Remember when Americans cheered anytime a President vowed to protect them?

AND what's to stop the orange scumbag for declaring an emergency ANYTIME congress disagrees with him ?? Is the POS KING?? or do we have co-equal branches of Gov't?
Congress gave him the authority. Take it up with them.
Congress also sent him a bill voted on 100-0 and rush and hanitty made him turn it down
Lol, thanks for without a doubt proving yourself an idiot.
NOGOOD get an education
Dec 27, 2018 - Costello, who will be exiting Congress next month after opting not to run for reelection after ... “The Senate voted 100-0 to pass a clean CR [continuing resolution] and sent it to the House,” Costello said, ... House Republicans in voting for a bill that added $5 billion in border wall funding demanded by Trump.
So what happened?
Coulter and company had trump set it down

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