Remember when Americans cheered anytime a President vowed to protect them?

Republicans have arrested a whopping six terrorists pouring in from the southern border. The other 3994 were arrested at airports.

And Democrats have caught zero. Six at the border? How many does it take is sneak in a dirty bomb or take down Another World Trade Center, asshole? I want them ALL caught.

What he forgot to mention is how over 10 million illegals have crossed over the border to the country. Illegals that cost the country much much more than a wall.

The wall is common sense to anyone who doesn't hate America. To those wanting to replace Americans it's bad news.
Do you think these people won't walk where a Trump-wall doesn't exist?

They for sure won't walk where a Trump wall exists...

A other leftist playing complete defeatist idiot. Of course we can secure the border if there is a will for it. Leftists want the illegals to take over the country so they won't fix a shit. Now with Trump there is a chance for the people to be heard.
Republicans have arrested a whopping six terrorists pouring in from the southern border. The other 3994 were arrested at airports.

And Democrats have caught zero. Six at the border? How many does it take is sneak in a dirty bomb or take down Another World Trade Center, asshole? I want them ALL caught.

What he forgot to mention is how over 10 million illegals have crossed over the border to the country. Illegals that cost the country much much more than a wall.

The wall is common sense to anyone who doesn't hate America. To those wanting to replace Americans it's bad news.
Do you think these people won't walk where a Trump-wall doesn't exist?
we know they will. and?
Remember when we had Presidents who didn't lie with every third word out of their mouths?
Republicans have arrested a whopping six terrorists pouring in from the southern border. The other 3994 were arrested at airports.

And Democrats have caught zero. Six at the border? How many does it take is sneak in a dirty bomb or take down Another World Trade Center, asshole? I want them ALL caught.

What he forgot to mention is how over 10 million illegals have crossed over the border to the country. Illegals that cost the country much much more than a wall.

The wall is common sense to anyone who doesn't hate America. To those wanting to replace Americans it's bad news.
Do you think these people won't walk where a Trump-wall doesn't exist?

They for sure won't walk where a Trump wall exists...

A other leftist playing complete defeatist idiot. Of course we can secure the border if there is a will for it. Leftists want the illegals to take over the country so they won't fix a shit. Now with Trump there is a chance for the people to be heard.
they are all members of the KAOA, Killing Americans Off Agenda.

What a hideous creature she is......
Trump is committed to protecting Americans both fiscally and physically. Anybody sane and not Brown knows that with a Wall and legitimate border security Mollie Tibbetts and those like her may still be here...Anybody sane and not Brown knows that our education system would not have all but collapsed, our emergency rooms wouldn’t have nine hour wait times, our roadways wouldn’t be full of uninsured motorists, our prisons wouldn’t be overflowing..etc etc
Come on man...pull your head from your Brown ass once.
418 thousand Americans died in WW2, 58 thousand died in Vietnam, and 55 thousand died in Korea. What a waste of lives for the left to say the border isn't worthy of a five buck wall.

How fking embarrassing as an American.
The republicans were in complete control for the past 2 years, dipshit, why didn't they fund trump's precious fucking wall then?

Oh, that's right, They were waiting for Mexico to fund the wall.
I love it when you leftist show how stupid you are on how congress works. thanks. next time you get in a discussion, just remember that it takes 60 votes to pass law in the Senate, 51 isn't the correct number. No matter how many times the MSM tells you that control line.
Wrong, stupid.

The question Trump's border wall speech didn't answer: Why now?

"He's been president for nearly two years, and up until last week, Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress. At any point during that two years, Republicans could have passed a bill to fund the border wall, and he could have gotten at least $5.6 billion.

Republicans were ready to use the reconciliation process, allowing the Senate to pass legislation with a simple majority, to repeal and replace Obamacare. They successfully used the procedure to pass a massive tax cut. They certainly could have found a way to use it to put some money into building a border wall had Trump actually fought for it earlier in his administration."
dude, your stupid is accepted.
Because you have no choice but to accept it, you boot-licking moron.
418 thousand Americans died in WW2, 58 thousand died in Vietnam, and 55 thousand died in Korea. What a waste of lives for the left to say the border isn't worthy of a five buck wall.

How fking embarrassing as an American.
The republicans were in complete control for the past 2 years, dipshit, why didn't they fund trump's precious fucking wall then?

Oh, that's right, They were waiting for Mexico to fund the wall.
I love it when you leftist show how stupid you are on how congress works. thanks. next time you get in a discussion, just remember that it takes 60 votes to pass law in the Senate, 51 isn't the correct number. No matter how many times the MSM tells you that control line.
Wrong, stupid.

The question Trump's border wall speech didn't answer: Why now?

"He's been president for nearly two years, and up until last week, Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress. At any point during that two years, Republicans could have passed a bill to fund the border wall, and he could have gotten at least $5.6 billion.

Republicans were ready to use the reconciliation process, allowing the Senate to pass legislation with a simple majority, to repeal and replace Obamacare. They successfully used the procedure to pass a massive tax cut. They certainly could have found a way to use it to put some money into building a border wall had Trump actually fought for it earlier in his administration."
dude, your stupid is accepted.
Because you have no choice but to accept it, you boot-licking moron.
right? everything you post is stupid.
Democrats and the fake news don't want Americans to become aware of the staggering amount of illegal on American crime that's taking place. They are shitting themselves that Trump is making this a public fight. That's why Pelosi and Schumer wanted to go discuss this in private away from the cameras.
Republicans have arrested a whopping six terrorists pouring in from the southern border.

The other 3994 were arrested at airports. Clearly they were less dangerous.
again, the stupid you give off is truly amazing. thanks for telling the victims of 911 that their loss wasn't worthy of catching all terrorists coming in from our southern border. folks when the left don't love americans here he is dean, the poster child.
Why are you lying like that?

9/11 happened under a Republican president who refused a warning.

When Democrats think of border security, they think of more border agents, drug detection equipment, drones, weapons, body armor and training.

When your kind thinks of border security, they think of a wall.

So don't lie about me and stop the ignorance.

What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?
Remember a time when Republican's were against the government spending money? Remember a time when the executive overreaching was a Republican talking point? Remember a time when shutting down the government was considered something to be avoided. Remember a time when every Republican touted "family values"
What has changed? I know the answer... do you? Lets hear it. Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?

“Remember a time when Republican's were against the government spending money?”
Republicans have always been for spending $100 to save $1,000.

“Remember a time when the executive overreaching was a Republican talking point?”
Executive overreach to clearly benefit America’s Best has always been supported by Republicans. They have never supported executive overreach to benefit Wetbacks...that was your boy, the Kenyan.

“Remember a time when shutting down the government was considered something to be avoided.”
It still is, your wetback loving Party Of Filth has once again put Mexico First.

“Remember a time when every Republican touted "family values".
What makes you think Republicans have compromised their family values?

“Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?”
Nobody sane considers ANY LefTard a good, real me.
What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?

Trump does the right things and has the right intentions. Those who deny that are pawns and flash race cards and such to defend their most bogus positions.
What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?
Remember a time when Republican's were against the government spending money? Remember a time when the executive overreaching was a Republican talking point? Remember a time when shutting down the government was considered something to be avoided. Remember a time when every Republican touted "family values"
What has changed? I know the answer... do you? Lets hear it. Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?

“Remember a time when Republican's were against the government spending money?”
Republicans have always been for spending $100 to save $1,000.

“Remember a time when the executive overreaching was a Republican talking point?”
Executive overreach to clearly benefit America’s Best has always been supported by Republicans. They have never supported executive overreach to benefit Wetbacks...that was your boy, the Kenyan.

“Remember a time when shutting down the government was considered something to be avoided.”
It still is, your wetback loving Party Of Filth has once again put Mexico First.

“Remember a time when every Republican touted "family values".
What makes you think Republicans have compromised their family values?

“Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?”
Nobody sane considers ANY LefTard a good, real me.
Only these Republicans spend a thousand to save a hundred.
And to them, family values means forgiveness for unprotected sex with porn stars, again and again.

9/11 happened under Bush. I don't trust Republicans to keep us safe.

Especially with this guy in the Oval Office:

What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?

Trump does the right things and has the right intentions. Those who deny that are pawns and flash race cards and such to defend their most bogus positions.
To Republicans, these are bogus positions:

more border agents
drug detection equipment
body armor

To Republicans this is the "right intention":

What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?

You must be a boomer. Boomers tend to have nostalgia for bygone eras that never really existed except in their own minds.

What's changed? Our democracy has officially become corrupted by the upper class. We elected a shifty, racist con man who ran up the deficit like a drunken sailor, appointed his rich friends to federal agencies in order to gut them, usurp as much taxpayer money as possible and embolden the closet racists in this country to become a part of the national conversation. He also consistently lies to his constituents. Lying is a non starter for some. After the first one, you've lost a certain segment of the demographic forever. Some even believe the COC is a traitor to this nation and should be impeached for collusion and conspiracy to defraud a US election.

Cult45 is a brainwashed segment of the population that supports this blatant corruption under the facade of border security. They are deplorables despised by most of the population and too far gone mentally to reason with, so rational people don't bother, because they don't matter.

As far as I'm concerned, The Orange Virus deserves nothing but a middle finger right in his fat maw.
What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?
"The problem isn't calling trump a motha fucker the problem is calling the motha fucker president"
What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?

You must be a boomer. Boomers tend to have nostalgia for bygone eras that never really existed except in their own minds.

What's changed? Our democracy has officially become corrupted by the upper class. We elected a shifty, racist con man who ran up the deficit like a drunken sailor, appointed his rich friends to federal agencies in order to gut them, usurp as much taxpayer money as possible and embolden the closet racists in this country to become a part of the national conversation. He also consistently lies to his constituents. Lying is a non starter for some. After the first one, you've lost a certain segment of the demographic forever. Some even believe the COC is a traitor to this nation and should be impeached for collusion and conspiracy to defraud a US election.

Cult45 is a brainwashed segment of the population that supports this blatant corruption under the facade of border security. They are deplorables despised by most of the population and too far gone mentally to reason with, so rational people don't bother, because they don't matter.

As far as I'm concerned, The Orange Virus deserves nothing but a middle finger right in his fat maw.
a stick of tnt would be better
Remember when Americans cheered anytime a President vowed to protect them?

No, but then I never hung around pussies that wanted to be protected, but wanted to be allowed to protect themselves.
What has changed? I know the you? Lets hear it.
Should anybody really wonder why good, real Americans miss the good ole days?
Trump will protect you ,,Pat you on the back with one hand and steal your wallet with the other A fn thief is what we have in our WH and nitwits put him there
Remember when Americans cheered anytime a President vowed to protect them?

No, but then I never hung around pussies that wanted to be protected, but wanted to be allowed to protect themselves.

Well, that sounds cool and all...makes you sound like a total and complete badass for sure. BUT in the real world this isn’t the there a more fundamental function of government?

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