Remember when America was American..and constitutional governance was expected and demanded?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
“Oh the good ole days.”
Remember when our founders warned us of diversity?
Just like Donny T said...”Our country is being stolen” and nobody has the balls to do anything about it.
It won’t be long before the American flag is trashed, a new one designed to fit the new unAmerica...then its on to trash the Bill Of Rights....The writing is on the wall.
The left wish to re-make America in their image hence their loathing of the Constitution.
The left wish to re-make America in their image hence their loathing of the Constitution.

A politician can’t adhere to our founders guidelines without offending 50% of this country. There’s a story told in that...this nation has lost its way and allowed unAmerican filth too much say.
The left wish to re-make America in their image hence their loathing of the Constitution.

A politician can’t adhere to our founders guidelines without offending 50% of this country. There’s a story told in that...this nation has lost its way and allowed unAmerican filth too much say.

Remember liberals LIE about who they are and their agenda, far more than 50% oppose them when they learn the truth. The Obamacare backlash is one example. When gas prices spiked during the Obama administration and Dem's continued to resist drill baby drill the American people bitch slapped the left, they resisted for a few weeks but when even their base in California was ripping Dem's a new one they did a 180 on oil and gas exploration.
The left wish to re-make America in their image hence their loathing of the Constitution.

A politician can’t adhere to our founders guidelines without offending 50% of this country. There’s a story told in that...this nation has lost its way and allowed unAmerican filth too much say.

Remember liberals LIE about who they are and their agenda, far more than 50% oppose them when they learn the truth. The Obamacare backlash is one example. When gas prices spiked during the Obama administration and Dem's continued to resist drill baby drill the American people bitch slapped the left, they resisted for a few weeks but when even their base in California was ripping Dem's a new one they did a 180 on oil and gas exploration.

True... but does anybody sane really buy any of their bullshit anymore?
They have been forthcoming with who and what they are these days...they hate good, real, productive Americans, they hate anything and everything that built and made this nation what it is, they seek a non constitutional, anything goes free for all type of society. Anyone trying to play nice with the Left hasn’t been paying attention.
“Oh the good ole days.”
Remember when our founders warned us of diversity?
Just like Donny T said...”Our country is being stolen” and nobody has the balls to do anything about it.
It won’t be long before the American flag is trashed, a new one designed to fit the new unAmerica...then its on to trash the Bill Of Rights....The writing is on the wall.

And all the darkies knew their place.
“Oh the good ole days.”
Remember when our founders warned us of diversity?
Just like Donny T said...”Our country is being stolen” and nobody has the balls to do anything about it.
It won’t be long before the American flag is trashed, a new one designed to fit the new unAmerica...then its on to trash the Bill Of Rights....The writing is on the wall.

And all the darkies knew their place.

When all foreigners respected and worked to fit into the American “system”. There was no quest to force change coming from foreigners...that wasn’t an option.
Remember when our founders warned us of diversity?

No, no I don't...
The left wish to re-make America in their image hence their loathing of the Constitution.

A politician can’t adhere to our founders guidelines without offending 50% of this country. There’s a story told in that...this nation has lost its way and allowed unAmerican filth too much say.

Remember liberals LIE about who they are and their agenda, far more than 50% oppose them when they learn the truth. The Obamacare backlash is one example. When gas prices spiked during the Obama administration and Dem's continued to resist drill baby drill the American people bitch slapped the left, they resisted for a few weeks but when even their base in California was ripping Dem's a new one they did a 180 on oil and gas exploration.

True... but does anybody sane really buy any of their bullshit anymore?
They have been forthcoming with who and what they are these days...they hate good, real, productive Americans, they hate anything and everything that built and made this nation what it is, they seek a non constitutional, anything goes free for all type of society. Anyone trying to play nice with the Left hasn’t been paying attention.

The left have the liberal media running the lies, spin, and half truths 24/7. Most people are too busy working and raising their families to pay much attention to politics and when virtually all the liberal media spew the same lies, spin, and half truths many people just assume that its true. Then the left get elected, their true agenda becomes obvious, that they lied becomes obvious, then voters reject their ass out of office. The left are in the minority for a few years, they run the spin machine 24/7 and the whole cycle repeats.

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