Remember the days when Governor Cuomo caught the heat over the most Covid deaths?

1), not enough beds
If there are no ICU beds at the nursing home there is no good reason to send known china disease carriers there except to infect and kill as many old people as possible
That might make sense to a world full of delusional crazy people, but you're addressing me boss. Tell that to some of these Trump toads who will eat it up like bait on a hook, even though, I'm pretty sure they won't know what the fuck your are talking about either.
I have no idea what you are saying

there was no good reason for cuomo to send wuflu carriers into nursing homes except to kill as many elderly people as possible
Those people in nursing homes, were already in nursing homes. It is you who doesn't know what you are talking about.

Actually nursing home deaths in New York were mostly from infected staff. Who didn't know they were infected, or went to work anyway. Those transferred in were kept in isolation. In short it was spread by people they didn't know were infected, not from those that they knew were.
And that was probably the case. But, the Right made it a convenient argument out of thin air to put all the blame on Cuomo.

At one point, New York was responsible for 1/7th of deaths GLOBALLY.

The Cuomovirus really screwed him.
Negative! It was the failure of the European travel ban that came too late.
Who the fuck do you think ordered hospice and elderly people to accept covid 19 patients KNOWING full well that the most vulnerable people to this virus are our elderly?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

The numbers are in, and show just the opposite. New York ranks 46th in percentage of nursing home deaths vs total fatalities.

If you're going to claim it was a failed move, you can't prove it by the numbers.

That's because every DYING nursing home patient went by AMBULANCE to a HOSPITAL and Cuomo decided NOT to count them as "nursing home deaths"... Tricky isn't he????? His numbers are FAKE on that account...
1), not enough beds
If there are no ICU beds at the nursing home there is no good reason to send known china disease carriers there except to infect and kill as many old people as possible
That might make sense to a world full of delusional crazy people, but you're addressing me boss. Tell that to some of these Trump toads who will eat it up like bait on a hook, even though, I'm pretty sure they won't know what the fuck your are talking about either.
I have no idea what you are saying

there was no good reason for cuomo to send wuflu carriers into nursing homes except to kill as many elderly people as possible
Those people in nursing homes, were already in nursing homes. It is you who doesn't know what you are talking about.

Yes and instead of TREATING them at a hospital -- they were sent BACK to nursing home to infect MORE patients AND STAFF.. Also -- ASYMPTOMATIC nursing home patients that were at hospital for OTHER ISSUES and were FOUND to be covid positive were SENT BACK to nursing homes..

For the CLUELESS -- Nursing homes dont HAVE labs and doctors.. They have maybe 1 doc for each 100 patients and THEY show up once a week... There is no SKILLED MEDICAL SUPERVISION at a nursing home to MANAGE a pandemic...

Trump pulled off a miracle and built Cuomo TWO LARGE field hospitals, gave him a Navy hospital ship and Cuomo NEVER USED ANY OF THESE RESOURCES to off-load the nursing homes with NO PPE or skilled medical care in those facilities...
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Just deleted 7 posts in this thread... Fight over the TOPIC.. Don't CARE how you do that or who you flame -- but RESPOND to their assertions and comments about the topic first in EVERY post...
You have no counter numbers to rebut the one's given. You're a loser.
The Times numbers and sources are hidden behind a paywall

but the Times themselves are no longer credible
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
Bullshit thread.

The top 8 states for Kung Flu deaths ALL have Dimwinger governors.

Cuomo is still #1.

Top 8 Kung Flu Death States all run by Dimwingers.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fatalities:Global | United States
StateDeathsDeaths /
1M pop
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
Flu Deaths1
New York31,4841,618.4-3,816,485416,7877.55%3,408
New Jersey15,1181,702.1-1,387,833176,3548.57%944
Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic And remember when Republicans were blaming Cuomo over the high number of cases coming from nursing homes? We'll, who are you going to blame now, because two of the three governors with the highest cases are Republicans? Who are you going to scapegoat now, when it was Republican states who were the loudest voices about opening the economy back up? Face it, the Right doesn't have what it takes to battle this virus, and they are only stalling for the inevitable. And that is a total shut down. Chris Hayes, along with others had it figured out a long time ago, and these Trump Sheep went right along with the commander of genocide in chief, to ignore the whole thing. How can so many people be this damn stupid? And it comes at a cost too. "Loss of Human life!" With Trump in charge, the genocide only gets worse from here on out.
next week it may be democrat governed what?....
You tell me? Your side were the idiots running around like spoiled children with AR's crying about opening up, and said you were done with Covid, and the economy was more important. So you fucking tell me man child? Should we assign babysitters for all Republicans because they are too stupid and child like to get it? I love it. Now you ask others after it's too late. WTF is wrong with you Sheep for brains Trump supporters?
oh here is another idiot.....whats my side and when you tell me prove it?.....
The side where people run around like idiot children with AR's crying about their freedoms. Boo hoo! When did freedom constitute endangering everyone else with your stupidity? We have laws against people driving drunk who endanger others. Opening businesses back up at the expense of my freedom and quality of life, and the lack of it, should be treated as nothing more than what the drunk driver gets fined for.
Solution, don't go to those places. Stay at home.
That's like telling me I don't have the right to go where I want to in this country. Who the fuck are you again? That's right, nobody.
If you have shellfish allergies, do you visit a seafood processing plant or do you stay away? If you have nut allergies, do you work at a peanut butter plant or do you stay away? See, that's how freedom works. If you don't want to visit a place that is open, you don't have to. That way, if the virus is spread at those places, you're not exposed. Now, this might be a little hard for you, but try to think. Does it impact your life at all if these places open before you think they should? Stay with me now, because it might get difficult, but you might be able to handle it. Let's say they don't open until you think they should. You don't visit them until they're open. Got that? Now, the hard one. Let's say they open before YOU think they should, and you don't visit them until YOU think it's safe. What is the impact on your life? Hint, it has nothing to do with whether you have the right to go where you want in this country.

Basically, there's no impact on your life if they open before you think it's safe to go. You just come across as wanting to keep everyone else out of there until you feel safe.
Governor Cuomo is opportunistic blowhard. He is quick to lay blame at other people’s feet, but loath to take responsibility for his own mistakes.
Other places did things differently and felt no effects.

Other places did get hit until much later. Look at what's currently happening. Cases in New York have been going DOWN for the last month, while cases in other states have been going UP for the last month. States are running out of hospital beds, and New York has things under control, and is prepared to send them ventilators, and PPE and other assistance to help them.

You have lost me.

New York's death rate is 10x states like AZ and TX.

New York is still near the top of the list for deaths every day (yesterday being an exception...but overall deaths were less than 10% of the peak). But their deaths are a lot lower (absolutes). That tells you other states...while having increased cases....are not seeing the spikes in deaths.
1), not enough beds
If there are no ICU beds at the nursing home there is no good reason to send known china disease carriers there except to infect and kill as many old people as possible
That might make sense to a world full of delusional crazy people, but you're addressing me boss. Tell that to some of these Trump toads who will eat it up like bait on a hook, even though, I'm pretty sure they won't know what the fuck your are talking about either.
I have no idea what you are saying

there was no good reason for cuomo to send wuflu carriers into nursing homes except to kill as many elderly people as possible
Those people in nursing homes, were already in nursing homes. It is you who doesn't know what you are talking about.

Actually nursing home deaths in New York were mostly from infected staff. Who didn't know they were infected, or went to work anyway. Those transferred in were kept in isolation. In short it was spread by people they didn't know were infected, not from those that they knew were.
And that was probably the case. But, the Right made it a convenient argument out of thin air to put all the blame on Cuomo.

At one point, New York was responsible for 1/7th of deaths GLOBALLY.

The Cuomovirus really screwed him.
Negative! It was the failure of the European travel ban that came too late.

Cut the bullshit.

It was a combination of things of which European travel ban was one.

We've shown time and time again that De Blazio and his dickweed assistants were all to eager to tell people to party even after things started to ramp up.

The fact that you need to pin this on Trump in your mind causes you to ignore reality.
The rates are down....but not the totals.

He was way behind by the time it hit.

His state had 1/7th of all deaths globally at one point. New York is still 1/4th of the total U.S deaths.

Success is measured not by totals, but by current conditions. It's the difference between somebody with $100,000 in college loans doing well enough to pay off half the loan. You look at the $50,000 debt as a failure

.Yet another person with no student loans, who just ran up $10,000 in debt and climbing, you view as a success because he has a lower total.

This was why Newton invented calculus, to judge things by how they're doing now, not by how they did months ago.

So, we can ignore all those deaths in New York ?

Yeah right.

What you refer to is differential calculus and it shows instantaneous values for rates and change of rate (i.e. acceleration or deceleration).

Integral Calculus looks at the entire picture.

And New York is still fucked when it comes to deaths.
He wasn't sending them there to kill them.
The legal term is criminal indifference

because the medicos knew that the elderly were most likely to die from the chinese disease

i cant tell you why cuomo condemned them die

but it was not for lack of bed space which trump made sure NY had plenty of
Yes Cuomo is pathological.

NY 1702 dead per million.
CA 363 dead per million

CA did a 5 times better job than New York

Has anyone seen ANY other state but NY and CA named here at all?? You'd think if someone had such a strong case it would be the first thing they'd share! :poke:

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