Remember when 90% of Americans wanted the Senate background check bill to pass?


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
John Lott's Website: Remember those claims that 90% of Americans wanted the Senate background check bill to pass?: Well, it was clearly wrong


Remember those claims that 90% of Americans wanted the Senate background check bill to pass?: Well, it was clearly wrong

I have previously noted my skepticism of claims that there were overwhelming support for the Senate gun control bill that was voted down about 10 days ago. Well, now there is another poll by the PEW Research Center that I think is much more accurate. It asks people whether they are happy that the Senate gun control bill was stopped. Apparently, both Republicans and Independents are generally happy that it was stopped. My guess is that Republicans should pay a lot more attention to what Independents and Republicans wanted than Democrats who wouldn't never have voted for the Republicans anyway. It looks to me that Republicans voted the way that there constituents wanted. So Republicans shouldn't really care that among all voters the poll showed support of 47 to 39 percent. They should look at the results by political affiliation.
People tend to support the polls that support their views, and dismiss the rest. Remember how Romney was going to win by a landslide based on a single poll?
John Lott's Website: Remember those claims that 90% of Americans wanted the Senate background check bill to pass?: Well, it was clearly wrong


Remember those claims that 90% of Americans wanted the Senate background check bill to pass?: Well, it was clearly wrong

I have previously noted my skepticism of claims that there were overwhelming support for the Senate gun control bill that was voted down about 10 days ago. Well, now there is another poll by the PEW Research Center that I think is much more accurate. It asks people whether they are happy that the Senate gun control bill was stopped. Apparently, both Republicans and Independents are generally happy that it was stopped. My guess is that Republicans should pay a lot more attention to what Independents and Republicans wanted than Democrats who wouldn't never have voted for the Republicans anyway. It looks to me that Republicans voted the way that there constituents wanted. So Republicans shouldn't really care that among all voters the poll showed support of 47 to 39 percent. They should look at the results by political affiliation.

Clearly the majority are angry or disappointed that it didn't. Now was the 90% number people wanting something done, or specifically supporting this bill to pass? Could it be some people didn't think the bill was going to do enough so they were not so disappointed when it didn't pass? From what I could tell it wasn't going to do enough if you were really pro gun control.
People tend to support the polls that support their views, and dismiss the rest. Remember how Romney was going to win by a landslide based on a single poll?

That was hilarious. Republicans crying that a pioneer in outsourcing, a man who was moving one of his companies to China the very month of the election, didn't win.

What did they think he was going to do for the country? His tax plan alone would have redistributed the rest of the nation's wealth to the top 5% and left the country in worse shape than what Republicans did when Bush was president. Was the goal to "finish the job"?
Registered Democrat here (but don't bother stereotyping me).

I have family, friends, and acquaintances with political views that span the spectrum, and no-one I've spoken to about the issue views the anti-gun agenda in a favorable light (Hunting is BIG in SE Ohio, and several of my liberal friends are more adamant in their opposition to gun control than some of the conservatives!), so I've never believed the 90% figure either.
47% were found not in favor while only 39% supported it.

Now here are the two key findings: 48% of independents disapprove of the GOP shooting down background checks, and only 41% approve.

Also in swing states, 49% disapprove and only 36% approve.

These findings right there will have the teabaggers packing their bags in 2014.
John Lott's Website: Remember those claims that 90% of Americans wanted the Senate background check bill to pass?: Well, it was clearly wrong


Remember those claims that 90% of Americans wanted the Senate background check bill to pass?: Well, it was clearly wrong

I have previously noted my skepticism of claims that there were overwhelming support for the Senate gun control bill that was voted down about 10 days ago. Well, now there is another poll by the PEW Research Center that I think is much more accurate. It asks people whether they are happy that the Senate gun control bill was stopped. Apparently, both Republicans and Independents are generally happy that it was stopped. My guess is that Republicans should pay a lot more attention to what Independents and Republicans wanted than Democrats who wouldn't never have voted for the Republicans anyway. It looks to me that Republicans voted the way that there constituents wanted. So Republicans shouldn't really care that among all voters the poll showed support of 47 to 39 percent. They should look at the results by political affiliation.

of course the 90 percent claim was bs

look how many schools have decided to stop the lib route

and have an armed presence in the schools

look how many states have adopted or are in the process

of adopting state laws stopping new federal gun control laws

in their state
Registered Democrat here (but don't bother stereotyping me).

I have family, friends, and acquaintances with political views that span the spectrum, and no-one I've spoken to about the issue views the anti-gun agenda in a favorable light (Hunting is BIG in SE Ohio, and several of my liberal friends are more adamant in their opposition to gun control than some of the conservatives!), so I've never believed the 90% figure either.

i come from a family of a long history of being democrats

they do not like their firearms to be messed with
I am, or rather was, the only registered Republican in my family.

I say registered because the only reason I am registered as a Republican is so that I can vote in the primary eleections for a candidate.

Anyway, everyone else in my family, excluding my wife, voted for Obama his first term. This past election they all stayed home.

This next election they will be voting Republican because of the gun issue.
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47% were found not in favor while only 39% supported it.

Now here are the two key findings: 48% of independents disapprove of the gop shooting down background checks, and only 41% approve.

Also in swing states, 49% disapprove and only 36% approve.

These findings right there will have the teabaggers packing their bags in 2014.

47 =/= 90
The 2014 elections will tell how people really felt.

Americans are tired of Democrat Rule since 2007. It will have been 8 years of Blaming Bush, no accountability, no jobs, and more and more Democrat special interest groups coming to the table asking for exemption from Obamacare while the Middle Class pays for it.
Just bookmark this for the next time the botch TDM spouts off the 90% bullshit.. and you know she will.. she will ignore this like every other tidbit of truth that does not mesh with her hyper-partisan stances... but I always find joy in exposing her shit for others to see
We already have background checks for legitimate gun purchases at dealers and gun shows.

sales between individuals (criminals and law abiding people) will never follow background check laws.

Do any of you really believe that a gun transfer between two gangbangers will be submitted for a background check? One guy is trading a 38 for a bag of crack rocks----do you think he is going to get on the phone and call in the other guys info before completing the transaction?

this whole thing is lunacy, and for congress to waste weeks on it while the economy crashes is a tragedy.
The 2014 elections will tell how people really felt.

Americans are tired of Democrat Rule since 2007. It will have been 8 years of Blaming Bush, no accountability, no jobs, and more and more Democrat special interest groups coming to the table asking for exemption from Obamacare while the Middle Class pays for it.

Now congress wants to exempt itself from obamacare----------WTF , has this country completely lost its mind?

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