Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

The most dangerous thing on earth is a democrat president under investigation... Biden will start a war to control the news of the day....

And yet, the last 2 presidents to start an actual war were republican, one of which was based on a lie.
US tanks sent against Russia will be serviced by "civilian contractors" in Ukraine -- who will likely be Americans. US ret. gen McCaffrey said today, "of course the Ukrainians, with civilian contractor support, can maintain these Abrams."

if Americans can do it, trained Ukrainians can do it. Thanks for a world full of conspiracies based on nothing
The Bush family are a lot of things but republican and conservative they are not....
They sure as hell are not Democrats. Stupidest wars ever and another Great Depression. Great job! republicans are only good at lying and getting elected... .
I remember one who invaded Iraq because they tried to take out his daddy.
And Saddam was behind 911 and his sons were bad boys- or did fox run that?... The bushes and Reagan and Rumsfeld and Cheney were a catastrophe.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with a liberal is suddenly a terrorist?... who are these people?....
If you believe in the election steal you're most of the way there.... We're not really used to putinist Americans spouting Russian propaganda....

Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine​

To be fair, he said it would be WWIII to send them with American soldiers driving them! He just sent the tanks.

And planes, and missiles, and bombs.

Apparently that's OK so long as you don't send (too many) Americans. :smoke:

Joe also said he'd defend every last inch of NATO.

I guess that's why Taiwan and Tibet aren't part of NATO!
Just read M-1 tanks have armor that is classified so high it can not even be given to our NATO allies.

As the U.S. government is now preparing to send dozens of M1 Abrams tanks to the Ukrainian military, much attention has been given to concerns about how their complex electronic components and especially their gas turbine propulsion systems could make them particularly difficult to operate and maintain. Though it’s not yet clear what specific variant of the Abrams Ukraine’s military is set to receive, the tanks will have to be in a unique export configuration. This is largely due to the highly classified armor packages found specifically on U.S. military versions, which contain depleted uranium, and that are not readily exportable even to major allies. In other words, the U.S. can’t just send its M1s to Ukraine.
In addition, it’s not immediately clear whether the M1s for Ukraine will be entirely new production tanks or if they will come through some other source. The U.S. Army has thousands of older Abrams in storage that a contractor could be hired to refurbish to a like-new condition or that could be used as donors to help with the construction of tanks that use a mixture of new and remanufactured components.

I think Rupert Murdoch ran that one actually...

He said the Iraqi leader's "hatred" was largely directed at the United States and added: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad."
He said the Iraqi leader's "hatred" was largely directed at the United States and added: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad."
I don't think he actually said that. At any rate that is the stupidest war ever, just in front of the Afghan war which he won and then gave away and let what's his name get away. An absolute catastrophe. And he started the 2008 world depression with another deregulation corrupt bubble and bust which the Republicans always do period now we are having the 30s all over again with militarists and dictators everywhere. They really do a great job the Republicans...
Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

They (the cabal/deep state etc) want WWIII, it will accelerate the 'Great Reset' and Russia is their greatest and most feared threat to their plans. That's why they want Russia destroyed.
You talking about corruption?
I'm talking as always lol about republican garbage propaganda and the brainwash. Ukrainians can be trained to run the damn tanks they're fantastic with these weapons. The weapons are fantastic and they are fantastic. The Russians are really sucking up the place on this one thanks to Putin a real evil character
Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

They (the cabal/deep state etc) want WWIII, it will accelerate the 'Great Reset' and Russia is their greatest and most feared threat to their plans. That's why they want Russia destroyed.
The Ukrainians have done so much better than expected and deserve everything they get now and hopefully this will be the end of that shit's stain Putin along with garbage propaganda from the Republicans and Rupert Murdoch.

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