what to do.
I don't blame elected officials for the stupidity or stubbornness of their constituents.
Our elected officials are not royalty.

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